I feel like it's a bit of a stretch to go from "Taylor might be eldritch royalty" to apparently absolute certainty that Taylor is a princess of Hell.
QA just straight up said her full unit designation in chapter 17 while she was near by. Monica's logic probably went something like:
Taylor is actually called Queen Administrator -> Queen Administrator -> Queen -> high position or respect in her home -> unknown where Taylor came from -> Taylor has done some really sketchy and/or creepy things -> cut the difference and call it Hell because it may as well have been just as traumatizing for Taylor
cut the difference and call it Hell because it may as well have been just as traumatizing for Taylor

But Monica thinks QA is from actual Hell, complete with souls of the damned, not "may as well be Hell". She even thinks of how ironic it is that Hell doesn't allow people to say no to them when they rebelled against the authority of heaven in the first place.
But Monica thinks QA is from actual Hell, complete with souls of the damned, not "may as well be Hell". She even thinks of how ironic it is that Hell doesn't allow people to say no to them when they rebelled against the authority of heaven in the first place.
I got nothing there besides I missed that. Whoops. Guess we can put one more tally under Monica is also traumatized and the UN really needs to stop putting these traumatized teenagers together like they're shiny pokémon in a collection.
Edit: typing on my phone is hard
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I got nothing there besides I missed that. Whoops. Guess we can put one more tally under Monica is also traumatized and the UN really needs to stop putting these traumatized teenagers together like they're shing pokémon in a collection.
at least she isn't a cult survivor?
of course, the fact that she appears to come from a family of fundamentalists, which can be called cults in some of the most extreme cases even irl, so she might be a cult survivor? her cult is still around though
at least she isn't a cult survivor?
of course, the fact that she appears to come from a family of fundamentalists, which can be called cults in some of the most extreme cases even irl, so she might be a cult survivor? her cult is still around though
Wait, since they're both (maybe) cult survivors does that mean they get a +1 to all social interactions involving that between them? :V
Kind of want something like this line during the therapy session.

"Empathy is very important for my work the fact that it makes my work much less pleasant is an unfortunate reality."
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I think QA's 'Black Speech', particularly as she used it when specifying her title (iirc) has a large affect on why that 'possible' firmed up in her roommate's head. Both from the implications of her talking just jamming so much info into peoples' heads in relation to fictional and biblical angels/demons, and maybe in what she, personally, understood from QA saying her title. Remember, there's a massive amount of information in there, and judging by how Silver's speech was described, there would be a lot of disturbing things in there, as well as probably information that, like Silver, probably was lost before the advent of Valkyrie Cores.

edit: oh, and she's been browsing the forums and probably knows about some cadets testing the unicorns with holy water.
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So I just went back through the story in reader mode searching "Monica" and I'm finding her sudden certainty of QA's royalty in this chapter strange. There is only a single reference to Monica thinking of QA as Hell royalty.
Well, that would partially be my fault. Back in chapter 14, Monica originally would've said the following:
Alivaril said:
"Ah, hello!" Monica nervously greeted her. "Do you know where the Princess of Hell got off to?"
However, that specific part of the chapter was cut on my suggestion, which is why there's one less forewarning for Monica's impression.
Can QA even hear the. Cores or any of the others
Still, there might not be any negative feedback from :MOTHER:, but there was an abrupt increase in the ambient noise of the area. It didn't seem to match the normal channels used by shards, but it was well outside the wavelengths humans used for their own communication. Perhaps their Symbiotic Support Frames had taken an interest?
Seems quite likely. Now has QA actually bothered to listen to those comms and actually learn things like she's supposed to is another question entirely. (5 fake internet money on no, she hasn't. Because she is a bit complacent. Or this is crack played straight, who knows?)

Edit: disregard this bc I've been ninja'd by author
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Can QA even hear the Cores or any of the others
She can hear the whispers of background communication, but no, nothing legible or actionable at this time. EDIT: Nice job on the ninja'ing! EDIT 3: Don't disregard that, they ninja'd the author with a better description. :p

[EDIT 2]
of course, the fact that she appears to come from a family of fundamentalists, which can be called cults in some of the most extreme cases even irl, so she might be a cult survivor? her cult is still around though
I'm pretty sure the text hasn't confirmed that last part. :p

I think y'all assumed this was hyperbole. Nope! :p
Monica was increasingly convinced that she'd won the roommate lottery. Taylor might be eldritch royalty from Hell itself masquerading as a human teenager, yet Monica felt she could overlook such quirks.
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Monica does not know about Hell's Hand, that Valkyries are actually calling the prior night a "Vision of Hell,"
That said, the convergent thinking is noteworthy. People are independently arriving at related ideas about QA's little redecoration display.

I feel like it's a bit of a stretch to go from "Taylor might be eldritch royalty" to apparently absolute certainty that Taylor is a princess of Hell.
I think it's less absolute certainty and more a combination of several compounding factors leading to her just sort of going along with a conclusion seemingly reasonable enough to a mind very much not thinking entirely rationally.

Notably, QA explicitly declared herself Queen Administrator, for one, and in freaky shardspeech no less, so by her word she is at least some kind of royalty, and she's definitely pretty eldritch. The eldritch factor itself was kind of mind-breaking for Monica, too; in the passages of her reaction to the improved security, Monica had something of a panic attack and dissociative episode for it being too surreal for her to come to terms with it, and it happened when she had already been kept up until "insomnia-oh-thirty" lying there in bed stewing in protracted general terror over her circumstances as a freshman Valkyrie cadet, struggling to force herself to simply breathe normally for several consecutive hours. Additionally, too, that other girl Jennifer from the Dating Advice and Matchmaking Shipping Club also completely independently came to the conclusion that QA did a really good job of rocking the Princess of Darkness theme with her general behaviour and honour guard of disproportionately eerie definitely-spawn-of-the-abyss, as well, so I think Monica is kind of just in a bit of a daze and trying not to think about it too hard with a numb acceptance building on preconceptions, and just grateful that her roommate is nice at least. Nothing really makes sense anymore, and she isn't going to try to make sense of it right now.

Going to guess Anna is busy exchanging high-band info with Silver, possibly regarding Taylor, Rose, or maybe just tech in general.
Seems likely. Monica herself was simultaneously trying to fly, browse the internet, brood (well, she was trying to "reflect"), and hold a conversation all at once, and she and Anna are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of ability. I'd be willing to wager an imaginary cookie that Anna was similarly preoccupied there, just in her own way. There's certainly a lot to discuss, the way how the monumental revelations just keep piling up. Too, Anna is pretty keen on the tech discussion in any case, both professionally and seemingly as something of a hobby, and Silver can be of considerable help there for the boosted brainstorming ability.

On a related note, that also makes me wonder if we might see some deviation from canon were the Wave Force is concerned. At the least, Silver's assistance may help Anna analyse the UN's equation sooner, better, and that has plenty of potential for follow-on consequences.

Nyx has been so encouraging to Monica, it's a shame she's not got the processing to understand Nyx's communications yet.
I'm curious if communications might improve once Anna gets her own exotic setup finalised and finetuned. Even without such a clear understanding, though, the idea of power armour Friend barding might do further good for the involved interaction, and it might have some interesting results on the intended front too. The Friends themselves are largely just outright incomprehensible, but equippable additions can be a different matter entirely, and may be a useful intermediate step much more understandable to the Crafting Club members and others for sort of just indirectly altering their Friends. That may allow Valkyries to actually take their Friends into battle despite them not being suited for it in their own right, and QA might see regard such a goal quite favourably.

So... I think what happened here is that QA's Friends with their hat powers have kinda majorly twigged some Valkyries' PTSD buttons by being way too similar to Antagonists.
Yeah, that's what it sounds like. The exchange seems as though at least Stella really didn't take getting Stranger'd well, and that it involved a Friend may have made it even worse for multiple compounding reasons, between the Antagonist similarities and the fact that she was ostensibly supposed to trust and cherish her precious Diedre. I think the notion of Kaiti hurrying QA along may be quite accurate, especially with Tamara's perception taken into account.

Fwiw, Setsuna shouldn't have any combat lasers integrated in her Frame at the beginning of canon. Communication and guidance lasers, sure, but nothing powerful enough to use as direct fire weapons.
I suppose that might be a divergence, perhaps. Setsuna got a need for stark improvement shoved in her face, so she may have done something about it, perhaps. Given the laser displays thus far and the simple fact that they are indeed useful equipment, she might have been inspired to acquire such armament earlier. Actual integration might be an issue with such an idea, but on the other hand, if she was rushed, the lasers might not have been actually very impressive kit that thus allowed for quick integration.

Studying the hat-powers will inevitably drive the Crafting Club (even more) towards madness, but I don't see this triggering any sort of scrutiny or suspicion. The pegacorn-Friends are already indistinguishable from magic, so what's a few more blatantly magical abilities? Just throw them on the pile.
At the very least, they're a curiosity. More than that, though, they don't need to necessarily trigger rational scrutiny or suspicion. I think Stella may be pretty paranoid over her own Friend now, at least.

Can QA even hear the. Cores or any of the others
I think it would depend on whether or not the Cores are actually broadcasting their commentary or not. Anna's remark about picking up everything even when not actively trying to do so carries the implication that QA's even more advanced shard communications suite could be reasonably expected to receive and interpret any Core communications if they are there to receive, but the Cores may be just thinking to themselves or perhaps engaging in more direct communication with their synchronised partners. If they can be heard, though, that might have interesting consequences where Anna is concerned.
That may allow Valkyries to actually take their Friends into battle despite them not being suited for it in their own right, and QA might see regard such a goal quite favourably.
Emphasis mine. :V

I suppose that might be a divergence, perhaps. Setsuna got a need for stark improvement shoved in her face, so she may have done something about it, perhaps. Given the laser displays thus far and the simple fact that they are indeed useful equipment, she might have been inspired to acquire such armament earlier. Actual integration might be an issue with such an idea, but on the other hand, if she was rushed, the lasers might not have been actually very impressive kit that thus allowed for quick integration.
Nah, that was a mistake on my part—at least for now. Switched it to cannon fire.

At the very least, they're a curiosity. More than that, though, they don't need to necessarily trigger rational scrutiny or suspicion. I think Stella may be pretty paranoid over her own Friend now, at least.
Stella still loves her Friend, don't worry! They're too cuddly and gorgeous to be evil [Citation Needed]. Stella is simply seeing and detecting the atmosphere where her Friend should be.

Side implications of that may or may not be the frightening part.
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The topic brings to mind another idea, too, come to think of it. Friends should get power armour, yes? Friends get hat powers. Power armour hats. Friends should be equipped with suits of power armour that incorporate hats as part of the hardened helmet design. Thus, fully-encased Pegacorn-class Friends with impact-resistant advanced composite sombreros and admiralty bicorns. Because reasons.

Stella still loves her Friend, don't worry! They're too cuddly and gorgeous to be evil [Citation Needed]. Stella is simply seeing and detecting the atmosphere where her Friend should be.

The implications of that may or may not be the frightening part.
The phrasing still works. What if– Just what if– ...there is an Antagonist out there, and it wants to steal her Friend?! Diabolical... Why, that's something that only Antagonists would do! Like Antagonists! Dare she take her eyes off of her precious Friend? What's she supposed to do if that's precisely the problem? What if there's a Type Zero out there fucking with her head to kidnap Diedre?!
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Actually, most of us prefer to work in peace…
This seems to hold up. The only divergances I know of are the one with the hots for their pilot, and the one who's pilot really really really reeee​ee[dom]ee[/dom]eeee​eeee​eealy needed someone to talk to... and now the giant alien supercomputer pretending to be a core.
What if it was an autonomous hat stand wearing them? Or a cerberus? What about Helltaker!Cerberus? Is it one power per head or one power per body?
Clearly you believe that, in such instances, one can be "cool" in the absence of matching headwear. Clearly you are mistaken.
Also to remind said Valks with itchy trigger fingers that Taylor is not an infiltrating Antagonist, but a regular human who needs help and therapy.
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The phrasing still works. What if– Just what if– ...there is an Antagonist out there, and it wants to steal her Friend?! Diabolical... Why, that's something that only Antagonists would do! Like Antagonists! Dare she take her eyes off of her precious Friend? What's she supposed to do if that's precisely the problem? What if there's a Type Zero out there fucking with her head to kidnap Diedre?!
Y'know, that sparks a thought.

These Friends are trusted, adorable, helpful and all around beneficial creatures. But... there's that lingering fact that they came from a place that would probably be rated just below the Antagonists on the atrocity checklist of the last.. century or so.

At least a couple of the club know this afaik. There might be a moment of realization here - that place was and is full of wonderous and horrible research, of which the Friends are absolutely part of in some manner (as far as they know). So seeing something impossibly weird and quirky like invisible Friend might be hitting close to home for the first time. And maybe pondering over how much of a monster's left in the mystery mascot girl. Sure she won't hurt them, but how's she gonna compare to the antagonists in time?

Or I'm overthinking things like I usually do.

Edit: Also, Friends don't need multiple hat powers. One of the points in Worm was how surprisingly well multiple rather weak abilities can synergize to make something really quite fearsome.
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Edit: Also, Friends don't need multiple hat powers. One of the points in Worm was how surprisingly well multiple rather weak abilities can synergize to make something really quite fearsome.
Yes they do! They need an official-sounding excuse to fly into battle with a teetering tower of hats that somehow stay put and makes them absolutely ridiculous. This is a fact. Why have multiple weak powers with compounding effects on separate Friends when concentration of hats could have the same effect and the definitely very important aesthetics with relevant implications for morale? That Pegacorn-class Friends should have a big stack of hats set atop hats is thus only reasonable. Besides, even if they can't benefit from multiple hats right now, that might change, and if it does, then by having the hats already in place, they'd be ready for it, plus there would be greater practice and training for such already accumulated, in addition to the psychological benefits to the Valkyries! This is a perfectly rational justification.
I think Monica has given it a lot of consideration and come to the conclusion that QA is actually Hell royalty. Given her presuppositions (regardless of whether or not those are rational), that's perfectly logical train of thought.

I don't entirely remember what the text has to say of her backstory but she seems to have come from a very religious home. Maybe Fundamentalist, Baptist, or Evangelical. (There's a negative stereotype about these groups, and some others, that they essentially force their kids to cover up their true feelings and wear a mask of happiness to survive their home life. It's, uh, hard to tell how how accurate this is but it is a stereotype and Monica fits it to a T.)

A lot of people seem to underestimate how much religious people genuinely believe in their religion. And I mean as more than just a moral and spiritual guide but as a way to understand physical reality. It might seem weird to some, but there are plenty of people who really do believe in angels and demons as more than metaphysical concepts or spiritual beings but that they have a real, material presence in the world.

Monica seems to have come from a home where she was taught this and has slotted QA into the only place in her worldview that she fits, a real life Queen of Hell come to meddle in the world of mankind. Maybe she was even having a crisis of faith and her belief was ironically renewed after seeing the 'vision of Hell' that she couldn't explain without supernatural means.

I don't doubt that she could believe this and still want to work with QA. It's not uncommon for people from unhappy religious homes to believe that God's an asshole. And QA is nice. They had to use mind control to force her to be evil, after all. Maybe she rebelled because of her moral principals. Misguided or not, that's a decent reason. And who knows, maybe God is letting her wander the Earth after her escape to give her a second chance. And if worst comes to worst she'll have a powerful friend to save her from the lava pits.
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And wow, dumb mc is dumb
Almost wanna check the original to see if it's exaggerated or not
You should absolutely check out the original.
I know there's kiddy gloves and trauma and all, but at some point someone's gotta go 'No, no. This is not ok. That hat makes the pegacorn shoot laser beams from their eyes and that one makes them intangible. What the actual hell? Is reality breaking down? No, I'm not letting this go.' (I'm expecting some odd hat combinations in the future, even if they are low key.)
The conclusion is unlikely to be that the hats physically enable invisibility or laser eyes or anything. It's likely to be that the Friends always had the hardware to do those things, but had the function gated behind a hat for horrible Hell's Hand reasons. Maybe tying functionality to aesthetics was the only way for QA to be allowed to customize her Friends, or maybe making high end functions conditional let her slip under the lethality limit.
I feel like it's a bit of a stretch to go from "Taylor might be eldritch royalty" to apparently absolute certainty that Taylor is a princess of Hell.
I think that "might" is the kind in "we might fight sometimes, but we still love each other", not one meant to indicate actual uncertainty.
After a bit of rereading and looking through comments, I think I'm headed towards a genuine dislike of Monica. Which is odd, because I think she's basically designed to be a kind of...quirky-cute reader bait, like some fanfic versions of Madison.

But she just comes across as...fake and unpleasant and just in general kind of a bitch. I mean, for some reason I'm actually starting to hope for some kind of confrontation scene in the future where she ends up trying to get QA and/or Anna to kick Koji and Setsuna to the curb only to end up getting kicked out herself.

And I don't know why I'm hoping for that? I'd honestly rather just read more quasi-fluff of QA recovering into a healthy and happy individual rather than the drama of a manipulative twat getting their comeuppance. -confusion-