Update! Yes!

Huh, Monica really believes and is entirely OK with QA being a literal devil. Ok then... she might need a therapist of her own somewhat rapidly I think.

Well the hat thing is out. Man the irregularities just keep piling up don't they.

I don't see how this could be explained technologically or irregular Valk Core-y, so this feels like looking at a trainwreck.

I am starting to feel a little overwhelmed with ongoing trainwrecks and landmines for lack of better words I think, feels like if you shake the story a little it would go boom. All those poorly managed lies and deceit of incompetently pretending to be a Valk feeling like they have to unravel any second now and that it is in fact a miracle they haven't yet but still it keeps getting worse.
Just got to remember, most of what they know/believe about her is partially false, but mostly true in essence (and sometimes technicality) and was intentionally designed to be that way by Taylor/Symbie. There's even substantial doubt that she started out human, instead of a human-assisting/power granting symbiote (aka valk core), and they seem mostly fine with that.

It's mostly only wrong in scale, and the specifics of timing and the identities of the victims/culprits.

Traumatized? yes
Survivor of now-defunct experiment cycle? yes
Forced to obey by some mix of brain-washing/surgically implemented controls? yes
--that some of those controls are still there and she's aware of them? : yes
Blood on her hands she tries not to regret too much? yes
The personality and behavior profile of most of her 'colleagues', and her attitude toward same? yes
Took Taylor's place (as one of the experiments) when she was incapacitated? yes
QAs actual personality? pretty much yes
That she's hiding secrets and lying about some things: they know that.
That she remembers more than she said she did? She admitted she could get those memories back if she wanted to.

I mean, for the most part, the QA-crew's behavior and beliefs are more likely to confirm theories than reveal lies, partially because she isn't actually telling them stuff so they're inventing theories to fit what they see, and mostly because Taylor saw what people were saying about QA, and built a LOT of evidence to channel that into something mostly true and impossible to disprove... with the support of QA's 'brain' translating that into specifics and Symbie helping fill things in. They basically went 'if QA had been produced by humans, here's a backstory that would match', with some creative liberties.

And the upper levels are fairly well aware of pretty much all of everyone else's issues and are working on them.
edit: also, QA isn't incompetently pretending to be a valk--just a brain-damaged human. as far as her history with using a valk core, being a valkyrie, is concerned, she's pretty much 100% up front that she had minimal to no experience with doing so beforehand.
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Monica...Yeesh. People've already said she needs her own therapy, but it bears repeating.

Huh, kinda surprised the hat powers made it in. As said before, I kinda expected Symbie or Taylor to nip them for QA's sake. I guess it makes a kind of sense if Symbie is trying to ease QA into the idea that :MOTHER: isn't about to drop from the sky and fuck everything up for her.
Dear lord, Monica fits in far too well with Taylor and Anna.
All three of them need ALL THE HUGS. ALL OF THEM!

I will admit it is hilarious that she fully believes QA's existence, and accepts it with no problem, and her attempts to stay in her 'retinue'... while simultaneously not trying to get on 'God's' bad side.
Not to mention how confused poor Nyx was for a moment as she tried to comb and sparse through all the insanity that was going through her mind.

It is also adorable how supportive Nyx is of her dear Monica though. And just how gung-ho and serious Monica is about improving on being Friends with Taylor and by extension, Anna.
"Before, but not before the same event" sounds weird. Maybe "in time for the afternoon combat classes" would be better?
Changed, thanks!

I think it's a bit exaggerated here? He mostly gets by on having an OP core once it's better attuned to him (it's also rather non-standard given enough attention to detail), but that's also after a bit of character growth IIRC. Canon went quite a bit further in time than this has so far, so he hasn't had much chance to improve.

Here he's being a bit more oblivious partially since Anna hasn't (yet?) convinced him to work harder by her actions and because the harem comedy has changed targets. :p
Also keep in mind that every viewpoint character is an unreliable narrator, some (see: ALL) of whom are likely to have their interpretations colored by like/dislike/bias. Communication is a two-way street, and humans are terrible at it.

EDIT: Oh, and @Nachtigall has an omake a few posts above the last story update.
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Dear lord, Monica fits in far too well with Taylor and Anna.
All three of them need ALL THE HUGS. ALL OF THEM!

I will admit it is hilarious that she fully believes QA's existence, and accepts it with no problem, and her attempts to stay in her 'retinue'... while simultaneously not trying to get on 'God's' bad side.
Not to mention how confused poor Nyx was for a moment as she tried to comb and sparse through all the insanity that was going through her mind.

It is also adorable how supportive Nyx is of her dear Monica though. And just how gung-ho and serious Monica is about improving on being Friends with Taylor and by extension, Anna.
Well, taking as an assumption that Taylor is a bureaucrat from Hell, then her being on Earth has a few possible meanings.
a) She's out on parole, so it's ok to be friends with her
b) she escaped and God isn't looking close enough to notice her, much less Monica
c) she escaped and her stealth is good enough to fool God same basic situation as b, since it'd have to cover those who interact with her
d) Earth now counts as part of Hell

In most of those cases, making friends isn't going to get her smitten, but will get her a leg up if she dies and doesn't go up(a distinct possibility, given her opinion of God). In some of them, thinking insulting things about God might result in a smiting though.

Just thinking in terms of Pascal's wager.
Although she could hide personal transformation beneath a draconian Frame, QA would implicitly be rejecting Shapira's advice in doing so. The veteran Valkyrie had noted that inhuman Frame forms would often lead to control problems. As she could simply change control profiles, those problems would be greatly alleviated for Queen Administrator. However, the humans wouldn't know that and a significant reduction was very different from a perfect efficiency transfer.
I've been wondering about this. From the Sanctioned base, QA's parahuman abilities (well, sort of, given the weirdness of the swap) include not only Friend-making and hat-based effects, but also some situational mindfuckery/countermindfuckery shard shenanigans and Form Control. Form Control hasn't had much focus due to QA's desire to fit in, but it's always there as an option. If she can actually come up with sufficient excuse, QA might in fact make use of it.

I do wonder about reception to Form Control. It's straight up shapeshifting, and thus a bit harder to just handwave away as obviously something that isn't quite understood the way that the exhibited anomalous resiliency via hat power can. Yes, the resiliency without an observable Impeller signature is odd, but it just doesn't have the same kind of perceived impact as literally just rearranging the physical form into that of a dragon or something. The resiliency effect could be surmised to perhaps merely be an interaction with an Impeller field that actually is present and suspected stealth capabilities, if nothing else, but even if "reasonable" explanations can be imagined for the shapeshifting, it simply seems something more significant. It might also be unnerving, too.

Hypothetically, nearly any Valkyrie probably could change up their bodies quite extensively and very quickly if they just had the right preparation and perhaps some kind of contraption in storage, but if people learn that QA just up and morphs into a dragon when she feels like it, it's not some hypothetical consideration anymore, and that could carry additional implications. For one, if she can turn into something other than her "normal" form, then that she could perhaps take on other human forms would be no great leap of logic, and such capacity would, incidentally, be eminently convenient for an infiltrator, particularly when coupled with her unrivaled communications and network subversion capability. Shapeshifting of such a profound degree would also simply be exceptionally unusual for a human, too, so a display of Form Control noticed by others might really get them to wonder about her in fact being some kind of Antagonist. Of course, the traumatised eldritch alien really does just want to fit in.

it's pretty clear that they could speak with us if they really wanted to—barring some manner of artificial restriction on their actions, at least, which is an idea that should not be discounted.
I think Big Sister might think over this bit hard in the coming days. This sounds the sort of thing to grant insight and suspicion upon actually forming the thought. Yeah, it really shouldn't be discounted, and when the Anomalous Valkyrie Core that seems to have been damaged or incomplete is responsive in the way that normal Cores ostensibly should be without artificially induced cause, it kinda makes one wonder.

For a member of Hell's ruling class...
Wow. Monica is... a bit off. Except not, actually. For all that she has wildly erroneous assumptions, there are similarities to the relationship between QA's fabricated backstory and the truth in it having absolutely nothing to do with the reality of the matter and yet none the less still fit the results of which very neatly indeed. It's more an analogy than strictly just wrong, per se—one even close to the aforementioned backstory itself—and yet in Monica's case, no one is actually trying to make her perceive so in the first place! That does not help her Core, however. Monica's connections are a strange thing to consider.

Her perspective is insightful in more ways than one, too, come to think of it. Between her judgement of Setsuna and her own display, it's looking like this flight really is a sorry bunch just rife with issues. I think Koujirou might actually be the odd one out for being comparatively normal. Monica's own mindset is better than QA's, strictly speaking, but definitely not objectively good, and Setsuna makes Monica seem even more right than she actually knows, just hiding it better behind a bluster of tsundere-ness. The special Chosen One main character protagonist guy is the ordinary one. ...or does that make him unique when the norm is like this? Still a moron, though.

That comment is going to make people really wonder what kind of therapy QA has endured before.

Looks at Hell's Hand and the Atrocity Checklist

Yeah... Her poor therapist.
The purpose of therapists is to identify psychological qualities that can be exploited as vulnerabilities and proceed to encourage subjects to eliminate them or otherwise cope with their issues such that they do not impose negative effect. ...right?

Nothing. One hat-power at a time.
Thus, the logical conclusion is to find a hat for which its very power is to enable stacked hats to thus allow Friends to ride into battle with a tower of hats atop their heads. Naturally.

making friends isn't going to get her smitten,
I dunno about that. This is an anime setting, so the moment that one prominent character who is a girl with a troubled past makes friends with another one who has blatant yuri flags, statistically, that has an appreciable chance of resulting in her becoming awfully smitten. :lol:
I've been wondering about this. From the Sanctioned base, QA's parahuman abilities (well, sort of, given the weirdness of the swap) include not only Friend-making and hat-based effects, but also some situational mindfuckery/countermindfuckery shard shenanigans and Form Control. Form Control hasn't had much focus due to QA's desire to fit in, but it's always there as an option. If she can actually come up with sufficient excuse, QA might in fact make use of it.

I do wonder about reception to Form Control. It's straight up shapeshifting, and thus a bit harder to just handwave away as obviously something that isn't quite understood the way that the exhibited anomalous resiliency via hat power can. Yes, the resiliency without an observable Impeller signature is odd, but it just doesn't have the same kind of perceived impact as literally just rearranging the physical form into that of a dragon or something. The resiliency effect could be surmised to perhaps merely be an interaction with an Impeller field that actually is present and suspected stealth capabilities, if nothing else, but even if "reasonable" explanations can be imagined for the shapeshifting, it simply seems something more significant. It might also be unnerving, too.

Hypothetically, nearly any Valkyrie probably could change up their bodies quite extensively and very quickly if they just had the right preparation and perhaps some kind of contraption in storage, but if people learn that QA just up and morphs into a dragon when she feels like it, it's not some hypothetical consideration anymore, and that could carry additional implications. For one, if she can turn into something other than her "normal" form, then that she could perhaps take on other human forms would be no great leap of logic, and such capacity would, incidentally, be eminently convenient for an infiltrator, particularly when coupled with her unrivaled communications and network subversion capability. Shapeshifting of such a profound degree would also simply be exceptionally unusual for a human, too, so a display of Form Control noticed by others might really get them to wonder about her in fact being some kind of Antagonist. Of course, the traumatised eldritch alien really does just want to fit in.

I think Big Sister might think over this bit hard in the coming days. This sounds the sort of thing to grant insight and suspicion upon actually forming the thought. Yeah, it really shouldn't be discounted, and when the Anomalous Valkyrie Core that seems to have been damaged or incomplete is responsive in the way that normal Cores ostensibly should be without artificially induced cause, it kinda makes one wonder.

Wow. Monica is... a bit off. Except not, actually. For all that she has wildly erroneous assumptions, there are similarities to the relationship between QA's fabricated backstory and the truth in it having absolutely nothing to do with the reality of the matter and yet none the less still fit the results of which very neatly indeed. It's more an analogy than strictly just wrong, per se—one even close to the aforementioned backstory itself—and yet in Monica's case, no one is actually trying to make her perceive so in the first place! That does not help her Core, however. Monica's connections are a strange thing to consider.

Her perspective is insightful in more ways than one, too, come to think of it. Between her judgement of Setsuna and her own display, it's looking like this flight really is a sorry bunch just rife with issues. I think Koujirou might actually be the odd one out for being comparatively normal. Monica's own mindset is better than QA's, strictly speaking, but definitely not objectively good, and Setsuna makes Monica seem even more right than she actually knows, just hiding it better behind a bluster of tsundere-ness. The special Chosen One main character protagonist guy is the ordinary one. ...or does that make him unique when the norm is like this? Still a moron, though.

The purpose of therapists is to identify psychological qualities that can be exploited as vulnerabilities and proceed to encourage subjects to eliminate them or otherwise cope with their issues such that they do not impose negative effect. ...right?

Thus, the logical conclusion is to find a hat for which its very power is to enable stacked hats to thus allow Friends to ride into battle with a tower of hats atop their heads. Naturally.

I dunno about that. This is an anime setting, so the moment that one prominent character who is a girl with a troubled past makes friends with another one who has blatant yuri flags, statistically, that has an appreciable chance of resulting in her becoming awfully smitten. :lol:
I could see a hat giving a power to wear stacked hats...in that it keeps them from falling off or collapsing. I could see her trying to find a hat that grants the ability to have multiple hat powers, but not succeeding.

It's worth noting that they have already noticed and noted that her ability to manufacture things with Symbie is ridiculously fast, and her tendency toward organics. Her making a dragon-body to switch out everything but her brain with would... not actually be much of a surprise after the initial shock. Particularly with her references to Valkyries as drones, and her designing a non-disposable drone with the craft club earlier.
Although she could hide personal transformation beneath a draconian Frame
Wait. Wut. She earlier decided that she needed a larger Frame/armor because her current one had insufficient surface area and such. Did I miss that she decided it would be a dragon?? 😨 Or is this just hidden thought processes bubbling up into the open, now that it's funny?
For a member of Hell's ruling class,
Oh, dear. We knew that Monica had issues, but.. um. I'm going to have to do another reread, I think (oh darn). Was it implied before this that Monica actually thought QA was a demon from hell?
>> "…Are you okay?" << Koujirou questioned, but it seemed more wry than concerned—making a joke of Monica's misfortunes, as usual.
Um. Unreliable narrator, I'm thinking. What I remember of Koji didn't have him being like that, so I'm guessing this is Monica misinterpreting actual (if not necessarily extreme) concern.
She couldn't exactly convince Anna and Taylor to drop the two morons if Monica wasn't even as good as them. They were disappointments, that's what they were. Koujirou was cute, but as stupid as Monica often pretended to be to drive people off. Setsuna was loud, obnoxious, and put on her own mask of superiority.
And Koji and Setsuna continue to not impress. If things continue in this fashion, and the flight splits, that would be a very interesting departure from the Stations of Canon.
She shouldn't have hoped for anything different from someone with all the personality of a rice cracker.
I was rereading and I have to say, this is probably the most hilarious single line in this chapter.
Apparently the Main Character of the Battle Harem Show seems appropriately bland and tasteless when compared to beings with ACTUAL CHARACTER AND PERSONALITY. And as such, fail at their single appointed task of 'seducing' (More like just existing and having them fall for them for no adequate reason behind their Speshulness.) said 'harem'.
Oh, dear. We knew that Monica had issues, but.. um. I'm going to have to do another reread, I think (oh darn). Was it implied before this that Monica actually thought QA was a demon from hell?
When Taylor was redesigning her room in a way that wouldn't look out of place from Lovecraft's worst nightmares, Valkyrie high command referred to the event as "vision of Hell".
Wait. Wut. She earlier decided that she needed a larger Frame/armor because her current one had insufficient surface area and such. Did I miss that she decided it would be a dragon?? 😨 Or is this just hidden thought processes bubbling up into the open, now that it's funny?
I found it a bit confusing to try to parse too, but also possibly quite apt regardless. If she does literally turn into a dragon, people might find it weirdly understandable, because strange as it is... well who wouldn't turn into a dragon if they could?

Oh, dear. We knew that Monica had issues, but.. um. I'm going to have to do another reread, I think (oh darn). Was it implied before this that Monica actually thought QA was a demon from hell?
In her case, I think it might be something of a matter of Monica's comprehension just sort of snapping. QA went too far from understandable relatability when she went really far in her adjustments to their dorm room. To Monica, the most reasonable and likely explanation fitting the scenario at hand was also pretty far out there, but the notion that QA was some kind of princess of hell none the less made the most sense to her, so... that's kind of just what she went with, and she's just sorta taking it in stride with a bit of a detached acceptance to cope with the abject bizarrity that is existing in proximity to QA. Wow... that's totally fucking weird. *shrug* Okay then.
Wait. Wut. She earlier decided that she needed a larger Frame/armor because her current one had insufficient surface area and such. Did I miss that she decided it would be a dragon?? 😨 Or is this just hidden thought processes bubbling up into the open, now that it's funny?
It is in relation to QA's shape-shifting power and whether she could covertly use it.
And Koji and Setsuna continue to not impress. If things continue in this fashion, and the flight splits, that would be a very interesting departure from the Stations of Canon.
The departure has already happened since the canon flight was already at maximum size. Now, it may be a return to the stations of canon if it splits...
Wait. Wut. She earlier decided that she needed a larger Frame/armor because her current one had insufficient surface area and such. Did I miss that she decided it would be a dragon?? 😨 Or is this just hidden thought processes bubbling up into the open, now that it's funny?
I can't remember if it wound up hidden or not. There was a chapter where it would've come up, but large chunks of it got excised due to being too exposition-y. A very casual word search doesn't seem to pick up "draconic" or "dragon."

In her case, I think it might be something of a matter of Monica's comprehension just sort of snapping. QA went too far from understandable relatability when she went really far in her adjustments to their dorm room.
Adding to this: Monica does not know about Hell's Hand, that Valkyries are actually calling the prior night a "Vision of Hell," or any other information classified above standard cadet-level.

Hell's Hand and the Atrocity Checklist
The most controversial unpublished Harry Potter book.
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Random thoughts reading this chapter:

Let's all take the moment to acknowledge the MVP of this chapter that is Tamara. I mean, the whole crafting club is putting in an admirable effort, but hugs. I would not mind seeing more of her.

Anna is carrying Silver? I can't imagine that's necessary.. I mean if I had a portable pegacorn I would want to carry them everywhere too so I can't really judge, but still..

I still do wonder if the other cores are just that introverted or plethora of restrictions. I mean, it's clear they genuinely care about their partners in some cases, at least.

I know there's kiddy gloves and trauma and all, but at some point someone's gotta go 'No, no. This is not ok. That hat makes the pegacorn shoot laser beams from their eyes and that one makes them intangible. What the actual hell? Is reality breaking down? No, I'm not letting this go.' (I'm expecting some odd hat combinations in the future, even if they are low key.)
So I just went back through the story in reader mode searching "Monica" and I'm finding her sudden certainty of QA's royalty in this chapter strange. There is only a single reference to Monica thinking of QA as Hell royalty.

Monica was increasingly convinced that she'd won the roommate lottery. Taylor might be eldritch royalty from Hell itself masquerading as a human teenager, yet Monica felt she could overlook such quirks.

I feel like it's a bit of a stretch to go from "Taylor might be eldritch royalty" to apparently absolute certainty that Taylor is a princess of Hell.

For a member of Hell's ruling class, Taylor's mental state seemed surprisingly fragile. Then again, Monica supposed Taylor's troubles were perfectly understandable. Needing to preside over punishments of the damned would strain the sanity of anyone even remotely empathic. The name "Queen Administrator" implied more of a bureaucratic position than a hands-on role, true, but spending all day staring at written descriptions of torture couldn't be that much better than needing to personally inflict pain.

I'm going to guess that intervening interaction has somehow persuaded Monica that her offhanded speculation is fact, but it's hard to say exactly what has made her so certain. Did QA start smelling of fire and brimstone? Does Monica find Pegacorns blatantly satanic? Does she think 'magic' = 'infernal pact with the devil'? QA's mentioned extensive memory modification and a general 'survival of the fittest' mindset, but I don't understand why Monica has arrived at such certainty of "Hell royalty" instead of "cult survivor", which seems like the more reasonable choice.

Anyway, apart from that, let's see if I can understand the rest of the chapter.

Or at least, Monica was guessing that was why she kept adjusting Silver's position on her body? Why Anna didn't just leave the pegacorn on the ground, Monica didn't know. She'd need to ask sometime when Anna wasn't so blatantly distracted by some research project or another.

Going to guess Anna is busy exchanging high-band info with Silver, possibly regarding Taylor, Rose, or maybe just tech in general. Going to also guess that Anna is trying to figure out where is the most defensive place she can put Silver when carrying her into battle. Can't leave Silver on the ground of course, or Antagonists will get her. Having her near Anna's body is obvious the safest, but the question is, where can the pegacorn cling so it's not in the way, and Anna can defend it? Bet that Anna is remembering all the times an Antagonist shot off or shot at various parts of her body which is why she can't determine the safest part of her body to put Silver.

Even if Monica largely couldn't understand her own pet, the fact remained that Nyx was clearly intelligent enough to make use of such armor.

Nyx has been so encouraging to Monica, it's a shame she's not got the processing to understand Nyx's communications yet.

"Hey, Taylor," Kaiti quietly interrupted aloud. "Do you want to go to your therapist appointment early? I think they wanted you to have a more stable and structured experience instead of having it thrust upon you, but if you want to go early..."

>> "Yo, little Big Sis over here acting suspicious as hell." <<
>> "It was one mission! One! Let it go already!" <<
>> "When they let go of you, sure." <<
>> "Yeah, a little selective sensor spoofing is what does this? Not the actual panic attack?" <<
>> "I have not been given leave to comment." <<
>> "Shiiiit, that bad?" <<
>> "I'll put it this way: they hope not." <<

So... I think what happened here is that QA's Friends with their hat powers have kinda majorly twigged some Valkyries' PTSD buttons by being way too similar to Antagonists. There might have been some actual Antagonists with that kind of sensor-spoofing powers and the UN is apparently hoping they're not real? Either way, I think Kaiti is encouraging Taylor to go to therapy sooner not necessarily because Taylor needs therapy (though she does) but to get her out of a volatile situation before Valks can get itchy trigger fingers. Also to remind said Valks with itchy trigger fingers that Taylor is not an infiltrating Antagonist, but a regular human who needs help and therapy.

Not sure if I got all this correct, but it's my best guess anyway. I look forward to reading the speculation of others!
The departure has already happened since the canon flight was already at maximum size. Now, it may be a return to the stations of canon if it splits...
Yes and no. Monica and QA are on the team, when they weren't, before, but the whole Koji and Setsuna and Anna are on one team and that's the protagonist thing is proceeding apace. That pretty much has to change before they would have gained their next two members in one way or the other.

Anna no longer being on QA's team because Koji and Setsuna are annoying would be a significant change (poor QA) though obviously something will have to give before too much longer (story-time, at least; real time, it could be a while before we actually see tomorrow. :p )
I feel like it's a bit of a stretch to go from "Taylor might be eldritch royalty" to apparently absolute certainty that Taylor is a princess of Hell.
Other (glaring) hints in Monica's internal monologue hint (strongly) that she grew up in a very fundy place or with very fundy guardians. Coming from such an environment, if something is actually eldritch, there's only one possible location it could have come from.
So... I think what happened here is that QA's Friends with their hat powers have kinda majorly twigged some Valkyries' PTSD buttons by being way too similar to Antagonists.
Yeah - seems like the "invisible to anyone within three feet while wearing that headband" thing is flashback-worthy. :cry: Symbie is right - some Valkyries' lives are just horrible.
I can't remember if it wound up hidden or not. There was a chapter where it would've come up, but large chunks of it got excised due to being too exposition-y. A very casual word search doesn't seem to pick up "draconic" or "dragon."

It wasn't stated outright, but QA mentioned in chapter 13 that she still wanted to make an alternative frame despite surface area no longer being a concern, because she "hadn't granted Host's current combination of powers so a major part of it could be ignored entirely." Form Control is the only Sanctioned ability that has yet to make an appearance.

>> "She's not coming, is she?" << Setsuna grumbled over comms, punctuating the question with a volley of laser fire aimed at simulated training drones.

Fwiw, Setsuna shouldn't have any combat lasers integrated in her Frame at the beginning of canon. Communication and guidance lasers, sure, but nothing powerful enough to use as direct fire weapons.

BAHHSCQ's character sheets are a good reference for the main cast; the Frame configuration tabs for everyone besides Anna haven't been updated to reflect any changes that occurred over the time skips.

Queen Administrator hesitated. Symbie had sounded remarkably happy about the suggestion to change projects entirely. Apparently, the Symbiotic Support Frame had obtained the plans for some more efficient equipment modules? Ones that rendered the old projects largely obsolete. The new equipment would likely be completed in time for afternoon combat classes, but not before then.

So if I'm understanding this correctly, Symbie believes she can implement much of the tech UNAF Valkyries shared with her by afternoon practicals, and some of those designs included old stuff from the Three Hundred. From weak railguns and lasers to near top-of-the-line equipment in only a few hours, lol. UNARD is going to be salivating at the implications.

And the rest of Squadron 4 will probably be very confused about how Taylor's combat rating is only 250.

>> "Haha, okay, what the shit. Everyone, Diedra is gone!" <<

The Crafting Club turned to look at the still very-much-visible Friend haphazardly wearing a black headband. The Crafting Club looked up at the wide, searching eyes of the three people sitting within a meter of her. The Crafting Club looked back down at the Friend.

Stranger power with a radius of about a meter. Black headband = ninja by shard logic, apparently.

Studying the hat-powers will inevitably drive the Crafting Club (even more) towards madness, but I don't see this triggering any sort of scrutiny or suspicion. The pegacorn-Friends are already indistinguishable from magic, so what's a few more blatantly magical abilities? Just throw them on the pile.

"Hey, Taylor," Kaiti quietly interrupted aloud. "Do you want to go to your therapist appointment early? I think they wanted you to have a more stable and structured experience instead of having it thrust upon you, but if you want to go early..."

>> "Yo, little Big Sis over here acting suspicious as hell." <<
>> "It was one mission! One! Let it go already!" <<
>> "When they let go of you, sure." <<
>> "Yeah, a little selective sensor spoofing is what does this? Not the actual panic attack?" <<
>> "I have not been given leave to comment." <<
>> "Shiiiit, that bad?" <<
>> "I'll put it this way: they hope not." <<

Kaiti once had a mission under UNOMI, and the latter is understandably concerned about the potential subversion of the new Rank 1 Valkyrie.

They're handling the situation with a remarkable degree of restraint out of consideration for QA's trauma and sympathetic backstory, but a mind-controlling brain implant isn't a possibility the UN can afford to overlook. QA's immediate interest in Anna and the Pegacorn gifting take a sinister new meaning, under the more pessimistic scenarios.
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