Burden of the Emerald Empire (A Legend of the Five Rings Tale)

To answer the Dragon/Minor Clan question. It works by essentially taking their limited numbers, and promoting them to the higher ranks so that they would be captains (1000 man units) and up and then letting them handle the lower ranks as is traditional. They'd be spread out but you do have enough Samurai for that. Most of them even competent.
You have no idea how much I am tempted to give this job to the Minor Clans as a permanent thing. Well sorta. Unofficially.

The Throne supports the Minor Clans as the Toturi have always had. Minor Clans are reliant on us and feel a lot more loyal to us and are much more used to working together. This way we can staff most of the Imperial Officer corp with the minor clan bushi, which gives a a functional group whose loyalty we can trust in control of the Imperial Legions and Levies. We can then always tweak the system to allow proven/loyal members from the Great Clans to join the officer corp as it is politically or strategically and etc convenient.

Basically like the Otomo, but for our armies. Because this sort of shit is unacceptable. Imagine we hadn't gotten years worth of warning to sort out the issues now, and instead had to deal with this shit while at war with the army on the march. The 8 Banners would have gotten fucking annilathed, and most of it's survivors forced to become ronins or commit sepukku, which would have been catastrophic.
[X] Leverage the relative neutrality of the Dragon and the Minor clans to create an officer Corp that everyone could live with. It might anger the Lion, but well they aren't helping.

Rolling with this unless someone comes up with a better write-in.
As an aside is there a West Point equivalent so our budding officer corps could learn to work together?

(Also since we need to vote for it.)

[X] Pray to the Fortune of Midwifery for more Heirs.
That is kind of how centralization is usually done. Playing the lower nobles against the big ones. But to be fair, this sort of politicking even in the face of Armageddon isn't at all unprecedented in Rokugan or our world. Ex: Yoritomo's Army Day of Thunder, Sengoku Jidai ect.
I know, which is why I proposed it. However, I feel like with our recent moves with regards to the Lion, the Mantis and Kaneka's moves against the Phoenix legionnaires we probably cant afford to do so just yet. Make moves that are too big against the Great Clans and they'll strike back.

My hope is to wait for the end of the current conflict, assuming we come out ahead and then reward the Minor Clan Officers and use that as an excuse to build towards such a end goal.

That the war itself would see the Unicorn and the Lion bleed, making it easier to push this through is just a bonus.
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[X] Leverage the relative neutrality of the Dragon and the Minor clans to create an officer Corp that everyone could live with. It might anger the Lion, but well they aren't helping
-[X] Allow anyone who is angered to leave as Ronin. Doing that repeatidly to the Lion may prove some kind of point you may try to make.
[X] Leverage the relative neutrality of the Dragon and the Minor clans to create an officer Corp that everyone could live with. It might anger the Lion, but well they aren't helping
[X] Leverage the relative neutrality of the Dragon and the Minor clans to create an officer Corp that everyone could live with. It might anger the Lion, but well they aren't helping.

And just in case...

[X] Pray to the Fortune of Midwifery for more Heirs.
On a related note, your wife now had a small legion worth of her guard
Correction, an unusually incompetent legion worth of her guard.
The Crane were hardly happy about this loss of authority and respect, you had been able to persuade Domotai that this offered a good chance to rebuild the Crane/Phoenix alliance and show her own power through generosity.
Crane is a bit of a tangent, I assume that they lost a lot of political positions as well?
The largest problem was that none of the Clans wanted to fight beside each other:

The Phoenix refused to fight alongside the Mantis who had waged war on them without mercy for so may years. Nor did they trust the Unicorn with their strange magics.
The Mantis having sent a largely Tsuruchi based force, refused to fight beside the Scorpion or Lion contingents
The Lion didn't want to fight beside the Dragon, Scorpion or Unicorn but were somewhat less zealous about it.
The Scorpion did not want to fight alongside anyone, and had sent a token force in any event. Paneki arguing that the defensive nature of his army was poorly suited for anywhere but his own provinces.
The Crab had sent a larger contingent than expected, but also refused to fight beside Crane and Scorpion armies.
The Crane had been relatively simple only wishing to not fight alongside the Crab.
And we have to get them all across a bridge one at a time.
If Paneki feels that he cannot spare samurai from his own defenses for the defense of all Rokugan? Well, we would not wish to deprive him in these dangerous times. Send his token force back home, so that he may be assured of his safety. Take the opportunity, in an entirely unrelated issue, to say nice things about the Crab for having sent so many.

...because I *want* to be on better terms with the Scorpion, but this sort of thing isn't really tolerable.

...but that is not the vote at hand.
This is what write ins are for and I would have proposed it myself if you hadn't.
@Dark as Silver
Traditionally defence of the Empress/Emperor-consort has been the sole domain of the Crane. Kaname inviting Phoenix into her guard has the side effect of slighting them as it says she doesn't trust them to do the job.
Cheers. Also:
-[X] Allow anyone who is angered to leave as Ronin. Doing that repeatidly to the Lion may prove some kind of point you may try to make.
Sorry I skipped over your write as I assumed it was the willing to disband army thing.
While I know you don't like justifying your options I am trying to make my own decision and I can't see what your aim is here.
Could you please explain what you're expecting or hoping for, so that I can make an informed decision?
Cheers. Also:

Sorry I skipped over your write as I assumed it was the willing to disband army thing.
While I know you don't like justifying your options I am trying to make my own decision and I can't see what your aim is here.
Could you please explain what you're expecting or hoping for, so that I can make an informed decision?

Pretty sure its just frustration over politics being politics
Could you please explain what you're expecting or hoping for, so that I can make an informed decision?
Nothing particular. I figured that if the clans are going to be douchebags about it and the Lion (who really should know better) -still- give us gaff and trouble after the last disaster, we give them a way out to by hurting them in their precious honor. It is more an exasparated sigh of "just go away, idiots".
Also it may actually work. After a few of them become Ronin for various offenses against their new officers, they just might grit their teeth and fight without any more complaints or "misinterpretation of orders" or whatever else they would think funny that day.
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Thanks, but I don't see any purpose or advantage to that.

[X] Leverage the relative neutrality of the Dragon and the Minor clans to create an officer Corp that everyone could live with. It might anger the Lion, but well they aren't helping.
-[X] Dismiss the Scorpion.
@gman391 did Uncle have any particular opinions on the various plans? It seems like the sort of thing that he'd both have useful insight on and personal interest in.
@gman391 did Uncle have any particular opinions on the various plans? It seems like the sort of thing that he'd both have useful insight on and personal interest in.
Kaneka is of the opinion that if you had done his reforms years ago he could solve this for you, but recognizes this is a case of hindsight. He is of the opinion that while Kaname would likely lose you 2/3 of that army, the remaining 1/3 would probably be able to go toe to to with the Lion and come out the winner, albeit with hideous causalities. Ultimately he's of the opinion that if they don't want to fight together, send them home and use the ones that are willing to play ball as smaller but better trained and unified army.
Okay... so I think I'm understanding a bit better (though still not perfect). It sounds like we have the Lion legions (who are fine), and the Unicorn legions (who are fine) and the existing imperial legions (who are fine). Then we have a whole bunch of random chaff from all over the place who are fighting like a sack full of wet cats, and this vote is what to do with *them*. It sounds like Kaneka feels like we should consider just throwing them all to Kaname, accept that that means we'll lose two thirds of them, and move on. @gman391 - Is that more or less accurate?
Okay... so I think I'm understanding a bit better (though still not perfect). It sounds like we have the Lion legions (who are fine), and the Unicorn legions (who are fine) and the existing imperial legions (who are fine). Then we have a whole bunch of random chaff from all over the place who are fighting like a sack full of wet cats, and this vote is what to do with *them*. It sounds like Kaneka feels like we should consider just throwing them all to Kaname, accept that that means we'll lose two thirds of them, and move on. @gman391 - Is that more or less accurate?
Not quite, it's more that he doesn't see Kaname as a bad option. His view is that send everyone who doesn't want to fight together, home. Take those who do and make them into a elite unite.
Hey guys sorry for the double post, but some stuff has come up so I don't think I'll be able to update for a few more days. Sorry.
Adhoc vote count started by gman391 on Nov 8, 2017 at 5:01 PM, finished with 29 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Leverage the relative neutrality of the Dragon and the Minor clans to create an officer Corp that everyone could live with. It might anger the Lion, but well they aren't helping
    [X] Pray to the Fortune of Midwifery for more Heirs.
    -[X] Make it known that If things don't work out, you will dismiss the army and trust the Lion, the Unicorn and the Imperial Legion to handle the threat of the Shadow Dragon.
    -[X] Allow anyone who is angered to leave as Ronin. Doing that repeatidly to the Lion may prove some kind of point you may try to make.
    -[X] Dismiss the Scorpion.
gman391 threw 11 10-faced dice. Reason: Kisada's Search Total: 59
3 3 8 8 2 2 6 6 10 10 5 5 6 6 5 5 6 6 4 4 4 4
gman391 threw 7 10-faced dice. Reason: Eight Banners Reform Total: 35
3 3 6 6 2 2 1 1 6 6 10 10 7 7
Year 4: Finishing Touches
Kisada Search 35
Eight Banners Reform 29

Month of the Rooster, Eight Day

You look out at the skyline of Capital, hands behind you back as you consider the latest missive from Kisada on your desk. The Old Bear as he styled himself these days had been going through the Spine of the World with a fine toothed comb, looking for the weapon that Lord Sun had left you. Unfortunately while Kisada had more or less eradicated a half dozen maho cults that had run to the safety of the mountains after your reforms, he hadn't found the weapon. Although he has no proof, Kisada believes he is close to where it lay, he can't explain it beyond 'it feels like home' which home he means, well is less clear than you would like. You hope he hurries over the coming winter months. You don't know how badly you will need that weapon, but you suspect that you will need it very badly when the time comes to take Medinaat al Salaam back from the Shadow Dragon. You ignore the twinge of future headaches no doubt coming when you decide what to do with the place.

Your headaches have largely ceased after the mandatory vacation Kaname made you take for half a month. While you on some level regret the time lost (even if regret is a sin) you know that you really did need a break. Time to rest, time to be well a normal person. The position you have is a huge burden for all of its perks and well, you're only human. Your wife more or less forced that upon you when she made you take a break with her.

Besides, in the end the Eight Banners have largely been organized. You had to execute more than one Samurai for being a screaming jackass, but you managed it just in time for them to all go home. There's something oddly cathartic about that. For months you have in combination with the hatamoto of the army, one Mirumoto Kei, daimyo of the Mirumoto, fought, screamed, and kicked the army into a cohesive unit. You don't doubt that a lot of people are going to have hell to pay for their failures to get more important positions. On the other hand the Dragon and the Minor Clans, have performed admirably given you had essentially three months to train them to lead your Eight Banners Army. (Which is inaccurate you guess, in terms of naming, but you are rolling with it for now.) All in all you feel like you can rest for the first time in a while, something that Kaname appreciates, even if she frets about you only having a single daughter. (Adorable and amazing as she is).

For yourself, you can't say that you're not worried, it seems less important to you at the moment. (The fact that you are still ultimately a young man getting to make many many prayers to Benten-no-kami with his beautiful wife probably contributes to this) Truth be told, you feel ready, ready for this war to come, ready to fight for your Empire and show everyone once and for all that the Toturi are here to stay and you will fight literal monsters to prove that. Maybe you have too much of your aunt in you after all.

However, while your armies are ready, and indeed most are even eager for the war in the new year, there are still a few key choices to make that you've been putting off. You decide to sleep on it, as you turn away from the skyline...tomorrow will always be waiting and for now, you'll pace yourself better. (Lest Kaname once again threaten death on anyone who disturbed you)


The next morning you're looking over the missives from several people regarding one of the key choices. Who leads the Army of the Eight Banners?

You could promote Mirumoto Kei, she has experience, skill and while not a brilliant commander, competent enough. It would mean getting another hatamoto but that's her problem you guess.

On the other hand, Bayushi Paneki has volunteered to lead, and even offered to step down as the Scorpion Champion for the chance to do so. For decades now he has been one of the few given the title Defender of the Empire, something he had earned in the Spirit Wars. His skills may have degraded but he was still a skilled commander and had the clout to do so. His offering to leave his position as daimyo and Champion made it at least somewhat likely this was genuine on his part.

On the other...other hand (you needed more hands) Kaneka has said that his old strategy teacher. Hida Otoya, could also lead an army. While the man is positively ancient. There might be no one left alive who knows more about warfare than he does. But the chance of him dying is...higher than might be wise.

On the fourth hand, you do have a wife, and while Kaname is more noted for brilliant naginatajutsu, she is in fact a reasonably skilled tactician in her own right, with your uncle even lamenting that he had no daughters like her. With the political headaches ironed out you could give the Eight Banners to her to use.

However, there was also the option of yourself. In the first truly great war of your reign, should you not in fact be on the front lines, fighting for you Empire just as your father and grandfather had done? To earn with blood sweat and steel, undeniable truth that you were the scion of the Toturi in truth. While you had always preferred court and internal expansion to war, you could do war if it was needed and your uncle would be nearby to guide you.

[] Mirumoto Kei
[] Bayushi Paneki
[] Hida Otoya
[] Toturi Kaname
[] Yourself

There you had made the decision for better or for worse. Now for the second great decision. For what might well be the last Winter Court held in peace time for a very long time, you had to hold it where again?

[] Kyuden Hida (Crab)
[] Kyuden Doji (Crane)
[] Kyuden Kitsuki (Dragon)
[] Kyuden Ikoma (Lion)
[] Kyuden Bayushi (Scorpion)
[] Stay home
(Mantis and Unicorn are not options for this year's winter court)

AN: The Commander vote is also a vote for a perspective change. The War of Light and Shadow will be played out in front of you rather than having Hisao sit on the back lines worrying.
[X] Bayushi Paneki
[X] Kyuden Kitsuki (Dragon)

Paneki for all that we have our disagreements is one of the most skilled and veteran commanders in the Empire. Hisao is not a man of the battlefield, for such a war we want only the best. This is not the time for him to wish to emulate Toturi the 1st and Toturi the 2nd. We will do what we have done up till now, while our commanders lead the armies, we will stay back and insure that the logistics and politis behind the war remains a well oiled machine.

As we are relying on the Dragon and Minor Bushi to lead our armies, we show should them some favor. We've already showered the minor clans, so now it's time to do the same for the Dragon.