Adam had never appreciated the difficulties in being short.
He waddled through the shrine, thankfully most doors were left open. Was that a Japanese thing, or were his hosts just being helpful?
Anyway, it avoided his biggest hurdle, door handles.
He also found walking to be strange.
If a normal cat or dog was his size, they would be able to slink or paddle along no issue. But he wasn't exactly built for defense or battle.
He weighed like... four or five times less than one would expect. Like a very heavy balloon.
Also, if he wasn't careful, each step would make a tiny 'bumph' of air escape his tiny trunk.
Which was... less than manly.
Then again, this was like the third or fourth form without genitalia. At least he was sexually consistent. Male, straight. Female (Mental Narwhal was curious), lesbian. Nonsexual, female oriented.
So... at least he wasn't having identity issues? Probably? Or at least, no issues with whom he was attracted to, even if his body kept changing species.
But what was odd was the absolute lack of sexual interest now that he was a Baku. It may be related to his species or the heavy need for spiritual power, but right now he was cuddle oriented.
If he was in Worm, being snuggled by an attractive older woman like Kagome's mom would have been a 10/10 experience. Here, in this body? Well, it was nice but not really stimulating like he would expect it to be.
It was a massive difference compared to the My Little Pony Realm (Sexual Freedom is Magic?) he had just visited.
He meandered into another room, trying to stay near the edges. He kept spawning white flower blossoms from the local faith, and if he wasn't careful he would leave a slipping hazard.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Kagome sighed as she finished what homework her friends from school had collected.
Seriously, those girls were both a blessing and a curse. Sure they helped out a lot and helped her stay on top of her studies, but they also gossiped and made outlandish tales... that they believed.
They were convinced that all those trips to the past (Fighting demons and saving the future!) were actually a collection of horrifying and embarrassing personal issues that she was overcoming.
Really, telling those cute boys that she had explosive flatulence!? Off and on for FIVE MONTHS!?
She didn't know what was worse. Those who avoided her due to those rumors, or those who were supportive!
When a handsome boy secretly started to confess to her about his own debilitating diarrhea episodes, it took everything she had to accept his condolences with grace and good will. And as bad as it made her feel, she couldn't treat him the same after finding out that he had a custom tailor to help stitch the massive clothing holes caused by his condition.
Knowing too much could be painful.
As she absently piled her notes and work together, she realized that she had been staring at the tiny elephant thing as it poomphed around the edges of the room. Leaving a white flower trail.
Huh. And her normal 'after work' headache hadn't shown up. The blossoms smelled nice too.
She wouldn't trade in her own cat or anything, but this Baku was just so useful!
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Was he noticed!?
No, for he was sneaky Adam! Baku of the night!
...But she WAS looking this way...
Just in case, he used his trunk and focused, new blossoms poofing into existence and helping to hide him away.
Stealthily, he snootched his way through a rapidly created flower tunnel. Thanks to the Girls, he knew that this Shrine should have some good stuff to scan outside, and he was on a mission!
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Kagome watched the tiny pile of flowers sneak toward the edge of the room.
Baku's were weird.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
It only took a few hours for him to make his daring escape!
Well, a few hours and one surprise cuddle session with Kagome's mom, who had somehow discovered him.
Anyway, he had escaped!
...It was nice out here.
Summer? This Realm did have seasons, right?
Still, it was lovely.
Especially that trail of sadness, death, and decay over that way.
As his tiny legs pumped with less stealth in mind, he realized accidentally two important facts.
First, he not only felt like he was far lighter than he should be, but he was indeed balloon like in weight.
Secondly, while his body ignored the wind and everything (How!?), it did NOT ignore his foot power.
So now he was drifting. In a that-a-way direction. Slightly tilted.
No real sense of danger, and again, the wind (which wasn't slow) was being ignored.
But he was also floating in a near-uncontrolled manner.
Just... huh.
Well, it was roughly the right direction. So... why not?
He absently used his ears to tilt back to an upright position. Was this where that Dumbo idea came from? He was too worried to actually try and gain more height. What if he just went up till space? No clue if physics would actually pull him down directly. Or ever.
So he literally drifted slowly along.
Sneaking was faster than this.
Still, life tend to be a high speed, high risk ride. No reason not to take it slow once in a while.
...Really slow.
It was only when he felt Asako pulling him from the air that he realized he had drifted asleep.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Dragon growled. "We HAVE to tell him how to fix this. He needs more spiritual energy, with less magic being converted directly. At least until this form stabilizes. He has to be told."
Twilight whined. "But look at how cute he is! He makes little poof sounds when he walks!"
Nightmare Moon and Narwhal were too busy cooing over the images and videos to join in.
Dragon snorted. "And what if a demon shows up!?"
Twilight waved a hoof. "Then he will turn into a giant fire covered tree-Baku and 'Convert' them into purified energy. And likely 'Consume' them."
The cyborg sight. "That shouldn't be his first response to danger."
Nightmare Moon squealed. "Oh he's asleep again! And floating!"
Narwhal jabbed the display. "Look, his ears are making him do a barrel roll!"
Dragon sighed as Twilight ran over to join the viewing party. At least she was mature enough to save copies of all this for later, private cute-appreciation times.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Asako gently tapped the floating elephant thing, watching it float towards father-in-Law.
He also watched, fascinated. "No, never heard of this either. Normally when a spiritual creature wanted to defy gravity, it would shift to a spiritual form. Not just... float off like that."
Kagome entered, holding her spiritual notes from that morning... and paused. "Grandpa, why is the Baku flying?" She blinked. "And... is it snoring?"
Asako smiled at her daughter. "Ah, he seemed to have tuckered himself out exploring today. Please be gentle with playtime until he has time to get some more sleep."
Sota, who had TRIED to ignore the tiny demon in his house and stayed in his own room, came in with a sigh. If nothing else, he didn't want to be the one family member to NOT see a sleeping elephant fly.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Right, 'Harmony' had gathered several points of interest.
Outside there was a large tree, very old, with all kinds of talismans on it. Those would need scanning. The tree itself had something... something. Spiritually significant things happened here.
Secondly, there was a well. A STRANGE well. It was the source of the delicious decay, the ancient and fresh death, the black light of entropy. Also, a small scent of time magic, and the likely cause of him being pulled to this house in the first place.
Third of all, there was a spiritual barrier over the whole shrine, but it was only partially formed and reinforced by humans directly. Instead it was maintained by a pool of belief, one formed both by the humans and spirits that resided here and the belief of humans and spirits from the world as a whole.
The barrier existed because people and things EXPECTED one to be here. And then those theoretical shields and deterrents were 'repaired' and 'patched' to the point where eventually they would be purely cast via charms and spiritual frameworks. And as a creation of mortal belief, faith in the reliability of the new methods would fall, opening issues that faith would cover.
It was a weird system, where expectations become reality only to fail (also due to expectations), only to repeat.
In general, it was a decent defense. With a priest or shrine maiden, it could reach god level, able to block the change of reality itself. Without it, less than tissue paper.
So good and bad points, really.
On a similar pattern, those flower blossoms he was dropping were creating a series of barriers on their own. They didn't need kami, they were made of the stuff. So the layers of flowers that the old man hadn't collected were already reinforcing and expanding the shrine protections to silly levels.
Spiritual magic was truly a belief based power. It could empower an entity to deity level or cast them to be forgot and weak. In a way, his current setup was very ideal here. At least from what he could tell, he may be one of the very few creatures that could reinforce his own existence via his new spiritual Soul.
Those white blossoms in his soul were a constant slow source of faith, ones that grew even with no formal worshipers. Unable to be killed, converted, or lost.
So... a hard currency of power, as it were.
These three things would need investigation. Eventually.
He absently swapped to 'Recovery' to give Kagome's mother a quick tuneup. Good head scritches needed rewards after all.
Instantly, his mind filled with the biology of the entire family and their cat. His magic soul swapped from 'Harmony' to 'Growth', and 'Tithe' seemed unusually active.
Weak muscles. Bruised skin. Old bones. Weak eyesight. Badly healed bone cracks. Vitamin deficiency. Even as his power scanned and repaired them all, his power was latching onto something larger. Hurt. Untreated.
Spiritual wounds.
His eyes glowed with blue fire... as did all the flowers.
His power was using them as amplifiers. Connections. Religious donations or tributes even.
Even as the two adults, two children, and one cat rapidly reached absurd levels of health and stability, his power reached into the spiritual gashes.
Kagome was torn inside. Something that had been a part of her had been torn asunder. It wasn't lethal, but no wonder any little issue would blow up into rage or fear. Instability caused by spiritual damage.
He wasn't sure how he was helping. Memories of death and sadness were not being hidden or removed. Lives were not being rebuilt.
But these people were being wrapped in his own spiritual power... and it was helping them. Fueling their natural recovery. Helping their mind and heart cope with stress, sadness, and loss.
He was hungry.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
The bright blue flash of light was unexpected. Her family had been chatting while watching the Baku drift over the dinner table, slowly dropping white flower blossoms. In a way, Kagome found the quite conversation of her favorite people a wonderful change in pace from her normal hectic life.
Then... blue fire. Flames.
All the flowers just... burst. Like fireworks.
Nothing visually burned, but everything felt... warm. Safe. Sunlight on a normally cloudy day.
It wasn't until the light show faded away and her mom hugged her that she realized she was crying. Silent tears, something she hadn't done for years, flowed down her face.
Her little brother had joined the hug group along with Grandpa at some point, but she was too busy crying and hugging her mom.
Whatever that was, it had been... overwhelming. Like stepping out of shadows. Her dreams from last night, but a thousand times brighter and more peaceful.
Her gaze fell on the still burning Baku.
...Was he eating her spirit review notes!?