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Arc 3: Dangerous Installations
Sarah flinched as she stabbed her spike into the wall... and blinked as her hand hit the wall.

And lost her grip.

And the spike kept going. Into the new hole.

Glowing with blue fire or not, she froze in horror at having lost her brand new weapon only seconds after... oh.

Stunned, she looked at her hand... and the spike that had returned to it.

...With far less terror, she stabbed the wall again. NOT losing her grip this time.

It couldn't slash or cut, but stabbing something solid was now effortless!

...So it would probably be good to test that 'Comes back to the hand' thing.

Carefully, she placed the spike on the floor... and flexed her hand as it reappeared in her grip.

Sarah grinned at her new friend. 'Alright. I can work with this.'

Trusting her very short testing session, she gave the bone a flick... and it hurled in a blue streak through a wall.

<<Ambush Kill! +2cp!>>


~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Adam had continued spreading his crystals into the Warehouse's back systems when the alert went off.

And he blinked.

Apparently, her drawbacks were so dire that actually killing something (ANYTHING) earned her a massive bonus. A single kill (In this case, it was a very unlucky young 'Alien' crawling on the wrong wall) would normally extract somewhere between 0.03cp and 0.08cp, depending on how 'important' that single creature was.

Considering the other drawbacks made these things respawn should have lowered the reward even further.

His (currently non existent) eyebrows rose however at the next alert.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

>>Impossible Flames have consumed a foe.<<
<<Unlocked 'Flame Conversion' impact effect>>

Sarah blinked as a distant crackling suddenly began to whistle, feeling the air being pulled into what was probably a new bonfire.


Looking at the crack she was hidden in, she focused.

This planet, wherever it was or whatever it was called, was a death trap of course. The entire thing, or at least the local area she had covered, was a maze of tunnels, hallways, dead ends, and (thankfully) areas to hide and random boxes of equipment.

And while she hadn't found anything USEFUL in those many containers, she was pretty sure that whatever she had killed (And then incinerated) was close enough to some crates to keep the flames burning.

Seeing her cp progress bar inch up again as something in the distance screamed in pain... she turned back to Mr. McStabberson.

And held back a laugh as she launched it through the OTHER wall as hard as she could!

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Adam blinked as cp began flowing into her resource pool.

A quick glance at the logs... Huh.

Blue flames make a VERY good penetration enhancer.

Some of the girl's throws were delving five or six floors away, leaving small pillars of flame and screaming victims. Who then became pillars of flame.

...It was a DAMN good thing she was immune to this stuff, considering how much fire she was spraying in all directions.

With a glance at her bio stats... Adam decided to slow her progress slightly. Her rate was so fast, she could easily afford to lose a single cp or two if he was careful retrieving them.

Because Vault Hunters exploring Pandora couldn't find safe food or water, the ECHO systems would normally ensure small things like that or using the bathroom were handled through minute changes when using the teleportation systems or during resurrection... options Sarah didn't have.

So instead, Adam was going to 'waste' a few cp by directly using them to help her recover. Long term wise, this was not the best option when using something so valuable as 'Choice Points'... but Sarah didn't have long term options yet.

Cp after cp were slowly spent as Adam reached through the Avatar connection... and tried to get her body to a more stable condition.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Her arm jerked in an odd direction, destroying her throw attempt, when Sarah got another popup... and a surge of warmth down her spine.

Temporary Boost:
~Health Recovery
~~1cp Purchased! May be recurring until Recovered!

A glance at her HUD's health bar showed the number (And related red color bar) slowly regenerating even as her various pains began to fade and her joints relaxed.

Even the constant thirst seemed to fade, as she let Mr. McStabberson aim downwards.

A glance at her fingers showed the tiny knicks, the older scars, and the torn skin all slowly fading away, showing new (and clean) skin for the first time in what felt like forever.

With a raspy chuckle (How long had it been since she felt safe enough to make noise?), Sarah stood in the blue flames that hugged her tiny (But now growing) room... and prepared to throw again, keeping her attention on her ever growing CP Bar.

After all... now she had goals!

~~~Broken Adventure~~~


Turns out, throwing spikes through all the walls (And the floor, and the ceiling), while filling the resulting holes with unnatural flames?

Not good for structural integrity.

She got out safely with Mr. McStabberson, but even with the entire hallway glowing with her blue lines of flame etched on each surface, she still felt less safe.

Sarah kept her spear sized spike aimed forward as she cautiously moved to find some dead end, a safe place to go back to spear fishing some monsters.

Her progress was slowed by having to use her weak connection to shift the flames, by moving the almost silent inferno forward with her steps... But the advantage of being surrounded by a blue lattice of prepared fire was too useful to give up.

And when she used it in this strange marking form, it was much easier to see and manipulate than when she simply filled the hallways and tunnels with an inferno.

It was like a leashed puppy. Happy to be here, but eager to prance about and 'meet' new people!

Another sudden scream of pain and rage showed that another monster (Or the same one? Hard to tell.) had managed to get within the range of her markings.

Of course, the bright blue flames flaring up was a solid hint as well.



Sarah jerked her weapon in several directions before noticing the alert window.

Skills, Abilities, and Powers:
~~{Looter Shooter: -200cp, free for the duration of the jump} Purchased!
<<Remaining: 3cp>>

What? Oh, she had 'Leveled up', It now listed her as a 'LV 1 Jumpchain Child'. A thought had her bring up the full interface from her ECHO system.

Seeing a new tab, 'Skills, Abilities, and Powers', she opened it and selected 'Looter Shooter' to see the details.

[Bandits, dangerous animals, ancient alien constructs and just about everything in this world that will put up a fight with you seems to have something at least semi-usable on its person that just falls off of them the moment they die... Or you could just start checking inside random Portable toilets, dumpsters, and just about anything that's unlocked and find something. The quality of the med kits, bullets, grenades, grenade mods, firearms, shields, class modifications (etc.) that you get from your scavenging varies wildly with better and more loot or even unique and powerful drops often coming from those that are the most dangerous in the area. Of course since you're paying for the drops here each piece of equipment is guaranteed to work via benefactor Fiat for as long as you own it.]

She blinked as there was a set of notes listed below it.

[Due to Drawbacks, no currency will be available from any drops.]
[Weapons are most commonly found, followed by single use items, with rare items like shields and grenade modifications least likely. This ratio may change next Jump.]

...Did she NEED more weapons?

Remembering the hours of near silent crawling from each hiding location to the next safe area, Sarah nodded.


Yes she did.

Going back to the top of 'Skills, Abilities, and Powers', she examined 'Next Upgrade', currently set to {Legendary Luck: -400cp, Drop-In: -200cp}.

Selecting it opened interesting details.

[Probability works in strange ways around you. You seem to find a lot of loose change on the ground and always find the necessary part to repair that broken thing in a very timely manner. If there's a fork in the road you always seem to guess the one that leads to your destination. Shrapnel from explosives seems to fly "around" instead of "through" you. Patrols that hear you might discount the sound as the wind or a mouse. An enemy with a perfect killshot on you might even have their perfectly clean gun jam. Beware though, as Luck has only so much power over the world around you. If you get surrounded by a horde of enemies with guns, they won't all jam, and there's sure as hell no lucking your way out of getting incinerated by a nuke.]

With more notes:

[Due to Drawbacks, no currency will be available from any drops.]
[Note, Mission Objective: Survive.]

...Still. "..."

Cough, how long had it been? "H...Hello?"

No response. Not surprising, really. "Can... Can I choose something else instead?"

The blue flames etched into the surroundings pulsed slowly.

She looked at the display. "I just... I don't want to trust luck. Never went well enough for me. Could... could I pick something else?"

<<Jumpchain Update Version 0.002 in Progress>>

~~~Broken Adventure~~~


Right, Don't just dump everything in there, poor girl has enough on her shoulders already.

Adam grumbled as he rewrote the 'Skill Tree' subsystem normally used by Borderlands to show information from the Jumpchain Document.

Obviously, tiers weren't needed... if you had the cp, you could pick anything you wanted really. Instead, he had set up sections:

'Skills, Abilities, and Powers', 'Gear and Supplies', and some read only parts that showed the previously made choices for this Jump, and finally! The selected Drawbacks that currently apply to her. That one was disabled for now, even Adam wasn't sure about what was on there.

Dump in the data, clean up the text, make the prices a bit more obvious... there.

...Adam wasn't sure how to feel about this really.

Normally he just had an idea, went with it, and handled anything that came along in the process. Having someone flat out reject his opinions hadn't happened in a long, LONG time... but all this WAS her life.

He was just worried she was about to destroy it.

What if she picked something powerful but expensive? And he would be unable to use the cheaper options to hopefully bend the rules a bit?

What if only the 'fun' and not practical items were chosen?

In the end, he needed to trust that she knew best, despite his abilities and history and, well to be honest, Adam's ego usually said that his way was the best way.

Could he do that?

...Well, best find out.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Sarah looked at the long list of options in awe.

Not just new abilities, but vital equipment and potential skills impossible to imagine at her fingertips!

Tempting was the {The Basics: 100cp, Vault Hunter: 0cp}, which would give her two guns, some grenades and an energy shield... well, that and the {Storage Deck: 100cp}, which would let her ECHO system access an inventory... with her new 'Looter Shooter' skill she would need something to hold all the junk she would find.

But right now, her focus drifted to find something that was less physical. Items could come later, abilities couldn't be taken away so easily... she needed to know that if her situation changed again, she would still have options.

Her breath caught. What was {Bad Ass: 200cp}? For that cost it couldn't be something stupid like an unlimited supply of suits and sun glasses.

Selecting the option, she checked its features:

[You are a particularly imposing specimen of... whatever you are. You're in peak physical condition, or maybe a little bit farther, and your pain tolerance is MUCH higher than normal. Expect to be able to run around in truly heavy armor, or win fistfights against even Pandora's animal life. Alternatively, any creature you summon with the Phone A Friend skill is much tougher than it should be.]

Her finger shook as she read the text.

...This was it!

Years, decades, Jumps of pain!

Never able to retain all those hard earned muscles and well worked bodies, never able to build up reflexes and skills to an intuitive level!

Her kidnapper would shove her somewhere, and she quickly learned that if she didn't gain technical knowledge it would be a waste at the end of the Jump. Her body was discarded, and she wasn't allowed to gain any Perks or Skills or Abilities that would allow her to retain all that hard effort.

In desperation she had spent lifetimes studying mental tricks for memorization, learning languages, strategy... as information was all she could gather, she collected everything!

But now!

Now she could learn how to fight without being trapped in the weakened body of an untrained young woman! Weapons and tools that she had to forgo or abandon due to being unable to adapt, unable to truly train... All within her grasp!

Luck might let her find an extra bullet or dodge a bad blow, but a peak body? One that would allow her to dominate rather than resort to only trickery and strategy for every fight!?

She couldn't confirm her choice fast enough, seeing the 0/200cp 'Bad Ass' now listed on her Choice Points progress bar as the next goal!

Well, it was actually at 13/200cp, thanks to a few more screaming bonfires. Or maybe a single Alien monster too dumb to learn from previous mistakes.

With a vicious grin, she stabbed the ground again. Her spike continued pumping flame markings into the surroundings again, her guiding attention tightly focused.

First, find another safe, dead end corridor.

Next, trap the hell out of it with these strange flame marks. Odd things, able to instantly incinerate a monster but not even char wooden boxes or melt rock... they were the safest delaying tactics she could deploy.

Hide a bit, get a body that could actually fight... and then. THEN.

Then... she would hunt!

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Adam watched what seemed to be a mentally challenged 'Alien' creature run right back from the 'New-U' station... and mindlessly jump RIGHT BACK into Sarah's flame rune minefield.

And burst into flames.

And die.


It seemed to be one of the 'Undying Foe' drawbacks, ones that were supposed to always survive, always find you, and never be reasoned with or able to be trapped.

But... this one had so many drawbacks pushing it to attack that it was nearly brain dead.

It wasn't able to plan. To set ambushes. To gather allies.

Instead, reality itself was forcing this stupid thing to just... jump in the flames. Again. Because that was the fastest way to get to its target.

No wonder this moron was worth so many choice points, it was INTENDED to be an unstoppable, adapting, immortal foe.

Not just... experience fodder.

Adam sighed as his crystals went through another cycle of expansion, connecting to more esoteric sections of the Warehouse, then contraction as 'Purification' scanned the setup to 'Research', cleansed that area from taint and corrosion, and then scanned it again so 'Research' could suggest modifications and optimizations.

This was why there were limits on 'Drawbacks' and 'Flaws' normally. They could interact badly (Or if you were clever (Or lucky), in a beneficial way), and cause all kinds of odd effects.

Case in point, offering respawning to the Aliens AND the Predators on this planet.

From what Adam could tell, when this world was set up (A massive laboratory like expanse covering a whole planet, full of tunnels and traps and random items and stuff to make it easier for monsters and harder for the Jumper), things started normally.

A massive number of monsters, those psycho hunters that had arm nukes and grenades and spike launchers and stuff.

Then the Hunters found out that suicide attacks didn't end the hunt. Their ammo and bombs ran out quickly soon after that little note.

And the Monsters found out death was temporary too... So why be clever?

No reason to ambush and be stealthy and smart when you could just run screaming at a target, slaughter it or die covering them in massive sharp body parts and acidic blood, then return after respawn to eat the whole mess.

Adam felt a low level of humor that the effect of granting immortal, never ending combat was a bunch of lazy fighters who were not bothering to improve themselves.

Definitely good for Sarah though.

Speaking of which, Adam was not exactly sure why the girl was able to not only convert his Blue Flames into runes but manipulate them. Why exactly could she control those marks, move them, or set more like explosive candy?

No idea.

But it certainly took a heavy weight of stress right off HIS shoulders. Gave him more time to just slowly integrate into the Warehouse systems and hopefully begin stabilizing the big mess.

Ironically, the dickish nature of the Sponsor helped here.

She had no items nor advanced features selected for her Warehouse already... and that means none of those portions were damaged when the bastard took everything and scarpered.

Unlike 'Choice Points', 'Warehouse Points' seemed to be generated naturally over time with a portion being awarded to the Jumper after each Jump they complete, the rest going to the person in charge. Adam in this case.

He paused... and sighed.

Right, he had to have Sarah involved in this part too. It was HER Warehouse after all, and it wouldn't be right to spend her collected energy on stuff unless it was a life or death situation.

Which, from what Adam could tell, this no longer qualified as.

He smirked as the monster, again, sprinted from the New-U station to immediately commit suicide on Sarah's traps.

Yeah, she could handle this.
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Ah, Sarah is probably gonna worship Adam after she see's him, in whatever form he's in currently, when the Jump ends. Poor kid.

Let's just take a second to appreciate the fact that Adam's Blue Flames are labelled "Impossible Flames" by a Jumpchain, which is a ROB operated system. How high is Adam on the Omnipotent Being tier listings?!
Speaking of which, Adam was not exactly sure why the girl was able to not only convert his Blue Flames into runes. Nor why she could control those marks, move them, nor set more like explosive candy.
This line is quite messy in terms of grammar and flow. Below are possible revisions:
"Speaking of which, Adam was not exactly sure why the girl was able to not only convert his Blue Flames into runes, but also control those marks, move them, and set more like explosive candy."
"Speaking of which, Adam was not exactly sure why the girl was able to convert his Blue Flames into runes. Nor why she could control those marks, move them, and set more like explosive candy."
All hail our new Adam and His apostle!

No, but seriously, this feels like he's either unintentionally creating the start of a pantheon (of BLUE flames!) or just creating the most loyal follower to ever believe (except Rockette, of course).

Thank you for the amazing chapter!
This line is quite messy in terms of grammar and flow. Below are possible revisions:
"Speaking of which, Adam was not exactly sure why the girl was able to not only convert his Blue Flames into runes, but also control those marks, move them, and set more like explosive candy."
"Speaking of which, Adam was not exactly sure why the girl was able to convert his Blue Flames into runes. Nor why she could control those marks, move them, and set more like explosive candy."
I went ahead and fixed this and several other problems.
Yeah best little sister have the mind/soul of a badass and soon the body.

The 'ROBs' are not prepared if this is the standard 'behavior'. Specially so if the MC get more little sister/brothers.
Xenomorph: The New-u Station is now my home, the outside is evil and wants to murder me with it's blue fire and extending spikes
Meh, I can go with impossible flames being the cheap way to word things. Basically, it's fire that isn't mundane, magic, psionic, life, or chakra based. There are cultivating jumps so it should be able to ID them rather easily.

Nah, just being lazy with the wording. Impossible means none standard and physic denying apparently.

I'm guessing she has plenty of experience using things like magic systems and other things. She has never gotten to keep anything though.

Besides, it could be like the classic old rusty sword that needs renewing/reforging into the master legendary blade sort of text. She has a nice general purpose melee weapon that gives her a range effect.

I like how she was wanting choices. Adam shrugged and decided to give them to her. I'll be honest, insane luck is one of those picks that I usually pick up after awhile. The first pick though? It's always that peak human body.

I can feel her utter glee. She's had training and experience. She has previously built herself into a badass over and over again. She kept getting knocked down to the basics though. Reset without any gains. This one perk might not sound like much, but to her? It restores lots of physical ability... Oh damn yeah. She's thrilled with the mere idea of it.

I love how all the drawbacks are working to her advantage here. With that enemy flaw, she's got a constant supply of CP coming in.

It's fun to see how Adam has reworked the system to give her a jump based rewards/gamer interface. It sort of reminds me of the essence body mod a bit. She sees her perks and needs to earn CP to unlock 'em. Oh, hell does she feel like she's finally making progress.

I'd love for Adam to only interact with her through dialog popups and them both ending up agreeing her forming benefactor was a meanie that wanted her to suffer before dying. It won't take her long to find out that Adam isn't her kidnapper and that he is vastly improving her life in little ways. He may be limited in how he communicates with her for a bit. Limits don't really mean much to Adam though.
Anyone else think Sarah may eventually ask to speak with the 'Admin' and Adam makes a tiny chibi Skelly to talk with her?

Honestly just thinking of Sarah interacting with a chibi Skelly is stuck in my head now.
Well thanks @theaceoffire, that is an amazing start to my weekend. I love that the thing that is gonna bind Sarah to Adam like super glue is that after 200 years of being kicked around and having her potential stolen/crippled Adam just rocks up and gives her a choice. A say in how her life will go. For someone who has survived 20 jumps with less than a metaphorical (and literal) pocket knife and some chewing gum, she's just been given the equivalent of a stocked workshop, a full meal, and warm blanket and been told "Alright, you take the lead".

Also, if she doesn't just burn the world down around her first, I foresee her setting traps around all the NewU stations to infinitely farm that cp. Or destroy the station so nothing can spawn from there, but honestly she seems ready to Hunt and exploit this for as long as it lasts.
The description of the Aliens and Predators on the Deathworld.
*head tilt* Yeah, I can see them basically going full Khorne with that setup. So basically, the Aliens and the Predators have the mindset of the Terminators, with zero creativity. I can see that being a problem, right up to the point that something unforeseen occurs... Then the entire mess breaks down.

20 Jumps means that Sarah is over 200 years old, with the majority of that being ritualistically abused. My first thought on what she needs for her next jump would be either a Pony Friendship intervention, or ten years of solid telepathic therapy on Betazed.

So, if this wasn't Adam's precursor causing this mess, I'm getting a sense of GlaDOS flavored bullshit going on.
Ah, Sarah is probably gonna worship Adam after she see's him, in whatever form he's in currently, when the Jump ends. Poor kid.

Let's just take a second to appreciate the fact that Adam's Blue Flames are labelled "Impossible Flames" by a Jumpchain, which is a ROB operated system. How high is Adam on the Omnipotent Being tier listings?!
well now that leads to a very interesting line of thought. if a large portions of ROB's were made by jumpchains since that was referred to as the method to make more ROB's then I imagine a fair number of them just got to a certain point of power gifted to them and Stopped once that brute force lever was enough. They were once a normal person given power in an incubation of sorts through jumpchain.

Adam is a bit different he's the result of what he is through a very broken jumpchain process that left him in a state where he's done nothing but RESEARCH and GROW in power all while finding new ways to power including concept based powers and such.

what it's coming up to me as is that regular chain ROB's might get their powers to a certain point and just to screw around and do what they want. some may explore their powers maybe some chase more power but why? to them they probably won't come across anything that can take them since it's so rare to actually find anything like that they might not even *know* about them and then bite it when running across one of those rare entities. Karma wall being one of them.

or they could just not be able to grow in power like the chain allowed after the process is done and that's why we have a ROB abusing the system like this and sucking power from it trying to get more for themself.

in a way adam is made from a fragmented part of the jumpchain process instead of just being a person empowered by it while overseen by a ROB so he very well may not stop growing in power since for others it could just very well be when the chain's done that's it poof done. :p

or to put it another way jumpchain ROB's were made with limits far out odd ones but some limits were there to be seen by the overseer and the jumper.

adam has never seen a limit's just walls to smash through :p
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And Adam continues to demonstrate why he is the best ROB around. Able to put his ego aside, when past experience has taught him that he is usually correct, all for giving a scared and traumatized girl that sweet manna from on high. Options. Choice. The means to strike back against her tormentors with a bone spear of flame.

That comes with fire trap runes and Dawnbreaker style exploding enemies.... which is freaking awesome :D

Also, I love the fact that the drawbacks intended to have her face a horror movie style monster made it an EXP farm... and I'm looking forward to seeing how much she can grind and profit from the former assholes gorno snuff film stage now that she can actually fight back.
Yeah best little sister have the mind/soul of a badass and soon the body.

The 'ROBs' are not prepared if this is the standard 'behavior'. Specially so if the MC get more little sister/brothers.
wouldn't it be Daughter rather then sister, since jumpchains are apparently how certain beings reproduce with the warehouse basically acting as an egg and Adam "converting" the egg, isn't Sarah pretty much Adam's kid now? Even the extra abilities of Adam's bone could just be Sarah tapping into her spiritual heritage
wouldn't it be Daughter rather then sister, since jumpchains are apparently how certain beings reproduce with the warehouse basically acting as an egg and Adam "converting" the egg, isn't Sarah pretty much Adam's kid now? Even the extra abilities of Adam's bone could just be Sarah tapping into her spiritual heritage
Well, at the very least she is adopted by means of "Finder's Keepers".
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Arc 3: Where house?
Sarah blinked at her first 'Loot Drop'.

Well, the first one that survived being in the bonfire of her defeated foe anyway. The 'Item Summary' box listed it as a Dahl brand shield:

Wide Eyed Booster Shield
~Chance to drop a shield Booster when damaged.
<<Booster Drop Chance: 15.0% per impact>>
<<Each shield Booster grants +25% shield capacity recharge.>>

Reaching out to pick the strange object up... it vanished.

Wide Eyed Booster Shield:
~Adjusting and Equipping selected item!
<<Capacity, Recharge Delay, Recharge Rate Adjusted!>>
<<Tied adjusted features to energy generation!>>
<<Adjusted features scale with user.>>

A hand movement brought up her current status, the new shield shown there... but no longer physically on her body. Neat.

A quick glance ensured nothing was sprinting at her down the long, trapped hallway. "Uh... Jumpchain? Sir?"


Not unusual. "Right. Uh. Shouldn't I be finding more stuff than just this? I mean..." She looked at her cp bar, which continued to slowly fill. "Yeah, I have a bit of an ongoing kill count at this point."

~Item Drop Rate
~~Until a 'Storage Deck' option is purchased, loot can not auto collect into the Jumper's inventory.
~~~Consider less fire for more items!


No, on second thought, that was entirely reasonable. And she may have been just a little distracted while laughing maniacally and watching her foes burn... who knew how many bullets and guns got slagged by the flames.

In fact, it was likely the shield only survived due to its innate toughness, as required by such a product. They also were supposedly resistant to fire, though she wasn't willing to test it with her 'impossible flames' at the cost of a bit of protection.


The flickering shield around her suddenly spawned several white balls that sort of... bounced to the floor.

...Were these shield Boosters?

But. Why?

A second look explained it. Damn. "Hey, Jumpchain? JC? My shield is activating because of my fire. Which doesn't seem right."


Wide Eyed Booster Shield:
~Adjusting selected item!
~~15cp Spent! Shield heavily changed!
<<Acquired: Blue Burning Booster Shield!>>
<<Remaining: 133cp>>

Sarah blinked. Huh.

That was 'service with a smile', or something like that. Assuming that, like the other recent changes, nothing nefarious had happened. A glance in her interface had her Item Summary function examine the new shield.

Blue Burning Booster Shield, Legendary
~If Fire is the problem, you ain't using enough!
~Chance to drop a Blue Booster when damaged.
<<Shield regenerates capacity slowly when exposed to high heat>>
<<Booster Drop Chance: 25.0% per impact>>
<<Each Blue Booster grants +25% shield capacity recharge.>>
<<Boosters act as landmines for designated targets.>>

...The item was colored orange now, instead of blue. And this was the first (and only) legendary item she had heard of or seen... which wasn't saying much sadly.

But this shield had clearly earned it!

Not only would it no longer drain power fighting off the random fires she exploded everywhere, but now? Now it would actively help her recover from attacks if she was burninating the everything!

Tapping the 'Designated Targets' portion of the comment, a small list showed up: All, Not Me, Not Party, Designate.

...Well, she had no 'Party' to protect yet, everything here wanted to kill her, and there was no reason to waste time with 'Designate' since she could just go with the obvious 'Not Me' option.

Something about this ability to choose future landmine contestant winners did feel off though... it was likely that before the expensive modification, such a feature was impossible.

That said, she was perfectly happy slowing down her beloved body upgrade by a few hours if that meant she could no longer be headshot by the hunters anymore.

She hadn't seen one yet, and this moronic monster was driving away most of the creatures in the area due to its constant death screams and so such, but her kidnapper had been happy to explain just how screwed she was before it dumped her into this world of nightmares.

Something tense inside relaxed as she watched the flickering shield shimmer, the bar in the bottom left filling up with energy and the low level flames calming down now that her new protection wasn't setting them off.

Still... she looked at the hallway full of flames.

...Might not be able to gather anything until she unlocked an inventory and turned on autocollect. Unless the drops were fire grenade mods, flame based guns, or more shields.

A distant frustrated scream made her blink as another 2cp dropped into her hands.

Right, she was messing with the monsters by creating 'safe paths' with hidden flame mark surprises.

Best get back on that.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Adam blinked, having been messing with some of the stranger parts of the Warehouse.

He hadn't been the one to approve that shield modification.

Not directly.

Apparently, the more integrated he became with the Warehouse, the more 'automated' the various processes developed.

Oh, he could override anything, and he could set rules for his systems to follow... but some part of his nature saw Sarah's request, made some design choices, determined the cp cost, and made the sale... all automatically.

Thankfully it went alright THIS time, but just in case Adam put an alert system in place. Any attempts at using cp in the future would need direct approval if it wasn't a level up from the ECHO system.

Sure, it seemed to pull from his own concepts of what would be a good idea to try... but he wasn't fully incorporated yet. Who knows what strange stuff could happen if he let his subconscious automate this whole mess!

...Probably more peanuts, Baku, and silly things.

Best keep on top of that.

For now, he approved a daily expenditure of one cp to ensure she was fed, hydrated, and didn't need biological issues like bathroom breaks or showers. A stopgap until she earns the 'Bad Ass' body modification, which should be enough of a change (and loophole) for him to ensure her ECHO system properly took over her basic needs.

It shouldn't be a problem as the cp continued to roll in, the girl's never ending bonfire keeping the night stalkers exploded and easily harvested.

He also hoped they could get some dialogue going. There were some emergency options in the Warehouse that might let them bug out of this death world earlier than the mandatory 10 year stay listed. Or was it longer? The drawbacks argued on the issue.

Downside, the Warehouse was shafted. Badly. The longer she stayed here, the more wp he could get together to make this place stable, maybe set up some needed upgrades, and so on. The energy sort of built up the longer this place was stuck in one reality... like a weak solar panel or something exposed to sunlight.

The topic would only be brought up if she managed to find a safe and secure methods to harvest this murder pit for profit. Adam wasn't going to risk her life just to make his repair job easier... but she would probably enjoy a bit of time to adjust to being super powerful and enjoy life on the winning side for once.

Hell, she might insist on staying to earn more of these Perks, Abilities, and Special Skills. More than a few would be useful in other worlds, and even more were rare... only available in a place messed up like this one.

At least she was now stable. No longer was the risk of the Warehouse cracking open to the Void a significant issue, and the Warehouse seemed stable enough to endure at least two more jumps instead of near fracturing with each action.

Adam meanwhile was focused on the Warehouse itself... and what to try and fix first.

Ignoring some of the fancy things for now (Such as 'Second Reality' and 'Adaptive Inactive Storage'), Adam examined the bare needs listed. Obviously, the jerk in charge didn't spring for the 'Personal Reality' option.

So Sarah was left with the 'Warehouse', which came with 'Starting Space':

{Starting Space: 0wp} [Your Personal Reality starts out with a volume of 80 x 80 x 10 meters, so 6,400 square meters of floor space or 64,000 cubic meters of storage volume. In the archaic and silly 'Imperial' measuring system this translates to 262.5 x 262.5 x 32.8 feet, so 68,889 square feet or 2,260,138 cubic feet.]

And that was it. Looking further down confirmed Adam's suspicion.

{Access Key: 0wp} [This is a special key which lets you access your Warehouse and its contents. When inserted into any door with a lock, the door can be opened to reveal a gateway into your Warehouse at a predetermined location within it. You are the only person who can take the key out of the lock, the gateway remains open as long as the key is in the lock, and if key is ever lost or stolen you will find it in your pocket a few minutes later. You cannot close the door as long as you are inside the Warehouse.]

Yep. Free. And of course the asshole Sponsor didn't 'Purchase' this free option. Not sure it would be useful, but on the buy pile it goes! No need to buy additional keys or the upgrade 'Portal' generation yet, not unless Sarah can't find ANY doors with a lock on it.

Which uh. Might be an issue. This planet was mostly trap filled hallways with passages, not so much locked door security warren. Didn't matter much yet anyway, the Warehouse would be deadly if she tried to show up right now... Stuff to look over later. Moving on!

{Security System: 0wp}[Anybody coming in and out of your Warehouse is now checked for any authorization you've given them to access it; and should anything about said authorization (or a lack of it) raise any flags in the system, then you will receive a warning about it. This allows you to define just what sorts of authorization different individuals can have to access your Warehouse, anything from No Access through Temporary Access and Limited Access to Unlimited Access is possible. All this does is notify you. It does not stop them on its own. A Keyholder's Access cannot be limited by the Security System. Only hand out Keys to those you trust implicitly.]

So... a needed freebie that let later purchase options work properly. Fair enough, but even the JUMPER couldn't survive in the Warehouse right now... no need for security until THAT was fixed first. Obviously.

Add a loft? A basement? Not now.

{Environmentally Neutral: 0wp}[By default, the temperature in your Warehouse is never too hot nor too cold, the air will always smell faintly musty but scent neutral, and the air will always be breathable... even if two different species with different atmospheric requirements are present in it at the same time... Well, as long as both species are there with permission. This won't protect breathing invaders.]

Wait, what!? Why wasn't THIS chosen!? That would fix HALF the stuff Adam's Purification was slowly extracting out of the whole structure! And it was damn free too. The enhanced 'Environmental Controls' could be picked up later, the free option would be good enough for now.

{Neutral Lighting: 0wp}[These lights are nothing special, It's a color-neutral, source neutral ambient lighting system. It's not really that bright... think early twilight gloom, but if you want better, install it!]

Useful, better lighting could be done later. Did this mean it had been dark in here in the past without this though?

{Who's Got the Powa: -100wp}[This provides enough electricity to power a city the size of New York City or London, forever, with nary a brown out or power fluctuation ever! It also comes with all the basic wiring hookups, surge protectors, outlets, circuit-breakers, routers, etc, that you might ever need... but you'll probably want to get a qualified electrician in at some point... or pick up a companion who does that kind of thing. Purchase of this supplies all facilities inside your Warehouse with electrical hookups.]

...Sarah had nothing electrical for now. Looking down further, the next power upgrades went pretty insane pretty quick... matching the energy of a star or providing conversion for whatever alien energy requirements might crop up. Neat.

Oh, here was something needed!

{Pipes Pipes Pipes: -100wp}[Purchasing this provides your Warehouse with enough plumbing fixtures to turn the entire volume of your Personal Reality into one massive pool... or anything below that. This provides clean running water with any reasonably common additives you like (chlorine, glacial milk, fluoride), but does not provide a limitless supply, nor does it heat the water. By default, the amount of water this system can produce per day is 1 billion liters or one megaton of water or a block of water 100 meters on a side, and the default temperature of this water is 25 degrees Celsius. It can support any civilian infrastructure on the same scale as Mexico City or Tokyo. Comes only with the basic hookups. You'll need a plumber to do the actual piping. We hear Mario's very good. Bathrooms not included. Purchasing this supplies all facilities inside your Personal Reality with water feeds, and if you've Got the Powa, it will supply hot and cold running water as well!]

Did he have enough wp for this yet? Barely, only 113wp so far. It would have to do. Any other freebies?

{Shelving: 0wp}[Basic metal shelves to keep your goods on, the kind you find in industrial big box stores, sized for pallets and numbered for sorting. You'll get up to as many as will suit your initial space allotment, but if you don't take all of them, you'll need to buy more on your own... they sell them at most business supply warehouses, ironically enough.]

...Fine, why not. Free was free after all.

Looking down the list, the internet stuff, maintenance systems, cell phone service... Was there something for food?

Ideally, you wanted to give the girl water, food, and shelter first. Maybe a good medical station too... you were fixing what you could, but spending cp on keeping her alive and 'healthy' wasn't the best way to spend points really.

Ah, here they were:

{Basic Nutrition: -100wp}[This option provides a basic (if minimalist) food delivery for you and all companions (metered for a normal human dietary requirement). This delivery comes once a week and is the kind of thing you'd buy on a very strict budget; Ramen, Peanut Butter, Generic Cereal, Dry Beans, Fresh Common Veggies, Canned Veggies, Dry Pasta, Salt, Pepper. (Note, you cannot sell the Salt or Pepper for money.)]

{Basic Accommodations: -50wp}[This provides minimalist accommodations for you and each companion. Essentially the same thing you'd get in Basic Training in the military. A barracks with a bunk and a locker and a camp toilet. If you bought Plumbing, this improves to include a communal shower and toilets. In fact, someone need not be a companion for this to work. Anyone you allow into your Personal Reality will be allotted a similar level of basic living quarters, thus allowing you to turn your Personal Reality into a refugee center if you like. If you have Basic Nutrition, this will provide any such guests as you may invite into your Personal Reality with very basic food equal to 1200 Kcal a day, totally vegetarian. This can support up to a maximum of 1 person for every 4 cubic meters of space in your warehouse per day.]

Right, those two together with the plumbing would give her a safe place to sleep, water, something edible, and even usable facilities! Eventually.

For now, with only 113... no, 114wp now, he would have to prioritize.

Let's see... 100wp for the plumbing, the Warehouse should be stabilized thanks to some of the free options, next would be Basic Accommodations for safe sleeping areas and somewhere to relax enough to actually recover. She could last longer without food as long as she could sleep and rehydrate.

Adam quickly looked over the other free items that (thankfully) had no issues since the Sponsor apparently ignored EVERYTHING available here.

{A Week & A Button: 0wp}[You may, at the end of each jump, take 7 Standard Earth Days off before entering your next jump. A button is provided so you can end this down time whenever you so desire. Dying in this period is still dying and will burn a 1-up from the jump you just finished if possible, then from the next jump if available]

{Entrance Hall: 0wp, -50wp*X}[This is the room your Access Key opens a
door to. It starts off as a 5 meter cube with blank white walls, floor, and ceiling, as well as a couple of doors, one leading outside, the other into your Cosmic Warehouse, with additional doors appearing leading to other extensions as these get added to your Warehouse. Feel free to customize this Entrance Hall as you see fit. Additional Halls can, at your discretion, be linked only to certain keys or only to certain extensions. This allows you to have an entry hall just for skiing if you want.]

{The Benefactor Lounge: 0wp}[This installs an optional special room in your Warehouse that exists for the sole purpose of meeting with your Benefactor. It has a limited wet-bar and the furnishings keep changing depending on where you're going next. Head into Generic Western and it might be a Saloon, Head into Star Wars and it might be the Imperial Throne Room. Head in Monty Python and it might be a fish tank. This room exists for you to make builds or ask questions. Your Benefactor is not guaranteed to be in all the time, but you could leave a note. They might even get back to you!]

Adam paused... Huh. Looks like the bastard actually bought these two and the Lounge free options already... all the easier to mock his victim no doubt.

Well, at least Adam would get a chance to say 'hello!' with far less difficulty than expected!

This list though was... very long. Had everything from Garages to Pools to Meditation rooms and Gyms... Most were just convenient methods to organize data gathered from past Jumps, far less needed than food and water and such.

He WAS going to get the 'Greenhouse' for 100wp later though, redundant food sources for the win!

Nope, no, maybe later, uh... maybe? Damn this was a huge list. Oh, another free option! Not exciting though.

{Cleaning Supplies: 0wp}[Infinite supply of any cleaning supplies you might need for cleaning your Warehouse. By default placed into a specific closet, but can be placed elsewhere. These have no actual chemical properties. No using this to get an endless supply of brooms or bleach. Completely safe for all complex lifeforms. Very not safe for viruses, bacteria, amoeba, or household pests.]

Could help with cleansing victims or something to help them survive issues, but hopefully by THAT point Sarah would have access to the 'Medical Bay' and its amazing upgrades.

Adam paused again. There were several items no longer possible due to unnoticed damage... no doubt who was responsible. No 'Pod Rack' to bring people from world to world, no companions, no bringing family or kids gained along the journey... Ouch.

Maybe he could fix that later, but that whole section of code was a massive mess. Best hand it off to 'Research' to see what it could do with the scraps.

And as for using the long 'Limitations' section to earn extra wp? Nope!

Sarah had enough limitations and drawbacks for an army of Jumpers, Adam wasn't going to make her life any more terrible than that, especially not on purpose. Oh, he read them of course... but all were terrible, none were worth the annoyance (or in several cases) danger involved.

Adam made a quick listing of the related items and double checked carefully.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Sarah was trying to dig out a larger room at the end of her secured hallway.

It was slow going.

Her bone spear could pierce the walls easily, but not slash or carve well... so she was treating the side walls like a very large 'Connect-The-Dots' puzzle, slowly punching a line of dots until she could create a pathway.

The blue flame traps were earning her cp on their own easily enough, and didn't need constant oversight... She just needed to spike the floor every hour or so and ensure a new wave of blue landmine markers were carved into the surface.

Each blue, metallic looking scribble contained enough compressed blue flames to instantly kill one of the random creatures trying to hunt her down... and the used up symbols were easy enough to replace.

Her progress was paused by a silent mental alert, now that she had disabled that annoying 'Ding!' sound effect.

~Utilities and Structures
~~{Starting Space: 0wp} Partially Damaged!
~~{Access Key: 0wp} Purchased!
~~{Security System: 0wp} Purchased!
~~{Environmentally Neutral: 0wp} Purchased!
~~{Neutral Lighting: 0wp} Purchased!
~~{Pipes Pipes Pipes: -100wp} Purchased!
~~{Shelving: 0wp} Purchased!
~~{A Week & A Button: 0wp} Partially Damaged!
~Personal Reality Facilities
~~{Entrance Hall: 0wp, -50wp*X} Partially Damaged!
~~{The Benefactor Lounge: 0wp} Partially Damaged!
~Items and Equipment
~~{Cleaning Supplies: 0wp} Purchased!
<<Errors Detected! Correcting.>>
~Utilities and Structures
~~{Starting Space: 0wp}, Restructured!
~~{A Week & A Button: 0wp}, Reconfigured!
~Personal Reality Facilities
~~{Entrance Hall: 0wp, -50wp*X}, Restructured!
~~{The Benefactor Lounge: 0wp}, Under New Management!
<<Remaining: 17wp>>

<<Jumpchain Update Version 0.003 in Progress>>
<<View Change Summary?>>

Sarah stumbled back against the wall, fully distracted as she carefully examined the unexpected mountain of text.

As she automatically began analyzing each line for whatever secret trick would screw her over this time, her attention was caught and entrapped by the most important line: 'Under New Management!'

She broke out into a growing smile as she mentally selected the 'View Change Summary' option, even as the Jumpchain updated in the background.

Her ECHO system was going to get a new section separate from her 'Jumpdoc' store, one specifically for her 'Warehouse' purchases... a feature she was unaware of entirely. Unlike the taunting her Kidnapper enjoyed undergoing between worlds, the bastard never even hinted that she could improve that dark storage place trapped between existences!

And unlike previous updates, this 'Change Summary' had small notes, obviously added to the details. Advice, it seemed. From a guy, or someone or something that identified itself as male.

'He' was trying to fix 'her' Warehouse.

Hers! Not his, but HERS!

Sarah's eyes devoured the notes. She now had a separate progress bar or 'account' listed in this menu section for 'Warehouse Points', easy enough to see. Filled up based on time, not combat... unfortunate but reasonable.

As for the results of these purchases? A safe and secured water access point, actual light to see where she was going, a location that would warn her of intruders, not be too hot or cold, and not allow a creature to chew through the walls or floors or whatever and ambush her at night!

Her next Warehouse upgrade was listed as {Basic Accommodations: -50wp}, with a note to follow it with {Basic Nutrition: -100wp} afterwords... suggested because the 'Basic Accommodations' would stabilize the Warehouse faster and allow her to have a good retreat point.

The flame covered woman chuckled... wait a while longer for food? No issue, especially after those new 'Health Recovery' temporary boost purchases... Though the temptation to just take the food option first and live in the dirty hallway covered in flame landmines was still there, her willpower was stronger than that.

It would be MUCH easier than carving more and more tunnels with only Mr. McStabberson's assistance... and a long nap in an actual bed? More than that, access to a god damned SHOWER!?

She absently tossed her bone weapon through a distant shadow, already envisioning a whole day wasted under running water. CLEAN water!

Sarah WOULD say she'd kill for that, but at this point she was killing just to keep herself entertained until the cp reached enough to earn 'Bad Ass', so that measurement scale was a bit off at this point.
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Still liking this, though I think the Sarah parts are more interesting right now than reading through Adam's defragging of Jumpchain code. Keep up the good work!
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