Adam Adventure Burns was burning.
He had no skin, but burned.
He had no muscles, but burned.
He had no bones, but burned.
He had no nerves... WHY DID HE BURN!?
In the Abyss, in the non-existent nothing, he was invisible, untraceable, and moving at high speed in no direction at a very high, stationary velocity.
As in, he was both moving faster than possible and not moving at all.
The nothingness in the Abyss... it burned.
Honestly, his body was pointless to a certain extent anyway after his upgrades. His powers, biological matter reserves, mechanical storage, all of that was squished in his soul. It was a painless way to avoid death if his body was vaporized, as his mind and all was stored in a place that had no physical component.
On some level, when thinking privately, he had considered himself very lucky and smart to have used such an unreachable location to store his most valuable parts.
Now... the burning was showing him the flaws.
Stuffing one's soul with such things... of course there were consequences. It didn't matter while living, while existing in one place. The soul rarely interacted with others, with anything.
But here... the nothing allowed him to feel his soul.
It was fat. Stuffed. Oddly shaped. And... lumpy.
And burning.
Squishy had reacted before Adam even knew the pain was coming, moving metaphorically next to his soul socket and equipping 'Recovery' instantly.
It wasn't quite fast enough.
His powers, his memories, his abilities... they burned.
Thankfully, 'Recovery' was able to rebuild... and 'Technomancy' had stored multiple copies of his existence in encrypted soul memory files weeks ago, packed along with copies of all the random data he had been gathering.
But this process hurt on a level unimaginable to the man.
Each patch of soul that was irregular was exposed to the consuming nothing. Each crack and flaw burned into an open wound. Squishy was moving, even while screaming in pain, forcing as much of his powers to stay stable as she could.
Even then, she couldn't do everything.
If he was able to think about anything besides the burning, Adam would have been amazed at the changes his soul was undergoing.
'Recovery', after all, adapted.
The shape of a soul was impossible to describe of course, but if one gave up and threw out random words a normal soul tended to be the shape with least imperfections. Something like a multidimensional sphere.
And as he burned, the parts that resisted melded with the new creations generated by 'Recovery'.
His soul socket was the base, the most protected, the most defended part of his existence now. Squishy was bleeding power as she allowed minor damage to occur in his entire being, to allow a far more stable and reinforced soul to form.
He was undergoing something like a refinement.
But all he understood... was the burning.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Ironically, the new pain was so much more mild that he almost cried with relief.
The burning had passed, his nearly crystallized soul having become so stable towards the end that only the smallest, finest, outer most edge was even being consumed by the Abyss.
It also oddly looked like a fishbowl.
Squishy seemed out of it though, although there was some level of jellyfish pride on her bouncy self.
The power charges particles that had been stardust were now small crystals, sand in the bowl. Likely they would form up into tiny gems after a day or so, for Squishy to watch over.
She however, while still a ball with six limbs, was visibly hurt and healing. Thankfully 'Recovery' considered her part of his soul as well.
Her wand was far less 'fairy princess' and now more a glittering star on a steel shaft, 'Conversion' having survived destruction and gained quite a bit of precision and power in the process.
Her hat, 'Technomancy', was now a pair of blue sunglasses. Had neat text scrolling on it too, although he couldn't read it.
'Transfer' looked something like a pair of tentacle wings? Maybe? They kept flickering in and out of existence. If you didn't look closely, they didn't catch the eye.
'Recovery', 'Fire Manipulation', and 'Research' were not really used by Squishy much, so he guessed that was why she didn't have a cute fire fighters outfit or something. With 'Technomancy' running simulations all the time, it was no surprise it had been upgraded from a cute beanie hat into super serious adult glasses.
Alright, fine, they were still adorable.
So, five charges could be saved up now thanks to her having six limbs... they would be needed.
Another spike of pain helped Adam focus.
His soul was stable, but something was... pressing on his existence. Demanding certain... shapes. requirements.
Even as he tried to understand the odd experience, he watched his soul... expand. Even as it healed, uncontrolled soul material was being generated and expelled, clouding his crystal core and wrapping it up into something larger, but still the same size...
Souls were strange.
Suddenly, the pressure vanished as his outer layers of soul seemed to... invert? In a place more theoretical and conceptual than real, he could feel two souls that were inside each other and beside as well, existing as one but in several parts that were bound and free.
And the new soul... had a soul socket!
He must be entering a new Realm!
Any happiness Adam wanted to feel or express vanished as the newly constructed soul was launched out of the Abyss, his screaming unable to stop his blue flame covered soul from being ejected into reality.
This whole trip sucked.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Prey was down, pack was close.
He stood back, waiting for numbers. Even with prey this young, numbers ensured success.
Sap drooled from his wooden jaws, his green eyes carefully ensuring that the two morsels couldn't escape without abandoning their wounded friend.
Oh, they were screaming for help of course, but this far into the woods was their territory. No, the risk here was other hunters hearing the meal call out in distress.
But he would wait for pack.
Each paw moved silently, shifting to cover the closest and easiest escape route.
It was unfortunate that the screams being issued via the blue fireball behind him were only detectable by non-mortal means.
As his wooden body collapsed into scraps of lumber, he had no time to even feel pain.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Adam groaned, his power rapidly testing the new world around him as 'Recovery' tried to heal his... well, his lack of everything.
It failed. Something about this world rejected the templates it was trying to use for 'recovery', a higher power that didn't exist on his last reality.
Thankfully, it almost instantly latched onto the biomass below him, something not quite DNA and not quite raw power providing him a working template, albeit an odd one.
As blue fire, controlled by recovery, began consuming both the materials below him and the nearby grass as well... he felt changes happening.
Mental changes. Nothing negative, but something in the 'Transfer' process was helping him integrate into the new template he had just consumed. If his ability was fully powered, it would likely have given him the local language, social responses, body reflexes and more... but not having to learn how to walk was good enough for now.
He still wanted to keep track of this kind of mental junk though. 'Recovery' automatically stored scans like this in his memory, but maybe he should socket in 'Research' now that he could finally use two powers.
Adam reached into his new soul, and pushed 'Research' into the new socket.
It passed right through.
No connection.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
So... so. So. This was... great.
Turned out, Adam's version of Power Manipulation was just as damaged as everything else he had, even after 'repair'.
True, like he expected, he got a new Soul Socket with every Realm he visited.
But it was NOT just a 'Here you go!' situation.
The reason he would get a new Soul Socket with every Realm was not due to some sick reward system or whatever. If that was the only situation he could have used his own Power Charges to unlock sockets weeks ago.
No, he got new Soul Sockets because each Realm had its own Soul Design. And he got a copy of it when visiting, to allow him to enter it.
This... was bullshit. Planeswalkers didn't have to go through this crap. Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, that reality traveling vampire, he didn't have to deal with this. Even The Doctor from Doctor Who got into other realities without REQUIRING soul burning pain and separated power sets.
Adam knew he was being unreasonable. Planeswalkers had a limited multiverse they could travel, one probably defined by Mana and land/soul connections. Zelretch had to have an alternate existence of himself exist in each world prior to connecting to it... most of the time. At least if he wanted to draw power from himself there. And The Doctor never TRIED to escape his reality, it just happened accidentally once in a while.
But right now, Adam was in pain and willing to be unreasonable.
He had accelerated his personal perception of time to ensure he could mentally adapt to any dangers in this world, so thankfully his rant and sulking session didn't waste important time that could have been used to find safety or whatever.
But eventually, he just had to suck it up.
Squishy had clarified a lot of things during this 'Get over it' period of time.
Why new sockets? Because each Realm had its own rules, restrictions, and more. Magic, for example, acted differently in the Dresden series than in Harry Potter or the Winx Club. Even if the shows and stories he remembered CALLED things similar names, it didn't mean that in reality the two items were even remotely identical.
Squishy could, and DID, travel between the 'two' souls. Even if technically it was the same soul flipped inside out or something. But she couldn't empower or modify which abilities were equipped in a soul she wasn't currently in.
So... 'Worm' soul was set to 'Recovery' for now, and 'WTFWhereAmI' soul was set to 'Nothing', with her waiting there (and recovering) to see what would be needed soon.
After all, if this was Dragon Ball Z or Naruto or something, he would have to get Ki or Chi or Chakra or whatever first thing. And 'Recovery' still worked even while Squishy was in this 'new' soul, so physically he was probably fine. Close to immortal really.
Even though his body was currently being reformed out of what felt like electrified wood.
The hell.
As for 'why separation of powers', creating a power from an outside Realm was very expensive. When in Worm, which had shard based powers, the ability to create new abilities not only was vastly cheaper but examining powers directly from the local reality could reduce creation costs, improve quality, and extend flexibility of existing powers.
Now that he was... here... somewhere. The new powers that conformed to this reality would be so cheap that a single charge would work fine as expected, while enhancing or whatever the Worm abilities was... not suggested. Not while here, anyway. More expensive than repairing his powers directly, which was near infinite charges now.
Why the heck could he breathe!? He was just made of wood, there wasn't even a biological membrane acting as lungs! He could smell things too, 'Recovery' had begun shifting his brain to understand the far wider range of smells available.
The 'Peak' setting of 'Recovery' was going to town as well. The tree a few feet behind him was melting into his 'flesh', the wood drying and expanding as more and more material was added.
Maybe he should turn that off? Or set it to 'Standard'? He was starting to get... large.
Like, on all fours he went from something like a few feet or a meter tall to... this. Four meters, twelve feet tall... and growing. Fast. There had been a lot of tree in that tree. Wait, that sounded stupid.
Yeah, this is stupid. The whole thing is stupid.
A mental pressure on 'Recovery' had his whole system collapse down to the 'original' size, the mass now being forced to compress and enhance quality rather than just making him a huge pile of sticks.
Claws sharper and more dense than metal, limbs that could crush cars, jaws that would shock many brutes from the Worm Realm... and for some reason, unlike the wolf like creature he had started with, his body began growing pine needles. Like fur.
And... now he was a furry green dog. Wolf. Thing.
Just... great. Maybe he could be a pet or something.
The mental image of Narwhal with a collar and leash side tracked him a moment.
Hmm... No, better to not encourage that sort of thing.
His form stabilized, he looked up at the sound of... pain? The smell of blood had been strong, but some part of him had assumed it was just pieces of himself trying to recover, having exploded or something.
There was a wounded horse. With two other horses standing in front of it. No... wait.
His eyes rapidly improved, turning the strange shadows into something that could actually see color and shape. These wolves were made for scent tracking, after all.
That was a wounded, pastel pony. With wings.
And the other two brightly colored ponies were clearly attempting some sort of heroic defense of their comrade.
And one was a unicorn.
He was a Timberwolf, wasn't he?
And he couldn't talk.
Better fix that. And heal the kid. And learn to talk.
And go yell at Squishy. In what way was 'My Little Pony' the best choice to protect him from psychic death angels!?
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Apple Bloom shivered, forcing herself to look as calm as possible as she stood in front of Scootaloo. "We are alright, we can do this. Just... just stay calm, Applejack and Twilight will be here soon."
They wouldn't. They had thought themselves adult enough to go into the Everfree forest to visit Zecora, that it would be fine since they had visited in the past. Why bother telling family about such a short trip?
Sweetie Belle was using what little ability in telekinesis she had to hold up the branch between them and the large timberwolf that had hurt Scootaloo earlier. "Ya, Rarity will find us or... or Rainbow Dash or somepony. Just... remember when we tried for our 'Survivalist' Cutie mark? Hold pressure on it and... and it will be fine."
Apple Bloom glanced at the scarf Sweetie Belle had sacrificed so Scootaloo could stop the bleeding on her leg. It wasn't still bleeding, right? Probably? She glanced at the other branch that she had tried to use as some sort of weapon earlier, broken by the wolf's jaws.
She would stay strong, she would stand between her friend and this beast.
She just wished her hooves would stop shaking.
The massive timberwolf was taller than them, wider and longer, and was even now getting closer. The few teeth that had been damaged from accidentally biting the branches they had used had already regrown. Despite trying to escape for so long, it didn't look remotely tired or concerned about the idea of attacking again.
In her heart, she felt resentment... and a growing fear.
She might not get home today.
As the mass of logs and sticks seemed to prepare to attack again, she tensed her muscles. Earth Ponies may not get to cast awesome spells or fly... but stubbornness?
Bring it.
Then suddenly, the massive wolf... collapsed.
Blue flames arced in the air, twisted like snakes and streamers!
Her eyes sparkled, even as her body gave into the stress and weakness she had been resisting. This must have been Twilight! That had to be her spells! It was a bit of a surprise that the attack was so sudden, normally Fluttershy would have said something or made the wolf back off, but she must have seen how urgent the situation was.
She nearly collapsed as she looked at the other two equally relieved ponies. "See? I said Twilight would find us! Some spell or something. You just hold on Scootaloo, you'll be better in a jiffy!"
Scootaloo was clearly trying to hold herself from crying. "Ah... I know. I knew it. I was just... you know, waiting for it."
Sweetie Belle however seemed to suddenly tense. "Apple Bloom... is it... moving?"
She twisted back. Oh Celestia, it was moving. Even while on fire. "Hey Twilight, I... I think you need to hit it again!"
The forest was filled with the soft crackling of flames. No ponies showed up. No help.
And the pile of fire was...swirling.
Taller. And higher. Her heart dropped as she watched the monster that had hurt her friend explode in size, only able to see part of its legs as it expanded far above her. Blue flames danced over it, before spreading to the tree behind and consuming that as well.
What had they done to deserve this?
With far less optimism, she set her shoulders and dug her hooves in.
There would be no last minute save. No hero trotting to the rescue.
But it would have to go through her first.
Please don't hurt too much.
Even as she prayed... the fire paused.
And collapsed again.
Into a green dog.
It didn't even look like a wolf now. It was covered in green fluffy fur. And had a leaf tongue?
...Was it face-pawing?