High Wall of Lothric 14: Praises Be!
Designated Background Character
- Location
- Out of Focus
You have no idea who those people are. Why is the prince named the same thing as the kingdom? Why are there a bunch of dead knights just scattered around? Is there some sort of fight going on?
"I don't know who either of those are," you begin, "but, uh, I'm not from around here, so I'm not sure what exactly is going o-"
"Thou art a newcomer?" There's a hint of excitement in his voice. "Hast thou not heard the Word of Our Lady's visit by the Angels, and the greatness we shall be blessed with?"
"No, I haven't but that's oka-" you begin, only to be interrupted. You hear the shuffling of footsteps as Hawkwood walks over to check what the sudden commotion that's holding you up is.
"Our Lady Gertrude was blessed by the Divine Heralds themselves, who descended to tell her of the Truth." He gently places his halberd down next to him as he speaks. "To see such beings in person cost her greatly, yet she paid the price willingly, for she felt the knowledge too valuable to refuse. They took her voice and sight, but in return she was granted Truth."
You and Hawkwood turn and look at each other, befuddled.
"Ascension!" He continues. "We shall rise from our frail mortal bodies, and become the true masters of this world! Our Lady hath foreseen it! The Prince has rejected this world for the falsehood that it is, and soon we will be granted enlightenment!" At this point the knight is shouting out every word.
"What is he saying?" Hawkwood asks.
"Why're you asking me?" you reply, before you shout back down towards the knight. "That's nice and all bu-"
"Us lowly beings shall be granted this Truth upon the Flame's End! The death of the Flame shall come at long last soon, never to return, and the lies of the False Gods shall be revealed for the deceptions that they are!" He falls to his knees, and you swear you hear sniffing. Is he crying? "Praise be unto our Lady Gertrude, for it was she who sacrificed her very being to deliver unto us this knowledge! WE ARE UNWORTHY!" He repeats this, chanting it over and over with his arms outstretched towards the heavens.
The Flame's death? Seeing as your supposed to link the thing, whatever, that actually means, you don't think you can afford to just let it die.
"Well, we were awakened to link the fire so..."
"Is that so?" The knight asks, standing up once again. The passionate delivery of his sermon vanishes almost entirely, replaced by a cold professionalism. "I am sorry, but infidelity cannot be tolerated." Despite this, you can hear genuine remorse in his words. "No threat to our Lady Gertrude, nor her vision, can be allowed, no matter the source. When thou hath accepted thy death, I shall be ready to deliver it."
"Hawkwood, a little help here?" you growl under your breath.
"You are mistaken, my good Ser!" Hawkwood calls out. "You did not let the girl finish what she was saying!"
"Thy companion hath revealed unto me thine aspirations! Thou seeketh to have the flame be linked once more!"
"No, no, you misunderstand! We were awoken to link the flame, yes, but that doesn't mean we're going to!" He says. It's obvious to you that Hawkwood is lying, but the Knight isn't able to see the more subtle body movement from so far away, let alone the angle and the helmet that covers the knight's head.
"If so, then for what purpose is thou here?" The knight asks.
"Lothric is where the lands of the Lords of Cinder converge. Perhaps we merely wished to see such a place for ourselves. Would it be prudent to attack potential converts?"
Hawkwood taps your shoulder, motioning towards the ladder that leads down to a lower level, which you are quite happy to descend and get away from the creepy knight.
Below, you find yourself on a small balcony. There's a doorway that enters into the building you had just been on top of. Part of the railing to the side is smashed apart, and a rickety wooden platform was installed. The platform connects to another nearby balcony, which has a ladder that descend down further down to the ground level. Also on the platform is a hastily boarded up wall, that you could probably easily break into if you felt inclined.
"That was close. Thanks for the save there." You say to Hawkwood. While he has to bother with climbing, the fall is nothing much for you to handle.
"I honestly am surprised he believed me." Hawkwood says as he drops to the balcony. "You have to be more careful with what you say. Those who are hollowing are especially prone to being easily provoked."
"For example." Hawkwood says, gesturing to the hollow.
"Honestly, if we weren't in the poorer districts, you'd probably have been ripped to shreds by now." Hawkwood
You roll your eyes. "Do you really have room to talk?"
"This isn't a competition Sayaka. Just try and be a bit more careful when dealing with hollows is all I'm saying." Hawkwood sighs, before he turns. "So where to now?"
You have two paths ahead of you it seems, either enter the building on on the balcony, or descend further down the other ladder nearby, which would would most likely take you down to the same level that the strange knight was at. "We should be getting near our destination."
"Which would be?" In hindsight you probably should've asked this sooner.
"The Lothric Cathedral. We'll be meeting with the High Priestess of Lothric, although judging from how things are looking I'm not sure how much influence she has over what's going on."
"We're not meeting with the King?" Isn't the royalty supposed to come on out when you set out on these legendarily important missions?
Hawkwood shrugs, so it looks like he doesn't know either. You turn and look up at the sky. Night is creeping ever closer, so hopefully you'll be able to find somewhere safe to stay.
Where shall you proceed?
[] Head into the building. You hear footsteps, both heavy and light, along with some some muffled conversation in the distance.
[] Head down the ladder. If the end is in sight, you may as well go for it.
[] See if you can break open that boarded up wall. Who knows what you'll find inside...
[] Write in
[] Have Sayaka heal:
[] Use Estus (1 charge remaining) on:
"I don't know who either of those are," you begin, "but, uh, I'm not from around here, so I'm not sure what exactly is going o-"
"Thou art a newcomer?" There's a hint of excitement in his voice. "Hast thou not heard the Word of Our Lady's visit by the Angels, and the greatness we shall be blessed with?"
"No, I haven't but that's oka-" you begin, only to be interrupted. You hear the shuffling of footsteps as Hawkwood walks over to check what the sudden commotion that's holding you up is.
"Our Lady Gertrude was blessed by the Divine Heralds themselves, who descended to tell her of the Truth." He gently places his halberd down next to him as he speaks. "To see such beings in person cost her greatly, yet she paid the price willingly, for she felt the knowledge too valuable to refuse. They took her voice and sight, but in return she was granted Truth."
You and Hawkwood turn and look at each other, befuddled.
"Ascension!" He continues. "We shall rise from our frail mortal bodies, and become the true masters of this world! Our Lady hath foreseen it! The Prince has rejected this world for the falsehood that it is, and soon we will be granted enlightenment!" At this point the knight is shouting out every word.
"What is he saying?" Hawkwood asks.
"Why're you asking me?" you reply, before you shout back down towards the knight. "That's nice and all bu-"
"Us lowly beings shall be granted this Truth upon the Flame's End! The death of the Flame shall come at long last soon, never to return, and the lies of the False Gods shall be revealed for the deceptions that they are!" He falls to his knees, and you swear you hear sniffing. Is he crying? "Praise be unto our Lady Gertrude, for it was she who sacrificed her very being to deliver unto us this knowledge! WE ARE UNWORTHY!" He repeats this, chanting it over and over with his arms outstretched towards the heavens.
The Flame's death? Seeing as your supposed to link the thing, whatever, that actually means, you don't think you can afford to just let it die.
"Well, we were awakened to link the fire so..."
"Is that so?" The knight asks, standing up once again. The passionate delivery of his sermon vanishes almost entirely, replaced by a cold professionalism. "I am sorry, but infidelity cannot be tolerated." Despite this, you can hear genuine remorse in his words. "No threat to our Lady Gertrude, nor her vision, can be allowed, no matter the source. When thou hath accepted thy death, I shall be ready to deliver it."
"Hawkwood, a little help here?" you growl under your breath.
"You are mistaken, my good Ser!" Hawkwood calls out. "You did not let the girl finish what she was saying!"
"Thy companion hath revealed unto me thine aspirations! Thou seeketh to have the flame be linked once more!"
"No, no, you misunderstand! We were awoken to link the flame, yes, but that doesn't mean we're going to!" He says. It's obvious to you that Hawkwood is lying, but the Knight isn't able to see the more subtle body movement from so far away, let alone the angle and the helmet that covers the knight's head.
"If so, then for what purpose is thou here?" The knight asks.
"Lothric is where the lands of the Lords of Cinder converge. Perhaps we merely wished to see such a place for ourselves. Would it be prudent to attack potential converts?"
(Fooling a Hollowing Zealot(Save): 75 vs DC of 70)
"I see, I hath been led astray..." The humongous man drops to one knee, his massive halberd clattering to the ground beside him. He turns his head upwards, staring at the horizon. "Forgive this lowly servant for his erroneous ways!" He calls out to nobody in particular, as he clasps his hands together. The knight remains in that position, quietly muttering to himself in a way that seems like prayer of some sort.
Hawkwood taps your shoulder, motioning towards the ladder that leads down to a lower level, which you are quite happy to descend and get away from the creepy knight.
Below, you find yourself on a small balcony. There's a doorway that enters into the building you had just been on top of. Part of the railing to the side is smashed apart, and a rickety wooden platform was installed. The platform connects to another nearby balcony, which has a ladder that descend down further down to the ground level. Also on the platform is a hastily boarded up wall, that you could probably easily break into if you felt inclined.
"That was close. Thanks for the save there." You say to Hawkwood. While he has to bother with climbing, the fall is nothing much for you to handle.
"I honestly am surprised he believed me." Hawkwood says as he drops to the balcony. "You have to be more careful with what you say. Those who are hollowing are especially prone to being easily provoked."
(Surprise!: 52)
It's then that a crossbow bolt slams into the wall right next to your head. Turning, you see a hollow with a crossbow stare blankly at you, before it panickedly tries to reload its crossbow.
"For example." Hawkwood says, gesturing to the hollow.
(Literally One Dude: 59 + 20 = 79)
You idly toss a sword at the hollow, piercing his chest. The hollow stumbles backwards, before it falls off the back of the platform it was standing on. You soon hear the sound of a body hitting a surface, with the added jingle of metal banging against stone.
"Honestly, if we weren't in the poorer districts, you'd probably have been ripped to shreds by now." Hawkwood
You roll your eyes. "Do you really have room to talk?"
"This isn't a competition Sayaka. Just try and be a bit more careful when dealing with hollows is all I'm saying." Hawkwood sighs, before he turns. "So where to now?"
You have two paths ahead of you it seems, either enter the building on on the balcony, or descend further down the other ladder nearby, which would would most likely take you down to the same level that the strange knight was at. "We should be getting near our destination."
"Which would be?" In hindsight you probably should've asked this sooner.
"The Lothric Cathedral. We'll be meeting with the High Priestess of Lothric, although judging from how things are looking I'm not sure how much influence she has over what's going on."
"We're not meeting with the King?" Isn't the royalty supposed to come on out when you set out on these legendarily important missions?
Hawkwood shrugs, so it looks like he doesn't know either. You turn and look up at the sky. Night is creeping ever closer, so hopefully you'll be able to find somewhere safe to stay.
Where shall you proceed?
[] Head into the building. You hear footsteps, both heavy and light, along with some some muffled conversation in the distance.
[] Head down the ladder. If the end is in sight, you may as well go for it.
[] See if you can break open that boarded up wall. Who knows what you'll find inside...
[] Write in
[] Have Sayaka heal:
[] Use Estus (1 charge remaining) on:
Current Souls: 1630 + 30 = 1660
Current Stats
13/20 HP
9/10 FP
165/2000 Abyssal Corruption
13/20 HP
10/11 FP
Current Stats
13/20 HP
9/10 FP
165/2000 Abyssal Corruption
13/20 HP
10/11 FP
Last edited: