This breaks the Shinano
A pair of guided-missile destroyers greeted the whaling convoy as they pulled into Tokyo bay. Old ships. Tired—even exhausted ships. Their decks were scorched black by rocket exhaust, their hulls were streaked with rust and mottled paint from hasty repairs, and their ensigns were charred and ragged.

But they still flew the rising sun proudly over Tokyo Bay. The city behind them, the brilliant jewel of the pacific, the capital of Shinano's beloved Japan stood proudly behind the defiant ensign. Battered, yes. Even this far away, Shinano could see columns of smoke rise into the air and taste the ash on her tongue. But the city still stood. For at least one more day, the great spires of glass and steel thrust towards the heavens. And even a divine wind would not bend them down.

But as she got closer, Shinano noticed something on the destroyers she hadn't before. Their decks were lined with splotches of blue and black. At first, she'd thought the splotches were just scorch marks or battle damage. But then she got closer, and she realized they had faces.

They weren't splotches, they were sailors. Six hundred of them manning the rails and holding a salute to… her.

Shinano let out a terrified eep and worried her bow with her one good hand. The grip was slick in her heavily-gloved fingers, and she almost dropped it into the bay. Her pulse rocketed skywards, and soon it was nothing more than a furious whine ringing in her temples like the roar of a dozen fighters warming their engines.

They were saluting her, her. Not Ryuujou, not Jun'you, not the any of the whalers who went into harms way with nothing more than harpoons and guts to defend themselves, her.

This… this didn't make sense.

Shinano fumbled with her bow and eventually slung it over her shoulder. The heavy braided steel string cut into her neck, but she didn't care. It gave her something to think about beyond panicking as she brought her hand to her brow.

The studded leather squished against the congealed mass of blood, oil, and sweat slicking her coal-black hair to her brow. Which was a good thing too, Shinano was shaking so much she couldn't have held a salute without it.

Things only got worse when she noticed Ryuujou's weary salute. The tired carrier's hands shook just as badly as Shinano's, but there was a giddy grin on her face that cut though the layers of blood and mauled skin on her face. It was a salute directed squarely at Shinano herself.

Even Jun'you was doing it, although at least she had the common decency to offer Shinano a cheeky smile to take the edge off.

The giant converted carrier felt her sarashi suddenly get impossibly tight. Her armored breastplate squeezed at her chest as Shinano started to hyperventilate. She didn't know what to do… White'd trained her how to fight, but she was still just a battleship halfheartedly converted into a support carrier. She was supposed to bring things to the heroes, not be the hero.

Shinano was starting to seriously panic as she and her friends pulled into Yokosuka. She was close enough to the city now that she could make out details. There was damage, a lot of damage. Shattered windows glittered in the midday sun and scorched buildings shimmered as fire hoses stamped out the last embers. But damage she could deal with. She expected to see damage.

It was the banners that she couldn't deal with. At least two flew in the gentle breeze. Great sheets of white paper hastily lettered in red paint with what looked like a young child's hand.

"Thank you, Shinano," they read.

Shinano didn't have the faintest idea how to deal with all this attention. And it waspositive attention too, something she was even less familiar with. So she fell back to her usual standby and started hyperventilating and worrying the heavy canvas of her kimono.

Her steel-toed boots crashed onto shore with a heavy metal clank, and Shinano almost toppled onto her stern. She was still getting the hang of sailing, and doing it with a torn-up bridge while most of her senior staff was panicking made things even harder.

Her chest strained at the linen of her sarashi with each step she took. Her armor felt impossibly constricting as the towering carrier hyperventilated until her boilers struggled to keep a flame.

What seemed like an endless tide of people—kanmusume, sailors, and civilians alike—surged towards her. They clapped, they saluted, they stood on tip-toe to hug and kiss her. It was so much attention. More attention than the carrier had ever received in her life.

"Eeeeeeee!" Shinano pumped out a high-pitched squeal of terror from her furiously fluttering lungs. Her face would've glowed beet red if there wasn't so much sweat and grime obscuring her furiously blushing skin. Her blood-soaked sleeve flapped against her side as she bolted for the CVL docks as fast as her long legs could carry her. The pounding of her massive iron-reinforced boots hammering against the deck almost drowned out the sound of her hyperventilated squeals.



Light carrier Houshou winced as her bare feet kissed the cool shower hall tile. Her hair was matted to her neck with sweat, and nicks all down her arms glistened with congealed blood. She'd done what she could to help defend Tokyo, but she managed training duties for a reason.

Her paltry dozen A5Ms were obsolete even in their day, they would've been hard pressed to take on even the Stukas. But they didn't have to, her pilots were just warming up their engines when lightning struck like a divine wind. Houshou hadn't expected much from Shinano, at least this early.

But her expectations had been toppled like so many cards. Shinano was magnificent, a true heir to the Yamato name. No doubt, White would be pleased when she got back from the sea of Japan.

Houshou smiled as she slipped her kimono off and neatly folded it. Her pilots had watched in awe as the abyssal air group simply vanished under the fury of the violet lightning. And then her veteran pilots in their aging planes had naught to do but talk Shinano's frighteningly inexperienced—and terrifyingly valiant—pilots though their landings.

The old carrier smoothed the fabric of her uniform and put it away. She'd been prepared to die this day, and instead she'd witnessed something wonderful. The birth of a true carrier.

She stood, and gingerly tip-toed her way to the showers themselves. She might be old and battle-hardened, but Houshou still hated cold floors. But as she entered chilly room, she noticed something in the corner.

Something giantic and dressed in heavy green and red canvas. Shinano hugged her massive legs to her chest, her boots skidding along the tile as she cried into her knees.

"Shinano?" Houshou worried the tip of her ponytail and drew near to the much younger girl. She was hurt, and badly. One arm was flat-out missing below the elbow, and her brow was criss-crossed with nicks and dripping with sweat. Seeing her like this… Houshou was astonished the carrier was even able to launch a strike. Enterprise herself would be proud.

Shinano let out a timid eep and tried to retreat further into the corner. Her boots skidded off the slick tile and she whimpered into her breastplate.

"Honey, are you okay?" Houshou settled onto her knees and put one arm around the carrier's massive shoulders.

"M-mmhm," Shinano nodded, then buried her face in Houshou's chest. Hot tears warmed Houshou's skin as Shinano cried.

"What're you doing here?" Houshou gently cradled the giant carrier. Or at least did the best she could, Housho was hardly the towering giant Shinano was.

Shinano sniffed, and glanced up. The blood on her face was smudged, and her round cheeks wore a distinctive blush. "Th-they were all," she sniffed again. "All saluting me and… and hugging me and…" she buried her face in Houshou's chest. "I didn't know what do to."

Houshou was very happy Shinano couldn't see her right now. The smile on her face was most unbecoming.

"S-so…" Shinano's voice was barely more than a whisper. "I… I came here. It seemed like the right thing to do."

Houshou couldn't keep herself from laughing. Her tired lips twisted into an exhausted smile, and she had to clutch Shinano's shoulders to keep from falling over.

"'s not funny," whimpered Shinano.

"Yes it is, child," Houshou plopped onto her stern with a squish of wet flesh and settling steel. "You're adorable, you know."

Shinano blushed and pulled her legs up to hide her face. "Mmhm," she muttered.

"You don't have to be ashamed of anything you did," Houshou couldn't wipe the smile off her face as she turned on the water. It was nice and hot, just how she liked it. "Enterprise herself would've been proud of you."

Shinano let out a high-pitched eep of fright and scooted back further into her corner.

Houshou laughed, and tossed the giant carrier a bottle of shampoo. "Now let's get you cleaned up for Akashi."

Shinano fumbled for the bottle with her one good hand until her heavy gauntlet finally closed around it.

"And then," Houshou started picking the knots out of Shinano's ragged ponytail, "We'll get you some ice cream. How about that?"

Shinano blinked. "What— what's ice cream?"
Vestal Virgin
"Fuck!" Jersey bit her lip and scowled at the faintly visible outline of her own slender bow. Rain poured from the heavens in great sheets so dense she could barely even make out her own stunning figure—optically of course. Her radar punched through the squall like… like… like fucking radar thrugh rain. Jersey was too wet and miserable to think up a better metaphor.

The squall started dumping frigid rain a few hours after she and her girls had put Adak island behind them. It hadn't stopped for three straight days. Jersey was soaked to the keel. Just blinking made her feel soggy. Her shirt was glued to her sinewy arms by water just salty enough to grate and grind.

Her scarf was soaked through, which wasn't even the worst part. The soggy fabric had let a few droplets of water sneak through the zipper in her vest. And now even her bra was frigid and damp against her skin. "This is fucking bullshit!"

"Poi?" Yuudachi glanced over with what Jersey could only assume was an air-headed half-smile. The rain was too dense for her to make out anything more than the destroyer's lean, low hull and flappy-flappy hair tufts.

"Fuck you," Jersey scowled and hugged herself. She could deal with water on her legs and skin, she was a warship after all. But getting water on her tits was just fucking infuriating. It was like an itch she couldn't scratch, and every passing wave made her even more miserable.

And grouchier.

"I, Musashi," there was a brief pause in the battleship's voice, and Jersey noticed her radar return flicker. Almost like the Japanese warship was shivering. "Am quite alright!"

"She is," added Johnston, "She's not wearing her shirt or anything."

"Um," Hoel piped up with a timid cough, "I'm not sure that means she's doing okay. She still looks cold."

"How can you tell?" asked Heermann.

"Well," Johnston giggled, "she's got her searchlights—"

"ALRIGHT!" Naka's shrill voice had lost all its cutesy window dressings. Three days of rain had tested even her limitless patience, and the destroyers didn't make things any easier by constantly getting bored. Johnston couldn't even play her favorite game, 'I spy something and it's Mushi's boobs', with the rain cutting visibility down to nothing.

"Fuck," Jersey cursed again and squinted at the indistinct blur that was IJN Shirtphobia. The one fucking time she might have enjoyed seeing Mushi without a shirt, and the fucking weather had to go and steal it away from her. "This. Shit," she hissed."

"It's not all bad, Jersey," Fubuki pulled up alongside with a half-grin. The little destroyer's ponytail was soaked to the back of her waterlogged uniform.

"Eh?" Jersey cupped her hands together and tried to breath some warmth into her fingers. She wasn't even that cold, the trip up to murderize the Northern Princess had been a thousand times colder. But the rain was just fucking miserable to be in.

"I said it's not all bad," added Fubuki with a strained grin.

"Fucking how," grumbled Jersey. Her fingers looked more like prunes than anything that belonged on a person—or a ship, for that matter. And speaking of prunes, she could really go for a snack. Her belly was idly grumbling at her and the thought of steaming hot soup was enticing enough to make her drool.

"I…" Fubuki sighed, "It's just something you're supposed to say."

"Well it didn't fucking work," Jersey rubbed rain off her shades in a vain attempt to at least try to retain some visibility through her optics. She scowled, and glanced down at the dutiful young girl steaming abreast. "Thanks, though."

Fubuki let out a moaning half-laugh and blushed. "T-thank you."

Jersey blinked. She'd forgotten how weird it was when she did that. "Uh… yeah."

Fubuki mumbled something incoherently happy and beamed a smile so bright it cut through the freezing rain. And for just a moment, Jersey was honestly happy.

And then a wave of rain crashed against her chest and poured into her shirt. "Fuck!" The battleship shook her head in miserable surprise.

"Don't worry," Kongou's kind voice was barely tinged by the miserable rain. Probably all that tea and Britishness in her blood. "We'll be in Japan soon, Dess."

"Yes!" Musashi's thunderous bravado boomed across the waves so loudly Jersey actually saw water droplets move out of the way. "And then, Jersey, you and I, Musashi, can share a steaming hot bath."

"A bath you say?" Jersey smiled. As much as the mental image of a very wet, very naked Musashi preening herself might appeal to her, she was more interested in taking a long, long soak. She was honestly slightly worried her mind wasn't going to the lewd place for once, but she was just that fucking wet and miserable.

"A bath indeed!" Musashi's smirk was so cheeky Jersey swore she could hear it over the crash of freezing water against her deck. "Japanese style!"

"Oh no, Dess," Kongou sighed.

Musashi let out a roaring belly laugh, "Naked!"

"Naked you say?" Jersey licked her lips and shot a glance at the indistinct blur that was Musashi. She could tell from just the radar return that the overtitted Japanese boat was preening herself and her structurally superfluous pagoadas for all they were worth. She couldn't see, but she could tell.

And that made her feel a whole lot less miserable.

But that made her feel… strange. She couldn't deny that she really wanted stick a torpedo up IJN Shirtphobia's pointless skirt. Even if she didn't quite have… fucking… torpedoes.


Jersey smirked. That metaphor worked out better than she thought it would, and she hadn't even intended it to be a metaphor. Just a euphemism. Because a-fucking-apparently her internal monologue was deathly afraid of the word 'dick.'

That was probably Victory's fault.

"Fucker," Jersey grunted under her breath and hugged herself until her waterlogged bra started to wring out.

"Poi?" Judging by the oscillating frequency of Jersey's radar returns, Yuudachi'd inclined her head and let the wind flip her little hair tufts. It was a pretty cute image, honestly. At least in Jersey's head.

"Not you," Jersey bit her lip and scowled. She'd had fun on her shore leave. She'd gotten to unwind after the tension of battle, and… and she even fucking thought she'd made some kinda fucking progress with… with…

She'd gotten motherfucking head scratches.

Head scratches made her happy, they made her feel all warm and lo— looo— liked inside. She'd felt safe with Crowning watching over her in the night, safer than she'd ever felt before. She felt safer than she had with fucking carriers watching over her. She's steamed with the motherfuckingbig E and felt less safe than when she had Crowning watching over her.

And then she had to go and fucking leer and…

And fucking romance is hard when you're a boat not a people.

Jersey scowled and hugged herself tighter, "Are we there yet?"

Crowning stayed his hand moments before it made contact with the unassuming wooden door to Vestal's office. He wasn't so much afraid of the old repair ship as he was… intimidated. He found all the shipgirls intimidating to some degree or another.

Jersey, for all her adorable childishness off-duty, was still the greatest battleship the world had ever or will ever see. She was as beautiful as the dawn, and as mighty as a goddess. Depending on how you interpreted mythological references to shipgirls, she might actually be a minor goddess of the sea.

Even the destroyers intimidated him. They were tiny, lovable, and precocious, but they'd charge headlong where angels fear to tread. They'd spend their lives without a second thought if it meant keeping their charges alive. These little girls who were barely able to operate a microwave without setting something on fire had more valor crammed into their tiny bodies than every man Crowning had ever met put together.

But Vestal… Vestal was in a league of her own. Crowning hadn't said more than two words to her. But the way every shipgirl, from Wash to the littlest destroyer-escorts, spoke of her with utter reverence graved an impression impossible to shake. If shipgirls—spirits of duty and valor themselves—looked to Vestal with awe, what could a mere man do.

The professor hissed out a breath though his teeth and brought his knuckles down on the door.

"'s open," came a warm, rough voice that Crowning could only describe as sounding like an ancient pair of thoroughly broken-in work boots: Old, tough,heavy… but somehow impossibly comfortable. It made him feel easy even muffled though the door.

Crowning stifled a smile and pushed the door open with the heel of his hand. "Vestal?"

A woman glanced up from a sturdy desk bucking under mountains of paper. Her silver-streaked hair shimmered like spun metal in the light, and welding goggles perched on her forehead reflected Crowning's feline features back at him.

"Doc," Vestal smiled and rubbed the back of her hand accros her soot-marked face. Which only served to grind yet more gritty dust into her wrinkles. There was no denying Vestal was old. Even Kongou didn't look more than thirty-something years old, but Vestal looked like she was at least forty.

But she was still a shipgirl. She was still beautiful to behold, and those wrinkles in her rough skin just made Crowning feel that much more comfortable around her.

"I'm not interruption anything," Crowning motioned to the mountains of paper filling Vestal's desk, "Am I?"

Vestal glanced at the paper and lazily leafed though a few sheets. "Nah," she shrugged and hauled herself from her chair with a anguished grunt. "Gonna push most of this to the nurse's desk anyway."

It took Crowning a second to realize who she was talking about. He was so used to Major Solette getting called 'docboat.' "You mean Major Solette?"

Vestal nodded. "Yeah. He does good work." She hitched up her heavy tool belt with a clink of steel on steel. "For Army. Or anyone who's not used to… well, us."

Crowning nodded, "So I've heard."

Vestal arched her back and pressed her hands against her spine until the bones—or chain links or whatever it was a shipgirl carried down her back—started to crack into place. "Ah," a smile passed her thin lips, "Don't see you down her often, doc."

"Don't come here often," Crowning's features grew a shade tighter. He'd lost people in the war. Colleagues he'd met working to bring Jersey back, Victory… friends. But it'd always been clean. Quick. One moment they were there, the next… gone like smoke. He'd never had to watch someone he cared about suffer their way to the grave. He never wanted to.

"Mmm," Vestal nodded as a shadow passed over her face. "Pour you a drink?" she fished a bottle of rich amber liquid from her tool belt. "Technically, it's only supposed to be for medicinal purposes."

She clamped the cap between her gloved fingers and gave it a spin. "But, since I'm a repair ship, everything I do is medicinal."

Vestal grabbed a pair of mugs from under her mountains of paper, scowled into one, then shrugged and poured herself a drink. "And you look like you could use one."

"I could, actually," Crowning took what was apparently the cleaner of the two cups and let Vestal pour him a healthy drink. "Thanks."

Vestal waved him off and fished her pipe out of her jacket pocket. "So," She clamped the stem between coal-stained teeth and held a match to the end, "What're ya doing down here?"

"I needed your opinion on something." Crowning took a sip of the stiff whiskey and gingerly set the cup back down. "You wouldn't happen to have read Janes', would you?"

"I've…" Vestal let a puff of warm, sweet smoke curl from the corner of her mouth, "perused it."

"Peruse means to read carefully and at length," said Crowning on instinct.

Vestal chuckled. "I know. You think I'd just skim a book like that in my line of work?" The repair ship cradled her pipe in one hand and took a long sip of her drink with the other. "What's got your mind aflurry?"

"This." Crowning fished a massive book bound in some kind of plastic-composite. Simple silver-embossed words on the cover read 'IHS Janes' Fighting Kanmusu (2014-2015)'

"You got your own copy?" Vestal cocked an eyebrow. Steel rattled and chimed as she bent over, her makeshift skirt of tools and wrenches clanging against her desk like wind chimes. "Those aren't cheap."

"No," Crowning thumbed though the pages—and pages and pages—of exhaustively detailed shipgirl writeups to get to the more general articles in the back. As much as he enjoyed the spectacular—though sometimes spectacularly off-base—art, he had a mission. "But compared to taking big J on a date, this is pocket change."

Vestal rasped out a thoroughly-aged laugh. "I can imagine that. What's that girl eat, quarter-million a day?"

"Something like that," Crowning smiled. He wasn't all that good at math himself, and he found distancing himself from the raw numbers describing the battleship's gluttony helped his precious sanity. "More, if it's pie."

"She's into pie now?" Vestal purred a noise under her breath.

Crowning decided not to read anything into that. "Like you wouldn't imagine." He'd never seen someone look quite as utterly happy as Jersey with a pie in front of her. Just thinking about her smile made him smile in turn. "But, uh…"

Vestal cocked an eyebrow and motioned for him to continue.

The professor sighed, and turned the book over so Vestal could read. It was open to an article he'd bookmarked a few days ago, just after he'd read it for the first time.

'A kanmusume's guide to pregnancy, by repairship Akashi (JMSDF) and Major Robert Solette (US. Army.)'

It was quite a well-written article, and very humorous at that. Solette's attempts to frame a shipgirl's bizarre antics in the context of human pregnancy were constantly at odds with Akashi's explanations of the same events in ship-related terminology. Crowning might not know all that much about biology or naval engineering, but he came away feeling like he had at least a general overview of the important bits.

It helped that there were lots of pictures. Helpful infographics displayed an 'unnamed' shipgirl—although the hair-buns, nontraditional miko outfit, hair tuft, and propensity for dessing made the 'unnamed' girl's identity painfully obvious—illustrated every step of the process.

There were even little chibi-versions of Akashi and Solette chiming in from the margins whenever a point needed more elaboration. The major looked somehow angrier in his tiny state, while Akashi looked like she was having the time of her life.

"Look," Crowning fussed with the hair on the back of his neck, "I'm no expert, but does this make any sense to you?"

Vestal fished a pair of thick-lensed reading glasses from her jacket and settled them on her slender nose. She looked like an old librarian who'd just returned to work after several hours working on her motorcycle. "Huh," she muttered. "Actually, yeah. This all makes perfect sense."

Crowning blanched. "Even," he flipped to a page showing a blushing totally-not-Kongou offering her T-headed husband a model kit, "This?"

"Model cravings?" Vestal puffed on her pipe, "Yeah." She nodded, "That sounds about right. Why, Jersey give you something?"

The professor bit his lip and hissed in a breath. "A few, actually."

Vestal smirked and puffed a steady stream of smoke from the corner of her thin lipped mouth. "And…?"

"Two of herself," said Crowning, "in different scales, a couple of Hornets, and a submarine."

"What class?" said Vestal.


"What class was the boat."

Crowning knit his brows and tried to think. "I… Virginia, I think."

"Virginia, you say?" a smirk slid across the old repairship's features.

The professor suddenly felt his blood run cold. "Y-yes."

"You know," Vestal wandered over to one of her overflowing bookshelves and fished a binder out. "The navy authorized a new Virginia-class boat just before the war started."

"Uh huh…" said Crowning with growing hesitation.

"SSN seven-ninety-six," Vestal's smirk grew until her pipe was barely staying between her gleaming teeth. "Three guesses what she's called."

"New Jersey?" said Crowning with a resigned sigh.

"Got it in one," Vestal chuckled to herself and planted the binder down so Crowning could read. "Big J wants your babies. bad."

"That- no," Crowning shook his head. "That can't be. She… she doesn't want to call our dates dates. Hell, she won't even let me call her a person instead of a boat!"

Vestal placed a hand on his shoulder. There was a strength to her motions which started the professor. A kindly, gentle strength, but strength none the less. Ropes of steel under weathered flesh.

"Because she's scared," said the old repair ship.

"Jersey?" Crowning shook his head as images of Jersey storming into battle out of a storm front with guns blazing and blood hotter than the sun filled his mind.

"Yes," Vestal nodded. "Look, I might not know you very well. But I know New Jersey. Admitting she's in love means admitting she's human. It means admitting that she's fallible."

Crowning mouthed the air and fumbled at his chin. "That— is that so bad?"

"For her?" Vestal nodded, "Yes. Jersey's not a fighter, if you hadn't noticed. The better part of a century under the flag, and she only fired her guns against another ship once. She spent decades as a shield, not a sword."

The repair ship settled onto the edge of her desk and paused to take a deep lungful from her pipe. At long last, she hissed out a sharp breath and gazed over at Crowning. "She counts everyone under her protection. And she takes every loss as a damming sin."

Crowning blinked, and glanced at his shoes, "Samar."

"Mm," Vestal nodded. "Samar. The great act of destroyer defiance that will be remembered long after you and I are dead and gone."

"But the taffies," Crowning panted at the air, desperately scrambling for solid mental purchase. "They forgave her for it."

"I'm sure they did," said Vestal, "But it doesn't matter. Even if Captain Evens himself forgave her, she'd never ever forgive herself."

The professor started to say something when Vestal shut him down with a steely glare.

"And don't try and tell me otherwise," Vestal's rough voice burned and her gritted teeth flashed. "She will take that shame to her watery grave, and you damn well know it because that's why you love her so much."

Crowning started to form a retort, then thought better of it. "Yeah," he said. For better or for worse, for all her lazy, childish antics when she was off-duty, Jersey was… unyielding. The very embodiment of every virtue fighting Americans held high. She'd fight to her last dying breath it she had to. "Yeah, it is."

"Now's the part where you ask me what you can do," Vestal took a quick sip of her whiskey and shrugged.

The professor nodded. "How?"

"Love her," said Vestal. "She won't make it easy for you, but love her all the same. She's out there fighting demons, you fight hers."

Crowning nodded, and thought back to those times she'd asked him to watch over her in the night. "That, I can do."

"Good," Vestal smiled. "Oh, and come war's end, I'd better see her with at least one bun in the oven."

Crowning cracked a tired laugh. Somehow, the image of Jersey with a little bulge around the midsection was as hilarious as it was endearing.

Vestal smacked him across the face with a heavy leather welding glove. "You think I'm joking."

"A bit, yeah."

"I'm not," said Vestal. "Knock that battleship up. Doctor's orders."
Omake: A certain sea-going-snail

* * * * *

There was a knock on Jane's bedroom door. Casual and slightly heavy. Certainly not a ship, that was for certain.

"Come in!" she beckoned the individual beyond the wooden portal as she continued scribbling away at her homework. Her English teacher had piled on all sorts of extra assignments for the winter break and she did not want it hanging over her head. Diligence aside, Jintsuu had enough on her plate without taking the extra time to make sure she was doing her homework.

Doing it correctly however... remained to be seen. Stupid English language. Why could she remember how Mutsu-mama's boilers worked but not her latest vocabulary definition sheets? It really bugged her to no end. Mostly because the latter was needed to advance to the next grade. Phooey.

The door opened with only the most mild of creaking to draw the girl's attention.

"Working hard?" queried her father with the kind of barely relaxed tone he seemed to sport only when he had managed to delegate every possible responsibility he could to someone else. It was quite rare if Jane were to be perfectly honest. And she'd heard it in earnest for the first time only after Hiei-mama had sailed into their lives. She liked hearing her father's voice like that a lot more than his normal tone.

"Yup!" She swiveled her chair around so she could look up at her father. "I'm doing my English language homework."

"Let me guess. Vocab is giving you trouble?" Richardson gave a small grin as his daughter nodded, her smile turning into a frown.

"And my teacher gave us a lot of extra work for the break, too."

"She's just trying to make sure you know your stuff. And she's the one who has to grade it, so the evil teacher theory isn't going to fly." The theory was almost as ancient as the profession. And he'd been convinced it was true for quite some time. But he had also been one of those problem students when he was her age.

"I know. I just don't like it. It's so hard to remember!" exclaimed Jane with a huff of frustration. "But I want to get it done so I don't have to think about it again. And stuff isn't as much fun if there's homework to do."

Richardson tried to not roll his eyes. Time for the time-honored tactic of drawing comparisons. Again. One day his little girl would get it through her head and have it stick. But she was shaping up to be just as stubborn as himself.

"Jane, what's the maximum range of Mutsu's guns?"

"Um... Which ones?" Jane blinked at the sudden shift of topic.

"Her sixteens and fives. The absolute maximum. In yards." He didn't really care what measurement system she used. It wasn't really the point. But requesting a specific one might help.

Jane sat there for a moment thinking before snapping her fingers in realization.

"Over forty two thousand for her big guns and over sixteen thousand for the other ones!" There was no way she could be wrong about those numbers. And she would have smiled at getting the answer right had her father not been looking at her flatly. What? She got it right!

"And why do you know her gun range and not what..." He leaned over and glanced at Jane's homework, aiming to pick out a word she had defined incorrectly and not yet realized or fixed. "...pedestrian means?"

"I... dunno. It's easier to remember. And I liked learning it a whole lot more. Mutsu-mama's a lot more fun to read about than my vocab homework." It was certainly very true. She could easily invest hours upon hours of her free time studying the navy and the ships who served, regardless of era or nation. Vocabulary was just... bleargh. Even if she forced herself, it just wasn't interesting!

"And there you go."


"If it's fun, it's easier to work with. Heck. Your old man only gets as much paperwork done as he does because somehow found it kinda fun." Tolerate was more accurate. Which was a significant step up from utterly loathe.

Jane simply gave him a flat look.

The sort only a child could give their parent when they were pretty certain that the bullshit was being piled high.

"You get what I mean."

"If you say so, Daddy."

"But you do have more fun with ships."

Jane rolled her eyes and tried to keep the amusement off her face. It must not have worked very well considering her father chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"You want to keep working or are you up for a break so your old man can take you out to lunch and the museum like he promised?" joked Richardson.

"And dinner!" Jane proclaimed, her study related irritation evaporating in a heartbeat. "And ice cream. Gotta have ice cream."

"We'll see about the ice cream. The last time we had ice cream after dinner out, you ate too much and got sick." He raised an eyebrow in a look that was simultaneously questioning and judging. "All over Mutsu's dress to boot."

"That was just one time! Please, Daddy? Please?" Jane turned the full force of her Destroyer Eyes on her father, pouring every bit of cute and pleading she could into it. She didn't want to miss out on frozen treats!

Richardson turned his heart to ice and steel. He would not give in. Not again!

"C'mon, pleeease?"

"...Let's see how dinner goes."


"Yay!" There was still a chance! Lunch and museums and dinner and delicious ice cream! And she got to spend rare time with her father. So that was a plus. She all but rocketed out of her chair, sending a few papers and her writing utensils flying. A mess to clean up later.

"I'll be waiting at the front door, so go wash up and get ready." Richardson began making his way towards the door before remembering something and turning back around. "And don't forget to brush your teeth."

Jane simply rolled her eyes again.

* * * * *

Mutsu yawned loudly as she shuffled into the dining room and sat herself down on the first chair she could find. She slumped over and her head impacted the dinner table's surface with a dull thudding sound.

The hour was late and she simply couldn't be bothered to anything more than kick off her shoes by the front door. Much less care about potential damage to the table.

Oh what a day it had been.

One might think a battleship would be more than capable of dealing with a pair of destroyers, one of them even with a disposition towards good behavior, with plenty of energy to spare. That same individual would be sorely mistaken. Destroyers were still destroyers.

"You look like you've been through Hell."

Mutsu looked up to see Richardson with a mug in each hand, the aroma and rising steam hinting to the existence of freshly crafted hot chocolate.

She needed no prompt to accept the offered beverage.

"I may need a day off to recover from my day off..." The first touch of cocoa upon her lips sent a shiver down her spine as her senses reawakened. She savored the drink with a slight smile and closed eyes, not even bothering to hide her relief. Hiei must have made it. John made a good cup, but Hiei's were above and beyond his level of skill.

Mutsu didn't even care to reason why. It was Hiei after all.

"No can do," replied Richardson as he took a seat opposite his XO. Oh, she looked like hell alright. Beautiful, but still like she'd been through the wringer. Her normally well kept hair was a mess and her clothes looked ruffled as all could be. "We're trying for a summoning tomorrow and an immediate deployment right after. You can cash in your extra day later."


Richardson merely shrugged and gave her a teasing grin.

"You should have scheduled your day in advance, like Jintsuu did." Jintsuu was also quite well aware that she could lose that day in a heartbeat. Given mention the increased Abyssal activity in the region and the plans coming down the line, it was more than likely to become a reality.

"Jintsuu didn't have to babysit two destroyers during holiday shopping." Mutsu shot her Admiral a flat look mixed with what exhaustion she could muster up and a slight measure of amusement. She then grinned playfully. "No sympathy for me?"

"No, she decided to teach Yamashiro how to do her job and yours. I'm also a little worried at how well she did it." Sometimes Jintsuu's level of competence and drive went far above what he could comprehend. He'd had to yank on her chain at times, but very rarely. And she was nowhere near the level of Oyoodo. "So, nope. No sympathy."

"D-Drat," Mutsu huffed with mock indignation as she stifled a yawn.

The battleship set down her cup before stretching her laced fingers upwards with a satisfied moan. She arched her back and tried to reach for the ceiling to no avail. Oh, she felt like she could sleep for days. She wouldn't be able to, but it was nice to imagine.

"How was your day with Jane? You don't look tired at all." Mutsu blinked after speaking, wondering for a moment why John was staring at her blankly. "John?"

"Right," Richardson lamely answered as he cleared his head. "We had a good time. Had lunch, went a museum. She wasn't that hungry for dinner afterwards, so we just grabbed something small on the way home. Probably burned herself out running around so much. I haven't seen her that wound up since she was really little. I'm amazed I'm not falling over right now."

"No ice cream?"

"Nah. She passed out on the way home. Didn't even crack an eye when I carried her out of the car." He paused to take another sip of Hiei's cocoa. The second Kongou had decided to take her leave with a mug of her own right after making the stuff, claiming with a grin that he shouldn't neglect his XO. Dammit Hiei. He knew that.

"Oh? You managed to carry her?" Mutsu inquired with a smirk. It had been a bit too long since she'd been able to sit down with John and just have a fun little conversation like this. Certainly longer than she'd have liked. She didn't even notice her boilers warming up. "Isn't that bad for your back?"

Richardson snorted.

"A lot of things are bad for my back. But since when has that ever stopped me?"

"Oh~ Since never?" A wry grin made its way onto her face as she crossed her arms under her bust. "You'd better be careful old man~"

"Har har. You're older than me, Mutsnail." Much as he'd hoped, Mutsu balked and turned a rather nice shade of red.

"Wha!" She narrowed her eyes dangerously. However the red on her cheeks lessened any effect it may have had on the man. "That's not very nice, John. And only Jane can use that nickname."

"I dunno. I like it. Better than Mutslug." He grinned like the asshole he knew he was when Mutsu turned an even darker shade of red. Those names made it far too easy to get through her defenses. Not that she had good defenses to begin with, but it was more fun this way. And he would admit that her reactions were rather cute.

"My, oh my. Someone's playing with fire tonight..." Mutsu loved Jane dearly, but sometimes she regretted not nipping that nickname in the bud. Mostly when John got into one of his moods to see how far he could toe her line. "Keep it up and you might get burned."

Richardson knew when it was time to retreat and coughed into his hand.


"Hmph." Mutsu leaned back into her chair and sighed, letting the tension slip away. "While you and Jane were having a good time, I had to keep the fox and the hound on a leash."

"Did you at least have a good time?"

"Oh we did. People were running around, having a good time. It was almost like there wasn't a war going on. And those two girls seemed really happy to see that. Especially Kawakaze." Mutsu smiled warmly. "She's a hellion, but she's a really sweet girl."

Before Richardson could comment, Mutsu raised her finger with a bright look in her eyes.

"Oh! And you should have seen Shigure trying to pick out a gift for Yamashiro. She was going back and forth between stores trying to find something just right. I've never seen her so worked up before." Granted, that sudden abundance of energy was part of why she had come home so worn out. But the look on Shigure's face was well worth it. "Even Kawakaze seemed like she was having trouble keeping up at times."

Richardson found the sight hard to imagine. He might not know the destroyers nearly as well as some of the other, more permanent members of his fleet, but he liked to think he had a rather decent grasp on Teruzuki and Akizuki's replacements. And Shigure running around as Mutsu had described was more than a little outside his reasonings. Well, the more you know.

"I'm guessing she finally found something?"

"Of course~" Mutsu smiled as she twirled her raised finger. "And I'm not gonna tell you what it is."

"Afraid I can't keep my mouth shut?" sniped Richardson before finishing off his mug of hot chocolate. And now he wanted more. But there wasn't any more. Damnation.

"I'd rather err on the side of caution. And Shigure asked us to keep quiet about it." It was really quite cute. Apparently the normally reserved destroyer had a special plan in mind. And Mutsu wasn't about to dissuade the girl.

"I really wish I was awake enough to argue that first point."

"You know I'd win. Or call in Hiei if I needed support."

"So, every time then?"

"You live dangerously, Admiral~" teased Mutsu with a smile. She reached out and waggled her finger in a chastising gesture. "You should know better by now."

Richardson stood from his seat and leaned over, placing his index finger squarely on the tip of Mutsu's nose. The battleship froze as her eyes trailed up the path made by his arm. She dared not move at the sudden and, dare she say intimate, action. And the look in his eyes made her breath catch.

"And you should know I'm a very slow learner and a very stubborn old man." He gave the rapidly reddening Mutsu a mock glare that turned into a smirk. Said smirk devolved into a yawn as the day's events finally began to catch up to him. He might not have dealt with a pair of destroyers, but his daughter was plenty a handful already.

Words failed Mutsu as her boilers crept closer to the red line at an increasingly rapid pace.

Richardson shook his head and dropped his hand as he stifled another yawn.

"We should probably get some sleep." He looked out through the entranceway and sighed. "And I'm going to bet Hiei stole my bed again."

"She ...what?" Was Hiei becoming even more bold now that she was no longer on the combat roster? Or was she just milking the time off for all it was worth? That woman... Honestly.

"She had that look in her eye. That Kongou-look. The one that means she's going to do something Kongou-like again."

"That... only makes sense because she's a Kongou, you know."

"Can't argue that." Richardson paused and sat back down. Sure, he was exhausted as all hell. And it was finally starting to really hit him. Plus he could tell Mutsu wasn't in much better shape. Still...


"Mutsu, it's been a while since we've been able to just... talk like this."

"Well, yes. With the war and our work and now the holidays..."

Richardson cleared his throat.

"Do you mind if we just talk? While we have the chance." He thumbed over to the kitchen. "I can make some more cocoa if you want. Or some coffee."

Mutsu shook her head, doing her best to ignore the now critical warning her chief engineer was giving her. Stupid boilers.

"No, that's fine." She smiled playfully after a few moments, managing to get herself under control. "We have a busy day tomorrow, but... I wouldn't mind some exclusive Admiral time~"

"I'm all yours right now." Richardson smiled.

In the end, neither of them made it to their beds.

* * * * *
Season's gifts
"You wanted to see me, Admiral?"

Goto glanced up from the piles of supposedly-organized paperwork dominating his desk with a tired sigh. The logistics problem was as tight as it'd ever been, but hopefully the new arrival Richardson had been so kind to lend him would at least smooth over the more trivial matters. "Yeah," The Admiral leaned back in his chair, rubbing the grit from his eyes with the heel of his hand.

"Ahem," The lithe American stepped into his office proper, her gritty white-on-black swimsuit soaking up the office lighting like a sponge. "USS Albacore reporting, sir."

She wasn't anything like what he'd expected. His submarines bounced around in bright blue swimsuits perpetually glistening with a slick, wet sheen. Swimsuits that they'd come spilling out of if they so much as breathed the wrong way.

But not Albacore, her swimsuit couldn't have been more utilitarian if it tried. The high-necked cut kept any cleavage the American had neatly covered, and only the proud "US NAVY" painted across her otherwise unremarkable chest drew the eye from her salty spiked-up fauxhawk.

She was even wearing pants. Pants open at the front and rolled back over her hips to show where Albacore had written 'Albie's!' in pink glitter pen—complete with heart over the eye—over the original owner's sharpied-in 'Richardson' tag.

"Albacore," Goto smiled and offered her his hand. "It's good to have you here." His experience with the American sub was limited to her reports. Reports so text-book perfect he almost didn't notice they were written in gel pen with hearts over the I's.

"Thank you, Sir!" the submarine's cheeks glowed and her whole body seemed to swell with pride. "And, uh… you can just call me Ablie if you'd like."

"Albie then," Goto nodded. So she had a cute nickname. At least she wasn't bouncing around in a swimsuit three sizes too small while turning the mere mention of the word 'torpedo' into something unspeakably lewd. "You've gotten settled in?"

Albie nodded, "Nagato bunked me with Imuya and Shioi." The American planted her hands on her hips and tutted her tongue. "They, uh…" she scratched at her salty up-do, "what does 'sempai' mean?"

Goto hung his head, "Why do you ask?"

"Because they both insist on calling me that," said Albie, "It's really weird."

Goto sighed, "I'll tell you later. For the time being, I've got a job for you."

"Sir!" Albie instantly dropped her confused, girlish demeanor and fell back into proper military line.

"Shinano came back not long ago," said Goto, "but beyond her duty uniform, she doesn't have so much as a spare sarashi to wear."

"Yikes," Albie winced sympathetically.

"We've called around," Goto slid Shinano's section of Janes' Fighting Kanmusu towards the submarine, "But there's not a store in the city that carries anything in her size."

Albie scanned over the numbers, her eyebrows briefly jolting up. "So… you brought me all the way up here… for that?"

Goto shrugged, "You're an American submarine, my girls are Imperial Japanese. They don't have a hope in hell of matching your… logistical magics."

"Uh, sir," Albie coughed, "We prefer the term 'blatant, unrepentant thievery'."

Goto cocked an eyebrow.

"What?" Albie smiled sweetly at him.

bGoto rolled his eyes, "Look, Albie, we need your skills. And from what Richardson's told me, you've been begging to visit Akihabara?"

Albie nodded, "Really a lot, sir."

"You're on loan to me for a week," said Goto. "You finish up early, take the rest of it off."

Albie smiled from ear to ear. "Thank you, sir!"

Goto gave her a weary sliver of a smile. From what Richardson had told him, giving Albie an order was as good as declaring it done. "Dismissed."

Albie snapped off a salute and vanished.

Goto sighed and turned back to his paperwork. In the scant few minutes he'd been talking with the American submarine, the paper seemed to have multiplied. It was breeding. There was a giant paperwork orgy going on right on his desk, and it was all he could do to fill out forms faster than they were produced.

Good thing he had—

Goto's hand closed around air where his coffee mug… used… to be.

The Admiral glanced up at nothing and scowled. This was payback from Richarson, he just knew it.

Support carrier Shinano wasn't looking forwards to her bath. Partly because baths were scary. The giant carrier always felt uneasy when she slipped beneath the warm, soothing waters. Maybe if White was there to hold her hand it wouldn't be as scary, but the heroic little American was busy doing real carrier things in the Emperor's Lake. She couldn't come even if Shinano asked.

But mostly, Shinano wasn't looking forwards to her bath because that meant being naked. In front of Ryuujou and Jun'you. Shinano hated being naked, it made her feel… well, naked.

When she was at sea, she could be a carrier. She could bind down her battleship heritage under tightly-woven canvas and heavy steel. She could pick up her bow and sling her deck over her broad shoulders. She could fight, and she would fight for her beloved Japan. But that was while she was at sea.

In the baths, naked, what she was reared its ugly head at her. Without her tight bindings, breasts bigger than any carriers' bulge from her chest. Without her thick canvas kimono, her flanks rippled with an armor belt built for close-range brawling. In the bath, she was reduced to what she was. What she was born as.

The last Yamato.

A battleship obsolete before her keel kissed the ocean.

Shinano sniffed and pulled her massive legs up against her soft, squishy, uncarrierlikechest. She'd hug herself if her other arm wasn't a mangled stump. She hated being reminded of what she was, and she really hatedgetting attention.

She hadn't even done anything special. She'd just spotted handful of planes. Any other girl would've done the same in her position. The praise made her feel flighty…. Well, flightier than usual.

Shinano sniffed and rested her chin on her chest. And then she noticed something. Her locker was ajar. Strange, she swore she'd remembered to close it. White had been very specific about that, watertight doors aren't worth anything it you leave them open.

The big support carrier stood to her feet. Which was easier said than done. Shinano was not a very coordinated girl at the best of times, and her missing arm conspired with the slick tile to degrade her already feeble gymnastic skills. She fell flat on her stern with a wet squish and crack of shattering tile once before she got her screws under her.

She tried not to think about the damage her fall had done. The light carrier docks really weren't built for ships of her immense displacement. None of them really were except the battleship docks. And Shinano would giveanything to stay out of them.

She idly rubbed her sore stern with her only remaining hand and wandered towards her locker. There was something inside that she hadn't put there.

"Hmm?" Shinano muttered to herself and slowly settled onto her knees. She pushed the door aside with her hand. And then she started to cry.

Waiting for her in a neatly folded pile was a swimsuit. And not one of the perpetually glistening blue outfits the submarines threatened to burst out of with each bouncy step.

No, this one was… utilitarian. The fabric was a gritty black that seemed to soak up light like a sponge. Only storm-gray panels on the sides gave an indication of the wearer's figure. The high-necked cut covered all of Shinano's cleavage, and a stenciled rising sun on the bust gave her something to be proud of on her chest.

And there was also a little node. A small paper card filled with the most stunningly beautiful handwriting Shinano had ever seen.

Heard you were around, thought you could use this. -A

Shinano let out a squeal and hugged her new swimsuit to her breast. She didn't know who'd bought her this, but she didn't care. She'd treasure it for ever! Now if she could just figure out how to get it one with only one arm…

"S-so cold," Frisco hissed though chattering teeth and hugged herself tighter. Her raven black hair lay glued to her back like a wet, tired dog. Water dripped off the ragged tear in her soaked-though crop-top and ran down the pale skin of her scarred-over stomach.

A few hundred yards off her flank, Lou cupped her hands to her face and futilely tried to warm them up. Her flaming hair was throughly quenched from the days-long rainstorm, and her sunkissed skin showed even though the drenched fabric of her once-crisp whites. "Brazil… was…" she rubbed her hands together and whimpered, "Never like this."

"Mmm… Brazil," Frisco stuck her hands under her armpits and squeezed them tight. She was still as drenched as ever, but… Actually no. She wasn't any colder. She was just cold and miserable in a new, exciting way.

"The water's seventy degrees there," Lou wiped a dripping wet strand of hair from her face.

"Seventy degrees," Frisco moaned at the thought.

And then a sound wafted over the choppy waters. A sound that bounced with a happy lilt altogether unsuited for the soggy downpour. A sound that eerily resembled someone trying to staunch a strong, Teutonic laugh with a wet-gloved hand, but failing miserably at it.

Frisco scowled in the general direction of her German divisionmate.

True to her suspicious, the tall, blond, non-treaty-compliant German cruiser held both hands clapped over her mouth. It wasn't doing much. Prinz Eugen's cheeks were glowing even more than they normally did, and her whole body was quivering from the effort of holding back her giggles.

"What?" Frisco sighed and hiked up her gunbelt. She had to have gained half her weight in water. Good thing her hips weren't as flat as her chest, or she'd have lost her pants somewhere in the Bering sea.

"This…" Prinz Eugen's clipped accent rang with what could only be described as girlish Prussian giggles. "This is not cold."

Frisco shivered in protest. "This i-is c-cold, what're you t-talking about?"

Prinz Eugen shook her head. "No. This… This is nippy."

Frisco flinched and gave herself a quick once over. But no, her searchlights were still nice and secured. Lou didn't even bother to check. Either the light cruiser wasn't as jumpy as Frisco was, or she just didn't care anymore. South America did strange things to a girl.

The German-born cruiser giggled like a pigtailed school girl. "Come spend a few days in a Norwegian fjord-"

Frisco and Lou shivered.

"-in February-"

Frisco and Lou shivered more.

"And then we'll talk about cold, ja?"

For a minute, Prinz Eugen just beamed at the two American-born cruisers with a smile that put even Japanese night-fighting searchlights to shame while Frisco and Lou shivered at her.

Then Frisco snorted out a laugh and hugged herself not to keep warm, but to keep from exploding in giggles. Lou followed suit mere seconds later. The flame-haired light cruiser threw her head back and howled out a roaring belly laugh.

Before long, all three cruisers were doubled over with mirth.

"You know?" Lou slapped her thigh and smiled at the giggling German. "Whoever said Germans don't have a sense of humor lied."

"And whoever said," countered Prinz Eugen, "That Americans are friendly and welcoming did not know the half of it!"
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It took Shinano quite a while to slip herself into her brand new swimsuit. Longer than she'd care to admit, actually, but having one arm end in a stump of twisted metal at the elbow complicated matters. The fit wasn't perfect either. The gritty black material was a little too snug over her chest, and Shinano would have liked a tad more room for her hips.

But the coal-black coloring blended her overbuild curves into a sleek, hard-to-define silhouette. It wasn't as good as her bindings, but it at least made her chest less noticeable, and that made Shinano happy.

Also, it was a gift from someone who cared about her. And that made it perfect. The big carrier smiled—actually smiled—as she examined herself in a steamed-over mirror. Whoever gave this to her knew exactly what she'd like. The gray accent panels on the sides… well accented all the parts of her body she liked while the deep black hid the many parts she didn't.

Shinano was so happy she could squeal.

So she did.

She let out a high-pitched girlish squeal and hugged herself for lack of anyone else to hug. She felt so happy, happier than she'd ever felt when White wasn't around.

She took one last glance at herself in the mirror before marching into the bath house. And then she stopped dead in her tracks.

Ryuujou and Jun'you had beaten her to the pool. Probably since they didn't have to fumble with heavy sarashi or squeeze themselves into a swimsuit. But that wasn't what gave her pause.

Both carriers were naked. Shinano could see every inch of their skin.

Nearly all of it was covered in bruises and tears. The water around both girls was stained a shimmering rainbow pink as blood, oil, and aviation fuel leeched though hastily-patched wounds. Ryuujou's chest quivered with halting breaths, and Jun'you's normally spiky hair had lost all its bounce.

Shinano felt her jaw hang slack as she stared at them. She'd thought her arm was bad, but… But other than her arm, she didn't have much to complain about. A few nicks and scrapes barely worth mentioning.

"W-wha," the giant carrier stammered as she shuffled into the water. To see her friends—her two closest friends out of the vanishingly small number she had—in such a state broke her heart.

"Hey." Ryuujou glanced over with painful exertion. Her blackened eyes were nearly swollen shut, it was all she could do to squint though bruised, bloodied flesh. Her voice rasped like a parched whisper, and even that single word seemed to take herculean effort.

"What happened to you?" Shinano settled onto her haunches in the warm, soothing water. Oil and blood lapped at her breast as she stood watch over her aching friend.

Ryuujou closed her eyes and hissed a breath though split, bloody lips. "Unarmored," she breathed.

"R-right," Shinano nodded. She thought taking a hit to her deck was painful, but… that was nothing. Scratch damage compared to what her friends endured. They'd felt bombs explode inside them. They'd felt their machinery spaces get torn apart by shrapnel and splinters. Judging by the charring on Jun'you's belly, she'd felt her hanger roast from the inside while her crews battled secondary fires.

Shinano couldn't imagine suffering like that. Just thinking about it made her want to crawl into her nice, safe corner in the shower and cry until she couldn't cry anymore.

But she was a support carrier. She might not be much use in a fight, but she was born to support her friends. She could—would—help however she could.

"Here," Shinano bit the corner of her mouth and fished around in her stores. It took her a while to find what she wanted. Most of her DC crews were busy repairing her own damage, and those that weren't were too tired of green to know where anything went anymore. But at long last she found what she was looking for.

Two fresh bowls of steaming hot noodle soup, and frosty bottles of Ramune. "It's not Mamiya's," Shinano blushed as she gently placed the bowls in the glass-smooth water and let them float like little boats. "It's…" the giant support carrier blushed. She'd done the best she could, but she just didn't have the kind of spices she'd want for good food. "It's the best I could do."

Ryuujou just smiled, and slooooowly shifted her arm to reach for the floating bowl.

Shinano gently pushed her arm back down. "No," she said in the calmest, gentlest voice she could manage. "Rest up."

The big carrier cradled the bowl against her breast with her ragged stump and fumbled a spoon between her fingers. She gathered a few noodles and a healthy helping of warm broth and carried it to Ryuujou's torn lips. "Open wide."

A battered smile passed over the light carrier's face as she obligingly took a slow sip of the soup. "T-thank you," she whispered.

Shinano blushed a brilliant crimson and hastily spun to face Jun'you. She repeated the process for almost an hour. She'd offer a small helping of soup to one girl, blush or whimper when she was thanked, and switch to the other for a bit.

But, finally, she ran out of soup. She didn't mind though, she could tell her friends were getting sleepy. The frantic palpitations of Ryuujou's chest had slowed into a steady rhythm, and Jun'you's eyes had slipped resolutely shut.

"G-good night," muttered Shinano as she slipped back to her own berth. The water felt amazing against her bare skin, and even against her slick swimsuit. The warm, wet air was heavy with the smells of healing oils and fresh noodle soup. Shinano felt sleep start to creep on her like a mist, but there was still one thing she had to do.

She was a support carrier. She existed to support the real carriers. And she'd do that with the last fiber of her being.

Now if she could just remember that lullaby White used to sing her to sleep with…

"How'd it go," Shinano sunk down in the pool until her chin ticked the surface and even her expansive breasts barely crested above the glassy smooth water. She screwed up her face in thought, and then it came to her.

"Rev'n up your engine," sang Shinano in the same gentle, soothing tone White would use when she couldn't sleep. "Listen to her howlin' roar."

A tiny chuckle slipped past Jun'you's lips, and the carrier sunk deeper into her berth.

"Metal under tension," Shinano closed her eyes and thought of White. Whenever she was scared, whenever she couldn't sleep and needed a glass of water to get settled, White was there. Whenever she got scared and couldn't find her plushie, White volunteered herself for cuddling purposes. White was the perfect support carrier. She was everything Shinano wanted to be. She just hoped she could do her momboat justice. "Begging you to touch an' go."

Shinano kept singing until the end of the song, but she was pretty sure both carriers fell asleep halfway though. She didn't mind, they'd worked hard. They'd worked so hard for so long… Shinano was just honored she got the opportunity to sing them to bed.

"That was very beautiful," said a voice Shinano recognized instantly, even though she'd only heard it in stories and legends. Her pulse instantly skyrocketed, and she had to scramble to avoid a catastrophic steam explosion.

"K-Kaga-dono!" Shinano whipped around in the pool and tried to bow, curtsy, and hide all at the same time. All she actually accomplished was cracking a dent in the poolside tile with her forehead. "Owwwwww."

Kaga's face was a mask of inscrutable stoic calm. She sat on her knees by the side of the pool, her hair tied back in its usual side-tail without a single strand out of place. Her lacquered breastplate bulged over her chest with curves that Shinano's armor struggled to repress, and an ebony-handled katana rested on her lap. "Shinano?"

"Y-yes," Shinano clenched at her forehead and stared at her own reflection. She wanted to bow deeper, but the water just wouldn't let her.

"Look into my eyes." Kaga's voice didn't waver from it's calm, controlled timbre, but there was the bite of a barked order wound tight into her tone.

Shinano whimpered, and forced herself to meet the fleet carrier's piercing gaze. Kaga's stern features stood in sharp relief in the dim dock lighting, as cold and unyielding as granite. Her deep brown eyes bored though Shinano's with unblinking intensity. "Y-yes, Kaga-dono," mumbled Shinano.

"They found the carrier who launched the strike," said Kaga with biting hatred tinting her clipped syllables. "It's helpless without its planes. Mogami and Choukai have engaged it in surface action." Kaga hissed out a breath though gleaming teeth and pulled the fabric of her hakama smooth. "I do not expect it to last until nightfall. I thought you would like to know."

Shinano nodded. "I… I would." She blushed and glanced down at the poolside again. "T-thank you, Kaga."

"Shinano," Kaga's voice was as harsh and curt as ever. But Shinano thought she heard—just for an instant, mind you—a warm shade to the cool, clipped tones.

"Yes?" murmured the giant converted carrier.

"Are you familiar with the battle of Midway?" asked Kaga.

Shinano hung her shoulders. "A- a little."

Kaga leaned forwards with the oiled precision of a battleship's main battery. Her hands stayed planted on her hips as her face came nose-to-nose with Shinano. "Are you familiar with how I died?"

Shinano bit her lip and shrank away from the fleet carrier's piercing gaze. "N-not really."

"A thousand pound bomb," explained Kaga with cool indifference, "punched though my flight deck and exploded in my upper hanger." The carrier grabbed Shinano's hand and planted it on the lacquered wood of her breastplate.

Shinano tried to squirm away, but Kaga as unyielding as a mountain. "The blast ruptured my avgas lines," she said, "and started secondary fires, destroyed my fire-suppression gear, and detonated eighty-thousand pounds of ordnance that blew out my sides."

Shinano shivered and felt her heart rate push the redline even further.

"You took a blow that shattered me." Kaga stood to her feet in one smooth motion. Her knees locked with mechanical grace and she pulled her uniform smooth. "And spotted a strike regardless." The old carrier stared though Shinano's glasses into her glassy purple eyes. "Never forget that."
Omake: Eurobotes
'Laska: *Confused large cruiser noises*
Atago: he he! Now kiss!

And stuff like this is why I know I'll end up shipped in and out of story if Sara shows up.

Anywho, Eurobotes:

"This is the first time you've really seen snow like this, isn't it Hood?"

Silence answered that question, as HMS Hood stared up above her. Her bright blue eyes were a bit wide, while flakes of cool snow fell down on her body. Her right hand rose up into the air, fingers gently splayed out to catch the snow as it fell. She wouldn't tell anyone this, ever, but a small- childish -smile had crossed her face the first time she came out into the snow. And it lingered, while a fairy clambered over her hand, a little bucket collecting the snow.

She may have let out a little giggle at the sight.


"You'd think you never served in the North Sea." Barham, the only battleship currently on base with the battlecruiser, had come out with her. And the younger Queen Elizabeth sister didn't even bother hiding the grin on her face. Bright white teeth gleamed in the dull, overcast light, like a searchlight mounted in her mouth. "Honestly Hood, it's just snow."

Turning her head down, Hood's elegant eyebrow raised up just a tad, "Says the battleship that spends most of her time in Sweden."

Barham brought up a finger to counter that point...only to lower it. Her broad shoulders shrugged up, her grin turning self-deprecating when she did so.

"Point. Still, never been out in the snow before?"

"Not like..." Hood sighed softly, her fairy vanishing down the sleeve of her long uniform top. Her arms came up to her modest chest, crossing in a loose hug. "Not like this, at least. I remember what it was like when I was a ship, but this is my first time out in the snow like this. It's..."

Well, it was new. And exciting. Hood loved the simple feeling of snow falling on her long blonde hair, tied back in a loose ponytail. She loved the biting cold of a British winter rushing against her bare legs. The battlecruiser even loved the bloody overcast sky.

In some ways, it was a reminder of the fact she wasn't a ship now. Sometimes, more than she cared to admit, she needed that reminder. That she wasn't stuck in the water all the time, slowly wasting away for a lack of time or funds. She was human.

And it was truly wonderful.

"Well, I guess I understand that." Barham reached a hand over, even though she could only reach up to Hood's shoulder. She still reached over and tugged the battlecruiser into a loose hug, "But don't get all mopey on me! Dreadnought gave me an order not to let you act like that, and I'm not going to disappoint Mum."

Hood wondered if that was an actual order- not that it would surprise her, bloody Dreadnought -or if it was just Barham being Barham. The girl was entirely too clingy for a battleship! did feel nice.

"Th..." Hood began to vocalize that feeling, but she didn't get the chance.

Because if Barham hugging her was one thing, it was another entirely when she felt a pair of smaller arms wrap around her wide waist. Her shapely stern was pressed against a much flatter chest, soon joined by another. Bloody hell...

"Glowworm, Grafton, please let me go." Hood didn't raise her voice, but she did try to twist around to give a disapproving stare on the destroyers.

Except every time she tried to move, they would shift with the movement like a pair of ducklings behind their mother. Hood's every effort to twist around and look at the destroyers was stymied. Every bloody time she twisted her body around, they clung tighter to her stern, daring the battlecruiser to try and see them.

Clearly, the Yanks were a bad influence.

"They've got you Hood, might be better just to let them stay there." Barham, the traitor, was giggling merrily. Her brown hair danced in the snow, framing a face flushed pink with amusement.

"That solves nothing," the battlecruiser shot back sourly, once more trying to twist around. "Come on you two, if you want something at least look me in the face!"

The destroyers just giggled themselves, only one pair of hands leaving Hood's waist. A pair quickly revealed to be Glowworm, the little girl grinning widely up at the much larger battlecruiser. Her black-red scarf twisted around the destroyer's neck, flowing in the wind much as her twin-tailed hair did. Her bright blue eyes danced with merriment, the destroyer practically radiating happiness.

It was impossible to stay angry with such a cute girl. The way her cheeks dimpled in the grin, her little wand twirling in one of her hands...

Bloody hell, she was adorable at the best of times. The snow didn't help.

"Sorry, Miss Hood," the little destroyer bowed slightly, but her grinning face never once left its stare up at Hood. "Sis and I just wanted to say hi. You don't come out here much!"

"I..." well, couldn't very well argue that point. Shaking her head, Hood let a sad smile cross her face, "Can't argue that. Still, there are better ways. And your sister still hasn't unhanded my stern."

"Don't wanna." Grafton's softer voice was muffled by her face being pressed into Hood's muscular back. "Comfy."

An elegant eyebrow went up, when Hood looked down on a now-blushing Glowworm, "Hm?"

Nervously twirling her wand, Glowworm sidestepped Hood's glance, reaching behind the battlecruiser's wide hips to grasp at her twin sister, "Sis, get out here!"

Glowworm's hiss didn't do much good, but her arm tugging her sister did. With a pitiful whine, the redheaded destroyer was tugged out from her position. Grafton was dressed much the same as her sister, in a short sweater that barely reached her thighs, a short skirt underneath that. Where Glowworm wore blue and white, Grafton wore green and gold though.

That, and her neck lacked the scarf. Which...

Poor girl...she must be cold.

Hood, for all that she wasn't used to her new body in the snow, did know that having a scarf kept one warm. Glowworm looked much more comfortable than her sister did.

No wonder...

"Are you cold?" Hood asked, the annoyance leaving her voice when she leaned down to look the destroyer in the eyes. Her flagship instincts reasserted themselves something fierce, the battlecruiser staring at the destroyer.

Grafton flushed pink, but nodded, "Hmm."

Smile on her face, not even faked this time, Hood reached up to her own neck. Her dark blue scarf came away with her hands, the battlecruiser leaning down further to reach around Grafton's own petite neck. Hood's expert hands gently wrapped the deep blue fabric around Grafton, fingers softly twisting and turning as she tied it together.

Hmm...poor girl...

Humming softly, Hood gave one final tug before pulling back to admire her handiwork. Grafton was pretty thoroughly wrapped up in the scarf, her little fingers reaching up to rub along it.

"Thank you..." the soft-spoken destroyer whispered, looking up with genuine thanks in her eyes.

Hood just shook her head, ignoring the sudden chill to her own body, "No need to thank me. I'm a flagship, it's my job to look after my charges. Even if they're bloody pains in my rear."

The last was said with a joking tone, but both destroyers still flinched a tad.

"Sorry..." Glowworm shuffled uncomfortably, her free hand tugging on one of her twin-tails.

"Again, don't do that. Bloody apologies..." Hood shook her head, turning to look at Barham. "The Swedes like this?"

Barham giggled as she nodded, "Oh yeah, they are."

Snorting softly, Hood shook her head one more time before getting fully to her feet. The battlecruiser groaned softly, old joints shifting with a groan of badly-oiled steel. Even in this body, some things never changed.

Ah well, at least she didn't have to worry about stripping a turbine now.

"Now, why did you two come out here? Can't just be to visit me."

Glowworm frantically nodded, "It was though! Sis and I are normally with Furious, this is the first time we've seen you in months!"

Each nod sent her pigtails flying, as the Norwegian campaign veteran waved her wand around. Hood watched that warily, little green sparks flying from the tip of the wooden stick.

Where had that destroyer gotten the thing?

On second thought...

Probably don't want to know, do I?

"You could have just waited until Dreadnought got back," Hood smiled at the destroyer, reaching a hand out to gently grip her wrist so that she stopped waving her wand crazily. "We have a meeting scheduled then. Debriefing those Swedes she's been training for..."

"A month," Barham helpfully supplied.

"That." Hood nodded, rolling her eyes at the battleship.

She was the flagship of the Royal Navy, she knew these things!

"...but that would be a meeting..." little Grafton softly spoke, her hands absently rubbing Hood's scarf around her neck. Red hair fell in front of purple eyes, the destroyer staring up at the battlecruiser. "And we wouldn't get to talk to you like this."

A little spike went into Hood's heart at the pleading tone from the destroyer. Whatever annoyance that may have been in her from the glomping was gone, as she reached out a hand to ruffle the girl's red hair. Glowworm pouted at her sister receiving that care and moved forward herself, practically thrusting her head out at the battlecruiser.

Despite herself, Hood could only roll her eyes and reach her other hand out to pat Glowworm on the head too. Didn't matter what ship they were, what nation they were from, or the situation. Ship girls...

Enjoyed headpats.

Well, if they want to spend time with me, I can hardly say no. I get the feeling we won't have the time forever.

And so, as snow continued to fall on the little group, Hood- pride of the Royal Navy -headpatted two little destroyers, content to spend time with them if that was what they wanted.


The snow was soothing, icy waves much more her home than the warm waters of the Mediterranean. The united forces of the Turk and the Greek may have driven her forces back, but that hardly mattered. It was a temporary setback at the most. Ruling the waves was in her blood, even if it had been torn from her so long ago. Let the fools believe they had won. Her surrogates would continue fighting them, while a more opportune target presented itself.

I will not lose this time.

Her American counterpart had been a fool, lured into a trap by a ship not even fit to wear her title. She would not make the same mistakes.

For thick black smoke mixed and melded with the snow falling atop her twisted deck, staining the frozen water black as night.

Smoke belching from the stacks of a fleet that would see the Royal Navy defeated. They welcomed the snow for its beauty. A symbol of peace, much as the time of the year. She welcomed it as cover.

None could observe her, nor her escorts. Destroyers darting to and fro, hateful eyes watching for submarines. Cruisers, bristling with guns that would destroy any and all planes that dared to look her way. Battleships, mighty warships prepared to kill whatever approached. And of course, the leader herself. The Princess herself.

Admiral...she is not worthy of that name.

Hate-filled eyes looked into the distance, where the British Isles were hidden by the snowstorm. Her actions in the Middle Sea had failed to draw British eyes. Failed to draw the attention of their blonde-haired leader. A warship that had raw rage flying through her at the very thoughtof. A dull glow gleamed from dual turrets, trained towards the distant islands. Silent, but not for long.

Those fifteen-inch rifles would soon speak her fury for all to hear. The leader of the Royal Navy would feel the anger and pain that the Princess had felt. She would see death and destruction wrought upon her friends and comrades. If not by the hands of those in the Pacific, reliving the past, then by her hands. Hood would feel what she had felt.

You will pay for lived while I are not forgiven, Hood!

Anger fueled the twenty-four boilers that powered her steam turbines. One-hundred and forty-four thousand horsepower pushed her through the choppy North Sea, towards the British Isles. Her bow sliced through the water at a steady twenty knots...gradually moving closer and closer to the thirty knots that was her top speed. Thick, choking smoke, dark as night, flowed forth from her twin stacks.

Her lean, dark hull cut through the crests of waves, not even a hint of worry for the rough seas. She had been built for this, it was nothing to her. Even the spray icing over her four turrets did little to concern her.

This was what she had been built for. Hunting prey that could not escape her speed or firepower. Those who had designed her would be proud...for as long as it took her to destroy them.

Baleful eyes, turning away from the spray of water across her bows, instead looked up to the skies. For even those who could escape her speed could never escape those of her escort.

Elegant little fighters circled the air above her, pitch black against the overcast skies. Their long noses were unlike anything the British had faced before, and they were more than capable of destroying anything the British could dare throw at them. Elliptical wings and a large tail made them more maneuverable than even the legendary Spitfire. The long nose held an engine that roared even above the sound of the wind rushing by the planes.

Their mothership, the elegant lines of a liner slicing through the water, held back under her fighters. Bristling with guns, any who attempted to attack her would find themselves ruined.

We will not lose. We will destroy all.

And as a feral grin crossed a pale face, the Princess continued to her goal. Her long hull was ready to finally see combat. Her fifteen-inch guns were ready to fire at long last.

And nothing would get in her way.

A note to make though:

While this is setup for the next big battle, I don't intend to do that until after Abyssko (hey, if I don't like people calling Atomic CC Princess Sara, I'll return the favor for those who like Bisko) shows up. For story purposes.

So the next Europe bit will likely be either SMS Pringles or a rather more cracky Vasa bit.
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