"No," the word rattled out on the back of a horrified gasp. The raider princess was frozen in the blood-choked waters of her birthing dock, staring in eyeless horror at the unthinking massacre befalling her demons. Her fleet was burning. Her fortress, her precious island was
desecrated by traitors from beyond the grave.
"No!" She roared in fury, carving deep bloody ribbons down new newborn's back with her massive unthinking talons. How
dare they devastate her island like this! How
dare they bring down the whirlwind upon her throne. She arched her back, screaming in rage through gnashing teeth. Her newborn all but fell of her breast, its still-soft talons tearing into her pallid flesh in a desperate attempt to keep its position at her icy teat. "Stop them!" she roared, thrusting a talon at the hateful red-marked airplanes systematically obliterating all she'd worked so hard to build with cold, uncaring efficiency.
"Sister!" She heard the snow queen's voice a thousand miles away, too enraged to to devote more than a fraction of her attention to even her beloved sister.
"They're destroying
my throne!" Roared the princess with righteous hatred. How dare they stoop so low!
"Sister!" A loud crash of metal brought her back to her senses. Her sister was standing over her, hip-deep in the wine-dark waters of the birthing dock with her eyeless face twisted into a look of pure… terror. Yes, it was terror. Not hatred, not anger, but pure untempered fear. "We must leave
"But," The princess glanced at the demon still greedily nursing at her breast. The last demon she still had under her command. The last of her once-grand armada.
"Leave it!" The snow queen grabbed her sister by the arm, hauling her out of the dock with all the power her turbines could manage. "We can't let anything slow us down!"
The princess glanced at her demon. The fruit of her womb that'd she'd birthed mere hours before. The last of her children still above the waves. How could she leave it? She was a princess, and that nobility
demanded an entourage. A fleet to follow her every command. "My fleet—"
The snow queen wheeled around. Shoving the demon into the water without a thought, she grabbed her sister's eyeless face with both massive talons and hauled it close for a long, wet kiss. Her bosom swelled against the princess' and for the briefest of heartbeats the hell around them faded to nothing. A moment later, the snow queen pulled away, her chest heaving with hot, desperate breaths as a single strand of slowly-freezing saliva linked the royal sisters. "I can't loose you," she confessed. "Not again."
The princess nodded, her last demon vanishing from her thoughts like smoke before a great wind. "Of course," She shoved her demon from her chest with one hand, holding it beneath the water until its desperate attempts to return to claw back to its mother stilled while she buttoned her greatcoat up with the other.
The two battleships steamed for the mouth of the harbor, screws beating with desperate fury as they shouldered through ice-choked waters. But in the back of her mind, the princess knew it was futile. Birthing such a grand and glorious armada—let alone feeding her newborns and their crews—had exhausted her. Her bunkers were all but depleted, and even if her sister was willing to share what supplies she had… where would they go?
"The Forsaken Empress," said her sister, clearly working through the same thoughts herself. "We got to her."
The princess shot her sister a look. The empress was a myth, a legend spoken of in hushed tones even by her fellow princesses and queens. But… her sister seemed convinced. Still, the princess scowled at her charts, measuring the great distance from her island throne to the empress' mythical lair. "That's three thousand miles way."
"We'll make it," said the snow queen.
"If we do," gasped the princess, "She can't—"
"She does," said the snow queen. "And more."
On the other side of the world, a tall, slim battleship named Hood briefly shifted into ultrasonic and nearly crushed her phone in her hand. "Yes!" she roared, her natural Scottish brogue overpowering the upper-class English accent that normally flavored her curt diction.
Under normal circumstances, she'd appalled at such a blatant display of unalloyed emotion by one of the Queen's own battleships. Doubly so now that her task-force contained Achilles from New Zealand and a smattering of the seemingly endless tide of destroyers American admirals couldn't give away fast enough. It was critical that a lady of war set a proper example for the colonials, especially impressionable young ships like the
Fletchers after all.
But this wasn't any normal circumstance. The Americans and Japanese had brought the almighty's own sledgehammer down on the demon that'd haunted her dreams for months.
Bismark, or some shadowy echo of her, was
running scared.
"Miss Hood?" Achilles smirked at the towering—and normally oh-so-regal—battlecruiser. It was funny to see the pride of the Royal Navy let royal mask slip a bit, but the cruiser didn't judge her for it one bit. For every man, woman, and ship in the Royal Navy, today was a good day.
"She's running!" Hood grabbed Achilles with by the shoulders. "She's running!" Before the cruiser could react, Hood pulled her in for a sloppy kiss square on the lips. Achilles was quite sure she'd
still be blushing when she finally went home to New Zealand.
"Two ships," said Shinano. Her voice was quiet, but the natural thundering timber of the littlest Yamato boomed over Akagi and Kaga's running comentary. Her milky-eyed stare wandered in the general direction of New Jersey, and the American super-heavy could tell Shinano was splitting off a small fragment of herself to keep with her body while the majority of her mind was in the skies above Pearl. "Heading for the mouth of the harbor."
"Which ones!" demanded Prinz Eugen over the radio. The heavy cruiser's accent was even thicker than usual, and so bloodthirsty it sounded almost draconic over the crackling feed. Jersey couldn't blame her. If those had been
American ships, she would've been beyond insane with rage.
"The queen," said Shinano, "and her queen."
"If we close the range," said Prinz Eugen desperately,
"We could—"
"No." Alaska's voice was quiet, calm, and utterly unquestionable. Prinz Eugen might be an overbuilt cruiser with a bustline that would've punched the London Naval Treaty's one-way ticked to a padded cell, but Alaska was nearly twice her weight.
"But—" Prinz Eugen's voice cracked in desperate rage.
"Listen to 'laska," ordered Jersey. "You're in no shape to engage a heavy. Shadow them on radar only."
"Copy," said Alaska. It took Prinz Eugen a moment longer to signal her acknowledgement.
"Jersey," Shinano's voice was quizzical. "There's…"
"What?" barked the Iowa.
"I don't… there's something in the water," said Shinano. "At the eastern end of battleship row. It's… too thick with oil and ice for me to… I
think it's a ship."
"And?" said Jersey, her voice taut with… she didn't even know. Worry, hope? Somewhere in-between?
"The water's too murky for me to see," said Shinano. "But it's moving south—south-west. Fast. Maybe… thirty, thirty-five knots?"
Jersey felt a knot tie in her stomach. Thirty-five knots? It was just an estimate, an estimate from planes orbiting high over a running battle looking through murky oil-stained water. But still…
thirty-five knots. "Ju—" Jersey felt her voice crack. "Just the one?"
Shinano nodded. "Ye—no. No, there's two. Definitely two of them. Going for the surface."
Jersey breathed a prayer to anyone who might be listening, hoping against hope with each nervous breath. "Please," she muttered. "Shina, what are they… do you have an ID?"
"They're breaching the surface," said Shinano. And then she just squealed with joy for almost a minute straight. Her hands balled up into fists that she pumped furiously in triumph.
"Are they!" Jersey demanded, a smile on her face already.
"Yes!" said Shinano. "Yes! Yes! Two Iowas!"
"Ha!" Jersey was too happy to even curse. She threw her fist in the air and screamed to the sky. Her sisters were back! Back at last! "Mo!" She pressed two fingers to her ear. "Mo, Wisky, are you there?"
"Jerjer, good to hear your voice again," crackled a smokey voice as smooth and dark as warm molasses.
"Goddammit, Mo!" Jersey said, feeling hot tears flow down her face as she laughed. "You know I hate that name!"
"I'm your little sister," said Mo with an audible smirk.
"I don't tease you I could get court martialed."
"She has a point," said Naka
"Naka, shut the fuck up." Jersey aimed an open-palmed swat at the tiny orange thorn in her side. "The adults are talking."
"One of them, at least," cackled Mo. *"We're available for tasking—"
"Both of us," added a second voice. One as powerful and smokey as Mo's or Jersey's, but quieter and ever so slightly more reserved.
"—but we're critically low on fuel right now."
"Don't worry about it," said Jersey. "They can't get far. Support the invasion."
"Wilco, out."
Moments after the channel dropped, Jersey heard all three carriers gape in awe at… something. Their milk-white eyes went as wide as it was possible for a Japanese girl to get, and Kaga—freaking
Kaga of all people—almost dropped her bow into the water.
"What was that?" said Akagi with breathless awe.
"That my friend," said Mo,
"Is a tomahawk."