She's a submarine. "Paying" is something other people do.
it is not stealing. it is re-appropriation of key materials. And besides, The military will pay for this package, because that looks a lot like Admiral Gato's signature on the paperwork. and see? even has his seal that only his secretary ship can access. Nothing is out of place, just a simple overseas shipment is all.
"Coordinates, Grid Squares A5 and B5. Multiple herds of wild boar sighted. Callling for saturation bombardment of the area."
"Copy that. All girls, load HC shells and engage at-will with full broadsides."

"This barbeque is delicious. The perfect blend of sweet, smoky and spicy. Although there is another flavor I can't quite figure out, tangy but not citrusy... I must know your secret ingredient!"

"Coordinates, Grid Squares A5 and B5. Multiple herds of wild boar sighted. Callling for saturation bombardment of the area."
"Copy that. All girls, load HC shells and engage at-will with full broadsides."

"You know, when you want to make pulled pork, you're supposed to shred the meat after cooking it. Not while it's live-ish."

"Really? Why didn't anyone tell me!?"
"You know, when you want to make pulled pork, you're supposed to shred the meat after cooking it. Not while it's live-ish."

"Really? Why didn't anyone tell me!?"

"What are you talking about? This method cooks and shreds the meat at the same time! Hungry shipgirls won't wait 12 hours for a mere smoker to cook a hog...""