At Samar-

Sammy B: Come back and fight, Yamato! Doesn't matter if I've been hit and I'm seein' double...I have two guns, one for each of you!
Kongou: Don't worry Yamato, I'll take care of it. Practically perfect people always have to pick up other people's slack...

Chikuma: You big girls handle this pipsqueak, I'll just pull out, and try to put myself together again. Getting set on fire sucks, yaknow.
And then, there's White Plains and Choukai. Who was defeated by White Plains' gunnery. With the only 5" gun on board, located at the stern.

What your liver and kidney made of?!??!?
you dont hang around veterans do you? this shit is the norm for us. badass, unhinged, shit talkers with a severe vitamin m deficiency. and we do it for the same kind of reaction you just showed.
in the navy, u go to medical complaning of a headache, stomache ache, soor muscles, pain somewhere, lost limbs, kidney infection, spleen rupture, etc Doc will give you a baggie of about ten to twelve 800 miligram motrin. take four a day it says.
well if one pill works in 30 minutes, then two should work in 15, and 3 pills dhould have everything fixed in about 5 to 7 minutes. enough time to grab a mountain dew can, a snickers and consume them before getting to where you need to be.
Untrue. Doc will also bandage the stump so the Bosun will stop complaining about you getting blood all over his decks.
what is with that? i am being nice. I usually pop five or six with a BFC of Monster or rockstar. Gotta get the blood flowing somehow man. So, because i want the man to only take two, (As per usual Doc's orders) he should be just fine. he doesnt have to worry about any stomach ulcers for at least ten years.
...How in the name of Zeus' shaft are you still able to eat?
you dont hang around veterans do you? this shit is the norm for us. badass, unhinged, shit talkers with a severe vitamin m deficiency. and we do it for the same kind of reaction you just showed.
in the navy, u go to medical complaning of a headache, stomache ache, soor muscles, pain somewhere, lost limbs, kidney infection, spleen rupture, etc Doc will give you a baggie of about ten to twelve 800 miligram motrin. take four a day it says.
well if one pill works in 30 minutes, then two should work in 15, and 3 pills dhould have everything fixed in about 5 to 7 minutes. enough time to grab a mountain dew can, a snickers and consume them before getting to where you need to be.
Judging by my fairly basic understanding of chemical reactions, yes, increasing the amount of one reactant would increase the reaction rate, though not in the simple way you describe. And, of course, you'll likely end up having gotten a shorter total amount of time under the pain-killing effect than you would if you spaced that big dose out, though a longer one than any individual, smaller dose.

Also, ibuprofen does have cardiovascular effects. It's been linked to increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, probably due to the increased blood pressure it can cause. So I'd maybe be a little bit more careful about taking so much of it, alongside a bunch of caffeine.
...How in the name of Zeus' shaft are you still able to eat?

Judging by my fairly basic understanding of chemical reactions, yes, increasing the amount of one reactant would increase the reaction rate, though not in the simple way you describe. And, of course, you'll likely end up having gotten a shorter total amount of time under the pain-killing effect than you would if you spaced that big dose out, though a longer one than any individual, smaller dose.

Also, ibuprofen does have cardiovascular effects. It's been linked to increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, probably due to the increased blood pressure it can cause. So I'd maybe be a little bit more careful about taking so much of it, alongside a bunch of caffeine.
i eat just fine. and the body of the average veteran is 80 percent hate, 15 percent caffeine and 5 percent ibeuprophen.
so, we need to get Musashi about a whole bottle and see if that doesnt help her poor abused muscles for going against an american battleship.
Just thank heavens that only those particular two battleships seem to have the grudge sex thing going on...
It could be worse?
Smolaska? No. Please no. No more. Stahp.
Yes. Moar. Moar cutes.

no bully the sky

Always bully the Sky.
No, just get the Predread New Jersey to teach Jersey, and Mikasa to teach Mushi.
Or have Mutsu talk with Mushi while Ari talks with Jersey.
"Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

I am now imagining the Puny God scene with an abyssal who has made very poor life decisions.
Cameron's 19 and still in school. He wants to get to a more solid position in life/mature a bit before asking 'Laska to marry him.
Good man. But he must realize that 'laska can take care of herself. He doesn't need to have a good foundation. And 19? Damn, I'm really envious now because I'm older than him and have actually never been kissed >_<
Sammy B is Lord Khorne's Best Little Helper.
^this, tho it's AU. A collective "Blood for the Blood SECNAV!"
Yes, she can take care of herself. But generally speaking, the most stable relationships are where both parties can take care of themselves, and, at need, the other party.
Good man. But he must realize that 'laska can take care of herself. He doesn't need to have a good foundation. And 19? Damn, I'm really envious now because I'm older than him and have actually never been kissed >_<
He still wants to be more set in life before he asks her to marry him. And 'Laska's not gonna press the subject because she knows she could afford to mature a little herself, but also that she won't be able to say no if/when he asks.
Jane now has a miniderp.
Oh God, Jane doesn't have to physically meet a shipgirl for a mini version of them to possibly appear. It's only a matter of time now before Naka's prediction comes true.
Cameron's 19 and still in school. He wants to get to a more solid position in life/mature a bit before asking 'Laska to marry him.
While that's admirable, I seriously doubt either of them have iron wills, if you get my drift. I imagine one - or both - will break eventually.
I'm worried she might ask him.
That could very well happen.
Oh God, Jane doesn't have to physically meet a shipgirl for a mini version of them to possibly appear. It's only a matter of time now before Naka's prediction comes true.
I just pictured this:

*Jane Knocks on Naka's door*
Naka: *Answers* Jane! What can Naka-chan, Idol of the Fleet do for you? *Strikes cutesy pose*
Jane: Miss Naka, I was listening to one of your songs and when I glanced away from the screen I saw this.
*Jane holds up Mini-Naka*
Smolnaka: IIIdolll~!
*Cut to Jintsu watching her sister run through the naval base emitting a squee inaudible to human ears*

Naka-chan stream starts.
There's nothing on cam.
There's still nothing on cam.
There's still nothing on cam, but now there's barley-audible grunting.
"Naakaaaa" boom! Something flies into the camera, jostling it so it can see the mouse.
A very smol Naka has her back against the mouse and his heaving with all her might to move it around.
And then MiniNaka pressgangs miniLaska, smolZona and MiniMu into being backup dancers for her. :V
In which case MiniMu goes full ham with the dancing, Smolzona runs around trying to get everyone into more modest clothing, and Snowflake took a wrong turn half an hour ago and somehow ended up in Nagato's cleavage.
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I'm voting for Cameron to wait until he's ready. He wants to make sure that he will be able to provide for his lady. Promise rings sound like a good idea.
And you don't think giving 'laska a promise ring carries an unacceptable risk that she'll misconstrue it (possibly willingly) as a full-out proposal and start wedding planning on her own initiative?
A very smol Naka has her back against the mouse and his heaving with all her might to move it around.

Alternatively, she's going at it like an overcaffeinated idol on a laptop touchpad like it's a DDR board. (Then again... at Smol scale, it is the right size and shape for a DDR board.)

*note to self: leaving full-size chocolate-covered coffee beans in reach of Smols? Bad Idea*

and start wedding planning on her own initiative?

You mean she's not already working on that? :p
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