Harry Leferts
Suave Shadow Cabal Kaiju
So she would like arctic kiwi then?I didn't see the 'Figma' portion, nor the stand at first...my first impression was, "Ooh, Minishima!"
"Mic check! One, two!"
"Shima~! Shima, Shima~!"
*Crowning is sitting in the mess hall, eating lunch when he notices a movement out of the corner of his eye. He turns to see Minishima standing on the table looking at him.
Crowning: Hello there...who do you belong to?
Minishima: Shima~.
Crowning: Ah, I see. *Pushes a piece of kiwi fruit off his plate and onto a napkin* Hungry?
Minishima: *looks at him with adoration* Shima...~ *grabs the piece of fruit and chows down*

It's the smaller one and tastes like a kiwi.