You're asking why you aren't getting Jersey?
It's because you wouldn't woman up and actually talk to Crowning and instead always ran and hid behind the "I'm a Boat" excuse when anything came up.
Here's the thing Jersey, Boats don't have sex. Ergo, you don't get sex.

Granted, Crowning shouldn't have placed you on a pedestal, but the answer both of your problems is communication.
Let me rephase my point somewhat:
1. Global push by impossible navy out of nowhere against an entire world.
2. Navies decimated due to ineffective weapons.
3. Said push stops roughly at the shoreline.
4. Humanity rebuilds and creates new weapons against the enemy based on said enemy's own operating principles.

Shall I elaborate further?
Ah. No, thank you, I can see the similarities now. It kinda sounded like you were referring specifically to the shortage of supplies as the point of commonality, though. Apologies.
That's part of the narrative conflict. Slight difference.
Point. Though, admittedly, a lot of their actual conflicts at this point are intra-factional strife between Fog ships. Because humans on Fog ships doesn't technically violate their mandate (which specifically said 'human ships', IIRC), and some Fog don't like loophole exploitation, apparently.
Left behind was the bizarre obsession with turning each and every goddamn thing in the fucking universe into a schoolgirl wearing an unnecessarily fucking short miniskirt.
Botes, rifles, fighter jets, mountains, Japanese municipalities, you name it.
Also cans of soda, kinds of rice, intestinal parasites. (Really--there's a manga about a guy's tapeworm being a cute girl, and they fall in love.) Etcetera, etcetera, and so forth. o_O
Though I question the characterization of their outfits as 'unnecessarily fucking short miniskirt(s)'. I think they are juuuuuust fine. :)
Could you send Shimakaze in? ;)
Triplets? Just the WTF of the doctor having to listen to the blatant sounds of riveting and welding coming from her belly?
I wonder how the sonogram would come out. :???:

And by Aesculapius and Galen, do not put her in an MRI! :o
You're asking why you aren't getting Jersey?
It's because you wouldn't woman up and actually talk to Crowning and instead always ran and hid behind the "I'm a Boat" excuse when anything came up.
Here's the thing Jersey, Boats don't have sex. Ergo, you don't get sex.

Granted, Crowning shouldn't have placed you on a pedestal, but the answer both of your problems is communication.
True. Communication screwed them both.

Ah, yes. Mountainfus. I can still remember the genius that came when I mentioned that.
The ultrasound would probably show like, a ship keel or something. Though depending on the shape, they could probably tell the type.
Jersey can't really complain about not getting any action since she basically dumped the guy who would have been most likely to oblige her.
Mutsu: The people deserve to know~
Besides, Mutsu's twins are the first unambiguously positive thing to come out of this war. Mutsu's already a media darling given her coyness and general hotness. Have her get married and knocked up, and people'll just eat it up. Also, she needs to let everyone possible know she's carrying her admirals' babies.
Botes, rifles, fighter jets, mountains, Japanese municipalities, you name it. Though I question the characterization of their outfits as 'unnecessarily fucking short miniskirt(s)'. I think they are juuuuuust fine. :)
Jersey: maybe if they had actual fucking asses. Also, Army. Your opinion is irrelevant.
Innocent? She's been on the internet! She's so far past innocent it's not even in the rear-view mirror anymore. That having been said, the only way she's not noticed the cruiser trio is determinedly not looking.
Frisco: You know, it's possible we're not lewd.
Triplets? Just the WTF of the doctor having to listen to the blatant sounds of riveting and welding coming from her belly? I hope this just means Gale has to eat more steel or something.
Gale: Triplets... no. please no. *shudders*

Don't make Ramiel-Chan cry, desu!
[Shameless advertising for my workplace]
It's time, everybody.

The battleship Iowa is rolling out its newest tour: Full STEAM Ahead! This special tour will explore previously off-limits areas of the ship, including the engine room, boiler room, post office, aft main battery plot, and more.

This 10 person, 2 hour tour is offered on Saturday and Sunday at 11a.m. and 2p.m. This will travel through six different levels of the ship.

Check the link for more, and come on down to visit!
[/shameless advertising]
[Shameless advertising for my workplace]
It's time, everybody.

The battleship Iowa is rolling out its newest tour: Full STEAM Ahead! This special tour will explore previously off-limits areas of the ship, including the engine room, boiler room, post office, aft main battery plot, and more.

This 10 person, 2 hour tour is offered on Saturday and Sunday at 11a.m. and 2p.m. This will travel through six different levels of the ship.

Check the link for more, and come on down to visit!
[/shameless advertising]
I checked out the link. It mentions the flag room is where the USS Iowa stores "its" flags. You people do know boats are girls, right?