That hit on Chokai wasn't a golden BB. A golden BB is far too common... it was a *tantalum* BB. And then only a tantalum BB because there will never be enough francium on earth to create a BB.
They don't need to do much, other than occasionally make a torpedo run at them, or act like they are making a torpedo run. It's all about delaying, not winning.
The problem is that Bismark doesn't need to get a golden BB. Even a single hit from her guns is guaranteed to mission kill Sendai if not outright kill her, and Maka's not much better off.
I hope Bismarck and Tirpitz can come back as ship girls. They really need chance to redeem themselves instead of being used as cannon fodder for the abyssal fleets.
If they do, it probably won't be in the service of Germany. IIRC the Germans are only going to try summoning ships from the Hochseeflotte or the Reichsmarine; memories of the Nazis are still too painful. That being said, under these rules, the only major WWII ships that qualify are Emden, the K-class trio, Leipzig & Nurnberg, Deutschland/Lutzow, and Admiral Scheer.

I sincerely hope something happens to save Maya and Sendai, such as Wisky suddenly appearing at the last moment and saving them both. That would really bring down the story if two shipgirls got sunk. Yeah, I know death is part of war and all, but still...
It'll either be a Big Damn Heroes moment by a new shipgirl or a heroic sacrifice. I don't see any other way out of this.
If they do, it probably won't be in the service of Germany. IIRC the Germans are only going to try summoning ships from the Hochseeflotte or the Reichsmarine; memories of the Nazis are still too painful. That being said, under these rules, the only major WWII ships that qualify are Emden, the K-class trio, Leipzig & Nurnberg, Deutschland/Lutzow, and Admiral Scheer.
the key word though is try... and if Arizona, Pennsy, and Pringles are any indication, what you ask for and what you get are rarely the same thing.
Germans, at the moment, are limited to Pringles (USN) Yavuz+Midili/Breslau (Turkey) and Hindenburg (Germany).

Until and unless JMP lets anything past the Imps get summoned, don't expect anything newer than the latter three.
I'm betting Maya goes down fighting while Sendai gets away, Makes the most sense that Maya would get stuck and distract the three long enough for Sendai to give a full torpedo salvo rather than the reverse.
I'm betting Maya goes down fighting while Sendai gets away, Makes the most sense that Maya would get stuck and distract the three long enough for Sendai to give a full torpedo salvo rather than the reverse.

Actually I'm expecting the reverse to happen. Not to say Maya wouldn't try to go down fighting to allow Sendai to get away, but Sendai will force the issue for Maya to escape. After all, Maya's got a night battle partner waiting back home for her. Sendai wouldn't want that to be lost to the depths after all.

"Give Garret the best fucking night battle of his life when you get back home Maya. " Is more or less what I'd expect Sendai to say before she goes down fighting.... though honestly if Sendai does go down... I... well Jintsuu and Naka...They're gonna need, all the hugs and stuff...
Actually I'm expecting the reverse to happen. Not to say Maya wouldn't try to go down fighting to allow Sendai to get away, but Sendai will force the issue for Maya to escape. After all, Maya's got a night battle partner waiting back home for her. Sendai wouldn't want that to be lost to the depths after all.

"Give Garret the best fucking night battle of his life when you get back home Maya. " Is more or less what I'd expect Sendai to say before she goes down fighting.... though honestly if Sendai does go down... I... well Jintsuu and Naka...They're gonna need, all the hugs and stuff...
the problem is that Maya's going to be the priority target being a heavy cruiser. That and I like the story possibilities of Sendai having to explain to Garret what happened, seems more emotionally investing.
Be hard to be sure who they're shooting at in the dark.

Guys... you're being too pessimistic. They haven't died yet.

Three battleships on two cruisers that *must* fight doesn't bode well. If Sendai and Maya were just moving from base to base, we wouldn't even talk about the outcome of the fight, because they'd go "all ahead flank", and haul ass out of there.

And if they miss with their spreads, they don't have a way to kill the battleships. Maya *might* be able to force one of them to retreat if she can wreck its superstructure badly enough. But even that is unlikely, because she's going to be taking fire from between one and three battleships, depending on how much fire Sendai draws.
The things is guys, I have a feeling that JMPer is feeling character bloat, and thus is possibly taking the GRR Martin approach to characters that aren't important to the plot. Hell, I'm half expecting the next info we get about them is that they're sunk.
I have forgotten one thing however: We are still talking about an engagement relatively close to US waters. There is one thing that I garun-damn-tee that the US has that can be used against these enemies. Even should we miss once, twice or thrice.

Our arrows missiles will blot out the sun!
And before anybody mentions the Abyssal spookieness, I'm talking a LITERAL wall of ordy, law of averages Bitches! And contact fuses eliminate the need for laser rangefinders and abyssal proof the boom-makers.
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