It's time for Mo to kick some abyssal ass, prove the steel-hulls still got it
Not that I doubt that an Iowa can beat a Bismarck, but sending one battleship after three others? And ones with Torpedoes? Sure, they have to get close, but they have numbers on their side. I doubt that Mo will fight them unless she has air support on her side to chew them up before hand.
Maybe you should make it a bit clearer that Maya and company are escorting a convoy. Because when they were talking about speeds and said 'oh they'll run us down at 30 knots' I kinda cocked my head because Takao class could likely clear 35 knots in good seas and Sendai wasn't too far behind.

Other than that I'm not looking forward to them dying. Because there's no real alternative here. Wide open sea, no islands to ambush from, no air cover...yeah.

Unless Big Mo charges in at the last moment.
I don't get the last part with Hood...she was dreaming about Bismarck coming back as an Abyssal and then her Admiral confirms it?
Mo can win a three on one. It'll be hard, but doable. She has the speed advantage to fight at the range of her choice, and can fight from beyond the horizon, thanks to RADAR AIMBOT HAX. The only support I'd argue she needs is a CVL like RJ to knock down any unfriendly spotters.

That said, more help is, of course, better.
I hope Bismarck and Tirpitz can come back as ship girls. They really need chance to redeem themselves instead of being used as cannon fodder for the abyssal fleets.
I can see it now, the Abyssal Nazis are going to have tunnel vision on Maya and Sendai when,

The cavalry saves the day, led by Mark 8 Super Heavy shells.
Re: Nightmares

From the literal very first Eurobote omake (no, I'm not joking at all, unless you count the Dreadmom bit before it) Hood has been having nightmares about Abyssmarck. Tiger has her physical scars from Jutland, Hood has mental scars from her death. I mean, think about it. She was the pride of the Royal Navy. Ill-maintained as she may have been, she still probably considered herself the most powerful warship afloat. And then, in her one and only proper battle she got killed by a golden BB.

(even if it was the fires set by Pringles that actually did her in by setting of sympathetic detonations, Hood probably doesn't know that)

Toss in the fact that the Abyssals love using Germans as LITERAL NAZI(BOTES) and it isn't hard to believe she'd have some serious nightmares going on. Honestly, if I were better at writing it, she'd likely have PTSD in relation to fighting Bismarck like Pennsy has in relation to Pearl.
Not that I doubt that an Iowa can beat a Bismarck, but sending one battleship after three others? And ones with Torpedoes? Sure, they have to get close, but they have numbers on their side. I doubt that Mo will fight them unless she has air support on her side to chew them up before hand.

You're comparing the best battleship of WWII to the three worst, bar none. Iowa has them in speed, firepower, fire control, protection, handling, and ice cream machines. Scharn and Gneis are powerfucked by bad weather, and Bismarck has horrible armor and poor AP shells.

It could get tight, but I'm not worried.
Not saying she's going to manage a rescue, just saying how the fight would go.
If they survive long enough, then Mo may be able to help, somewhat. Accurate fire or not, the Mk 8 has a range of about 20.9 nm, at 45 degrees of elevation. And knowing the Iowas, they'll get a little more than that. Of course, the flight time would be tremendous. More than 80 seconds of travel.

The sticking point is whether Maya and Yasen! will live long enough on the 'Peaceful Ocean' for it to matter.

Unrelated, mostly. But fascinating.
In gunnery tests against, of all things, a Bismarck sized target, Iowa got a surprisingly decent score. When you consider that the accuracy scores at that time would be hilariously small percentages.
USA 16"/50 (40.6 cm) Mark 7 - NavWeaps
Other than that I'm not looking forward to them dying. Because there's no real alternative here. Wide open sea, no islands to ambush from, no air cover...yeah.
The USS Edsall (DD-219) fought Chikuma, Sentai, Hiei, Kirishima, Kaga, Hiryu, and Soryu. By herself.
That afternoon, CruDiv 8's spotted the old destroyer USS Edsall, 400 km south-southeast of Christmas Island. Chikuma opened fire with her 8-inch guns at the extremely long range of 18 km, and all shots missed. Chikuma was joined by battleships Hiei and Kirishima, which also opened fire with their 14 inch main batteries, but Edsall not only managed to avoid 297 14-inch, 132 6-inch shells from the battleships and an additional 844 8-inch and 62 5-inch rounds from the cruisers, but the destroyer also closed to range and fired its 4-inch guns at Chikuma. Hits from Hiei, Tone and dive bombers from the aircraft carriers Sōryū and Akagi finally stopped Edsall, which was then finished off by Chikuma.
She dodged 1,335 shells at her that afternoon with no more than one or two hits, which failed to stop the destroyer. That's 2 CAs, 2 BBs, 3 CVs, and 26 aircraft needing nearly 2 hours to stop one USN DD.

The SS Beaverford was an armed freighter. She took on the KMS Admiral Scheer for four and a half hours by herself after the Scheer attacked Convoy HX-84. She fought a pocket battleship alone for four hours with one 4 inch & one 3 inch gun. That saved 32 ships out of 36 in her convoy.

Sammy B....well, you all know what she and Taffy 3 did.

Maya and Sendai may be about to die. But don't ever try to tell me there's no chance. There are no hopeless odds.
True, one CA and one CL versus 3 BBs is not a good match. But as Sammy B might put it: "You may be about to make a meal out of me... but I'm gonna get me a sandwich outta you first!"
They Abyssals are going to get hurt. No question. I'd give them good odds of even bagging themselves a battleship if they get some good torpedo hits.

But it's going to cost them. Maya and Sendai will almost certainly sink. Look at what their stand cost Taffy 3. Two destroyers sunk, the third heavily damaged, plus a destroyer escort and a escort carrier sunk.

One of them might make it out by the skin of her teeth. Might. If she's extremely lucky.
Well, HMS Sydney got bagged by Kormoran, even though Kormoran had to be scuttled. And she was only a converted merchant carrier. Of course, Sydney was taken by surprise. But torpedoes are still torpedoes.