Awww... That picture link's broken for me... Seems like it would be interesting to see...

And continue on about this long story... please (Well, if you aren't working on Changing at least... :p)
The only time BelBat is on the rails is when theJMPer has just posted a new chapter. The rest of the time it's off the rails, and yes, I do mean immediately after the chapter has been posted :p
What a way to go for sure! Wonder what Arizona would be like here if she reincarnated. Or Pennsy, for that matter (she sank in the same battle).
Kinda hard to imagine (never played any of those games) but I'm rather proud her digital self made such a powerful force really work to take her down. Good on her!

And thank you so much for continuing to upload BB to We really appreciate your effort. :D
Re: Ari's launch video.

"So, they sent you down the slipway without your turrets or superstructure."
"Obviously, for secrecy reasons."
"The Navy first shipped you out TOPLESS for secrecy reasons..."
Arizona: *angry prudebote noises*
So, I was rewatching Battle 360: Enterprise, and something grated on me.

Anyone else notice that DDs are constantly referred to as "destroyer escorts", rather than "escorting destroyers"?
Re: Ari's launch video.

"So, they sent you down the slipway without your turrets or superstructure."
"Obviously, for secrecy reasons."
"The Navy first shipped you out TOPLESS for secrecy reasons..."
Arizona: *angry prudebote noises*
Honestly, I wouldn't model that as 'topless.' I'd model that as 'hadn't finished growing up' yet. The personification of Ari from that period would have been perfectly modestly dressed- she'd just be a long way short of her final state of, ahem, maturation.
Honestly, I wouldn't model that as 'topless.' I'd model that as 'hadn't finished growing up' yet. The personification of Ari from that period would have been perfectly modestly dressed- she'd just be a long way short of her final state of, ahem, maturation.
Hmm... I can see that. A younger Ari dressed in a nice dress that wouldn't look put of place as her Sunday Best. And of course, her nice hat.
Little Ari: *salutes, bright eyed and with a sunny smile* Battleship Arizona will do her very best!

I've never had issues with Imgur. Works for me on Chrome, (mobile) Safari and Edge. And yes, I just checked.
something is very wrong here, because now I can't even see the little "?" box thing...

Ah well I'll try it on a different device.
I mean, I could try digging up my old photobucket account(s). Maybe.

But I've never once had issues with imgur- website crashes aside -since I started using it. Dunno why it wouldn't work now.
Looks like it was just a glitch because it is now working fine for me. I blame the hamsters powering the internet, they obviously decided that they hadn't had their recommended daily allowance of cat videos.
Honestly, I wouldn't model that as 'topless.' I'd model that as 'hadn't finished growing up' yet. The personification of Ari from that period would have been perfectly modestly dressed- she'd just be a long way short of her final state of, ahem, maturation.

Either that, or the whole 'launched without superstructure or turrets' might be more akin to a marsupial moving from the womb to the pouch to finish maturation before actually 'being born'.

So... Ari? A roo! :p
Yeah, it originally didn't work for me as I mentioned, but once I'd closed the tab and then half a hour later opened the thread in a new tab when someone posted something, it was working perfectly fine... Sooo... 'shrugs'