That would require me to write more High Road... which... I... honestly probably should.

Dude, there's only so many fliers here, and I'm having enough trouble with ZeppelinQuest as it is for audiance! Don't go stealing my thunder here!

If all else fails, I can always pull out the Emergency Lewds, though. The lowest of the low, the despicable and unneeded.
That would require me to write more High Road... which... I... honestly probably should.

Yes, you should. I'd love to see what you would do if you decide to learn how to work in a three-act style. You already have the hard part of writing figured out - writing character interactions in an interesting way.
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To bring this over from SB.....
As Cameron tried to follow the conversation through his flu-intensified gaze, he breathed in luckily before Atago smothered him in a big, full-body hug. As Alaska plastered herself on his back, he carefully worked a nose over the seas of cleavage presented and smiled. 'Laska was here. It was okay. As white and blonde hair entangled each other, he took a deep breath and smiled, before slowly drifting back towards sleep while a warm hand rubbed his head.
Buy now, and not only will you receive your Large Cruiser order, but we'll throw in a free Heavy Cruiser!
That's right! A FREE Heavy Cruiser!

Two warships in one limited time bundle. All for the low low price of having every Marine in the USMC eternally watch you like a partially fed shark looks at a seal.

Operators are standing by.

Hey @theJMPer seems BelBat has garnered some more fans from Japan itself.
Don't wanna spoil

Now use that as a motivation you lovable bastard. Meanwhile I'll be busy trying to draw the cast one by one. Be very happy you magnificent piece of ship.
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Oh god damnit, another love triangle? My poor heart can't take anymore. And I don't want to see Kirishima or Jersey go through rejection. Why you do dis jumper?
Re: Jersey vs Jersey.
I can see this happening if Presentday! Jersey messes something up again with Crowning and is in one of her rage depressions. All of a sudden she hears someone coming up and looks up thinking it's Victory again. Surprise! It's actually her younger self, who is going to hijack herself because They cannot let Crowning get away permanently. Cue Jersey acting bipolar for a while as the 80's Jersey fights to regain control from her younger self.

80s!Jersey will likely need Victory's help if she wants to succeed in overthrowing her 40s! self, since the former has had difficulty in self-reflection and what not.
I think I can imagine a scene out of this:
Imagine, battleship USS Jersey was walking around the captured island swearing and midfinging every single damned thing when suddenly, her younger beauty queen self appears! "Just who the fuck are you?!" Jersey will probably scream/ask to her...younger self when realization settles in.

Then, younger Jersey possessess older Jersey and a mind-bending fight begins. Both Jerseys fight each other mentally except that the body, with split controls attacks itself and personnel who see this be like: "Dafuq did she smoke?"
To bring this over from SB.....

Buy now, and not only will you receive your Large Cruiser order, but we'll throw in a free Heavy Cruiser!
That's right! A FREE Heavy Cruiser!

Two warships in one limited time bundle. All for the low low price of having every Marine in the USMC eternally watch you like a partially fed shark looks at a seal.

Operators are standing by.


No, that's not how it works. Cameron got the pre-order bonus of a free Heavy Cruiser; the mid-war sales include a free Destroyer, no questions asked.

What's that? Don't want a Destroyer? Too bad! Call now, and you also get a free DesRon thrown in, no questions asked!
No, that's not how it works. Cameron got the pre-order bonus of a free Heavy Cruiser; the mid-war sales include a free Destroyer, no questions asked.

What's that? Don't want a Destroyer? Too bad! Call now, and you also get a free DesRon thrown in, no questions asked!
SecNav: Please for the love of god Congress stop ordering DDs, we have too many
House Chairman: Sorry, can't do that. Quotas to fill. I know, we can give them away as party gifts during the next election!
SecNav: Please for the love of god Congress stop ordering DDs, we have too many
House Chairman: Sorry, can't do that. Quotas to fill. I know, we can give them away as party gifts during the next election!

At this point the SecNav is going to just assigning DesRons to the assorted boyfriends as combined protective details/romance interrupt teams.

Cameron and Alaska on a date smoewhere we can't supervise? Send in the Fletchers to interupt and cuddle, keeping Cameron happily distracted by cute things.

Crowning going to some boring confernece? Drop a stick of Wickes on it, and listen to the wailing and running around as he frantically and obbsesively collects the little boats.

Akron floating too close to Quantico where everyone can look up her skirt? Just tell the Fletchers to make a Fletcherpault.

Sollette's little girl going on a date? Don't worry Dad, we have a solution for that little problem.
The problem is that destroyers like to form groups of three, but they're ordered in batches of four. It's the hot dog problem all over again.