... You know, sometimes the silliness of environmental activists amazes me. And their inability to do math. I'm gonna do some real fuzzy math, just to give an idea of the numbers.
Copper is present in seawater at .5-4.5 nmol/kg. Assuming both Independence's entire hull was made of copper and it dissolved entirely (61,000 t copper into 2.5 quintillion kg of water, or 55.3 million kg into 2.5 quintillion kg water, or 865 million moles into 2.5 quintillion kg.), the concentration of copper in the Gulf of Mexico would increase by .346 nmol/kg. Now, obviously, Independence's entire hull isn't made of copper, and the amount in her antifouling pain is probably under 200 tons. So the real increase would be around .001153 nmol/kg, which is a .2% increase in oceanic dissolved copper, assuming 100% leaching. Which is pretty fucking unlikely, because if it worked that way, antifouling paint wouldn't work.