This is not part of my fairy-napping research, but what would be the result of the US building WW2 era destroyers again, but adding more BIG generators, and swapping 5 inch guns with railguns. With optical sights.
Not that helpful. Levelling effect translates things in terms of what modern stuff is
relative to 2015 against what shipgirl stuff was
relative to 1945.
Thus, the F-22 can go one on one against an Abyssal Me-262 (if there were such a thing as an Abyssal Me-262), because the former is the world's preeminent 2015 fighter, and the latter was the world's preeminent 1945 fighter. The F-22 would cut Abyssal Zeroes or Wildcats to ribbons, because that's what an Me-262 would have done in 1945. An F-16 performs less impressively (say, on par with a mid-war Spitfire/Mustang/FW-190/whatever). A singularly
un-impressive fighter aircraft by modern standards (say, an F-111 or a MiG-21) would perform like a Brewster Buffalo or something.
Likewise, an AEGIS destroyer has a superb surface to air punch that can devastate even massed Abyssal plane attacks, because they'd do the same thing to massed air attacks by modern jet fighters. But B-52s doing high altitude bombing against Abyssal ships works about as well as B-17s doing the same thing would have worked in 1945: that is, not very well at all.
So a modern destroyer armed with railguns using optical sights is,
by 2015 standards, a destroyer with great armor penetration, lousy fire control, and negligible protection. Against shipgirls, that translates into it having great armor penetration
by the standards of destroyer guns, lousy fire control, and negligible protection.
It'd be like arming a real-life WWII destroyer with the five-inch version of that era's crude HEAT or APCR antitank rounds. It wouldn't make them a match for a battleship.
There is basically no way to 'cheat' past the leveling effect by somehow being really really clever about exactly which pieces of modern technology you use. It is just not a thing that can happen. We had a guy who used to post in this thread constantly obsessing over ways to do this, and he made himself amazingly unpopular in the process because he
didn't get it.