Hugging Pringles is a good way to achieve Enlightenment.

Hugging Housho is another such way.
See, that's what I'm getting at, man.

There are times and places where it is entirely understandable to hate people. But hatred is like botulinum toxin: it's almost invariably bad for you, except, maybe, under very unusual circumstances. And even then, it's only a constructive thing in carefully targeted, microscopic doses.

I think that a lot of people with a heavy Internet presence aren't careful enough about the kind of person we're turning ourselves into, by our habits online. Targeting fictional individuals, or celebrities, or whoever, with artificial hatred and wishing ill upon them, it's bad mojo.

Admittedly this is one of my favorite soapboxes, but I do hope that what I'm saying makes sense.
Don't care either way to be honest for myself.

Anyway, lets drop this. OP's orders. If you wish to continue, pm me.

I think the below is cuter:
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A third may be learning The Way of the Dess.
You may sign up to become an acolyte at any Kongou Cafe.
Francisco: Of course. *Pats Eugen on the chest and "Unintentionally" groping her*
Unintentionally. :V
I'm sorry (not sorry) but:

And she's hugging one of the most huggable destroyers. This pleases me. :3
A third may be learning The Way of the Dess.
Kongou: Say yes to the Dess!
You may sign up to become an acolyte at any Kongou Cafe.
Now I'm imagining a Kongou leading a group of acolytes-in-training in meditation on an after-operating-hours basis.
"Feel the Burning Love in everything. Be in harmony with the Burning Love. Let the Flames of Love purify your mind and soul."
Holy shit :o! You actually did it. Props theJMPer! Now all you need to do is keep them broken up. Wacky shenanigans and abyssal battles can then take center stage and romance/drama falls back into background.
Aaaaaand then we lose a hell of a lot of character development, not to mention the fundamental angst of separation from one's loved ones that is part and parcel of war, and instead end up with a mixture of slapstick and World of Warships. One of the good things about this story is that it does include things outside the war itself, to add emotional resonance to the combat--tell me that Hiei's maiming would have been anywhere near as heart-wrenching if we hadn't seen how close she was with Richardson and Jane, for example. And another good thing is that it doesn't depict war as the popular depiction in fiction, with nothing but constant battle. Instead, it shows much more the pace of actual warfare--anyone who's ever been in a combat zone will tell you that warfare is days of utter boredom interspersed with seconds of stark naked terror; by way of example, on average, a US Army infantryman in the European theatre of World War Two who spent four years in the combat zone would have spent approximately 14 days of that time in actual combat. The rest of the time, he was riding in a truck, marching from place to place, training, fortifying positions, patrolling an area, or just sitting around in camp waiting for orders. Even with the much higher OPTEMPOs favored today, a soldier deployed to an active combat zone in a front-line unit is likely to spend no more than four weeks of a one-year deployment in actual combat. The pacing of the story so far does reflect how much "downtime" there is in warfare, and pushing the combat and shenanigans would detract from that effect.

I mean why get them together again. SB is shitting on Crowing cause how dare a guy not be a stereotype in wanting threesomes and his GF wanting girls :rolleyes: and of course how dare he not forgive her despite plenty of people in RL not forgiving just as are there those who do forgive.
One person making a joke about it does not constitute the entire board shitting on him.

Musashi is very naughty. Nothing apparently happened and she lie brags about it.
Musashi comes off as a frat boy or high school boy, claiming to have slept with people they've not even gotten past first base with. It's not exactly an uncommon thing for the less-mature who are trying to look like a "big man". More on this below.

Its just they asked Gale for info, so why not the net. I mean, just watch a video to see how they should start and who knows maybe instinct will take care of the rest. And if not, the video is still there.
Musashi's entire life pre-Abyssals was spent before the invention of the programmable electronic computer. When Jersey last decommissioned, the internet was still basically just military and colleges only, and the web had not yet been invented (as in, the World Wide Web and HTML standards were devised in late '92, IIRC--after she decommissioned). There is a very, very good chance that they don't yet know that The Internet Is For Porn--or at least don't fully understand the implications of it yet. Since their crews also called an emergency stop, hiding all of their porn and claiming not to have any idea what they could mean, it's quite likely that the thought of looking for lesbian porn online never even occurred to them, too.

It's more than just stupidity or malicious stupidity. While these are serious flaws that Musashi has to overcome, this is just her secondary flaws, her real flaws, and one that aggravates Musashi's secondary flaws is her conceited and arrogant nature. She is quite literally the most vain and arrogant shipgirl in this story, which is an irony, because her real life combat record is a worthless roll of toilet paper.

Her arrogance and conceit is driving to gain attention wherever she can even if it's supremely detrimental to others. I for one cannot wait for an event that destroys her tough girl act.
This isn't surprising. Musashi knows that she was, in her first life, nothing but a massive waste of desperately-needed resources for Japan, as she not only was a massive strain on their steel supply to build and on their logistics capabilities to operate, but she never accomplished anything of note. (Part of that is that IJN secrecy was so strong and so good that the USN didn't know what the Yamatos actually had, thus losing the deterrent value that was the primary point of a battleship, but that's neither here nor there.) She's also still fairly young, and thus rather immature--and like lots of young, immature people, she feels the need to prove herself to be a "big deal" to everyone. That's exacerbated by both her poor combat record up until now--after all, she's only been on one combat mission that accomplished anything, and that was sinking Hoppoukkuk--and by her personality being, in part, a gestalt of all the men who served aboard her... which means that the vast majority of that part of her personality is made up of 19-year-old men who think they know everything (but don't yet know that they know almost nothing, like all 19-year-olds), have spent their whole lives being basically brainwashed into a belief in racial superiority over all other nations, and think they've never gotten the respect they're due. They're going to do whatever they can to make themselves out to be the most important thing in the world--and that includes bragging about things they've never done. Anyone who's spent time in a high school locker room knows the sort of "fish stories" that teenage boys tell about their sexual exploits; Musashi is doing the same thing, for much the same reason.

Is this a GOOD thing? No, she's being an immature, attention-whoring little brat. But it isn't surprising in the least; it's very common behavior, particularly for "alpha" types--and battleships are, by definition, going to be alphas; you can't be a ship meant to go and slug it out with the most powerful enemies in the world, take the worst they can give, and return it in spades without being very much an alpha type. Look at competitors in combat sports to see what I mean.

Never-ending Mountie jokes.
She's handsome, she's brave, she's strong?

Given the last line of each verse, I think that would be a sign for Goto to stay at least 10,000 kilometers from Canadian soil for the rest of his life...

See, that's what I'm getting at, man.

There are times and places where it is entirely understandable to hate people. But hatred is like botulinum toxin: it's almost invariably bad for you, except, maybe, under very unusual circumstances. And even then, it's only a constructive thing in carefully targeted, microscopic doses.

I think that a lot of people with a heavy Internet presence aren't careful enough about the kind of person we're turning ourselves into, by our habits online. Targeting fictional individuals, or celebrities, or whoever, with artificial hatred and wishing ill upon them, it's bad mojo.

Admittedly this is one of my favorite soapboxes, but I do hope that what I'm saying makes sense.
Actually, watch this week's Nostalgia Critic to see a very good commentary on exactly that topic. Doug Walker, I think, had something he felt he had to say, and he took the opportunity to do so.
And the SAN of everyone in earshot begins to plummet. :p
... oh great. I officially made the Kongous into Outer Gods.
Mere presence causes insanity, they exist in all universes and times yet do not, all dance to the whims of a mad conglomerate creator deity, and now I've given them a cult.
Nyaruko: Crawling with Love, eat your fucking heart out. :p
Actually, watch this week's Nostalgia Critic to see a very good commentary on exactly that topic. Doug Walker, I think, had something he felt he had to say, and he took the opportunity to do so.
And that thing Doug had to say is...
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I concur.

Is this a GOOD thing? No, she's being an immature, attention-whoring little brat.

That's an understatement.

But it isn't surprising in the least; it's very common behavior, particularly for "alpha" types--and battleships are, by definition, going to be alphas; you can't be a ship meant to go and slug it out with the most powerful enemies in the world, take the worst they can give, and return it in spades without being very much an alpha type. Look at competitors in combat sports to see what I mean.

This is where i disagree, the thing is, Musashi isn't even an Alpha type, an Alpha type implies a person who has superior abilities and the track record to match it, which basically means that while they are arrogant (depending on writer though, as Alpha types can be quite humble, the maxim "excellence without arrogance" comes to mind), their arrogance is well deserved, she(Musashi) is nothing more than a paper tiger in real life, and even in reincarnation, she is barely above paperweight in terms of usefulness.

In other words, there is a difference between arrogance and/or confidence achieved through various deeds and the skills that allowed said deeds to be performed and the empty, obnoxious boasting, attention seeking and borderline moronic actions that Musashi is doing to gain attention.

As i said, i can't wait for Musashi to smashed so hard into the ground, to be buried in her own failings, to finally see the terrible realisation in her eyes, that she is nothing more than a braggart, a nobody, a non-entity when compared to the other great naval legends of the world when she is anything but.

It will be painful for Musashi.

It may destroy Musashi.

It may snap Musashi's psych in half.

And i'm going to enjoy seeing the braggart face down on the floor.

P.s..i really hate arrogant fratboys (in this case, fratgirl), that and the fact that Musashi here is being to conceited for my liking. While i have described Musashi's fall harshly, this is the only way for someone with this level of conceit and arrogance to learn...naturally this applies to Jersey, albeit in a different manner.
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Whose the green haired one?
Yamakaze. The last of the Shiratsuyu sisters added to KC, completing the roster for them. She sunk alone about 100-something miles off of Yokosuka when an American submarine surprised and torpedoed her. Yamakaze was lost with all hands and the IJN didn't bother searching for her. Resultingly, she has shit for luck and has even less self-esteem (and looks sickly to boot. Someone give that girl some chicken noodle soup or something). She needs hugs. All of the hugs and a warm blanket.
... That's exacerbated by both her poor combat record up until now--after all, she's only been on one combat mission that accomplished anything, and that was sinking Hoppoukkuk...
To be fair, she also did quite well in the fight against that mob of pocket battleships- not that they couldn't have done it without her, but she certainly served honorably and took her hits unflinchingly, even when she got hurt.

This is where i disagree, the thing is, Musashi isn't even an Alpha type, an Alpha type implies a person who has superior abilities and the track record to match it, which basically means that while they are arrogant (depending on writer though, as Alpha types can be quite humble, the maxim "excellence without arrogance" comes to mind), their arrogance is well deserved, she(Musashi) is nothing more than a paper tiger in real life, and even in reincarnation, she is barely above paperweight in terms of usefulness.
As noted, this isn't actually true. She's an 18" battleship, one of the few shipgirls in the world capable of reliably handling any Abyssal out there. She played an instrumental role in sinking Northern Princess, and during the time she's even been allowed to serve in combat she has performed reasonably well on the only other occasion besides that when she got the opportunity to fight.

Her track record as a shipgirl is as good as circumstances have allowed it to be.

Is she arrogant and obnoxious beyond the level that is justified? Yes. But she's sure as heck not a paperweight.

In other words, there is a difference between arrogance and/or confidence achieved through various deeds and the skills that allowed said deeds to be performed and the empty, obnoxious boasting, attention seeking and borderline moronic actions that Musashi is doing to gain attention.

As i said, i can't wait for Musashi to smashed so hard into the ground, to be buried in her own failings, to finally see the terrible realisation in her eyes, that she is nothing more than a braggart, a nobody, a non-entity when compared to the other great naval legends of the world when she is anything but.

It will be painful for Musashi.

It may destroy Musashi.

It may snap Musashi's psych in half.

And i'm going to enjoy seeing the braggart face down on the floor.
I'm sure you will.
This is where i disagree, the thing is, Musashi isn't even an Alpha type, an Alpha type implies a person who has superior abilities and the track record to match it,

Okay, no. What makes a person an alpha type is the belief that they are very good/the best at something, and Musashi believes she is the best battleship ever built. It's not a fully un-justified belief, either. She's got the biggest rifles ever (though in terms of performance, the Mark 7 16/50 with MK8 AP shells comes so close the difference is pretty much academic), and is probably the most heavily armored battleship ever built (though the Montanas, which were designed to stop Mark 8s, would have been even more stupefyingly heavily armored). Her rangefinders and fire control computer, while not up to the level of USN Radar Aimbot shenanigans, are also very good, and she's got massive torpedo armoring, too.

Of course, compared to an Iowa, her AA sucks moose dick, her fire control is inferior, she's slower, and thanks to better metallurgy, the Iowas are probably almost as durable in practice as the Yamatos. It's not to say the Yamato won't put up a hell of a fight, but I'd say seven times out of ten, the Iowa wins. But that's neither here nor there.

The point is that Musashi has an alpha-type personality. Does it make her constant showboating, braggadocio, or overweening arrogance any less annoying? Hell's bells, no. But it does mean I understand where it comes from.
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