Depends on one's definition of love. And that I can tell you, that is very much something which changes based on culture and the individual.

Indeed, I come from a conservative family which values the old ways...we are not inflexible, but the old ways are there for a reason.

I think you've forgotten all the other things Jersey's done.
I haven't, but as dad used to tell me, "Just because you do good things, doesn't mean that it washes away all the bad things you have done..every action has consequences. ..and you are accountable for them."

I think I will reserve judgment on the Musashi/Jersey/Crowning front. Jersey has staggeringly bad impulse control, and rather poor people skills. We've known this for a long time. Honestly, her having a fling, as opposed to being faithful in a not-very-firm relationship she's seriously unsure if she's even fit to hold up her end of... Does not really surprise me too much.

Perhaps, but this does not change that she takes alot from Crowning and gives nothing in return...every action has consequences. But as you said....lets wait and see.....if she gets better...or digs herself deeper into problems.

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Indeed, I come from a conservative family which values the old ways...we are not inflexible, but the old ways are there for a reason... as dad used to tell me, "Just because you do good things, doesn't mean that it washes away all the bad things you have done..every action has consequences. ..and you are accountable for them."
The flip side of this is that unforgiving love isn't really love at all.

This is a relationship early in its development, before both sides are committed. One of them wants to be, one of them doesn't think they're ready for it. The unready partner- under extreme stress, weakness, and isolation- had a fling with someone else.

If that is sufficient to collapse the relationship, then said relationship was never going to work at all in the first place.

And there's something unsavory about the idea that Crowning saying "I love you, you're magnificent," while Jersey says "I... really really like you, but I don't think I'm ready to commit to you" somehow gives Crowning a lien on Jersey.

Perhaps, but this does not change that she takes alot from Crowning
What, pies and head-scratchies?

[Yes, I know it's not that simple, but I hope you understand my point. This is a relationship that has not firmed up]
Right, rereading some chapters, I have to wonder if Crowning's attitude towards Jersey is healthy. Heck, I'm still slightly uncomfortable about how Jersey isn't mentally an adult, but this all will be hopefully figured out soon.

Now about Washington and Gale, I want Crowning to mention to Gale that Wash was trying to get advice on how to woo Gale. Come one Washington, come clean! Though I will admit that Gale's reaction to the Axis and Allies game board was kind of hilarious.
Just the entire concept that giving models of one's self either is lewd or 'I want your babies' is hilarious.
Right, rereading some chapters, I have to wonder if Crowning's attitude towards Jersey is healthy. Heck, I'm still slightly uncomfortable about how Jersey isn't mentally an adult, but this all will be hopefully figured out soon.
to be fair the whole idea of shipgirls having issues with the "girl" part tends to be a pretty big thing in a lot of fanfics.
There's also the fact that people in her position (just finding out about a sibling/relatives very violent death) almost never make anything that could remotely be described as rational decisions.

Gee... somebody whose been in heavy combat and just heard about their sibling dying went wenching with their battle buddy to find a little NSA comfort .

That's never happened before.
The flip side of this is that unforgiving love isn't really love at all.

True, however romantic love is meant to be fully understood and reciprocated between partners. While I understand that the relationship is in its early stages and that Jersey is addled. The fact that she had sex with another while being in a relationship can be seen as a massive weakness on her that could jeopardise the relationship. One thing, small or not, has the chance of snowballing into bigger issues. That's why I agreed with your idea that we should see whether Jersey learns and gets better or falls because she left her weaknesses unchecked.

And there's something unsavory about the idea that Crowning saying "I love you, you're magnificent," while Jersey says "I... really really like you, but I don't think I'm ready to commit to you" somehow gives Crowning a lien on Jersey.

I don't understand this statement, please explain.

What, pies and head-scratchies?

[Yes, I know it's not that simple, but I hope you understand my point. This is a relationship that has not firmed up]

Calling it not that simple is an understatement, but I digress, using the excuse that the relationship has not firmed up is not going to hold water forever, IMHO Jersey should be trying harder on her part to make it work....just like how Crowning is...he is giving alot and is still giving.
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The issue people have- from what I can see -is less 'emotionally damaged/stunted person goes to someone they're attracted for for sex despite being in a kinda/sorta relationship' and more 'Wow Jersey, you know you've got someone who loves you unconditionally and you're still doing that?'.

In the first case...I more idealistic side is bugged by it, but my pragmatic and logical side knows it happens. And that a good relationship can recover from it. It has happened before, it will happen again, and no one should really be surprised that Jersey is the type to do it.

In the second case, the issue is much more that we don't know how Crowning will react. We know for a fact that he loves her, perhaps a bit unhealthy in it. He knows that she wants to return the feelings, on some level, but just can't. So finding out that she can get over it with Mushi...might not go over well. Less he 'owns' her and she can't go around having flings when they're not technically dating...

More the man loves her, and she goes and says 'I can't commit to you' while rushing into the arms of a Japanese battleship instead. i.e., there's going to be that niggling doubt in the back of his head. Jersey can get over her fear of relationships to jump at Musashi, because of Wisky.

But if she were with him, what would happen?

Would she have gotten with him in the same way, or just brushed it off? And furthermore, would he feel that it was a good way to actually take that step? He knows better than anyone her issues after all. And this is both likely to tear at his heart, and make him wonder just how stable she actually is.

That's the real issue's throwing a huge wrench into an already unstable situation, and one has to wonder if it is worth it.


Wash and Gale just has the issue that it's starting to feel very, very much like filler. We've had...what...150-some mainline chapters? Something like that.

And they've barely moved forward, at all. The same jokes can, and are, starting to get a bit stale.
True, however romantic love is meant to be fully understood and reciprocated between partners.
Yes, which is one of the reasons that romantic love involving immature people tends to be about as stable and blissful as a pogo-stick competition held in a minefield.

Jersey is on an important level unsure if she's even capable of romantic love, being very much a creature of her impulses and desires. Expecting her to act as though she should be committed to a deep, romantic relationship with Crowning is unfair to her, when she has mixed feelings on the matter herself.

One thing, small or not, has the chance of snowballing into bigger issues.
Since there is no realistic way for any relationship to exist without small things happening in it...

A relationship that can be destroyed by a small thing snowballing into a big thing, will be thus destroyed. Healthy relationships are based on a degree of mutual understanding and forgiveness.

I don't understand this statement, please explain.
Jersey is attracted to, and charmed by, Crowning. This is a fact. What Jersey feels for Crowning may well be what romantic love looks like through the lens of Jersey's (immature, impulsive, hammed-up, jock-ish) personality.

Crowning is practically obsessed with Jersey. He thinks she's a goddess, more or less literally.

Crowning knows he wants to pursue a deep romantic relationship with Jersey. He's overlooking any issues that Jersey's personality issues might cause- either because he's willing to forgive them, or because he's so besotted he can't perceive those personality issues despite the fact that they're the size of a 16" triple gun turret. But Jersey does not know if she can or should pursue a deep romantic relationship with Crowning, because while she's strongly attracted to him, she also knows the limits of her own character, and isn't sure it'd work out in part because she isn't even (in her own eyes) human.

So there's a certain asymmetry here. Jersey has feelings for Crowning, but they're a lot less certain and locked-on-target than Crowning's feelings for her.

In light of that asymmetry, acting as though Jersey, who isn't even sure the relationship should exist, is the one who's under a special obligation to Crowning seems to be robbing her of the right to even decide whether she's IN a relationship- a question that isn't fully settled in her own mind.
What I think Simon Jester means is that there has not been an understanding between Jersey and Crowning. That said, due to how Crowning describes Jersey, we automatically, as an outside observer, assign the two into a relationship. And since relationships usually mean monogamy, we are angry at Jersey for 'cheating' on Crowning.

I think. Or I muddied it all more.
That's a good summary.

Basically, because we as readers think of "Crowning and Jersey" as a relationship pair, we think of Jersey sleeping with someone else as being Jersey cheating on Crowning. Which is unfair to Jersey given that Jersey is a lot less sure she's in a relationship than we are (or for that matter, than most other members of the cast are).

As an analogy, suppose Gale linked up with some woman on (or off) base. Would we think of her as "cheating on" Washington? That seems awfully unfair, because Gale has reason to think she's not in a relationship with Washington and never will be. But I bet some of us would feel like she was cheating on Washington, because we the readers know that the two feel affection and attraction for each other, and think of them as a 'pair.'
I note, in that respect, that my post was looking at why readers are upset with it.

Not a judgement either way on the in-story stuff.
I think its going to depend on how the news is broken to him. If jersey has the usual "what the hell did I just do" moment after this and spills her guts to Crowning its very salvageable.
Yeah, Jersey did a bad thing. (And the amount of controversy here makes me happy. Ya'll seem rather invested in my little characters.) But she did it mere hours after learning that her beloved little sister is dead. She was in a bad place emotionally, and Victory wasn't helping.

Edit: Also, the wash/gale stuff wasn't even supposed to happen here. I just outlined her talking with Crowning about metaphysical stuff, and I fell back into my old habits. Some more progress is upcoming, however.
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...huh, forgot about that. Need to remember that real time and story time aren't the same. I honestly thought a few days passed and that Jersey wanted Musashi and used Wiskies' death as an excuse.
Emotional distress over a death in the family is not good for sound decision making, particularly when someone is isolated from their normal support networks. Hell, just watch the telegram scene from We Were Soldiers and you get why support in such a loss is so very necessary.

Now hopefully Musashi has a clue that what Jersey needs now is more hugs and embrace rather than hot lesbian s3xx0r.
Yeah, Jersey did a bad thing. (And the amount of controversy here makes me happy. Ya'll seem rather invested in my little characters.) But she did it mere hours after learning that her beloved little sister is dead. She was in a bad place emotionally, and Victory wasn't helping.

Exactly what I was thinking. In many a good book, there are moments that make us grab the text, throw it against a wall and scream,"WHY!!!" after a main character makes a particularly stupid decision. I know I did something like that more than a few times with Winston in 1984. If anything, It continues to develop the idea that Jersey is fallible and therefore human. The fact that JM has the cahones to write such things speaks volumes to his attentiveness when it comes to developing his characters and why (thankfully) we don't have a story full of Mary Sues

For those of you who play Dungeons and Dragons, you will know that when you create a character, you are supposed to create their whole background story that will drive how your character acts throughout the campaign. There are often times where a character you are playing is confronted with a decision with major positive or negative ramifications depending on what you chose to do, and the thing you want to do as the player is the thing that will ultimately result in what is best for the party; HOWEVER, what you do and what your character would do are often times 2 different things. Now, I'm sure JM is a great guy and would most likely not do what Jersey has done, so what JM HAS done is deliberately not do the right thing because Jersey would not have done the right thing. This is something that I think sets good and great authors (and role players/actors for that matter) apart.
Just...a small note. They haven't actually done the deed. And I doubt quite seriously that Gale is going to give her pointers.

Mushitits has been around as a girl for much longer than Jersey has. She'll hopefully be all, "I, Musashi, cannot." And then explain because she's (Jersey) already Crowning's girl. Honor and all that.
after a main character makes a particularly stupid decision

The key is to avoid too many of those decisions. While it provides depth it is important to not go to that well too often, or the writer runs the risk of the protagonist becoming unsympathetic, someone that the readers stop caring about, or worse, the readers start to root against the protagonist and wish further misfortune upon them. Jersey still has had admirable moments, being momboat, etc. To me, Wash is dull as dishwater. She seems to have no personality at all, aside from being socially obtuse.

Tricky things characters. ;)
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Wash Gets Jealous
She wouldn't be a Yeoman, or petty officer. She wouldn't have tiny destroyers on permanent sugar highs bolting around the base like six year olds on crack. She wouldn't have impossibly beautiful women with figures that'd make goddesses green with envy cavorting around in minimalist clothing while stuffing themselves with enough food to feed a small country. Even if just for a few days, she could put her duties aside and just be Sarah Gale.

And get doted on by her mother. Because as much as Gale liked to consider herself a proud, independent woman, she'd never turn down her mom's casserole. Especiallynot during a Christmas-day leave. Well, after-Christmas, actually. But her family—being the loving, amazing people they were—had delayed Christmas a few days to make sure Gale could attend.

What Gale did to deserve family like that, she would never know. They were good people, almost as good as her friends on the base.

"So," Gale bit her lip and paced down the destroyer dorms, "You sure you've got everything?"

"Puh-lease," Tenryuu huffed in what she probably thought was a detached and badass manner, but really came off as pouty. Or like your sixty year old granny trying to be 'hip' and 'with it.'

Really, that described Tenryuu almost perfectly. An old granny trying desperately to be 'cool.' Only Tenryuu had a sword and the athleticism to swing it. And the only totally unblemished expedition record in the entire JMSDF. And an implausibly large rack that confused even Janes', but by now Gale was thoroughly used to busty girls cavorting around.

"Kidd likes to steal rum." Gale mentally ticked though her checklist for each girl. "Dee's… she means well, but sometimes she'll just need a chest to cry into."

"I think I can manage," Tenryuu patted her bulging chest with a cocky smirk. "Sarah, relax."

"I'm trying." Gale forced herself to plant her feet in the carpet. "You try watching over little girls who're also purpose-built weapons designed to avoid any attempts to heard or control them."

Tenryuu smirked even harder, and even her floaters' hum shifted to a slightly mocking octave.

Gale opened her mouth. Then she closed it again. "Point."

"Told ya," Tenryuu clapped a hand on Gale's shoulder. "Go be with your family, yeah? I'll treat the destroyers like my own."

"Thanks," Gale smiled. "Really, it means a lot."

Tenryuu waved off the compliment. "You've earned it, girlfriend." Then she blinked her one remaining eye.

Gale blinked back

"Oooookay," Tenryuu scowled and swished her sword in the air. "I am… never saying that again."

"Yeah," Gale chuckled. "Yeah, that's probably wise."

"Okay," Tenryuu flourished her sword again. At least she looked liked she knew what she was doing, unlike a certain battleship that Gale was rather familiar with. After a few choice moves, the cruiser slammed her blade back into its sheath and offered a little bow. "Merry Christmas, Gale."

"Merry Christmas, Tenryuu," Gale waved at the cruiser and ducked out into the cold. It was a bitingly chilly Winter day, but for once there wasn't a cloud in the inky Washington sky. Which was good, because Gale was determined to take her motorbike out.

She'd had this thing sitting around for months, but she'd never been able to use it. Whenever she left base, it was always with at least a few destroyers in tow, and Gale would be astonished if there was a designer alive who could build a bike to haul that much weight.

Gale watched a breath curl from her lips. It was going to be a chilly ride, but she didn't care. She loved the wind in her face and the smell of gasoline and rubber. And, if she was being honest, she liked the feel of her leathers. Especially after she'd almost killed herself for months trying to slim down and tone up to win the affection of a certain battleship.

Her ass looked amazing now. It taken her almost a solid fifteen minutes to stop posing in the mirror before she finally left her room. Gale couldn't remember another time she felt so content with her figure. Which was probably good, since she was going to ruin it with her aunt's cooking.

That woman wouldn't know healthy if it walked up and punched her. But damn could she make a killer pot roast. Gale could already taste the hearty carrots and beef as she wheeled her bike out of its shed.


A scant few hundred feet away, battleships Kirishima and Washington sat hidden in trees. Wash wasn't entirely clear on why they had to climb trees for this, but Kirishima was the expert on romance, so Wash gratefully bowed to the Japanese warship's expertise. Besides, it was hard for her to question her current situation andkeep both eyes firmly planted on the love of her life at the same time.

Wash's mouth hung open, and her chest felt tight against her uniform. Her heartbeats pounded in her ears as she watched the most beautiful sight she'd ever witness unfold before her eyes.

Yeoman Gale, the kindest, most loving, most beautiful woman Wash had ever known was dressed in form-fitting leather. The shiny material hugged her figure as she swung one slender leg over the saddle-seat of a glossy red motorbike.

The sailor's stern—no, no that wasn't the word for peoples… butt! that's the word!—sank into the bike's structure, caressing metal and plastic with its warm, gentle touch.

"I have never," Wash didn't care if Kirishima heard. She'd practically spent their whole patrol spilling her heart out to the littlest Kongou, "Ever… in my life… been so jealous of an inanimte object."

Kirishima blinked audible. "Uh… Wash?"

Wash was too enraptured with the dreamy curves of a woman she loved with all her heart, but knew she could never deserve to respond with anything more than a grunt.

"We're inanimate objects," said Kirishima with a smirk.

Wash nodded, but the dopey-eyed look on her face told Kirishima she wasn't really listening.

The Kongou huffed and bit her lip in a pout. "Oh… for crying out loud…"

Before Wash knew what'd happened, Kirishima exploded out of the tree like a cat pricked with… with something cats don't like. Maybe a needle, or something, Wash wasn't an expert on cats. But whatever it was, it sent Kirishima flying like an armor-piercing shell with a roaring "BURNING LOVE!"

The littlest Kongou had apparently taken her big sister's mantra to heart. She slammed into the grass a few yards short of Gale, kicking up clods of dirt and digging a massive furrow as her titanic mass slowly ground to a halt.

Gale let out the flattest, "the fuck?" Wash had ever heard.

For a moment, nothing.

Somewhere in the distance, a cricket chirped.

Then Kirishima bounced to her feet with a frantic look in her eyes. "WAIT!" she barked.

Gale staggered back from the battleship's thundering bellow. She would have toppled over if she didn't have her bike's kickstand down.

"There are times," said Kirishima, "were stealth and caution are called for."

Gale blinked.

"This is not one of those times," said the wild-eyed battleship. "WASH!"

Wash jumped with surprise and fell out of her tree. Perhaps a better way to put it would be that her immense weight simply tore a Wash-shaped hole though the branches until she landed in a small crater, but in Wash's opinion that particular detail wasn't exactly relevant.

"What…" Gale looked from one battleship to the other, "What's going on?"

"Wash has something she'd like to tell you," said Kirishima. "Normally, I'd never condone something so direct. But…" She shrugged with a flourish of detached miko-uniform sleeve. "There are times when violence of action is needed."

"Kirishima," Gale hung her head, "I'm driving to Seattle, I'm not getting into a night battle."

"Actually," Wash nervously worried the end of her scarf and took a few steps closer.

"Wait," Gale blinked. "This…"

"Gale," Wash coughed, and edged a little closer. "Uh… Sarah… Um…"

"Guys….." Gale frantically glanced around, trying to locate the hidden camera crew.

"Just say it!" Kirishima grabbed a clod of dirt off the ground and hurled it at Wash.

"Right," Wash fiddled her scarf for a moment, then slowly dropped to her knees. "Sarah Gale… you don't." The battleship stopped herself and pulled her uniform taunt. "I know I could never do anything to deserve someone like you."

Gale's frantic search stopped in an instant. "come again?"

Wash held up a finger in a desperate request to finish her prepared thought without interruption. "Sarah, I need you to know that I'm… that I love you. That when I look at you I see the highest of the navy, and of the country."

The sailor froze, but while her body was still as a statute, her eyes frantically bounced from Wash's kneeling pleas to Kirishima's silent giggles.

"You're everything," said Wash, "I strive to be. And… I, uh… I just need you to know that."

For a moment, everything was silent.

Then Gale flew off her feet and pounced on Wash with a tight hug. "Yes!" she howled though tears of happy laughter. "Yes! Wash, I… Yes! I love you!"

Now it was Wash's turn to blink. "You… you do?"

"Yes!" said Kirishima, "now kiss!"

Neither needed to be told twice. Gale immediately released her hug only to grab the battleship's porcelain features and plant a sloppy kiss squarely on her serenely confused lips. Wash, for her part, looked more confused than a seventh grader at prom. But her hands seem to know what they were doing as they crept around Gale's waist and up her back in a warm caress.

"Awww!" Kirishima bounced with glee. "You two are so perfect!

For a long while, Gale and Wash held each other. The sailor's kiss and the battleship's hug together in a moment of pure love. Then, at long last, Gale pulled away with a dopey smile on her face.

Maybe… maybe she wouldn't be riding her bike down. "Wash?"

Judging from the dopey smile on her face, Wash was too excited to do anything more than nod.

"Would you like to meet my family?"

Wash nodded, and leaned in for another kiss.

Meanwhile, Kirishima let out a squeal that could probably be heard from space. Yes, that doesn't make any sense. But she was a Kongou, and she'd just witnessed the blossoming of true Burning Love. And even the laws of Physics would bow for that.
Damn you're pumping these out.

... It's a good thing. This is nice. This is great. I'd slap an approved rating on there except I'm not allowed to do that so eh.

Have a reaction image.

I was content to be an unobtrusive lurker, but this right here deserves some comment.


... back to lurking.
"Just say it!" Kirishima grabbed a clod of dirt off the ground and hurled it at Wash.

"Right," Wash fiddled her scarf for a moment, then slowly dropped to her knees. "Sarah Gale… you don't." The battleship stopped herself and pulled her uniform taunt. "I know I could never do anything to deserve someone like you."

Gale's frantic search stopped in an instant. "come again?"

Wash held up a finger in a desperate request to finish her prepared thought without interruption. "Sarah, I need you to know that I'm… that I love you. That when I look at you I see the highest of the navy, and of the country."

The sailor froze, but while her body was still as a statute, her eyes frantically bounced from Wash's kneeling pleas to Kirishima's silent giggles.

"You're everything," said Wash, "I strive to be. And… I, uh… I just need you to know that."

For a moment, everything was silent.

Then Gale flew off her feet and pounced on Wash with a tight hug. "Yes!" she howled though tears of happy laughter. "Yes! Wash, I… Yes! I love you!"

Now it was Wash's turn to blink. "You… you do?"

"Yes!" said Kirishima, "now kiss!"

Neither needed to be told twice. Gale immediately released her hug only to grab the battleship's porcelain features and plant a sloppy kiss squarely on her serenely confused lips. Wash, for her part, looked more confused than a seventh grader at prom. But her hands seem to know what they were doing as they crept around Gale's waist and up her back in a warm caress.
... that is one fucking fast response time. You churned out almost two thousand words in a few hours.
How do I get as productive as you?
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