Base Capacity: 2 Free dice, 3 category dice
Absolute Competence: 2 Free dice, 1 Bureaucracy die
Specialist: 1 Personal die
Upper Echelons: 1 category die
Fleshed-Out Bureaucracy: 1 category die
SALOME: 1 category die
Personal Staff: 2 Personal dice
Lean on Me: 1 Free die
Lean on Me: +1 Free die. Once per turn, set the lowest Bureaucracy result to the highest Personal result, and the lowest Personal result to the highest Bureaucracy result.
Chief of Staff: +5 to all Infrastructure and Military dice
College Boy: +1 to all dice; 25% of increasing each turn
No Nonsense: -5 to Personal dice
Titan of Industry: +5 to all HI, LCI, and Bureaucracy dice
Uncrowned Queen: +10 to all Nephor dice
Dewey Cheatem and Howe: +5 to all Infrastructure, Bureaucracy, and Personal dice
Center of Power: +10 to all Korhal dice
The 2508 Deal: +5 to all Korhal dice (expires end of Q4 2508)
Running Interference: -5 to any end-of-turn net Paranoia gain, minimum 0 (expires end of Q4 2508)
Raynor's Raiders: 5/20
Mira's Marauders: 1/20
Industrial Workers' Trust: 4/20
Space Wolves: 1/20
Nova Squadron: 1/20
Old Boys' Network [+25R/turn]
Korhal: Keresh Mining Complex [+5R/turn]
Tyrador IX: Refugee Workshops Phase 2 [+20R/turn]
Nephor II: Nephor Industrial Megacomplex [+30R/turn, income increases by +5R each turn (maximum +40R/turn)]
Vardona: Vespene Extraction Operations [+30R/turn]
Personal Expense Account [+10% overall income F/turn]
Personal Investments [+15F/turn]
Personal Expense Account [-10% overall income R/turn]
Facilitator [-20 to all Personal DCs]
Military Surplus II [-200 Progress for all Planetary Reconstruction projects]
Korhal: Keresh Mining Complex [-100 Progress for all Augustgrad phases]
Nephor II: TerraUnion Tool and Die Works Phase 2 [-100 Progress for all groundside construction projects]
Vardona: Ardonin Heavy Vehicle Factory Phase 2 [-100 Progress needed for all groundside construction projects] [-200 Progress needed for all space-based construction projects]
Negotiator [-5R discount for all Personal project dice]
Additional Security [-5R discount for all [Reconstruction] project dice]
Nephor II: Phoros Neotextile Fabrication Plant Phase 2 [-10R for all groundside construction project dice]
Space Defenders [-10R for all space-based construction projects; expires end of Q4 2508]
Imperial Chancellor General Charles "Chuck" Horner
War Buddy: Reduced negative consequences for high Paranoia, incurs lower Paranoia costs
Chief of Staff: +5 to all Infrastructure and Military dice
Old Boys' Network: +25 Resources per turn
College Boy: +1 to all dice; 25% chance of increasing each turn
Agenda: Defense and defense-related infrastructure, war-supporting industries
Secret: Uncle of rebel Captain Matt Horner, rebel sympathies, back-channel to Raynor's Raiders
Vice-Chancellor Samuel Smith
Absolute Competence: +2 Free dice, +1 Bureaucracy die
Retroactive Approval: Convert all natural 1s into natural 100s; converted natural 100s do not reduce Paranoia; does not function above 80 Paranoia
No Nonsense: -5 to all Personal dice; positive traits cannot be applied to Personal projects
Personal Secretary to the Chancellor (Aide de Camp) Jacob Arendt
Specialist: +1 Personal die
Facilitator: -20 difficulty to all Personal DCs
Negotiator: 5R discount on all Personal project dice
Special Advisor to the Chancellor (Chief of Staff) Victoria Archibald III
Titan of Industry: +5 to all HI, LCI, and Bureaucracy dice
Uncrowned Queen: +10 to all Nephor II project dice; more Nephor II projects
On Retainer Cruikshank & Taylor
Dewey Cheatem and Howe: +5 to all Infrastructure, Bureaucracy, and Personal dice
Center of Power: +10 to all Korhal dice
Horner's got a pretty good amateur psychologist's grasp on Mengsk's general deal, so let me lay out my criteria for what constitutes a potential Paranoia issue:
1) Doing anything that contradicts Mengsk's personal vision. Regreening even part of Korhal doesn't fit with his vision of a perfect ecumenopolis shining like a jewel in the night sky, even if it would produce a more resilient and sustainable ecosystem.
2) Doing anything that might accrue glory or public regard for the person doing it. Public healthcare is going to be very popular with the average person, and even though Mengsk will get the lion's share of the credit, people will also be grateful to you personally for getting it done.
3) Doing or implementing anything not entirely within Mengsk's personal control. UNN will expect the pretense of journalistic independence to be respected, in name if not in fact, and even that concession will rankle the Emperor.
4) Doing or implementing anything that gains the person doing it power, influence, or resources. Hiring independent experts falls under this category, as does growing your staff beyond a certain point.
Now, some of you might be saying, "Wow, Etranger, isn't that kind of comprehensive? Like, it covers almost everything?" and my answer to that is, well... yeah. It sort of does. You work for a despot.
If a project with a DC does not explicitly preclude using multiple dice in the project text, you can do so. I'll add the results together and take the total.
Natural 1s don't have any mechanical effect outside of being a terrible result. If it's something funny or potentially catastrophic then I'll weave that into the narrative, but I'm not going to penalize you guys any further than the dice already did. If you had picked someone besides Horner, you might be subject to a Paranoia bump, but the good ol' boy can just shrug off mishaps like water off a duck's back.
However, if you roll a natural 100, I'll reduce Paranoia by 5 (once per project) and include something suitably obfuscatory or mollifying for Mengsk to keep the heat off.
Finally, if a die rolls below an applied penalty (rolling a 4 with a -5 penalty, for instance), you don't lose 1 point of progress, nor do penalties "spill over" onto other dice. Each penalty reduces its die and its die alone to a minimum of 0. The reverse is not true; if you roll a 99 with a +5 bonus, the result is 104.
As for omakes: non-canonical omakes are worth 5 points on a single project, semi-canonical omakes are worth 10 points, and fully canonical omakes are worth 15 points. edboy's Granger picture is non-canonical (in my head, Horner is voiced and modeled on Clancy Brown) but if there had been a 5-point progress gap then the omake bonus would have filled it in this turn. Instead, I'll keep it stockpiled for later.
Starting with Turn 4, I'd like people formulating plans to use the format in this post. I borrowed it from @Simon_Jester and it's got basically everything I want: projects broken down by category, extant progress, per-category and per-project dice and resource allocations, and nesting. You are also free to include the probability of completion if you like, but it's not necessary on my end.
I'm also going to ask that everyone making a plan stick to a single current plan apiece, and that each person have distinctive names for their plans. This will cut down on confusion all around, I think. I do ask that you iterate your plans rather than editing the original post, though, as that maintains maximum transparency. Please keep the iterations to an absolute minimum, and try not to make new ones after the moratorium unless you're coming up with an entirely new plan.
For example, User A has Plan Great Plan. If they decide to change it, they should make a new post with Plan Great Plan mk2 rather than edit the original PGP. If User B wants to riff off of Plan Great Plan, they should come up with a new name like Plan Awesome Idea, rather than something like Plan Great Plan Version B, and post their new PAI separately.
Please note that these are guidelines intended to promote clarity and make things easier for people (mostly me), not rules that people should be calling each other out on. They're based mostly on my own preferences and do not constitute anything but me wanting to keep things easy to understand.
Also, please do not change anything for the current voting period, as that'll just mess everything up. I'll link to these guidelines again when Turn 4 drops.
[] Plan Attempting to Extinguish the Dumpster Fires
-[] Infrastructure (4/4 dice + 1 Free, 60R)
--[] Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad (Phase 1) 0/400 (2 dice, 30R)
--[] Nephor II: Planetary Reconstruction (Phase 1) 0/600 (3 dice, 30R)
-[] Heavy Industry (3/3 dice, 35R)
--[] Korhal: Keresh Mining Complex (Phase 1) 0/200 (3 dice, 30R)
-[] Light Industry (3/3 dice, 60R)
--[] Korhal: Canis Chemical Refinery (Phase 1) 0/400 (3 dice, 60R)
-[] Environmental (3/3 dice, 30R)
--[] Tyrador IX: Establish Farmsteads (Phase 1) 0/400 (3 dice, 30R)
-[] Services (3/3 dice, 0R)
--[] Obligatory National Service (3 dice, 0R)
-[] Military (4/4 dice, 40R)
--[] Korhal: Eastcliff Military Academy 0/200 (2 dice, 20R)
--[] Tyrador IX: Military Recruitment Offices 0/200 (2 dice, 20R)
-[] Research (3/3 dice, 20R)
--[] Supply Bunkers 0/50 (1 die, 10R)
--[] Integrated Protective Ensemble 0/100 (2 dice, 10R)
-[] Bureaucracy (2/2 dice, 10R)
--[] Appoint a Vice-Chancellor (2 dice, 10R)
-[] Personal (1/1 + 1 Free, 0R)
--[] Hire an Executive Assistant (2 dice, 0R)
For general reference, I've revamped my Patreon here to include quest benefits for the $5 tier and up. If you'd like to contribute but subscriptions aren't your thing, I also have a Ko-fi here. All support is appreciated but is by no means required; do what you can, if you can, if you want to. Regardless, thank you for your continued participation in my quest. You're all great.
Also, in case you weren't aware, I'm on Discord! I hang out on the Wordsmiths server, room #etrans-circus, and you can join in the discussion there, hear my occasional musings or commentary, and get pinged whenever I drop an update. I use the same name there as I do here. Feel free to drop by and say hello!
Paranoia can go to 0, but it will never stay there 1, 2
Canon omakes grant a +15 bonus and are canonical or effectively canonical events and are posted in Sidestory 1, 2
Semi-canon omakes grant a +10 bonus and have canonical events or themes but are overall not parts of the narrative and are posted in Apocrypha 1, 2
Non-canon omakes grant a +5 bonus and are appreciated but are for whatever reason not part of the overall narrative and are posted in Apocrypha 1, 2
Retroactive Approvals is a positive trait, converted 100s from it do not grant -5 Paranoia 1, 2
Mechanics will tend to be interpreted as positively as possible so Mengsk can be interpreted as negatively as possible 1
Overflow will go to a sensible project instead of being wasted, but if there are no direct follow on projects it is usually halved 1, 2
Character traits made obsolete or irrelevant will be replaced with a trait of roughly equivalent value, including negative traits that are rendered ineffective by in-game developments, but not negative traits that are manually removed 1
Reductions to Horner's High School Dropout penalty are applied at the start of the turn 1
Dominion high command expects another war but is presently unaware of Kerrigan's infestation 1
Dominion high command knows that the Overmind is dead and that Aiur was lost 1
The Kel-Morian Combine and Umojan Protectorate are only nominal vassal states of the Dominion 1
Korhal: Capital City Augustgrad counts as a Revitalization project in the Infrastructure category 1
Brood War prologue events are not predetermined, they will be rolled for 1
Performing well on TRUST is not a guarantee of a paranoia reduction 1
Some narrative events can be improved by completing projects faster (through more dice) or writing a canon or semi-canon omake on the subject in question 1
Projects can't be reduced below 100 needed Progress, -5R/F per-die cost, or DC 20 1
In the event of project length being reduced by any means, it will autocomplete next turn and its progress roll over as normal so long as at least one die was invested in it on the same turn as - or any turn after - the reduction took effect 1, 2
The Dominion's military partially self funds from mining operations surrounding their bases
Memes are worth a noncanon omake if they make Etranger laugh
Resocialization will still be used, but not all Marines will be Resocialized
Any project that doesn't explicitly say "reduces progress needed" or "reduces per-die cost" shouldn't be relied upon to do either
Minerals are officially known as "koprulite" (Etranger deeply regrets making this canon)
Omakes may be used for shortfalls on DCs
Chuck is related to Matt Horner through his half-sister, who died on Tarsonis
A project is only considered complete for the purposes of Revitalization when all of its phases are done
It has always been the five year plan
The wraparound straight is a completely legitimate hand
Choices taken at prior poker games may influence the next one
Mengsk will not be convinced that Horner is actively opposing him unless and until he reaches 100 Paranoia
Horner knows Mengsk well enough to foresee changes in his demeanor
Mengsk trusts everyone at the poker table as much as he can trust anyone
Leaking information about Broken Mesa most closely fits under Raynor's Raiders: Leak Embarrassing Intel
The only [Reconstruction] project not currently visible is Brontes: Planetary Reconstruction
Completing phase 1 of Brontes: Orbital Cleanup granted Alpha Squadron a second die in its campaign against feral Zerg
UNN counts as a Revitalization project in the Services category, but follow on projects must be completed
Percentage based Funding rounds to the nearest multiple of 5, remainders of 2.5 round up.
For all stats other than Population, Military, Security, and Unrest, the scale is (from worst to best) Real Bad/Bad/Okay/Good/Real Good. For Population, Military, Security, and Unrest, the scale is Real Low/Low/Middling/High/Real High. The scale gets steeper as it improves; it's much easier to go from Real Bad to Bad than it is to go from Good to Real Good. As Population increases, other stats may tend to go down unless improved at the same rate.
"Defense" and "Security" aren't measures of Dominion military or police presence, but rather those systems' ability to resist direct military attack or indirect criminal/espionage action.
Sector Resources
Total Population: Low
Goods (Capital): Bad
Goods (Consumer): Bad
Haulage (Freight): Real Bad
Haulage (People): Real Bad
Labor (Skilled): Bad
Labor (Unskilled): Real Good
Population: Real Low
Amenities: Bad
Education: Bad
Employment: Good
Health: Okay
Housing: Bad
Nutrition: Bad
Transport: Bad
Okay, a change on how cost and progress mechanics will work going forward:
Previously, I was just applying discounts as they arose, and then basing new project costs off the old discounted costs. So if a 10R/die project was reduced to 5R/die, then the next phase would be 10R/die, not 15R/die. This system does not allow for time-limited discounts and isn't very clear, bookkeeping-wise.
From now on (starting in Turn 7) projects will have independent required Progress and per-die costs, to which I will then apply the relevant discounts. I'll add a section to the treasury stats later listing all active discounts.
As a result of this change, the Space Defenders option in the 2508 budget negotiations will be rebalanced to serve as a -10R discount to all space-based projects, to a minimum of 5R/die, to expire at the end of Q4 2508.
In order to give people more time to consider this change, I'm putting another 12 hours on the moratorium.
Thank you for your indulgence and for your continued participation.
Please note that the text of the narrative does not and never will hint at hidden mechanical effects. No option I ever give you will come with a secret unstated penalty attached to it. If there's a mechanical downside to an option, it'll be clearly spelled out. If there are uncertain or unforeseeable mechanical consequences for an action, it'll have a clear label in the mechanics section telling you that, as it has before.
I do not, as a general rule, believe in a QMing style that's equivalent to waiting behind a door for my questers with a baseball bat at the ready. I want to be as forthright as possible about what you're doing and where the narrative is going whenever possible. Please try not to read hidden meanings into what I say or make unsubstantiated predictions about what I write for you. The only paranoid in this quest should be the fictional character you're trying to subvert.