Attempting to Shatter the Skies: An Ace Combat Plan Quest

So idea.

We take some inspiration from Arknights and move our population onto several mobile cities. Except ours can fly instead of walk.

It would require us to build our superweapon separately, but I at least am fine with that.

Besides a nation made up of a collection of what are basically floating sky islands would totally fit in with the setting.
[] Plan: Artic Pyramids
-[] Name: The Celestial Dominion of the Antarc Throne
-[] Government Type: Absolute Monarchy
-[] Flag:
-[] Territorial Claims:
-[] Aboriginal
-[] Arrival: The Antarcs are an offshoot of Aurelian natives who arrived on what is now the Celestial Domain during the year 2,419 BC.

Not a lot of monarchies on Strangereal, so I figured having one more at the very bottom of the map can't hurt. Having Aurelia nearby is pretty nice, since they're a rich and well-developed country who have a penchant for international cooperation. The only problem here is Leasath, since they're militaristic and will be subverted by Dictators in the far future.
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That... that was all I had...

Hmmm. Perhaps a group seeking to elevate a simple prediction computer program gradually to godhood? and they fled to the arctic to use it as cooling for a vast computer, beyond any other... could work the players planning actions into that... they follow what the computer spits out for them, that being the plans we make... as the predicted "path to divine utopia"... we have to destroy the meteor because the machine predicted it wouldn't hit...
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That... that was all I had...

Hmmm. Perhaps a group seeking to elevate a simple prediction computer program gradually to godhood? and they fled to the arctic to use it as cooling for a vast computer, beyond any other... could work the players planning actions into that... they follow what the computer spits out for them, that being the plans we make... as the predicted "path to divine utopia"... we have to destroy the meteor because the machine predicted it wouldn't hit...
Or maybe something like the Matrix to "create their own Heaven?"
[] Plan: Iced-Over Exiles
-[] Name: Dominion of Nouvelle-Erusea (de jure), Kingdom of Erusea (de facto)
-[] Government Type: Absolute Monarchy
-[] Flag:
-[] Territorial Claims:
-[] Colony
-[] Arrival: Colonization of the most northerly regions of Antarctica by Erusea would begin in the 19th century with further expansion inland over the course of decades, although the sparse settlements below 65°S are largely scientific or military outposts. Presently, it stands as the refuge of the exiled Erusean royalists.

Governments-in-exile are cool. This gives a premium slice of Antarctic territory that might even approach desirable for human habitation, and a strong motivation for building a superweapon asteroid defense system (not that we particularly needed one). There won't be much of a throne to reclaim if the homeland gets decimated.
[] Plan: Asteroid Approaching!
-[] Name: Republic of Antarctia
-[] Government Type: Presidential Republic
-[] Flag:
-[] Territorial Claims:
-[] Origin: Former Osea Colony
--[] Flavor Text: The Republic of Antarctia was a colony established by Osea in the year 1950. The populace, frustrated through their overlords dismissive stance and borderline resource exploitation pushed for independence. The colony was officially granted its independence at the end of the Belkan War, the populace rejoiced, a presidential leader was elected to office and things seemed good. Now hearing of the impending Ulysses asteroid impact the people fear their independent nation will be short lived.
[] Plan: Asteroid Approaching!
-[] Name: Republic of Antarctia
-[] Government Type: Presidential Republic
-[] Flag:
-[] Territorial Claims:
-[] Origin: Former Osea Colony
--[] Flavor Text: The Republic of Antarctia was a colony established by Osea in the year 1950. The populace, frustrated through their overlords dismissive stance and borderline resource exploitation pushed for independence. The colony was officially granted its independence at the end of the Belkan War, the populace rejoiced, a presidential leader was elected to office and things seemed good. Now hearing of the impending Ulysses asteroid impact the people fear their independent nation will be short lived.
This looks cool to me.

I'm curious what is Osea's Real World equivalent?
Alright, I've seen three draft plans and I think we'll get a fourth one tomorrow, so I'll open up voting whenever I wake up.
Huh, seeing the timeline like that made me realize that the Belkan War was before Ulysses. Never actually realized that.

Also knew that shit like Wellow existed, but not that New Zealand was literally just off the coast of Antarctica lmao
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Huh, seeing the timeline like that made me realize that the Belkan War was before Ulysses. Never actually realized that.

Also knew that shit like Yellow existed, but not that New Zealand was literally just off the coast of Antarctica lmao

Yeah, it's retroactively used as an excuse for why Osea and Yuktobania have no superweapons until the 2000s but Usea has like eight by 1999. And I love how it's literally just a downscaled New Zealand, they didn't change it at all.
[X] Plan: Guy who hasn't played AC in a while tries to make a plan
-[X] Name: The Chaldean Confederation
-[X] Government Type: Technocratic State
-[X] Flag:
-[X] Territorial Claims:
-[X] Origin: Joint Colonial Administration
--[X] Flavor Text: Late players to the colonial game, the Anean countries of Estovakia, Emmeria, and Nordennavic would initiate their own individual colonial projects on the Antarctician continent in a bid to achieve their place in the sun. Before the end of the Osean War and the start of the Cold War, these 'colonies' were seldom anything beyond scientific or military outposts on the continent...and a dumping ground for any political or scientific dissidents for the three countries.

This would change in the aftermath of the Osean War and the rise of Pan-Aneanism, an ideology that promotes the unification of the Anean continent under a single state. Fearing the prospect of being dragged into the Cold War by the two rising power blocs of the world, the three Anean nations utilized Pan-Aneanism to promote stronger ties with one another aswell as the creation of a 'non-aligned' power bloc. In the 1980s, the Anea Initiative is founded with quiet government approval. The Anea Initiative is an organization promoting the idea of unifying the three Anean nations into a singular Republic of Anea, an idea that gains traction from the 80s to the present day. The Initiative becomes a powerful force in the continent's politics and ultimately spearheads the Colonial Unification Treaty; a treaty and project that unifies the individual Antarctic colonies into a singular territory jointly-administered by the three countries, aswell the funding of a legitimate settlement effort. For the Initiative and their supporters, this was meant to be an experiment and precursor to see how well the three nationalities would co-exist under a singular administration.

By the mid 1980s, proper settlements begin to be constructed on the continent, typically around the scientific outposts established beforehand. Additionally, the Antarctic colonial administration claims the two largest islands east of it and begins to settle the coasts of the habitable landmasses.

Ultimately however, the Colonial Unification Treaty would backfire in a sense, for instead of showcasing Anean unity and fostering a unified Anean nationality, the colonials began to see themselves not as Aneans but as Chaldeans, a term derived from the name of the outpost established by Emmeria: Chaldea. Growing increasingly frustrated by distant governance, the colonies would peacefully secede and form the Chaldean Confederation in the aftermath of the Belkan War. Supported by both the reconciling Yakutobian and Osean blocs, the Anean nations had no choice but to accept this.

Today, the Chaldean Confederation is governed by an interim government, headed by prominent members of its scientific community that have long since grown to be influential figures in colonial and later Chaldean politics. It is yet to be seen if this is but a precursor to a more permanent government, or if this supposedly temporary measure will eventually solidify itself permanently as Chaldea's government structure.
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[X] Plan: Guy who hasn't played AC in a while tries to make a plan

Voting for the above Plan because I was thinking of the Country as a former colony consisting of scientific & whaling outposts.
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