[X] Plan Commitments & Priorities & Kriff Torres

@Oshha Is taking the "Sentinel Frigate Deployment" action while we have 0 free frigate yards allowed? If not then maybe starting on the megaship yard or another frigate yard could be an option.
[X] Plan Commitments & Priorities & Kriff Torres

@Oshha Is taking the "Sentinel Frigate Deployment" action while we have 0 free frigate yards allowed? If not then maybe starting on the megaship yard or another frigate yard could be an option.

It is. It just stacks frigate Blocks until a yard becomes available. This is only possible because there is enough time in the budget cycle to roll out all frigates before the cycle concludes.

This will not be possible for our carriers. They take too long to build. We will probably have to outsource most of them, if not all of them.
Best tactic now is probably to bring back deploying submarines in groups so the subs can at least try to assist each other.
If Submarine A tries to torpedo the monster crushing Submarine B in its tentacles, it's probably going to wreck Submarine B in the process...

For anti-"submarine" warfare, we can use destroyers equipped with SONAR (not like the giant squid or whatever are likely to have sound-absorbent surfaces; if they do, we're in trouble) and depth charges (also: bring back "hedgehogs") working in teams. It worked just fine in WWII, and I don't see giant organic creatures liking hydrostatic shock too much.
I'm pretty sure the typical modern ASW tech is to launch a rocket that drops a homing torpedo into the ocean or something. Depth charges and even hedgehogs rely too much on the target being slow underwater and on getting fairly close.
I'm pretty sure the typical modern ASW tech is to launch a rocket that drops a homing torpedo into the ocean or something. Depth charges and even hedgehogs rely too much on the target being slow underwater and on getting fairly close.

Heh, decided to read up on it on wikipedia, which led me to the concept of NUCLEAR DEPTH CHARGES. Too bad they were retired in the late 80s apparently.

But anyway, yeah. Seems like surface ships are pretty well-equipped to hunt underwater targets these days as long as we've got supporting aircraft.
Hmmm @BOTcommander don't we have two free dice from the USBR since it says here:
US American Business Representation Cooperation
The USBR represents a number of US companies from a wide variety of fields, from defense and medical science and agricultural manufacturing. They see the UNDC as one of the largest clients to offer their services to and have been very open regarding an official cooperation if certain client mandated quotas are met.

Offer: 2 Free Org Dice (Free as in can be assigned to projects of any Category)
Demand: 2FOD be used in every category before the end of the plan.
and the leading plan by @Oshha only has one. Also seems to be the DARPA dice was reduced.
Hmmm @BOTcommander don't we have two free dice from the USBR since it says here:

and the leading plan by @Oshha only has one. Also seems to be the DARPA dice was reduced.
Dice and Progress cost have been halved, costs doubled, to reduce the number of dice rolled per turn. If in the future you decide for less ambitious plant budget cycle goals and overall dice I might switch back to the old system.
I'm of the opinion that we finally build some megaship yards. We have to complete the blocks for the assault and super carrier and we still haven't even built the yards we need to even start.
Due to the development times, we are going to have to outsource our carriers rather than construct them ourselves if we are to complete them in time for the plan goals.
@Oshha Is taking the "Sentinel Frigate Deployment" action while we have 0 free frigate yards allowed? If not then maybe starting on the megaship yard or another frigate yard could be an option.
It is. The lack of free shipyards simply means that completing further blocks will result in them being queued up to be done once there is a free shipyard rather than being started immediately. Which is necessary because we only have a single turn for margin of error if we are to do them in time.
Time to röll
Adhoc vote count started by BOTcommander on Jan 1, 2022 at 2:37 PM, finished with 28 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan Commitments & Priorities & Kriff Torres
    -[X] Logistical Port Construction (Argentina/Brazil), 1 Org Die, (45R & 41.00%)
    -[X] Logistical Port Construction (South Korea), 1 Org Die, (45R & 41.00%)
    -[X] Ellsworth Port (South Atlantic), 1 Die, 1 Org Die, (125R & 69.19%)
    -[X] Maintenance and Supply Naval Base Expansion (Southampton), 1 Die, 1 Free Org Die, (85R & 27.01%)
    -[X] Replacement Part Factories (Stage 2), 1 Org Die, (55R & 80.00%)
    -[X] Fuel Extraction and Refining Expansion (Phase 8), 2 Org Dice, (90R & 57.22%)
    -[X] Staff Training Centres, 1 Org Die, (35R & 43.00%)
    -[X] Recruitment Centres (Stage 2), 1 Org Die, (25R & 10.00%)
    -[X] General Magic Material Science Research, 1 Org Die, (85R & 28.00%)
    -[X] Orbital Communications Constellation (Phase 1), 1 Org Die, (105R & 89.00%)
    -[X] Reactive Armour Deployment Refit, 1 Die, (40R & 0.00%)
    -[X] Galil Ace Deployment (Stage 2 Fighting Forces), 1 Org Die, (65R & 100.00%)
    -[X] ASM/AGM Missile Factories (Phase 1), 1 Die, (50R & 95.00%)
    -[X] Plasma Injection Engine Development, 1 DARPA Die (0R & 55.00%)
    -[X] MaQue Recon Drone Deployment, 1 Org Dice, (65R & 66.00%)
    -[X] DEW-Point Defence Development Program, 1 Org Die, (85R & 70.00%)
    -[X] Sentinel Frigate Deployment, 1 Org Die, (55R & 100.00%/55.00%)
    -[X] Net Cannon Development, 1 Org Die (40R & 100.00%)
    -[X] Branch Office Hardening, 1 Die, (55R & 35.00%)
    -[X] Security Review (Military), 2 Dice, (0R & 100.00%)
    -[X] Attempt to have the Council relieve Torres of duty, 4 Dice, (0R & 80.00%/45.00%/15.00% x4)
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Port Construction (Argentina/B Total: 18
18 18
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Port Construction (South Korea Total: 38
38 38
BOTcommander threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Ellsworth Port Total: 90
78 78 12 12
BOTcommander threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Naval Base Expansion (Southamp Total: 71
44 44 27 27
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Replacement Part Factories Total: 30
30 30
BOTcommander threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Fuel Extraction and Refining Total: 116
27 27 89 89
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Staff Training Centres Total: 100
100 100
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Recruitment Centres Total: 13
13 13
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: General Magic Material Science Total: 99
99 99
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Communications Constellation Total: 100
100 100
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Reactive Armour Deployment Total: 6
6 6
BOTcommander threw 3 40-faced dice. Reason: Galil Ace Deployment Total: 83
23 23 24 24 36 36
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: ASM/AGM Missile Factories Total: 12
12 12
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Plasma Injection Engine Total: 51
51 51
BOTcommander threw 2 55-faced dice. Reason: MaQue Recon Drone Deployment Total: 50
3 3 47 47
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: DEW-Point Defence Development Total: 7
7 7
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Frigate Deployment Total: 37
37 37
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Net Cannon Development Total: 94
94 94
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Branch Office Hardening Total: 79
79 79
BOTcommander threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Security Review (Military) Total: 27
5 5 22 22
BOTcommander threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Sokolov vs Torres Total: 243
86 86 31 31 65 65 61 61
BOTcommander threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Politics Total: 148
3 3 30 30 62 62 53 53
BOTcommander threw 6 100-faced dice. Reason: Battle Rolls Middle East Total: 314
47 47 71 71 27 27 20 20 62 62 87 87
BOTcommander threw 6 100-faced dice. Reason: Attack Rolls Worldwide Total: 263
48 48 57 57 3 3 67 67 8 8 80 80
Math Post
Logistical Port Construction (Argentina/Brazil) = 48/80
Logistical Port Construction (South Korea) = 58/80

Ellsworth Port (South Atlantic) = 130/120 (+10 overflow to Argentina Logistical Port)
Maintenance and Supply Naval Base Expansion (Southampton) = 123/180
Replacement Part Factories (Stage 2) = 159/150
Fuel Extraction and Refining Expansion (Phase 8) = 172/150

Staff Training Centres = 117/75 - Critical Success
Recruitment Centres (Stage 2) = 42/100
General Magic Material Science Research = 141/115
Orbital Communications Constellation (Phase 1) = 163/75 88/75
? 12/75? - Critical Success
Reactive Armour Deployment Refit = 125/250
Galil Ace Deployment (Stage 2 Fighting Forces) = 292/210 82/210
ASM/AGM Missile Factories (Phase 1) = 131/125 6/125
Plasma Injection Engine Development = 95/90
MaQue Recon Drone Deployment = 165/150

DEW-Point Defence Development Program = 51/75
Sentinel Frigate Deployment = 121/60 61/60 1/60
Net Cannon Development = 138/40
Branch Office Hardening = 113/100
Security Review (Military) = 95 (DC60)
Attempt to have the Council relieve Torres of duty = 95+5 (DC 30/65/95)

Stat Changes
-5 Logistics
+1 Maintenance
+5 Ammo
+6 Fuel
+12 Orbital Bandwidth
+25 Security
+1 CS
Last edited:
"Your procurement department orders enough nets for a projected fifty years of continuous operation, thus causing a world-wide net shortage."
I was wondering about this but what are the effects of certain people in the position of Director like what are the effects to the Player and the UNDC as a whole does Nobuo gives as Director.
An Idealist Politician[Canon]
An Idealist Politician
Leonti Sokolov is a politician and he is proud of that fact. Many hold the view that a politician is corrupt and selfish, caring only about themselves and willing to discard their morals to amass power for their own benefit.

To him however, politics is a tool, a tool to help people and make a meaningful difference in the world. Leonti believes in a better future and that future is through the countries of the world working together for the mutual benefit of all humanity. That is why he entered politics and why he worked to reconcile the motherland with the West, why he took up his current position as the Secretary of the United Nations Defence Command. One might even call him an idealist as seemingly unlikely as it is for a career politician to be called such.

And it is why it bugs him that svoloch Torres getting away with his atrocities in Brazil. Leonti hates that he is, but Saito wasn't wrong about the politics behind the man and the matter. As much as he detests the thought of it, he needs to let the matter go as the Director warned him to.

Admiral Torres is already the compromise candidate and he has not only the support of both Brazil and Argentina, but the rest of the UNDC general staff as well. They'll circle the waggons around Torres and not only have made their distaste for a fully civilian leadership clear, but they have also shown their willingness to work together to further their own agenda when they forced Saito into stepping down at the end of his current turn so one of their own could either take hisplace or Leonti's.

So, when it comes to Admiral Torres and the Rio Incident, Leonti has followed the Director's instructions and hasn't pursued the matter further. No matter how much it chafes at him to do so.

Incident…such as a seemingly deceptive term for something so bloody and monstrous. Something like the Rio Massacre or the Rio Atrocity or the Rio Killings would be a more accurate term but calling the war crime what it is wouldn't be PR-friendly so it just gets called the Rio Incident. A nice unassuming term that hides just what happened to anyone who hears it gets casually mentioned.

"Secretary Sokolov," says a familiar voice, "If you have a moment, there is something that I would like to speak with you about."

"I'm a busy man, General Raymond, but I can spare a minute or two," replies Leonti as he spots General Jack Raymond in the doorway of his office.

"Thank you, Secretary," says Jack as he enters the room and takes a seat in front of Leonti's desk, "I want to talk about Torres and what is happening with him. Specifically, the lack of anything happening to him. I figured that with your sympathies and skillset that you would be a safe person to talk to."

"I'm not sure what you mean," replies Leonti carefully.

"Everyone who knows you can see that you care," says Jack, "You care about really doing the job, the ideals that we stand for and actually helping the people we are supposed to be protecting and serving. So, I know that you shared my sympathies when it comes to what Torres did in Rio."

"You don't share the stance of the rest of the general staff then?" inquires Leonti as while he suspected that Jack didn't, this is the first time that the two of them have actually discussed the matter since the Rio Incident took place.

"I like to think that if Admiral Torres was in the US Military, he would have received a dishonourable discharge and some time at Leavenworth rather than a political cover up," answers Jack, "The man deserves to see jail time, not keeping his job, but I'll settle for getting him removed from his position."

"You are taking this quite seriously," notes Leonti, "Not that I disagree with you. Quite the opposite actually."

"To be blunt, Leonti," says Jack, "Between you and me, I don't particularly respect the UNDC general staff. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't do anything unprofessional as to disrespect them in public or in front of the troops, but they saw the Rio Incident and decided that the correct response was to rally behind Torres and protect him from his just comeuppance. I just can't respect that."

"I understand, but what do you want me to do about it?" asks Leonti, "Admiral Torres is already the compromise candidate and he has plenty of support beyond the general staff because of that. I already brought up the matter with Director Nobuo following the Rio Incident taking place and he made it clear that I wasn't to pursue the matter further because of the politics involved. This situation is most unpleasant, but letting Brazil throw themselves under the bus to protect Torres is the best we are going to get out of this."

"Is that it?" asks Jack with a frown, "The war criminal gets to walk free because he has political connections covering his arsehole."

"Technically it isn't a war crime on the account of there being no war involved," points out Leonti.

"Damn it, you know what I mean," retorts Jack, "Come on, you're the politician and the best one that I know in both getting the job done and having some morals. Surely there is something that can be done?"

"Well, there might be, but I'm not sure how viable it would be," replies Leonti as he runs the math in his head, trying to figure out the factors that would be involved and the possible outcomes, "But it would be difficult and painful to the point that I am not sure that it would be better than following the Director's instructions and letting the matter go. Ah, just-ah. Okay, Jack, no funny business. It can be done, but I want some convincing that it is the better option. Why should I ignore all of the red flags to pursue the Rio Incident and Torres' part in it?"

"Because he is a loose cannon," answers Jack swiftly, clearly having already thought about the subject, "I mean, Wu decided we needed American bunker busters regardless of the fact that we didn't have a platform to deploy them, and then pretty much forced the UNDC into the B-3 project. That is the sort of decision a general is not supposed to make, especially not on their own. But Torres sent in troops where no troops should've been sent to in the first place, on the basis of authority he does not hold, in an environment he holds no expertise. At best he broke the chain of command at a time there was plenty of time to work through it. And in doing so he turned the UNDC's peacekeepers into murderers. He got a lot of civilians the UNDC is supposed to protect killed by UNDC personnel. And sure, Brazil took the heat, this time. I don't trust there will be another nation willing to do the same next time, and with Torres, there will be a next time. Getting rid of somebody pulling a similar stunt will be even harder then, because a precedent has been set."

"I understand this can cost you your job. I do not expect this effort to succeed either. But I also don't think that even if the public doesn't hear anything of the manoeuvring behind the scenes it's a good idea not to do anything. It's as much a matter of taking a stand in the bureaucracy to make clear this sort of thing shall not be without risk to the one ordering it as anything else."

"I had hoped for the military to make a stance, filed a complaint about the incident so that there'd be an official record and get things moving, but the UNDC general staff have proven that their morals and principles take a backseat to their political manoeuvring and interpersonal relationships. I'm hoping that you are made of stronger stuff when it comes to doing your job and the right thing."

As Jack finishes, Leonti leans back in his chair, closes his eyes, and lets out a sigh as he realises that he is convinced. Not that it took much doing.

"Lord help me, but I'm convinced," says Leonti as he opens his eyes and sits forward again, "I'm going to piss off a bunch of people and risk my job, but you are right and this needs to be done. Just…just let me make some calls and see where I stand. You're right about this not being easy and if I am going to do it, I'm going to have to give it my all."


A little omake showing Sokolov being convinced to go after Torres instead of letting the matter go like Nobuo wanted us to. I have loosely based it off of the Discord conversation with @Hazard where he convinced me to go after Torres in my plan as that conversation was the inspiration for my omake with Raymond taking the place of Hazard and Sokolov taking my place.
Due to the development times, we are going to have to outsource our carriers rather than construct them ourselves if we are to complete them in time for the plan goals.

@BOTcommander How do we go about outsourcing the carriers and assault carriers like Ossha mentions as above? Do we go with the Admin options Contact USAA for the carriers? (I can't remember which faction developed the assault carriers / landing ships )
Okay then, I think we should got for Contact USAA and Contact ASDEU next turn so we can get started on them as soon as possible.
It is a waste to contact both at once and I'm not sure we can afford it all in one go. To outsource all of our carriers, it would cost a total of 1,325 Resources and I don't want to spend that much at once. Not to mention that isn't including paying for anything else that the USAA or ASDEU will be offering. I do intend to contact one of them next turn or the turn after, but we will want to only do one this year and wait until next year when we have more funding to contact the other.

By the way, these are the various projects related to both that I can recall:

USAA-related Projects:
-B3 Bomber
-MRK Deployment
-Osprey Helicopter Deployment
-Galil Ace Deployment
-Bradley Deployment

ASDEU-related Projects:
-Assault Carrier
-Multirole Jets
-Enok Deployment
-Infantry Gear Deployment
-Leopard 2A7 Deployment
-Patria APC Deployment
-Arbalète Deployment?
-Sentinel Frigate Deployment
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