As An Eagle Flies (A House Arryn Quest)

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Join Arstan Arryn as he lives, and plays the Game of Thrones.
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Family and Allies
Name: Jon Arryn

Title: Lord of the Eryie and Warden of the East, Shield of the Bloody Gate, Keeper of the Gate of the Moons.

Age: 45

Languages known: Westrosi Common, High Valryian.

Faith: Faith of the Seven (You can get knighted and participate in tourneys.)

Fighting Ability: Well Trained (?): You are a Trained man at arms and a skilled knight. (Unknown)

Master Diplomat: You have trained since you were a child in the art of diplomacy, oratory, and speech crafting (+30 to social rolls. You may craft deals that would be not considered a possibility to others)

Skilled Commander: The Art of Warfare is a well-known fact of Westeros, and you are one of its better practitioners (+10 to Battle rolls when you are in command.)

Master Administrator: You are among one of the greatest administrators on the continent, able to rule justly, and without compromise. You can route out corruption with only a sniff and a look. (+30 to Administration rolls. You have the ability to route out corruption in your lands)

Competent Schemer: You are competent at plotting and... the underground workings of politics (No bonus to rolls)


Knight: You were knighted by the Light of the Seven, armed and armored to protect the innocent. (+5 to opinion to all worshipers of the Faith of the Seven)

Brave: You show no fear, not even in the face of death. You will face it all with a smile so that others may follow you. (+10 to combat rolls. May have a chance to inspire wavering units in battle)

Impotent: You have... trouble siring children (-40 to fertility rolls.)

Just: No matter what the circumstances, you will do what is right in your own heart, and what is written in the Law.(+10 to Administration rolls)

Crippled: You have a crippled leg, you cannot fight or ride as you used to. (-50 to combat rolls. -5 to diplomacy rolls)

Name: Rhaella Arryn, Nee Targaryen

Title: Lady of the Eyrie. Princess of the Iron Throne.

Age: 20

Languages known: Westerosi Common, High Valryian.

Faith: Faith of the Seven (You can get knighted and participate in tourneys.)

Competent Fighting Ability: You have been trained in the art of combat, despite you being a woman. (No roll bonus given)

Skilled Diplomat: You have trained since you were a child in the art of diplomacy, oratory, and speech crafting (+30 to social rolls. You may craft deals that would not be considered a possibility to others)

Untrained Commander: The Art of Warfare is a well-known fact of Westeros, and you are not trained in it at all. (-30 to Battle rolls when you are in command.)

Competent Administrator: You can run a keep competently and without issue… most of the time. (No bonus to Administration rolls.)

Competent Schemer: You are competent at plotting and... the underground workings of politics (No bonus to rolls)


Attractive: You are absolutely stunningly beautiful. So beautiful in fact, people can't stop looking at them. (+10 to diplomacy Rolls)

Patient: Capable of great control and focus over extended periods of time, you know good things come to those who wait until the right moment. (+5 to all rolls)

Humble: You will never praise your own efforts, preferring to stay in the background and let others reap the spoils. (There are actions that are unavailable. The Faith of the Sevens worshipers may view you as a great person)

Scholar: You are a student of all forms, and even a teacher that can teach others (+10 to rolls involving children, teaching others or studying mystical tomes)

Erudite: A scholarly fountain of wisdom, you are devoted to growing that fountain. (+10 to rolls reading, studying mystical tomes.)

Pregnant: This woman is with child.
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State Of the Vale and Westeros
The State of the Vale of Arryn:

Lord: Jon Arryn

Heir: Arstan Arryn

Warden Title: Warden of the East

Current Warden: Jon Arryn

Most Powerful (Influential) Vassal: Lord Yohn Royce

Least Powerful: Lord Tion Sunderland.


Reserves 15,043,123 Golden Dragons

Annual Income (Last Year in Gold Dragons): 15,432,240 Golden Dragons.

Income Breakdown:

5,000,000: From Dominion Holdings and Vassal Taxes

6,000,000: From Trade Taxes and Tariffs

200,000: From Recovered loot and equipment selling from Mountain Clans.

1,120,240: Interest and tolls for the Mountain Road.

4,232,240: Dowrey Payment.

Annual Expenditure: 8,210,321 Golden Dragons

Expenditure Breakdown:

Maintenance on Castles and Fortresses: 6,000,000

Wages to Staff and other payoffs: 500,000

Gifts to Lord's: 250,000

Mountain Clan Payoffs: 50,000

Equipment maintenance and procuring: 1,000,000

Crown Taxes: 500,000

Other Expenditures (Road Maintenance, patrol costs, Imports, and other constructions):3,327,923

Major Exports: Grain, Fish and Barely, Apples, Stone.

Minor Exports: Flint, Silver, Iron, Copper.

Major Imports: Fruits (Oranges, Strawberries and Grapes), Lumber, Building Materials (Nails, Hammers)

Minor Imports: Silks, Exotic goods.

Enemies of the

Military of the Vale (Note: This is the Total Forces it can bring to Bare, not separated by Lord's):

Total Forces: 61,452

28,674 Light infantry
-15,032 Levy Infantry
-5,321 Militia Forces (They mostly guard the roads in villages, and are
-8,321 Non Professional Soldiers (Veterans from the last war Basically, most old men)
15,432: Heavy Infantry (Most men at arms)
-812 (Dismounted knights
15, 320 Light Cavalry
2,026 Knights (Heavy Cavalry)

725.800 Golden Dragons

A Statue of the Father: A statue of the father, an idol of some value in certain circles. (Worth: 20,000 Dragons) Effect: +5 to all Duties of the Vale Rolls.

A Statue of the Warrior: The Warrior… only the Warriors sons and the poor fellows have those… how did one get here? (Worth: 50,000 Dragons) Effect: In combat, Rolls will be by an unknown amount increased. But your mind might not be able to handle…???.

A Silk Dress From Bravvos: This dress looks like it was from Bravvos… It looks like it was used by a Bravvosi courtesan made from silk all the way from Yi-Ti… You think Rhae would like that. (Worth: 25000 Dragons) Effect: Rhae enjoys the new dress. +5 to Fertility Rolls. May start a new fashion within the Vale.

A Black Pearl from Lys: Perhaps the rarest item of all… a Black Pearl. The largest you have ever seen. (Worth 100,000 Dragons) Effect: Unknown? Great and powerful magic can be felt from it

An Old Journal: It is a Journal of a man… a man named Daemon. (Worth: 200 Gold Dragons) Effect: A Journal detailing a world-spanning adventure, of a man named Daemon, and his wife
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Enemies of the Realm
The Brotherhood of Twelve Members:

"King" Mayles "the Monstrous" Blackfyre: The Last of the Blackfyres, Pretender of the Iron Throne. A Twice Kinslayer, eating his twin brother in the womb, and again when he killed his Cousin Daemon to gain command the Golden Company. He commands the Golden Company, a Sellsword Outfit that is the strongest in Essos, standing at over 40,000 men, and thousands of horseman, and even war Elephants from Yi-Ti. A Huge grotesque man, he is both one of the greatest commanders of the east, and one of it's strongest fighters. He Worships the fire god of R'hllor. and has been Declared Azor Ahai.

Bounty Set to 1,000,000 Dragons to whoever kills this man.

Killed By Arstan Arryn and Marq Grafton
Jeyne Farro "Old Mother": The Pirate Queen of the Stepstones, Fleet leader of the Brotherhood of Twelve, Rules in Sunstone. Commands 3,000 men and over 400 ships.

Bounty Set to 100,000 Dragons to whoever kills this woman.

Bounty Collected by Lord Jon Arryn and his Forces.
Samarro Saan: A Lysine Pirate Lord of Bloodstone. Commander of over five hundred ships and five thousand swords. Rumored to be sponsored by the Magistrate of Lys.

Bounty Set to 250,000 Dragons to whoever captures or kills this man.

Killed By Arstan Arryn
Xhobar Qhoqua "The Ebon Prince": Prince of the Summer Isle and commander of the Black Arrows Sellsword company. Rumors say he's a slaver, raiding his home of Women and Children to sell to Astapori Slavers, and gaining Unsullied in return. Commands 7,000 Swords, and another 1,000 unsullied he personally owns.

Bounty Set to 150,000 Dragons to whoever Captures or Kills this man.
Liomond Lashare "Lord of Battles": Captain of the Battle Born Sellsword company, second only to the Golden Company. He commands 20,000 swords and is rumored to be the greatest Warrior in the East.

Bounty Set to 500,000 Dragons to whoever captures or kills this man.

Killed By Ser Gerold Hightower.

Spotted Tom: The Butcher of the West, he is an outlaw from the West, having killed his lord and his heir in a fit of rage after he was refused their daughter. He leads the Battered Lances, a company of 3,000 strong, and commands lands in the Disputed Lands. He is rumored to be the man responsible for poisoning several lords who refused to Support the Blackfyre cause, including Lady Royce.

Bounty Set to 250,000 Dragons to whoever captures this man. Lord Jon Arryn has set a bounty at 500,000 Dragons for the man who brings him to him so he may personally kill him.

Bounty Collected by Lord Arryn and his forces.

Ser Derrick Fossoway "The Bad Apple": Black knight of Westeros for nearly murdering his brother. He commands the Lost Brothers, a Knightly mercenary company 1,000 strong.

Bounty Set to 50,000 Dragons to whoever captures or kills this man.
Nine Eyes: Captain of the Jolly Fellows, a mercenary company of ill renown. Commands 4,000 men strong, and rules over lands of the Disputed Lands.

Bounty Set to 250,000 Dragons to whoever captures or kills this man.

Alequo Adary "The Silvertongue": A Merchant Prince of Tyrosh. The False Ruler of Tyrosh and commands the lands and city. Commands 20,000 men of varying loyalty, but is easily one of the richest men in Essos

Bounty Set to 250,000 Dragons to whoever captures or kills this man.

Malo Irrel "The Fire Man": A R'hllor Priest of Volantis, and commander of the Burned Men, He is a Fanatic, practitioner of blood magic, and cloaks himself in armor of fire before riding into battle. He is noted to be a prophet, and sees Mayles the Monsteros as Azor Ahai, and gave the King Lightbringer, in exchange for converting to the Red God. Commands 10,000 Fanatical Worshipers of Rhallor, who's fanaticism makes them unbreakable.

Bounty Set to 250,000 Dragons to whoever captures or kills this man.

Maresso Hotos "The Ax Man": The Bearded Priest who abandoned his vows, and took thousands of men with him when they Left Norvos. He commands the Great Ax's of the East, 10,000 Norvoshi Priests who have taken up the cause of the Blackfyres in exchange for storming Norvos and overthrowing the High Priest.

Bounty Set to 450,000 Dragons to whoever captures or kills this man.

Magistrate Aronos Dynoris "The Iron Finger": A Banker from the Iron Bank, and the main financier of the Blackfyre cause, he is fighting for them so that Westeros will be forced back into business with the Iron Bank, after creating a downturn in their profits as the Iron throne, and many Westrosi houses have pulled their assets. He has orders to make sure that they have the men, gold and material to win the war.

Bounty Set to 650,000 Dragons to whoever captures or kills this man.

The King wishes to take him alive so that he may expose the Iron Banks crimes to the Sealord.

Lord Jon Arryn has offered 200,000 Dragons for whoever brings the man to him, so that he may... hold a trial of his own.

All were killed by the Dornish Host to Liberate Tyrosh.
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Name: Arstan Arryn

Title: Lord of the Eryie, Heir to the Vale

Age: 19

Languages known: Westrosi Common The Old Tongue of the Ironborn, High Valyran, Pentosi.

Faith: Faith of the Seven (You can get knighted and participate in tourneys.)

Fighting Ability: master: You have a strong familiarity in this skill +20 to all rolls in actions)

Legendary Diplomat: You have trained since you were a child in the art of diplomacy, oratory, and speech crafting, and have been rewarded, you are the greatest diplomat Westeros has ever seen. (+50 to social rolls. You may craft deals that would be not considered a possibility to others)

Skilled Commander: The Art of Warfare is a well-known fact of Westeros, and you are one of its better practitioners (+10 to Battle rolls when you are in command.)

Master Administrator: You are among one of the greatest administrators on the continent, able to rule justly, and without compromise. You can route out corruption with only a sniff and a look. (+30 to Administration rolls. You have the ability to route out corruption in your lands)

Competent Schemer: You are competent at plotting and... the underground workings of politics (No bonus to rolls)


Quick: You are brighter than most, and you pick up on things that others may not see (+5 to all rolls.)

Diligent: Once you set your mind to it, you will never stop until it's complete. (+5 to all rolls)

The Child of Bonds: You desire nothing more than friends and comrades, and that desire draws others to you. Older, or younger, male, female, it does not matter. You bring people together, with their bonds with you. (You have an aura that draws people towards you and make them your friend. If you meet someone new, there is a 50/50 chance they might become a friend. With your friends, you have a +20 to all rolls during events. With your friends, you will not suffer any debuffs in a relationship from differing religion)

Warg: You have been born with the gift to connect to animals with your mind, and share with it an empathy link. You can control the animal you bond within a few ways. Those ways are for you to learn and understand. (You can now warg into animals)

Falcon: This flying bird follows you around everywhere you go, being both larger and stronger than the others. (+5 to combat rolls, People are a bit perplexed by it following you around everywhere like a pet.)

King of the Mountain: You are the King of the Mountain, a man who has brought peace to the Vale through words, not conquest. You will be remembered forever, as the man who brought the Mountain and the Vale together at last. (+20 to all rolls when within the Vale. You have the ability to stop Blood feuds from erupting between the Valeman and the Clansman, for the remainder of your lifetime)
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Important Announcement
Alright guys, I'm taking a break for a little while on this quest. I have been paid by some friends offline who liked a quest I did "Silent Second Life" to start a Naruto quest on here.

Money has already been exchanged, So I'm duty-bound (and legally bound) to write that quest.

I hope you all understand.