[X] Plan: Counter Attack
Visualization (Still a bit unused to Inkscape, so I used google docs draw to get it done quicker)
-[X] Infantry
-[X] 72nd Hum:
Move after Guillory Hussars have acted: Fire at 33rd Dwa,
Move E Facing NE,
-[X] 148th Hum:
3*Move SE
-[X] 42nd Elv:
Act 1st 3*Melee 155th Elv
-[X] 45th Elv:
Act 1st 2
Melee 155th Elv, and 1 melee 74th
-[X] 251st Hob:
Act after 72nd have moved: Hide, Hide, Brace
-[X] 200th Hob: Move W, 2*ReadyFire NE 400m
-[X] 19th Half Pfd: Brace, Ready Fire (Close Range NE), Ready Melee Adjacent Unit, priotize hitting NE unit
-[X] 16th Half Pfd: Move [SW], Face NE, Brace
-[X] 28th Half Pfd:
Fire at 20th Dwa [ambush, token damage but stress buildup], 2* move [SE, SW]
-[X] Cavalry
-[X] G. H: After the our infantry units East of the Rotholz fortress have acted (45th/42nd), charge the 9th Elv Hsr
-[X] 13th Hob Lance: Move W, Ready Charge Rear of Unit that moves onto plains within 400m and is west of Schloss.
-[X] 55th Elv Hsr:
Act after 72nd have moved: Move [E,NE, Ne], Ready Charge + Ready Move (Trigger: any unit that approaches beyond the Rotholz line, move towards orginal position after charge)
-[X] Artillery
-[X] Horse Artillery:
Act after 72nd/10th have acted: Move 2W,
Fire at 20th Dwa
-[X] 31st Elv Art:
Act after 72nd/10th have acted: Set Up,
Fire at 20th Dwa
-[X] 10th Hum Art:
Act after Guillory Hussars have acted: Fire at 33rd Dwa,
Move E, Face NE
-[X] 84th Elv Art:
Act after 72nd/10th have acted: Fire at 20th Dwa,
Move E, Face NE
-[X] HQ: resupply 10th Hum Art after firing
Decide to repost my plan due to the many changes that have been made. You can see my changes/calcs
here. The main changes are ordering the units to act in a certain order, this helps allocate momentum so we have an overall higher chance of routing units. And for the visualization, I will extend the 55th's range. I expect to rout somewhere around 4-5 units, maybe a bit more depending on Trotha's actions in the west.
The 45th/42nd/33rd are all on high stress and should rout pretty easily. For the 20th, we attack it with a bunch of units, and from stacking morale checks/some momentum, they're pretty likely to rout as well. The Nymphs and the Lancers depend on Trotha actions next turn, but we have a pretty good chance to rout them.
For the 9th, the 1st has just sat there ready actioning for three turns. The 9th searched and ready action, searched 3 times, and then searched and ready action. Trotha is presumably waiting for us to do the thing he has waited for us to do the entire battle, charge up the center and into his guns.
And here as well you are ignoring the 109th, who will most likely charge into the forest and go after our pathfinders. This is why I want to get them out back to the hills to safety, that forest will soon be contested by the enemy nymphs and hobgoblins, as well as potentially any other hidden enemy units.
I really believe there is a high likelyhood for there to be significant enemy forces on the Western flank we have not detected yet. At least his missing unit of infantry and horse artillery. Lets look at what has been happening there the past few turns:
T2: The halfling pathfinders we sent there to scout come under fire from a Feared enemy artillery. The placement of artillery here covers only the West flank, it is useless for fighting in the center.
T3: The enemy nymphs appear on this flank, as do the 109th who surprise and rout one of our best cavalry units. These units move out of the forest south towards Kirchenholz surprisingly aggressively.
Why? That logic doesn't make any sense, he doesn't have enough movement to move through the forest to see the hill. Charging the 109th into the forest only makes sense if you already know are Halflings are there.
Also, if Trotha was planning to use his cavalry and horse artillery on the left, he would have already done so already. Honestly, I think there is a decent chance his horse artillery is in the center, readyfiring for a charge in the center, I feel like it is the only explanation that makes sense as to why we just have not seen it. Horse artillery is "a novel and rare invention" so there is a chance he just doesn't use its mobility or appreciates its advantages.
I also disagree that his core force is nearly shattered. We will rout 3 out of 10 of his infantry, with 2 more having taken significant Morale damage from our artillery. Nothing a bit of Resting can't fix. His artillery and cavalry are his real assets, the infantry are poor quality meat shields. Both of those assets are still at full strength, which is why I do not think we have good attacking chances.
Once routed, units have to move to a safe spot. That might take 1 or 2 turns, then another action to rest. The answer to having several units rout is not just resting a bit. Furthermore, even if infantry are just "poor quality meat shields" (something the 108th would probably disagree with), his infantry protect his artillery. If we rout a bunch of units in his center/right he won't have enough units to protect his artillery.
We are going to rout enemy units in the intermediate time. We are likely to rout 3 units in the upcoming turn regardless of specific plan (33rd + Elves), giving us +2 net momentum. At it's very worst, the halflings routing would swing that back to a -1, which is utterly manageable without risking collapse.
The halfing routing is unlikely, both halfing routing is very unlikely. This is assuming the 19th is targeted first, (they have higher stress).
@Photomajig, Is the 19th in melee? We haven't entered into the zone of control but we are in the zone of control.