Your Turn
200th Hob Hides x2, Braces
251st Hob Hides x2, Braces
148th Hum Braces, Readies Action (Fire, Fire)
72nd Hum Braces, Readies Action (Charge, Charge)
45th Elv Braces, Readies Action (Fire, Fire)
42nd Elv Readies Action (Charge, Charge, Charge)
16th Half Pfd Hides, Moves x2 W
19th Half Pfd Hides, Moves x2 SE, SE
28th Half Pfd Hides x3
341st Elv Hsr Readies Action (Charge, Attack, Move)
350th Elv Hsr Readies Action (Charge, Attack, Move)
13th Hob Lan Ready Action (Charge, Move, Charge)
55th Elv Hsr Moves W, Readies Action (Charge, Move)
108th Elv Hsr Moves x2 NW, W, W, W, 4*NW
Nym Rng Ready Action (Fire, Fire, Brace) if enemy advances within 300m triggered!
Nym Rng Fires on 108th Elv Hsr! (Ambush Advantage, Nymph Advantage)
>108th Elv Hsr Morale Check (Ambushed): 20, 1+6=7; takes 6 Stress!
>Hits: 22, 34, 87-20+20-20=67; 54 Casualties
>108th Elv Hsr Morale Check (50+ Casualties): 20, 13+6-6=13; takes 3 Stress!
108th Elv Hsr Moves SW
Nym Rng cannot Fire, lost line of sight to 108th Elv Hsr
Nym Rng Braces
108th Elv Hsr Readies Action (Charge)
5th Hob H Art Fires at 33rd Dwa, Moves SE, E
5th Hob H Art Fires on 33rd Dwa!
>Hits: 63-20+30=73; 47 Casualties
>CO Trait revealed!
>>33rd Dwa CO: [14], Teacher (Unit halves XP loss from taking on Replacements.)
31st Elv Art Fires at 33rd Dwa, Moves NW
31st Elv Art Fires on 33rd Dwa! (Ambush Advantage)
>33rd Dwa Morale Check (Ambushed): 2+3=5; takes 7 Stress!
>Hits: 41, 53-50+10=13; 10 Casualties
>33rd Dwa Morale Check (50+ Casualties): 16+3-7=12; takes 4 Stress!
10th Hum Art Sets Up, Readies Action (Fire)
84th Elv Art Sets Up, Readies Action (Fire)
HQ Moves W, W, NW
17th Hum spotted! (108th Elv Hsr)
Nym Rng spotted! Nym Rng lost!
Enemy Turn
Enemy Orders only shown if they've been spotted by you at the start of their turn or reveal themselves by attacking or becoming adjacent.
155th Elv Moves SW, would move SW; interrupted, 45th Elv in path! => Charges 45th Elv instead
45th Elv Ready Action (Fire, Fire) if enemy appears in short range triggered!
45th Elv Fires on 155th Elv! (Ambush Advantage)
>155th Elv Morale Check (Ambushed): 17+3=20; no effect
>Hits: 11, 24+10-30=4; no Casualties
>CO Trait revealed!
>>155th Elv CO: [7], Butcher (Both this Unit's and its enemies' Wound Threshold is reduced by -1 in melee.)
155th Elv Charges 45th Elv! (Charge & Ambush Advantage)
>45th Elv Morale Check (Charged): 6+5=11; takes 4 Stress!
>45th Elv Morale Check (Ambushed): 20+5-4=21; no effect
>Hits: 28, 38, 40-20-10=10; 4 Casualties
>45th Elv Morale Check (Under melee attack): 13+5-4=14; takes 3 Stress!
45th Elv Counter-Attacks!
>Hits: 74+10-20=64; 47 Casualties
45th cannot Fire, in melee
341st Elv Hsr Ready Action (Charge, Attack, Move) if enemy Units appear on forest edge triggered!
341st Elv Hsr Charges NE, NE, NW at 155th Elv
341st Elv Hsr Charges 155th Elv! (Charge Advantage negated by Forest)
>155th Elv Morale Check (Charged): 14+3=17; takes 1 Stress!
>Hits: 89-40=49; 31 Casualties
>CO Trait revealed!
>>Mana Bosquet: [11], Watchful (Unit's Spotting is increased by +2.)
>155th Elv Morale Check (50+ Casualties): 20+3-1=22; no effect
341st Elv Hsr Attacks 155th Elv!
>Hits: 46-40=6; 4 Casualties
341st Moves SW, SW
350th Elv Hsr Ready Action (Charge, Attack, Move) if enemy Units appear on forest edge triggered!
350th Elv Hsr Moves NW, NW, NW, Charges NW at 155th Elv
350th Elv Charges 155th Elv! (Charge Advantage negated by Forest)
>155th Elv Morale Check (Charged): 16+3-1=18; takes 1 Stress!
>Hits: 2-40=0
>CO Trait revealed!
>>Giovanni di Mirova: [2], Demoralizing (Unit recovers only half of Stress from Rest.)
350th Elv Moves SW*4
42nd Elv Ready Action (Charge, Charge, Charge) if enemy within Charging range and Hussars have acted triggered!
42nd Elv Moves E, NE, Charges NW at 155th Elv
42nd Elv Charges 155th Elv! (Charge Advantage & Ambush Advantage)
>155th Elv Morale Check (Charged): 17+3-2=18; takes 1 Stress!
>155th Elv Morale Check (Ambushed): 15+3-3=15; takes 2 Stress!
>Hits: 58, 85+10-20=75; 42 Casualties
>155th Elv Morale Check (50+ Casualties): 4+3-5=2; takes 9 Stress!
>155th Elv Morale Check (Under melee attack): 20+3-14=9; takes 5 Stress!
60th Elv Art Fires on 148th Hum!
>Hits: 47-20+10-40=0
66th Elv Art Fires on 148th Hum!
>Hits: 53-20+10-40=3; 3 Casualties
74th Elv Charges SW, SW at 148th Hum
148th Hum Ready Action (Fire, Fire) if any enemy comes into medium range triggered!
148th Hum Fires on 74th Elv!
>Hits: 42-30=12; 9 Casualties
74th Elv Charges 148th Hum! (Charge & Ambush Advantage)
>148th Hum Morale Check (Charged): 1, 3+8=11; takes 4 Stress!
>148th Hum Morale Check (Ambushed): 2, 20+8-4=24; no effect
>Hits: 48, 63, 74-20=54; 31 Casualties
>CO Trait revealed!
>>74th Elv CO: [4], Careless (Unit can carry -2 Supplies and Munitions.)
>148th Hum Morale Check (50+ Casualties): 2, 12+8-4=16; takes 2 Stress!
148th Hum Counter-Attacks!
>Hits: 79-20=59; 25 Casualties
148th Hum cannot Fire, in melee
>74th Elv Morale Check (Under melee attack): 10+1=11; takes 4 Stress!
55th Elv Hsr Ready Action (Charge, Move) if enemy comes within 500m triggered (by 74th)!
4th Hum Moves SE, SE, Charges SE at 148th Hum
4th Hum Charges 148th Hum! (Charge Advantage)
>148th Hum Morale Check (Charged): 8, 9+8-6=11; takes 4 Stress!
>Hits: 39, 75-20=55; 32 Casualties
>CO Trait revealed!
>>4th Hum CO: [7], Butcher (Both this Unit's and its enemies' Wound Threshold is reduced by -1 in melee.)
>148th Hum Morale Check (Under melee attack): 16, 18+8-10=16; takes 2 Stress!
55th Elv Hsr Moves NE, NW, NE, NW, NE, would move E; interrupted by 4th Hum => Charges 4th Hum instead
55th Elv Hsr Charges 4th Hum! (Charge Advantage)
>4th Hum Morale Check (Charged): 16+0=16; takes 2 Stress!
>4th Hum Morale Check (Flanked): 18+0-2=16; takes 2 Stress!
>Hits: 20, 33+10-20=23; 13 Casualties
55th Elv Hsr Moves SW, SE, SW, SE, SW
72nd Hum Ready Action (Charge, Charge) if enemy appears at least 1 NE of them triggered!
72nd Hum Moves NW, interrupted by 4th Hum, Charges & Attacks them instead
72nd Hum Charges 4th Hum! (Charge & Ambush Advantage)
>4th Hum Morale Check (Charged): 11+0=11; takes 4 Stress!
>4th Hum Morale Check (Ambushed): 19+0-4=15; takes 2 Stress!
>Hits: 48, 58+20-10=68; 44 Casualties => Critical! => [5], Shaken (Unit makes the Morale Check from this Critical Hit at a Disadvantage.)
>4th Hum Morale Check (Critical Hit): 17, 11+0-6=7; takes 6 Stress!
72nd Hum Attacks 4th Hum!
>Hits: 70+20-10=80; 46 Casualties
>4th Hum Morale Check (50+ Casualties): 6+0-12=0, ROUTED!
>74th Elv Morale Check (adjacent ally Routed): 4+1-4=1; takes 9 Stress!
33rd Dwa Moves SE, Braces, Readies Action
84th Elv Art Ready Action (Fire) if enemy infantry moves into medium range triggered!
84th Elv Art Fires on 33rd Dwa! (Ambush Advantage)
>33rd Dwa Morale Check (Ambushed): 10+3-11=2; takes 9 Stress!
>Hits: 11, 29-20+10=19; 13 Casualties
20th Dwa Moves SW, Braces, Readies Action
1st HM's Elv Hsr Readies Action
109th Hob Moves SW, Charges SW, SW at 108th Elv Hsr
109th Hob Charges 108th Elv Hsr! (Charge & Ambush Advantage)
>108th Elv Hsr Morale Check (Charged): 17+6-9=14; takes 3 Stress!
>108th Elv Hsr Morale Check (Ambushed): 15+6-12=9; takes 5 Stress!
>Hits: 8, 76-20-20=36; 22 Casualties => Critical! => [9], CO Killed (Unit loses any effects from their CO, loses -1 AP, and makes an immediate additional Morale Check at Disadvantage.)
>CO Trait revealed!
>>109th Hob CO: [5], Distracted (Unit's Spotting is reduced by -1.)
>108th Elv Hsr Morale Check (Critical Hit): 20+6-17=9; takes 5 Stress!
>108th Elv Hsr Morale Check (CO Killed): 4, 4+6-22=0, Routed!
>16th Half Pfd Morale Check (adjacent ally Routed): 18+5=23; no effect
108th Elv Hsr Ready Action (Charge) if any enemy moves within 300m triggered!
108th Elv Hsr cannot Charge 109th Hob, Attacks instead
108th Elv Hsr Attacks 109th Hob!
>Hits: 20+20-20=20; 12 Casualties
>109th Hob Morale Check (Under melee attack): 9+1=10; takes 5 Stress!
Nym Rng Moves SW, SW, SW, Braces
17th Hum Moves SW, SE, Charges SE at 108th Elv Hsr, Attacks 108th Elv Hsr
17th Hum Charges 108th Elv Hsr! (Charge Advantage)
>Hits: 47, 74-20=54; 27 Casualties
17th Hum Attacks 108th Elv Hsr!
>Hits: 41-20=21; 12 Casualties
Momentum decreased by -1!
74th Elv spotted!
155th Elv spotted!
17th Hum spotted! 17th Hum lost!
Nym Rng spotted!
109th Hob spotted!
108th Elv Hsr gained +1 XP.
5th Hob H Art gained +1 XP.
31st Elv Art gained +1 XP.
45th Elv gained +1 XP.
42nd Elv gained +1 XP.
148th Hum gained +1 XP.
55th Elv Hsr gained +1 XP.
72nd Hum gained +1 XP.
84th Elv Art gained +1 XP.