See, I would sort of agree with Schwerte here, but I completely disagree with their stated reasoning.
Damage output isn't king, at least this early in the game with this few units.
Positioning is king. If you need to put a sacrificial unit out there to block a charge or stop the enemy from achieving a crossfire on a more important unit, you do that. Doesn't matter if they have 2 Coh or 4 Coh and depending on the opposition maybe not even 6. This is especially true of infantry who have proportionally twice as much strength/Coh as cavalry and twenty times as artillery. They can afford to absorb some casualties and break immediately if it means denying the enemy control of the map. That is the only reason I'd consider moving the 310th forward right now - denying the enemy the ability to attack our new artillery position by blocking off the easiest Charge route. At the same time, it's also why I'm fine leaving the 310th where it is, because they and the 41st are blocking off a different place where we could get a cavalry saber in the kidney, and doing so more efficiently as they're hidden at the moment.
See, I would sort of agree with Schwerte here, but I completely disagree with their stated reasoning.
Damage output isn't king, at least this early in the game with this few units.
Positioning is king. If you need to put a sacrificial unit out there to block a charge or stop the enemy from achieving a crossfire on a more important unit, you do that. Doesn't matter if they have 2 Coh or 4 Coh and depending on the opposition maybe not even 6. This is especially true of infantry who have proportionally twice as much strength/Coh as cavalry and twenty times as artillery. They can afford to absorb some casualties and break immediately if it means denying the enemy control of the map. That is the only reason I'd consider moving the 310th forward right now - denying the enemy the ability to attack our new artillery position by blocking off the easiest Charge route. At the same time, it's also why I'm fine leaving the 310th where it is, because they and the 41st are blocking off a different place where we could get a cavalry saber in the kidney, and doing so more efficiently as they're hidden at the moment.
Yeah, as far as the 1st goes, I don't think it would make sense for them to charge that position this coming round. They can't know we're going to move our artillery forward, and if we weren't that would be a recipe for being surrounded on both sides by the enemy while the artillery murders them in exchange for... doing some more damage to the enemy Hobgoblin Militia, who at this point are pretty far down on the list of priorities.
If the Elven Cav 1 does show up, it's far more likely to try coming in from the south to hit where it thought the artillery or enemy units were than to go around.
If the Elven Cav 1 does show up, it's far more likely to try coming in from the south to hit where it thought the artillery or enemy units were than to go around.
Scheduled vote count started by Photomajig on Dec 10, 2023 at 3:27 PM, finished with 74 posts and 6 votes.
[X] Plan: Swift Blade and Slow Knife, Flanking Version
-[X] 310th Hum: RESTING
-[X] 312th Hum: MOVE NE,E, E
-[X] 41st Hob: CHARGE E, E, E
-[X] 81st Elv: RESTING
-[X] 5th Hob. H.Art.: MOVE NE, E, E
-[X] Hobgoblin Militia: "Continue retreating along the road and fortify in BEAUME HOUSE, adjacent to our own reserves."
[X] Plan: Swift Blade and Slow Knife
-[X] 310th Hum: RESTING
-[X] 312th Hum: MOVE E, E
-[X] 41st Hob: CHARGE E, E, E
-[X] 81st Elv: RESTING
-[X] 5th Hob. H.Art.: MOVE NE, E, E
-[X] Hobgoblin Militia: "Continue retreating along the road and fortify in BEAUME HOUSE, adjacent to our own reserves."
-[X] 310th Hum: MOVE E, SE, E
-[X] 312th Hum: MOVE NE,E, E
-[X] 41st Hob: CHARGE E, E, E
-[X] 81st Elv: RESTING
-[X] 5th Hob. H.Art.: MOVE NE, E, E
-[X] Hobgoblin Militia: "Retreat into the cover of the forest and regroup "
Julius Caesar had a phrase for this. A lot of people think of "Alea iacta est" as a cool one-liner but I think, in context, it's more like "welp, can't change now, we just gotta commit and see what happens".
[X] Plan: Swift Blade and Slow Knife, Flanking Version
-[X] 310th Hum: RESTING
-[X] 312th Hum: MOVE NE,E, E
-[X] 41st Hob: CHARGE E, E, E
-[X] 81st Elv: RESTING
-[X] 5th Hob. H.Art.: MOVE NE, E, E
-[X] Hobgoblin Militia: "Continue retreating along the road and fortify in BEAUME HOUSE, adjacent to our own reserves."
At your signal, the infantry advances. The orchard across the field is alive with movement as the halflings there see what's coming. The eager hobgoblins of the 41st charge, the earth thundering beneath their feet. North of them, the 312th advances in neat formed ranks, turning north-east to come at the enemy human infantry from the side. And your guns, your pride and joy, start their deployment closer to the village.
That's when things start to go wrong. The enemy human infantry, instead of retreating or holding their ground, is suddenly rushing forward. At first you take it to be a charge, but they come to an abrupt halt some two hundred metres from the still-turning 312th. Caught mid-maneuvre, Whyler has no chance to respond. The enemy regiment unloads a volley into them - though at least, from what you can see through the smoke, almost no-one seems to fall from the 312th's ranks.
The 41st, too, is beset by unexpected trouble. South of their target, more halflings pop out of the underbrush and unleash a scattered but broad volley at the hobs mid-charge. It is not enough to stop their forward movement, but bodies are left behind in their wake. They carry the charge forward and are lost to the smoke, and you can only hope these halflings don't have more devilry on their minds.
They're half-way across the field when the halflings hidden among the trees on their right start rising from the underbrush. Alho Kléber has just enough time to think Well, shit before the volley comes at them.
They're amateurs, but there's a whole lot of them. He feels a shot tug at this sleeve, hears it impact on the flesh of a comrade behind him. The scattered barrage rakes the 41st in the side from a nasty angle. Hobs fall at his side, ripped through by lead balls that hiss and buzz as they pass like angry insects.
"Onward! Fury of Hobb!" he roars. The men do not falter. They carry the charge forward, into the treeline, where he can see the other halfling militia tossing muskets aside and picking up spears, blades and pitchforks. Brave, to stand and face a charging regiment of hobs in close quarters. Foolish indeed, to do so.
Just before they crash together, he sees the first rank stumble. A treacherous dip in the ground at the edge of the trees, concealed by fallen leaves on twigs and roots. Halfling trickery! The 41st's momentum falters at the worst possible moment. The halflings give a half-frightened, half-furious yell and fall upon those in the ditch, striking downwards from their slight elevation to vicious effect.
"Leap across the gap! Leap across the gap!" he shouts, adjusting quickly. His officers pick the call up.
Their trick spent, the halflings fall to pieces. His hobs leap across and knock them bodily around, hacking away with fury all the more aroused for being fooled in such a manner by the little folk. The enemy mob breaks and runs, the wood running red with their blood, their tattered makeshift banner with its uneven fleur-de-lis left trampled in their wake - but the damage is done. To his frustration, he sees dozens of familiar faces staring up at nothing in the ditch, fallen to halfling spears and clubs.
He peers at the eyes of those near him, seeing the fear-dilation there, feeling the uncertainty in their movements. They're shaken, their overconfidence melting away into shocked dismay at the unexpectedly heavy toll incurred by the charge. Too few veterans still with them to steady the nerves, too much hesitation spreading like rot.
A damn shame. But he'll make the enemy pay for it.
COMBAT SUMMARY: Half Mil 3 Braces
Hum Inf 1 Free Moves W Hum Inf 1 Fires on 312th Hum!
>CO Trait revealed!
>>Joséphine Wyler: [7], Butcher (Both this Unit's and its enemies Wound Threshold is reduced by -1 in melee.)
>Hits: 23-20=3; 3 Casualties
41st Hob Charges Half Mil 3!
Half Mil 2 Ready Fire triggered (NW, 200m; 41st Hob)
Half Mil 2 Fires on 41st Hob! (Ambush Advantage)
>CO Trait revealed!
>>Half Mil 2 CO: [9], Feared (Unit inflicts 1 additional Cohesion loss, but regains 1 less Cohesion from Rest.)
>Hits: 4, 87-20-20=47; 29 Casualties
41st Hob Charges Half Mil 3! (Charge Advantage)
>Hits: 7, 9, 63+10-10=63, 55 Casualties => Critical! => [8], Standard Lost (Any Cohesion loss doubled for remainder of battle.) Half Mil 3 counter-attacks!
>Hits: 57, 92-20=72; 49 Casualties
312th Moves NE, E, E
5th Hob H. Art Moves NE, E, E
Hob Mil 1 Moves SW, W, W
310th Hum Rests
81st Elv Cav Rests
41st Hob gained +1 Cohesion from Routing enemy, lost -6 Cohesion from Casualties and lost -1 Cohesion from Feared.
Half Mil 3 lost -5 Cohesion from Casualties. ROUTED!
312th Hum gained +1 XP.
41st Hob gained +1 XP.
BATTLE OF SAINTONGE, ROUND 5 +Primary Objective: Hold the enemy off the Corvaux Wood road. +Secondary Objective: Relieve the Saintonge Militia.
Elven Cav 2 spotted and Half Mil 2 spotted! 81st Elv Cav spotted! Half Mil 3 Routed!
The full list of Orders is:
Move: Unit is told to move up to its Movement speed.
Fire: Unit is told to attack an enemy Unit in range with ranged weaponry. This expends 1 Munitions.
Ready Fire: Unit is told to prepare a volley in a set direction if an enemy Unit Moves into it at a specified range on their turn. Several preferred ranges or a range of ranges can also be specified ("Ready Fire SE if enemy Unit Moves there at 100 to 1000m").
Charge: Unit is told to move and attack a non-adjacent enemy Unit within its movement range in melee. Unit has to move at least 1 space towards the enemy as part of this action. The attack has Charge Advantage unless the target Unit has Braced.
Attack: Unit is told to attack an adjacent enemy Unit in melee.
Brace: Unit is told to prepare to receive an enemy charge. Charging Units do not benefit from Charge Advantage against this Unit and the Unit makes an immediate melee Attack on the first enemy to enter into melee with it. An Unit cannot Brace if it is already engaged in a melee.
Rest: Unit rests for a little while in place. Unit recovers 2 Cohesion and expends 1 Supplies.
Hide: Unit attempts to enter concealment in their space. Their Concealment is doubled until they Move or attack.
Search: Unit attempts to discover hidden enemies. Their Spottingis doubled until the start of their next turn.
Disengage: Unit moves 1 space away from an enemy Unit and is considered Braced until the start of their next turn.
Supply: Unit resupplies from a stockpile or exchanges Supplies or Munitions with a friendly adjacent Unit.
Vote by plan, please! Do not be afraid to make mistakes; this is a tutorial and the start of your career.
[] Send orders to the Hobgoblin Militia. Write-in. You cannot control their exact Orders, but they will follow your direction.
Our Units
310th Hum.
1/3, Trained
Cabot Musket
Henri Burrard
312th Hum.
1/3, Trained
Cabot Musket
Joséphine Wyler
41st Hob.
2/10, Regular
Cabot Musket
Alho Kléber
Offensive Genius
81st Elv. Hsr.
2/10, Trained*
Hippolyta de Montelivet
5th Hob. H.Art.
2/40, Experienced
Horse Artillery
*Affected by Brilliant.
"Affected by Casualties. Bayonets, Sabres: Wounding +0 Cabot Musket: Wounding +0, Range 100m/200m/400m Horse Artillery: Wounding +2, Movement +4, Range 200m/600m/1200m
Known Enemy Units
Elven Cav 1?
Elven Cav 2?
Halfling Mil 1?
Antique Flintlock
Halfling Mil 2?
Antique Flintlock
Halfling Mil 3?
Antique Flintlock
Standard Lost
Offensive Genius
Hum Inf 1?
Cabot Musket
*Affected by Casualties. Antique Flintlock: Wounding -1, Range 100m/200m/300m
Known Allied Units
Hobgoblin Mil 1
Antique Flintlock
*Affected by Casualties.
Dice gods reaaally like Half Mil 3; though that was likely their last moment of glory in this fight.
Well now. Well, I think we'll need to put the Hussars back into play, and charge the Human Infantry so they can't threaten the artillery. And we'll need to have the Hobs charge Half. Militia 2 SE into the Woods and pray for better dice.
Well now. Well, I think we'll need to put the Hussars back into play, and charge the Human Infantry so they can't threaten the artillery. And we'll need to have the Hobs charge Half. Militia 2 SE into the Woods and pray for better dice.
A mutual Rout would be basically the only possible result, but we do need to get them out of the way and I'm not sure what else we can do at this point. We need to get them out of the way, the enemy Cavalry is apparently back in play already? Or might be.
God, to imagine this is the Tutorial Mission, the easiest fight we'll have all Quest. We're definitely going to have to up our game.
Damn, that's a rough cohesion loss on our hobbs. I would have the 312th attack their human infantry and use our artillery on the halfling militia 2. I'm not certain on what to do with our other troops yet, but I think our cavalry and hobbs aren't gonna be able to fight this round so I'd pull the 81st back. Maybe we could move up the 310th? They won't be able to fight in this round but their cohesion is decent and they can get between the militia and artillery to act as a guard.
What are our odds if we have both of the units fire on the Human Infantry? We need to get that out of the way, because as annoyingly lucky as their rolls are, the Halfling Militia is, y'know, a bunch of Militia.
Bad luck is, unfortunately, only something you can plan around, not avoid.
Unfortunately, we can't use our Art this turn. Fortunately, there's no one close enough to realistically exploit it.
Definitely move the 310th as Laurent suggests. For the units in the village...they're both melee specialists, with the 81st having +2 melee wounds and the 312th having +1. Hum Inf 1 is conveniently sandwiched between them, but...
Rules question on Rapid, Photo: if we order a melee attack against the enemy, but they use their free move to move non-adjacent, does that negate the action or can we convert it into a charge? Either would make sense rules-wise but the former would make Rapid the best trait in the game by an order of magnitude, so I thought I'd ask.
How do we calculate Cohesion loss? Can there be some calcs about whether we can break the Human Infantry? They're technically in Charging range of the Artillery, @Nerdorama , though it doesn't really make sense for them to charge, narratively or mechanically? But we need to deal with them. Compared to that, Halfling Militia 2 isn't that big of a threat.
What are our odds if we have both of the units fire on the Human Infantry? We need to get that out of the way, because as annoyingly lucky as their rolls are, the Halfling Militia is, y'know, a bunch of Militia.
The expected cohesion damage from shooting at them. Keep in mind that they lost cohesion already, though i am not sure how much because i think i am missing where they lost the big chunk of their unit.
Wait, I do know the problem, we didnt see their first fight. They should have -3 default cohesion atm.
The expected cohesion damage from shooting at them. Keep in mind that they lost cohesion already, though i am not sure how much because i think i am missing where they lost the big chunk of their unit
They lost two Cohesion and gained 1 from some fighting, so if they're comparable to our units they'd be at 7/8. So, just shooting would, hmm. Probably not be enough to do it? Damn.
If one of those is instead Melee, which Wounds more for the 41st, would that change the calculus?
They lost two Cohesion and gained 1 from some fighting, so if they're comparable to our units they'd be at 7/8. So, just shooting would, hmm. Probably not be enough to do it? Damn.
If one of those is instead Melee, which Wounds more for the 41st, would that change the calculus?
Can there be some calcs about whether we can break the Human Infantry? They're technically in Charging range of the Artillery, @Nerdorama , though it doesn't really make sense for them to charge, narratively or mechanically?
If they charge the arty this turn, they're going to get blasted into the stone age next turn. It'd be a problem but that's not even a Pyrrhic victory again, it's sacrificing a rook to mildly inconvenience our queen.
Rules question on Rapid, Photo: if we order a melee attack against the enemy, but they use their free move to move non-adjacent, does that negate the action or can we convert it into a charge? Either would make sense rules-wise but the former would make Rapid the best trait in the game by an order of magnitude, so I thought I'd ask.
You can convert it into a Charge. I would say Firing would also "follow" them in such a case. Still neat if you have a chance to Rapid away out of line of sight or into better defensive terrain, or such, but it won't let you entirely ninja away. Unless they have no Movement left to follow you or choose not to, naturally.