He has 4 cavalry as well. Yes, 3 of them will be Routing, most likely, giving us a window of opportunity, but his cavalry will come back into the fight at some point.
Also, at least one of Guillory's Hussars may very well Rout if we get a bit unlucky here.
Yeah, but his cavalry are out of the fight during the next two turns. How do you think he will hold out for 2 turns without losing?
That is quite unlikely. We would need to lose the 80% chance to kill his artillery and, cause routing the hussars at +9 is not happening.
Then if we do lose that roll, we would need to have very high casualties to trigger enough morale rolls, cause +5 stress is very tanky.
No we literally cannot do that. The 10th survived a cavalry charge, why could his artillery not do the same? He can actually afford to lose a few batteries if that means we lose our cavalry, what could end up happening is a mirror of last turn where we hurt his artillery seriously, but are ultimately repulsed and lose our cavalry screen.
The 10th had -30 on every defense roll. Guillory would be hitting at 0 modifier and we are also able to do two attacks on the artillery.
also once artillery loses more than 20 it prety much gets rendered useless except for close range shots
Once we kill a few artillery our artillery also cannot rout. If we kill a few artillery momentum is at like +15, our cavalry will die before routing then.
and we had multiple units that could kill his charging cavalry, but he doesnt, he has 3 infantry and 1 cavalry in the north, and infantry is unable to catch cavalry, especially if they are also supposed to stop our rotholz infantry from charging in