Boss Battle: vs. Mergo's Wet Nurse
"So," you say, sauntering up to the woman, "what brings a nice gal like you to a shitheap like this?"
She looks down on you, puzzled. She replies with a stream of melodious nonsense, something like Japanese mixed with Mandarin mixed with three vodka shots and a tire iron to the back of the head. She notices your own lack of comprehension raises her hands. The flesh on her wrists comes apart and blood droplets twirl into the air like a school of morbid fish. Once there's enough of the stuff, half of it forms into a miniature 3D image of a woman carrying an infant. As you watch, the other half becomes an elongated eight-armed monstrosity, which rips the child from the woman's hands and glides through the doorway before dissipating and returning to her venal system.
Huh. You wonder if Alucard ever uses that trick to make sex scenes. You bet your Catholic ass I do.
Annalise's words bubble to the surface of your brain and you point at the woman. "Lemme guess. Yharnam." You redirect your finger towards the doorway. "Mergo."
Her eyes widen and she nods frantically. You furrow your brow.
"Wait, that means ye're the one who fucked a Great One." When she tilts her head, you point to her again, say "Oedon," and rapidly move the finger in and out of a circle formed by the opposite hand's index finger and thumb.
It's honestly something to see someone that pale and with that much blood blush. She shoots blood out once more in a transparent attempt to change the subject. This time, a tiny red you leaps at the creature from before and decapitates it, posing dramatically on the body while mini-Yharnam grabs her baby. She turns to you, eyebrows high and questioning.
You nod. "That's the plan. But afterwards, you and I are gonna have a talk about doin' the dirty with false gods. Don't care if I have ta teach ye the whole English language first."
You fill your hands and step through the doorway, only for the sound of marching to draw your attention behind you. The hooded men from before, eight in total, have arranged themselves before Yharnam. She tells them something that sounds inspirational and they line up behind you, weapons at the ready. With a grin, you scrape your weapons together in a shower of sparks and they follow suit, swords and maces and torches crashing together in rhythmic thunder.
As you lead your new posse into the arena, you wonder how many of them there were when Yharnam first tried to get her child back.
The battleground is, as your first glance suggested, near empty. The sole exception is the baby stroller in the far corner, which looks like an obvious trap until whatever's in it starts crying. You turn back to your team, the apparent leader of which nods, and motion for them to stay back. Part of you wants to send one of them in as a canary, but the potential loss of manpower just barely outweighs the amusement factor.
You charge in, hoping for a quick and painless extraction, and something very big and very billowy swoops in to intercept. You bring your blades up just in time to catch a blow hard enough to send you skidding a good two meters. As you leap back to join your troops, who have arranged themselves in a well-drilled fighting formation, the creature hunches over the stroller and murmurs something soothing. From this angle, it just looks like a tall, lean bundle of robes, shifting slightly as the crying grows softer. Once it ceases, the thing rounds on you and unfurls itself.
Rather than a head, it has a long, thin, empty hood that sways atop a pillar of fabric. Moonlight plays among the six sickles, dancing between the shadows of its great black wings. You smile so hard that the muscles in your neck strain at your collar.
"Those are all goin' straight up yer arse."
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She looks down on you, puzzled. She replies with a stream of melodious nonsense, something like Japanese mixed with Mandarin mixed with three vodka shots and a tire iron to the back of the head. She notices your own lack of comprehension raises her hands. The flesh on her wrists comes apart and blood droplets twirl into the air like a school of morbid fish. Once there's enough of the stuff, half of it forms into a miniature 3D image of a woman carrying an infant. As you watch, the other half becomes an elongated eight-armed monstrosity, which rips the child from the woman's hands and glides through the doorway before dissipating and returning to her venal system.
Huh. You wonder if Alucard ever uses that trick to make sex scenes. You bet your Catholic ass I do.
Annalise's words bubble to the surface of your brain and you point at the woman. "Lemme guess. Yharnam." You redirect your finger towards the doorway. "Mergo."
Her eyes widen and she nods frantically. You furrow your brow.
"Wait, that means ye're the one who fucked a Great One." When she tilts her head, you point to her again, say "Oedon," and rapidly move the finger in and out of a circle formed by the opposite hand's index finger and thumb.
It's honestly something to see someone that pale and with that much blood blush. She shoots blood out once more in a transparent attempt to change the subject. This time, a tiny red you leaps at the creature from before and decapitates it, posing dramatically on the body while mini-Yharnam grabs her baby. She turns to you, eyebrows high and questioning.
You nod. "That's the plan. But afterwards, you and I are gonna have a talk about doin' the dirty with false gods. Don't care if I have ta teach ye the whole English language first."
You fill your hands and step through the doorway, only for the sound of marching to draw your attention behind you. The hooded men from before, eight in total, have arranged themselves before Yharnam. She tells them something that sounds inspirational and they line up behind you, weapons at the ready. With a grin, you scrape your weapons together in a shower of sparks and they follow suit, swords and maces and torches crashing together in rhythmic thunder.
As you lead your new posse into the arena, you wonder how many of them there were when Yharnam first tried to get her child back.
The battleground is, as your first glance suggested, near empty. The sole exception is the baby stroller in the far corner, which looks like an obvious trap until whatever's in it starts crying. You turn back to your team, the apparent leader of which nods, and motion for them to stay back. Part of you wants to send one of them in as a canary, but the potential loss of manpower just barely outweighs the amusement factor.
You charge in, hoping for a quick and painless extraction, and something very big and very billowy swoops in to intercept. You bring your blades up just in time to catch a blow hard enough to send you skidding a good two meters. As you leap back to join your troops, who have arranged themselves in a well-drilled fighting formation, the creature hunches over the stroller and murmurs something soothing. From this angle, it just looks like a tall, lean bundle of robes, shifting slightly as the crying grows softer. Once it ceases, the thing rounds on you and unfurls itself.
Rather than a head, it has a long, thin, empty hood that sways atop a pillar of fabric. Moonlight plays among the six sickles, dancing between the shadows of its great black wings. You smile so hard that the muscles in your neck strain at your collar.
"Those are all goin' straight up yer arse."
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