Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

And you know, felt remorseful about what he did, never killed himself, and never blasphemed God's name.
Suicide is not an unpardonable sin.

Blasphemy is not an unpardonable sin.

Not regretting what you should regret is not an unpardonable sin.

(I've looked, and the only unpardonable sin seems to be taking the Mark of the Beast in last days before the Second Coming. Possibly also renouncing your allegiance to Christ in the days before, but that's unclear.)

Accepting that you are imperfect and accepting Jesus is all you need. He covers all sins.

You don't split hairs. You don't get to say that one sin is worse than another, or that you are less worthy than someone else, or that someone else is more worthy than you. God doesn't give a shit.

Jesus died. Jesus was worth everything everyone ever did, period.

Whether or not Hilter actually did accept Jesus is completely unknown to me. I'm just using him as an example of "yes, even mass murderers".

You might be mistaking "excusing" and "forgiving". Excusing a fault is saying that there was no problem at all; something justified what you did, whether it was a bad temper or bad upbringing or bad information.

Forgiving a fault is when you've honestly done something wrong, and someone needs to show you grace; show you mercy, or pardon. They are giving -- gifting -- you with a clean slate. Nothing legally compels them to do it, they do it because they want to. It's the virtue of Charitas: charity.

It's the fourth Greek word for love: Agape.

I think the Lord would draw the line at Genocide, regardless of who did it
He doesn't. He really doesn't.

Jesus paid it all. ANYONE will be forgiven, if they honestly regret their fallen state and accept Jesus as lord.

Hell is THAT bad, God is THAT loving.

If the sheer scope of it boggles you, well, God's existence should boggle you. That's what makes him God -- his existence is beyond understanding.
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@Sunder the Gold

Regardless of whether or not the Lord God would judge him in the hereafter

I hold no qualms about judging him in the world of the here and now. And by those standards, he and those of his ilk are unpardonable. It's not my place to judge the Lord for his decisions.

But it is my place, and mine alone, to decide what standard I hold other men (and women) to.
[alert=Alert]Knock it off
While the quest might be covering certain topics that generate discussion, it would be best to leave that discussion out of the quest thread. There are plenty of other options for discussing personal attitudes towards religion.[/alert]

I thought, at this point, it was fairly civil. Ah, well.
Would you guys and girls please just drop the argument, and return to the normal thread stuff before someone gets in trouble?!
Are you talking about those creatures that drain your insight, or every person in yranam?
So on another note it would be interesting if Djura elaborated on his reasons for protecting Old Yharnam. If I was to be sappy it would probably be something like the dying wish of a comrade of his just before the blood overcame them and turned into...THE BLOOD STARVED BEAST!!
Would be interesting if Djura realizes that all he's really doing is causing the beasts of Old Yharnam to die a slow death of starvation. Nothing in there looks at all healthy, especially not old Bloodstarved. WIthout anyone to kill and eat (because Djura drives them all off), where are those things getting their food?
Would be interesting if Djura realizes that all he's really doing is causing the beasts of Old Yharnam to die a slow death of starvation. Nothing in there looks at all healthy, especially not old Bloodstarved. WIthout anyone to kill and eat (because Djura drives them all off), where are those things getting their food?
They are probably eating each other.
They run on magic Cthulhu blood. They probably don't even need to eat. I mean, Paarl manages to survive and he's literally nothing but bones.

And their mangy, emaciated appearance is pretty in line with the rest of the mob beasts we encounter in Yharnam.