Anderson Quest: Killing Vampires and Werewolves and Leprechauns (Hellsing/Bloodborne)

Oh yeah, we got some Blood Stone Shards a while back. We've got multiple Trick Weapons, including one Anderson really likes. Can we please upgrade it already? The thing is already made out of Cthulhu's corpse, so it's not like applying/reforging some tried and true substance to its edge is going to make a difference in that regard.
I'm on board with that.
We need to improve our stuff for what's to come.
I would like to point out that the last interactions with him have all involved his mysterious past he really doesn't want to talk about. Maybe easing up about it is an option too?

Couldn't they have a mutual conversation/bragging about all the monsters they killed to get to know each other better? Because while it is nice to see the quest-participants trying to solve all Bloodborne's problems, I think a bit more tact will get us much farther.
[X] "Ye've done a good bit for me. Putting aside mysteries secrets hedged on equally mysterious origins and backgrounds we both know will come out eventually- they always do-there anything ye want me to take care of?"

I would really like him to meet some of the founders of the Healing Church.
Hand-Eye Coordination
"Gehrman, lad," you say, "ye've done a good bit for me. Puttin' aside mysterious secrets hedged on equally-mysterious origins and backgrounds we both know will come out at a dramatically-appropriate time, there anythin' ye want me ta take care of?"

He snorts. "And here I accused you of having no appreciation for good storytelling." He returns the black blade to a shelf alongside a trio of small ornamental bells. "At the moment, I couldn't reasonably ask more of you than what you're doing. Meaning no offense, you still have quite a bit to take care of before the night's end. Perhaps I'll think of something else in the morn..."

He glances, one eyebrow raised, at something by your feet, and you turn around just as the tugging begins. A handful of Messengers have congregated about you, rising from the ground as smoothly as if it were water. While the ones doing the tugging shy away awkwardly at your notice, the one in the center offers you a strip of leather with a pearl at the center, which you take in exchange for a pat on the head.

Hang on. Pearls don't have irises.

For whatever reason, the little ones have just handed you somebody's disembodied eyeball, complete with the skin around it.

"Thanks?" you say. The Messenger sinks back into the earth, thumb held high.

"Mind if I take a look?" says Gehrman, who's wheeled himself over. You pass it to him and he immediately shifts back into craftsman mode, turning it over and over in an impressive mix of speed and delicacy. Within a few seconds, he's holding it up to your face.

"See this?" he says, tapping on the clouded, disfigured pupil.

"Yeah. Looks kinda like someone crushed a goat's eye."

"Not exactly. Pupil occlusion is an early symptom of blood overdose in Hunters. Whoever this eye belonged to, they weren't human for very long after they lost it."

"Huh. That why Gascoigne wore a blindfold, ye think?"

"Could have been." He returns the eye to you and, you notice, takes a very close look when you stick it up your sleeves. You smirk at his annoyed grimace.

"Keep tryin'. Ye'll figure it out eventually."

"Don't you go mocking your elders, young man." He returns his chair to its usual spot, then seems to ponder for a moment. "You could try showing the eye to Ebrietas. She might have better insight as to why the Messengers gave it to you."

"Maybe they just thought it was cool?"

"I've found that their gifts are never arbitrary. Do be sure to let me know once you figure it out."

"Will do."

With that, you wave goodbye, noting with some satisfaction that Gehrman has begun muttering to himself while fiddling with his own sleeve.

Karma is sweet.

[] Talk to Hope again before you leave
-[] About?

[] Return to the waking world
-[] Interrogate the prisoner
-[] Ask Ebrietas about the eye

[] Write in...
[x] Return to the waking world
-[x] Interrogate the prisoner
-[x] Ask Ebrietas about the eye
[x] Return to the waking world
-[x] Interrogate the prisoner
-[x] Ask Ebrietas about the eye

Well whoop-dee-wee, we're going into the Nightmare.
[X] Say good-bye to Hope
[X] Return to the waking world
-[X] Interrogate the prisoner
-[X] Ask Ebrietas about the eye
[x] Return to the waking world
-[x] Interrogate the prisoner
-[x] Ask Ebrietas about the eye

If Anderson somehow manages to placate/befriend the Orphan... :o
-[X] Return to the waking world
-[x] Interrogate the prisoner
-[x] Ask Ebrietas about the eye
-[X] Return to the waking world
-[x] Interrogate the prisoner
-[x] Ask Ebrietas about the eye

[X] Say good-bye to Hope
[X] Return to the waking world
-[X] Interrogate the prisoner
-[X] Ask Ebrietas about the eye
-[X] Return to the waking world
-[x] Interrogate the prisoner
-[x] Ask Ebrietas about the eye

Oh boy here we go.
[X] Before you return to the waking world ask if he has a message for Ebrietas. He seems as if he knew her.
[X] Say goodbye to hope.
-[X] Return to the waking world
-[x] Interrogate the prisoner
-[x] Ask Ebrietas about the eye