The Choice
You stow your bayonets away and nod. "Aye, works for me. Want anythin'? Tea, coffee, bloodshake?"
"Figured I'd ask." You clap your hands together. "Well, since ye're here, have ye heard the good Word about our LORD and savior, Jesus Christ?"
"Y'see, He...wait, what?"
read tome while caretaker slept. benevolent progeny and extension of vengeful deity. uses torture implement as holy symbol. stories contradictory. Its head tilts. earnest question or delaying tactic to heal wounds.
You shrug. "Both, I suppose. Couldn't hurt ta ask."
deception forgiven. no impact on final outcome. It rises on its haunches, surveys the dying mass of flames, and waves an arm. At once, the fire winks out and the Workshop stands whole once more, white flowers blooming anew as though nothing had happened. destruction forgiven.
"Well, ye've definitely got the bit about turnin' the other cheek down pat. Got some more copies here in case ye'd ever like some o' yer own. Wouldn't want ta force Hope ta share." You helpfully wave a handful of Bibles back and forth beneath its stare.
unnecessary. contents memorized. It prowls forward with the dominant gait of an apex predator, stopping above where Gehrman fell. caretaker crafted summoning bell. suggested outsider untouched by blood could succeed where others failed. likely deception. results still satisfactory. It delicately extends a claw and prods the cross, observing the resulting wisps of smoke with apparent curiosity. caretaker crafted several new weapons during night. elected to use original arms. claimed familiarity more important than stopping power. possibly also deception. results still acceptable.
You furrow your brow and frown. "Ye sayin' he threw the fight?"
no. fought to kill. merely observation.
It rounds on you slowly while maintaining its distance. Its proportions are so bizarre that you honestly can't tell if it has a comfortable way to hold still.
"So how'd you and Gehrman meet?" you ask. You've still got a handful of cracked bones and exposed muscle fibers to fix up. "Ye pass each other on a rainy night and see friendship in each other's eyeholes? Byrgenwerth make a booty call? I'm dyin' ta know." You cringe inwardly as soon as the last sentence comes out of your mouth, praying it understands figures of speech better than Ebrietas does.
caretaker and associates beckoned. offered eternal hunting for return of desired associate. acceptable terms.
"And what do ye get from this 'eternal Hunt?' What does one get for the squid who has everythin'?"
death of great ones. consumption of echoes. hunters receive functional immortality. power to fight. symbiotic relationship. It peers over towards the central area of the Dream, where Hope stands with Ebrietas in her arms, and looms over you. child remains. unacceptable. hunt continues. new caretaker required.
"Hey," you reply, frown deepening, "the Hunt's over. I won. Ebrietas isn't hurtin' anyone."
always hunters. always a hunt.
"I refuse."
refusal forgiven.
The great hands begin to close around you, only for a full-sized Ebrietas to cannon into the creature from the side. The two massive beings grapple with one another, tearing gouges out of each other's flesh, when suddenly the creature releases a massive pulse of energy that sends Ebrietas flying. Her wings thrum, attempting to carry her back into the fray, but another pulse slams her back. Again she rises, again she's struck down. You rush over as she tries to stand once more.
"Stay down. Please. He's mine."
You don't need to protect me. I'll protect you.
"i bloody know I don't need to, but you have to protect everyone back home, Ebrietas, because right now I can't. Let me do this. Please."
Her eyes wobble, looking between you and the lanky creature (hereby dubbed Moonfucker) that seems content to observe, before shrinking back to her miniature form and fluttering drunkenly back to Hope. Moonfucker watches her go, turns back to you, and tilts its head.
unprecedented relationship between human and great one. curious.
"I'm gonna put ye in an unprecedented relationship with the fuckin' ground, ye gigantic bastard." You fill both hands with blades and stomp forward. "Nobody hurts my fuckin' flock."
You rear back to throw steel, only for Moonfucker to fix you with a glare. Your entire body freezes up, then slackens against your will, dropping the cluster of bayonets to the ground. It slouches towards you and cups you in a gentle embrace, lifting you up towards the blood-red moon.
always hunters. always a hunt.
You can feel it in your head like a stream of insects. You can't fight back. You can't close your eyes. You can't even scream.
And then thorny vines erupt from your chest and wrench the creature's limbs away, burning where they touch. You fall to the ground, propped up by the torrent of greenery where your heart should be, and gape. The nail can't be in your chest. The bastard tore it out. Ebrietas said it wasn't in there.
You didn't think you could just pull a piece of God out of your chest and everything would go back to normal, did you?
The half-heard statement tumbles from your thoughts, consumed by the righteous fury pouring forth from you. It's hungry, too hungry to be satisfied by the thrashing flesh in its embrace. The thorns are in your mind, in your soul, straining and salivating. They can win this. Can win everything. The only question is whether you're willing to leave your flock behind again to feed them.
[] Man of God
[] Monster of God
"Figured I'd ask." You clap your hands together. "Well, since ye're here, have ye heard the good Word about our LORD and savior, Jesus Christ?"
"Y'see, He...wait, what?"
read tome while caretaker slept. benevolent progeny and extension of vengeful deity. uses torture implement as holy symbol. stories contradictory. Its head tilts. earnest question or delaying tactic to heal wounds.
You shrug. "Both, I suppose. Couldn't hurt ta ask."
deception forgiven. no impact on final outcome. It rises on its haunches, surveys the dying mass of flames, and waves an arm. At once, the fire winks out and the Workshop stands whole once more, white flowers blooming anew as though nothing had happened. destruction forgiven.
"Well, ye've definitely got the bit about turnin' the other cheek down pat. Got some more copies here in case ye'd ever like some o' yer own. Wouldn't want ta force Hope ta share." You helpfully wave a handful of Bibles back and forth beneath its stare.
unnecessary. contents memorized. It prowls forward with the dominant gait of an apex predator, stopping above where Gehrman fell. caretaker crafted summoning bell. suggested outsider untouched by blood could succeed where others failed. likely deception. results still satisfactory. It delicately extends a claw and prods the cross, observing the resulting wisps of smoke with apparent curiosity. caretaker crafted several new weapons during night. elected to use original arms. claimed familiarity more important than stopping power. possibly also deception. results still acceptable.
You furrow your brow and frown. "Ye sayin' he threw the fight?"
no. fought to kill. merely observation.
It rounds on you slowly while maintaining its distance. Its proportions are so bizarre that you honestly can't tell if it has a comfortable way to hold still.
"So how'd you and Gehrman meet?" you ask. You've still got a handful of cracked bones and exposed muscle fibers to fix up. "Ye pass each other on a rainy night and see friendship in each other's eyeholes? Byrgenwerth make a booty call? I'm dyin' ta know." You cringe inwardly as soon as the last sentence comes out of your mouth, praying it understands figures of speech better than Ebrietas does.
caretaker and associates beckoned. offered eternal hunting for return of desired associate. acceptable terms.
"And what do ye get from this 'eternal Hunt?' What does one get for the squid who has everythin'?"
death of great ones. consumption of echoes. hunters receive functional immortality. power to fight. symbiotic relationship. It peers over towards the central area of the Dream, where Hope stands with Ebrietas in her arms, and looms over you. child remains. unacceptable. hunt continues. new caretaker required.
"Hey," you reply, frown deepening, "the Hunt's over. I won. Ebrietas isn't hurtin' anyone."
always hunters. always a hunt.
"I refuse."
refusal forgiven.
The great hands begin to close around you, only for a full-sized Ebrietas to cannon into the creature from the side. The two massive beings grapple with one another, tearing gouges out of each other's flesh, when suddenly the creature releases a massive pulse of energy that sends Ebrietas flying. Her wings thrum, attempting to carry her back into the fray, but another pulse slams her back. Again she rises, again she's struck down. You rush over as she tries to stand once more.
"Stay down. Please. He's mine."
You don't need to protect me. I'll protect you.
"i bloody know I don't need to, but you have to protect everyone back home, Ebrietas, because right now I can't. Let me do this. Please."
Her eyes wobble, looking between you and the lanky creature (hereby dubbed Moonfucker) that seems content to observe, before shrinking back to her miniature form and fluttering drunkenly back to Hope. Moonfucker watches her go, turns back to you, and tilts its head.
unprecedented relationship between human and great one. curious.
"I'm gonna put ye in an unprecedented relationship with the fuckin' ground, ye gigantic bastard." You fill both hands with blades and stomp forward. "Nobody hurts my fuckin' flock."
You rear back to throw steel, only for Moonfucker to fix you with a glare. Your entire body freezes up, then slackens against your will, dropping the cluster of bayonets to the ground. It slouches towards you and cups you in a gentle embrace, lifting you up towards the blood-red moon.
always hunters. always a hunt.
You can feel it in your head like a stream of insects. You can't fight back. You can't close your eyes. You can't even scream.
And then thorny vines erupt from your chest and wrench the creature's limbs away, burning where they touch. You fall to the ground, propped up by the torrent of greenery where your heart should be, and gape. The nail can't be in your chest. The bastard tore it out. Ebrietas said it wasn't in there.
You didn't think you could just pull a piece of God out of your chest and everything would go back to normal, did you?
The half-heard statement tumbles from your thoughts, consumed by the righteous fury pouring forth from you. It's hungry, too hungry to be satisfied by the thrashing flesh in its embrace. The thorns are in your mind, in your soul, straining and salivating. They can win this. Can win everything. The only question is whether you're willing to leave your flock behind again to feed them.
[] Man of God
[] Monster of God
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