An Unusual Abnormality - Redux (A Lobotomy Corporation x ??? Interactive Quest)

Day 1.38
>"I'm a Big Bird! Are you talking about me?"
>"No." Archer replies.

>"What's Big Bird?"
>"Is it similar to me?"
>"Just that: an extremely large bird with tons of bright, yellow eyes." Alyssa explains, "It tends to react rather badly to people dying, and decides that by killing people itself, it would be saving them from a worse death."

> "Do you require any assistance?"
>Let's hold off on the offering assistance for the moment, it could be boring.
>"Another incident this soon? No spell card rules either? This is weird. Is it like a 24/7 incident here or something?"
>You think about offering assistance directly but hold off.
>"You'll find that incidents are a part of daily life here. At least for us agents..." Archer answers, "...Unless of course we have different definitions of the word 'Incident'..."

>"Does the Big Bird have any interesting laser patterns? If he doesn't, want to see one of mine? I can hit it with the lethal version of what I did to those Sweepers to show you. Danmaku isn't just about Bullets, it's about bullet art!"
>"Not really. He's actually pretty passive compared to most abnormalities. All he does is turn the lights off and try to enchant people with his lantern, biting off the heads of those he marks. Otherwise he doesn't even bother to fight back." Alyssa explains, "He breaks out regularly, so you'll find that we can handle him pretty well on our own."

>"Like the muppet? Audible gasp! Are you people holding cookie monster here?!?"

Cause I got nothing sensical to add
>You have no idea what a muppet is.
Day 1.39
>"An incident is whenever somebody does something really big and weird, people try to figure out what's going on, get into Danmaku fights, and get whoever's doing it to stop usually by beating them at Danmaku because that's just how things worked because of the spell card rules."
>"Ah, well for us incidents usually mean an abnormality escaped, people either died or lost their minds, or something extraordinarily stupid or dangerous happened..." Archer replies.

> Turn into a bird and fly back to your room.
>You salute, before turning into your raven form and flying back into your room.

>"...Did she just turn into a bird...?" Archer's voice questions.
>"Archer, why are you asking me?" Alyssa responds.
>"...Right... Let me just shut the door real quick..."

>You hear someone fiddling with something outside the room before the door slams shut once more.
>It seems you're alone with nothing to do once more...
Day 1.40
>Realize you still lack a hug. Next time...
>Darn it! You totally forgot to ask for a hug again!

>Archer said that many incidents happen in this facility...
>If solved a lot of these incidents that would mean everyone would praise you for solving them...
>Which means that they might get your furniture faster...
>Think on what type of incidents would easier to fix and explain your idea to the next person who comes into your room.
>You ponder about helping with the incidents here... You would get praise, probably. And you like praise! Especially if it's from Satori-sama!
>And usually doing good things causes good things to happen to you, or at least that's how you think it works.
>You think about what kind of incidents you'd like to help solve, and decide you'll probably talk to the next person who visits you about it.

> Fly around the room for a bit. It might not be exactly roomy, but at least it's a chance to spread one's wings.
> Try pecking at the door for a bit. Maybe it'll respond to that.
>You then fly around, allowing you a chance to stretch your wings. You honestly prefer to stay in your human-like form, but considering the space in here you won't be able to easily get flight exercise any other way...
>You also give the door a few taps with your beak. It doesn't seem to respond.

> Maybe bird form is easier to rest? Put you head under your wings and rest for a bit.
>You doubt sticking your head underneath one of your wings would be a very comfortable way to sleep, but you do know that you aren't required to lay down to sleep in bird form. Of course, that doesn't stop you if you have something soft to lean against...
>Nonetheless, you land on the floor and attempt to take a nap. You'd honestly prefer a perch to flat ground, but you'll take what you can get...
>You indeed find it easier to get comfy like this, and pretty soon the darkness of slumber overtakes you...


>You are startled awake by the sound of the buzzer.
Day 1.41
//Last parse of the day (or first technically since it's 1 AM here lol. Anyway will resume in the morning)
>Turn back to humanoid form
>You transform back into your preferred form and turn to the door to see Alyssa standing there.
>You greet her.
>"Hello." she replies.

> "So what are we doing today?"
>"Um... They day hasn't ended yet as far as I know..." Alyssa replies as the door shuts, "Anyway, it's Insight work, so I expect either your bed or the pillows and blankets to be delivered... Hopefully the latter since I have no idea how management expects me to assemble the former on my own..." she mumbles something at the end.
Day 1.42
> "Thank you so much for the items." you said with a beaming smile and a bow.
>You bow, giving her your biggest smile.
>"Well they haven't arrived quite yet, but you're welcome." Alyssa replies.

>Bring up the idea you had helping during incidents in exchange for things.
>Rethink the helping during incidents in exchange for things bit, you may be getting some of what you asked for today after all
>"So I was thinking... if its like a 24/7 incident here and the spell card rules aren't a thing and they're supposed to make things sporting. Why this?" *Gesture like you're talking about the whole facility*
>"It doesn't sound very fun. Do people here not know how to make nuclear fusion reactors or something?"
>You consider bringing up your idea, but you decide against it for now.
>"Well, if you must know, the world is in the middle of a massive energy crisis. Nuclear power alone simply isn't enough. A few Wings are devoted to meeting the energy demands in their own ways. For instance, here at Lobotomy we create energy by processing Enkephalin."
>A panel in the wall near her slides open, revealing a pile of metal pieces topped with a pillow and some weird deflated looking thing.

>"Ah, it seems like the items have arrived." Alyssa moves over and reaches towards the pile, her expression falling as her fingers touch the metal, "...Don't tell me..."
Day 1.43
>"Well, if you ever need even more energy and a convenient way to dispose of garbage and corpses, just ask!"
>Request a message sent to upper management
>"I request these parts to build myself a nuclear reactor [__]"
>Rephrase the nuclear reactor parts request into an addition to the end of Prospalz's bit about just asking "I know all the parts and everything!"
>"I'm honestly not sure if the higher ups would allow you to build a nuclear reactor, but I suppose I could send a request to my Sephirah and she can forward it along."

>"Don't worry! Surely assembling a bed is easier than constructing a nuclear fusion reactor?"
>"I mean I would imagine..." Alyssa frowns, "I'm just not sure how I'm meant to do this given my condition..."

>Proceed to assemble your bed, asking for advice and explanations from Alyssa if it becomes unclear how to proceed.
>You walk over to grab the parts, causing Alyssa to quickly turn towards you when she hears your footsteps close to her.
>"What are you doing?" she questions.
Day 1.44
>"Trying to figure out how to put the bed together!"
>Start separating the bed parts.
>"I'm trying to see what we have right now"
>"Oh... I mean... We're supposed to be the ones doing the work," she sighs, "but considering that you seem mostly harmless for an ALEPH and that I won't be able to see what I'm doing I guess I'll have to allow it just this once..."
>She steps aside to allow you to separate the parts.
>You have several metal bars and struts, likely the components of the frame, as well as a pillow. The strange deflated thing is made of some kind of thick rubber with a felt-like material on the top. There's also a little baggie full of screws along with an L-shaped hexagonal rod and a folded piece of paper.
>The wall panel slides closed when you finish retrieving all the items.

> "What is a Sephirah? Is that your boss or something?"
>"In a way." Alyssa answers, "The Sefirot are a bunch of AIs that run the departments in this facility. They act as our immediate superiors, as well as our direct line to upper management."

>"Well, you people need energy, I have free time, and you apparently make plenty of corpses I could be burning to make energy. It makes sense to me."
>"...You make nuclear reactors that run on corpses...." Alyssa tilts her head.

>"Can you maybe ask a magician to fix your vision? Or ask some god for a miracle?"
>Lets not do the thing about magicians and gods.
>You catch yourself before speaking.

>"Just a quick question, but what's the toughest incident that was solved here?"
>Exchange stories of incidents in Gensokyo with Alyssa
>"Hmm... Probably the first time The Silent Orchestra escaped... And even then it was less that we solved it and more like we ended up losing all the energy we gathered so far and barely missed having to face a Dusk Ordeal... If he had broken out later in the day we could've been at risk for a Midnight Ordeal instead..."

>You don't know about many incidents on the surface in detail, just bits and pieces from what you've read in the few Bunbunmaru issues that end up underground. The one your most familiar with is the one you caused, which ended up indirectly causing that flying ship incident, which in itself ended up causing yet another incident.
>However, you think you've already shared the story about that incident with her when you were telling her your life story eariler...

>The wall panel slides open again to reveal more stuff: Some neatly folded sheets and a blanket on top of a strange device with a bundled hose attached to it.
Day 1.45
On corpses:
>"Hell had lots of corpses for reaction mass."
>Technically the corpses were merely burned in the reactor, and served to fuel the fires of Hell long before that. You don't necessarily need them to sustain a fusion reaction, especially since there are much easier and more efficient materials to fuse like hydrogen...

"Yup! Corpses are not strictly a requirement, but we did live in hell; it was a very convenient source of fuel. "

> Check the folded piece of paper. That might be the instructions
>You check the paper. It indeed seems to be a set of pictographic instructions.
>...Seems simple enough?

> "Neat.... What's an AI?"
>"Artificial Intelligence. Basically a computer that can think and is self aware." Alyssa pauses, "...You do know what a computer is, right?"

On the Bed(OOC:I'm trying to dip into Okuu's nuclear physics/reactor knowledge but it may clash with the corpses as reaction mass thing, thoughts?):
>"There's this thing with a hose. I don't see any hydrogen or deuterium or helium or any of the other interesting gas tanks though so I'm not sure what its for do you know?"
>"It might be an air compressor. Did either batch of supplies have a deflated air mattress?"

>Retrieve additional items and place them near other bed parts.
>You do so.

>"Silent Orchestra? Ordeals? What are those?"
>You heard about the Silent Orchestra already. It's an Aleph. You don't need to ask that part.
>"Ordeals are groups of Abnormality-like entities that invade the facility at certain times of day." Alyssa answers, "We can't contain them, so our only option is to fight them off before they can do a lot of damage. The Sweepers you saw earlier are part of an Ordeal we call 'Indigo Noon'."

>"How many Sefirot are there?"
>"There are ten. Two in Central Command, and eight for each of the other departments." she replies, "Though some would argue that there are 11 since a circle labelled 'Kether' is shown on the Sefirot status screens, but nobody knows what Kether looks like, or if it even exists at all."

>"So if I'm an Aleph because I'm a Youkai who knows Danmaku, and I'm mostly harmless... and the Silent Orchestra is an Aleph, and an Aleph caused the toughest incident... and Alephs are supposed to be nasty and strong"
>"Next time the Silent Orchestra comes out, want me to blast it? If I don't do something I might stop being an Aleph." *Shudder*
>She "stares" in your direction, before stifling a small laugh.
>"I wouldn't worry too much about that. ALEPH isn't a title. It's a risk level we use to designate Abnormalities with the most destructive potential." she explains, "Honestly, if you weren't capable of nuking this entire facility, you would probably be classified much lower considering you've done nothing malicious towards us or the facility so far. Besides, you wouldn't be much help against The Silent Orchestra anyway: By the time it's actually vulnerable to physical damage it's too late to save the Enkephalin we've harvested."
Day 1.46
>"Maybe? I'm only really familiar with the technology that was used to make the reactor. And I was the one doing all the regulating and things."
> ...
>"It's probably really bad that I'm not there right now, isn't it?"
>You can't help but worry a bit. Those Kappa people and mountain goddesses who helped build the reactor structure put some systems in place so you didn't have to be in the reactor 24/7 but being away from it for a prolonged period of time does increase the risk of something happening...
>Plus Satori-sama and Orin are probably worried about you too...

>"...Possibly." Alyssa replies.

>"So you fight alongside your Sefirot bosses to clear those Ordeal things?"
>"That's actually kinda neat!"
>"Well, fighting is the job of us agents, the Sefirot mostly just observe and report anything bad that happens to management..." she pauses, "...Except Gebura, Disciplinary's Sephirah. She actually does take part in suppression work from time to time from what I've heard, though usually against abnormalities proper rather than ordeals."
Day 1.47
>Rub your chin thoughtfully.
>"Huh... Do you think that Gebura would be interested in a spell-card duel with me then?"
>Afterall you wouldn't want your skills to rust while waiting in this room.
>"Hmm... I actually have no idea. No Abnormality capable of higher though has ever requested to challenge her willingly. Besides, it would be less of a spellcard duel and more Gebura trying to kill you without mercy."