>"Trying to figure out how to put the bed together!"
>Start separating the bed parts.
>"I'm trying to see what we have right now"
>"Oh... I mean... We're supposed to be the ones doing the work," she sighs, "but considering that you seem mostly harmless for an ALEPH and that I won't be able to see what I'm doing I guess I'll have to allow it just this once..."
>She steps aside to allow you to separate the parts.
>You have several metal bars and struts, likely the components of the frame, as well as a pillow. The strange deflated thing is made of some kind of thick rubber with a felt-like material on the top. There's also a little baggie full of screws along with an L-shaped hexagonal rod and a folded piece of paper.
>The wall panel slides closed when you finish retrieving all the items.
> "What is a Sephirah? Is that your boss or something?"
>"In a way." Alyssa answers, "The Sefirot are a bunch of AIs that run the departments in this facility. They act as our immediate superiors, as well as our direct line to upper management."
>"Well, you people need energy, I have free time, and you apparently make plenty of corpses I could be burning to make energy. It makes sense to me."
>"...You make nuclear reactors that run on
corpses...." Alyssa tilts her head.
>"Can you maybe ask a magician to fix your vision? Or ask some god for a miracle?"
>Lets not do the thing about magicians and gods.
>You catch yourself before speaking.
>"Just a quick question, but what's the toughest incident that was solved here?"
>Exchange stories of incidents in Gensokyo with Alyssa
>"Hmm... Probably the first time The Silent Orchestra escaped... And even then it was less that we solved it and more like we ended up losing all the energy we gathered so far and barely missed having to face a Dusk Ordeal... If he had broken out later in the day we could've been at risk for a Midnight Ordeal instead..."
>You don't know about many incidents on the surface in detail, just bits and pieces from what you've read in the few Bunbunmaru issues that end up underground. The one your most familiar with is the one you caused, which ended up indirectly causing that flying ship incident, which in itself ended up causing yet another incident.
>However, you think you've already shared the story about that incident with her when you were telling her your life story eariler...
>The wall panel slides open again to reveal more stuff: Some neatly folded sheets and a blanket on top of a strange device with a bundled hose attached to it.