An Unusual Abnormality - Redux (A Lobotomy Corporation x ??? Interactive Quest)

Day 3.34
>Lie down a bed, continue waiting; presumably for the people to call on you to blast stuff. You did make arrangements Hod, so you should keep patience for a little bit more. Why would they ever pay you anything if you just break out and blast things for free?
Ammending Prosplazs plan
> don't lie down and be ready to shoot if the door is opened
>You decided to wait, but instead of lying down, you take aim at the door, ready to blast at anything if it ever opens.
>You hold this pose for what feels like forever, eventually the door slides open and you nearly fire off a blast before you notice the wide eyed expression of Archer staring down the barrel of your third leg.
>"WHOA!" he shouts, sidestepping away from the door immediately.
> Aim your third leg down to the ground, "Whoops! Sorry, I heard something stomping around outside the door and thought it'd force the door open."
Day 3.35
> Aim your third leg down to the ground, "Whoops! Sorry, I heard something stomping around outside the door and thought it'd force the door open."
>"It's fine," he grumbles, peeking his head around the doorframe, "You just gave me another reminder of why we tend to be cautious around Abnormalities."
>He enters, "Anyway, they're delivering more furniture for your room."
>"It's fine," he grumbles, peeking his head around the doorframe, "You just gave me another reminder of why we tend to be cautious around Abnormalities."
>He enters, "Anyway, they're delivering more furniture for your room."
>"Thank you very much for this."
>"I think the next item that is going to be required will be either adding a peephole to the door, or having a monitor connected to a camera that is installed on the other side of my door. Unless you prefer to be frightened by my third leg being prepped in case of hostile individuals breaking into my room?"
Nazgul, there was no buzz. Did you forget to put it in? There usually a buzz, before the employe enter our room.
Day 3.36
Nazgul, there was no buzz. Did you forget to put it in? There usually a buzz, before the employe enter our room.
//Let's say there was but Okuu was being a baka and didn't notice due to being so focused on blasting whenever the door opened.

>I need a computer to play Doom.
>"I need to answer the oldest question, can it run Doom?"
>You want to make a request but then you suddenly wonder: What's a computer? Is it one of those things with the screens?

>Run Doom on Third leg
>Your third leg is perfectly capable of Doom. You promptly begin nuking everything in sight, bringing certain Doom to everyone!
>[Doom End.]

>"Thank you very much for this."
>"I think the next item that is going to be required will be either adding a peephole to the door, or having a monitor connected to a camera that is installed on the other side of my door. Unless you prefer to be frightened by my third leg being prepped in case of hostile individuals breaking into my room?"
>"Yeah, whatever..." he answers, "Anyway I'm pretty sure modifying the door in such a manner would be a breach of safety protocol. I'm not sure about the camera either..."

>Notice your note and remember to check him for divine power or magic.
>You remember your note, but you're not sure if you can physically check him for that kind of stuff. You don't really have an innate sense for it as far as you know.

>Ask if there was an incident earlier.
>"There was a Green Dawn, but aside from that nothing out of the ordinary."
>The panel slides open to reveal a couple of boxes with pictures of chairs on them, along with a rolled and folded rug of some kind.
>Fetch the items, then empty out each box and build that chair in turn.*
>Place the chairs on opposite sides of the table, with the table overlapping the yellow and black line in such a way the the chairs are on opposing sides, and put the carpet in a suitable location somewhere in the room, after unfolding and unrolling it that is.
>"Green Dawn?" Glance at Archer with expression of mild confusion, before turning back to work. "Are there different types of Dawn Events? And what, exactly, does the Green variant entail?"

*OOC: By this I mean emptying out one box and constructing that chair, then doing the same with the other one.
>Description of carpet's appearance, please? Colors, any patterns, etc.

Camera and windows;
>"That is sad."
>"You really can't expect people not to get twitchy and nervous when they can regularly hear sounds of combat, screams of murder and metal groaning right there, on the other side of the door."
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Day 3.37
>Fetch the items, then empty out each box and build that chair in turn.*
>Place the chairs on opposite sides of the table, with the table overlapping the yellow and black line in such a way the the chairs are on opposing sides, and put the carpet in a suitable location somewhere in the room, after unfolding and unrolling it that is.
>You fetch the items and begin building the chairs, mentally mapping out where you want them to be.
>You also unroll the carpet.

>Description of carpet's appearance, please? Colors, any patterns, etc.
>It's rectangular and predominantly red, with some intricate patterning around the edges.

>"Green Dawn?" Glance at Archer with expression of mild confusion, before turning back to work. "Are there different types of Dawn Events? And what, exactly, does the Green variant entail?"
>"Didn't I till you earlier?" he questions.

Camera and windows;
>"That is sad."
>"You really can't expect people not to get twitchy and nervous when they can regularly hear sounds of combat, screams of murder and metal groaning right there, on the other side of the door."
>"Well, most abnormalities don't really care." he shrugs.

>"so... you guys have robots too?"
>You've heard the word when you asked about Green Dawn earlier but you're not sure what a robot is. Ask this question anyway?
>"What's a robot?"
>"your guys abnormalities are really weird. They're kind of like Yokai, but really also not?"
>"If that makes sense?"
>"You said one word like it explained everything."
>"People in this place do that way too often."

>Continuing on the above; "Though in you general defence, the people working here have probably gotten so used to the general weirdness, that it usually just takes a couple of words to get what someone's talking about."
>Check progress on table and chairs. If their done, organise and repack the tools, stand up and brush self down while saying; "It's still a little disorienting, if I'm to be honest."
OoC: Looking through the information we have available to us currently through the Library of Ruina, we have much greater data available on the different Wings, for instance there are 26 different wings, each one being a letter. For instance, Lobotomy corporation's wing name is 'L' corp. 'R' corp is focused on cloning, which is actually officially banned by 'A' corp, but such data is kept highly secret to avoid decimation as was the fate of 'L' corp. 'T' corp handles time based work, which is how 'L' corp is able to freeze time or timeloop itself as seen in the game. The interesting fact for us is that 'G' corp likely would be brought in if we use the card "subterranean sun" due to their specialty being gravity manipulation and creating a star likely would require some form of gravity manipulation to prevent the entire facility being sucked into our gravity well. Another interesting factoid is that 'W' corp likely is the reason Yukari is able to throw the trains out of her gaps, as it is likely that 'W' corp uses said gaps to allow their Warp trains to operate, but 'W' corp requires their quick material restoration as otherwise the passengers would be driven insane or die in the TT2 protocol, where they are left in the void for 2000 years. They are restored so they only believe 10 seconds have passed, and remove the passengers memories, mutations, mutations, and general insanity from being trapped in the void for so long.