You know, I actually had this scenario in mind where a probe goes through a portal to a dead universe, and ends up on a White Dwarf so ancient it's mass and therefore gravity has decayed to a mere ten times that of Earth, low enough to not instantly crush the probe, sending back views of a nearby, though very dim, shining light that is determined to be Hawking radiation. This is considered perfect, as nothing could possibly have survived this sort of entropy without ex nihilo energy creation, which would have prevented exactly this sort of decay, and Creation, Energy, and Matter Crystals/Runes are made and shipped over, with Warp Crystals used to begin the process or Warhammer-forming the other universe by creating the Warp, only for it to be determined that the Warp actually already existed there, it had simply calmed from absolutely nothing happening (at least on the time scale of the life of the average star) at any point within the last few billion years, so it closely resembled what the Old Ones were working with when they first arose.