You do not have any diplomacy actions.
Your skills training and SLs are very baldy optimized, check above.
Apply anti chaos runes and other suitable runes to other planets of the Bastion.
This was one of the draws to joining us and is already done.
Improve Bastion government/policies/administration system
Create/improve agencies to take over some of your work load in supervising/administrating/controlling the Bastion, be sure to make a agency to handle ork spore removal.
This was the Framework action. Removing the spore is expensive and of little, perhaps even negative benefit.
Standardize important facets of Bastion life. Be it laws or infrastructure.
Our oldest member has joined join 3 (I think) years ago. This is far too soon to try to homogenize the Bastion, even if we could and wanted it.
Revamp all public organizations. Such as Healthcare, social welfare, education, public projects.
Too broad and education seems to be an invention action. (damn it, forgot about that. Another edit.)
Your tech plan is invalid due to the way that Toolbots function.
Continue Juvenats. We have a decade at elast to do this before it is needed.
Continue improve gellar fields. Combining Crystals with the Gellar field is a separate project it seems.
Continue power armor. No use for this. The Orcs are death and we will have a warning at least a turn before another battle.
Continue Soul Stones/Spirit Stones. No! Eldar are 1 action, Humans are 3.
Continue Simple Combat Simulators. Small bonuses.
Improve computers. We have been warned against improving hardware again so soon in that SL.
Continue rune development. How? Library? Number of runes we can combine? Might work though.
Rune of Self. Check my plan for how to do this.
Improve reactors. Why? one action is enough for another tier and we have many tiers of that already, work on replicators instead or something. Not efficient.
improve crude teleporter. Check my plan. Its been around for a while.
Personal Primarch Psyker Amp. That was part of the Wargear actions.
Making a Primarch quality Lab/workshop. We do not know if this is of any use. 4 actions are too many.
Design the concept Crystal of {Anti-fungal} and {Cleaning}- No! Danger! And of minimal use anyway.
Design the outfits, armor and guns, and cleaning tools of the B.C.A. Useless.
Redesign hive cities with more space efficiency, power saving, and general appeal with the goal of making them more self sufficient. Very long term action. Too much to do.
Overhaul all infrastructure with replicators in mind with special focus on forge and Hive worlds to eliminate pollution by conserving all matter to be reused as mass for the replicators. This does not need Primrch attention. We do not need to do everything.
Develop infrastructure with the idea of providing easy, efficient transfer of mass for Replicators acoss your buildings, cities, and worlds. Same.
Develop infrastructure with redundancies in mind. Such as using passive power generation to power buildings when electrical grids get taken down. We have miniature fusion reactors. Our Energy grid is heavily decentrilized, if it even still exists.