An Extra Primarch

Should the Quest switch to a Narrative Base?

  • Yes, it will streamline things.

    Votes: 345 40.5%
  • No, I prefer the current system.

    Votes: 127 14.9%
  • Yes, but not until the Crusade begins/Prologue ends.

    Votes: 379 44.5%

  • Total voters
I just want to say that even though this quest doesn't have a lot of story detail, I'm enjoying it immensely I can tell that the author put in a lot of effort for the level up and skill up system and I'm enjoying their descriptions.
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Oh, awesome about still getting the 200. I didnt realize George was manipulation, so we still have Emily to go. Thanks Iilgar!

I think we should place tags on Forging Weapons and Forging Armor this turn. That would probably get us the all 100 next turn. If it is similar to the innovation one, that means an extra action.

Though, Gear is a really good choice as well. Most of our building checks have depended on it lately.
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Oh, awesome about still getting the 200. I didnt realize George was manipulation, so we still have Emily to go. Thanks Iilgar!

I think we should place tags on Forging Weapons and Forging Armor this turn. That would probably get us the all 100 next turn. If it is similar to the innovation one, that means an extra action.

Though, Gear is a really good choice as well. Most of our building checks have depended on it lately.

It's because while Armor and Weapons would be involved for things like guns, power armor, etc, Gear is.... well, everything else, and a ship is a lot more than just it's armor plating and weapons. Similarly, a building that isn't a bomb shelter or castle/fortress is going to use Forging: Gear.
It's because while Armor and Weapons would be involved for things like guns, power armor, etc, Gear is.... well, everything else, and a ship is a lot more than just it's armor plating and weapons. Similarly, a building that isn't a bomb shelter or castle/fortress is going to use Forging: Gear.
On the subject of inventions and buildings;
Thinking about doing a few minor invention actions over then next few turns, aimed at general things like;
Civilian Infastructure.
Orbital Infastructure.
Orbital Defences.
Military Armanents.
Ship Armanents.
Are those too broad or would they be okay?
Innovation or Genius perks might actually be a good bet right now. We have 6 more turns till the invasion and are likely to hit the perkxplosion by then, allowing us to gain most combat perks.

In the meanwhile, better skill checks at innovation actions or projects gives us more EXP and higher bonuses to all our improvement actions.

Guess we will have to see the new perks though, as there might be some real gems.
I would like us to at least start getting the combat perks

Seems like a waste honestly, like it was mentioned there are already plenty of combat specced Primarchs so rather we do our own thing and actually try to be unique. Not to mention that a lot of psyker perks would also be extremely useful for combat anyways while advancing the psyker perk tree.
Emily Watts SL 1->2. Part 1.
You surpassed Emily in terms of pure knowledge a long time ago, and you were always stronger, but she was a one in a million genius when it came to rituals. As such, the two of you were working on your book together. You had final say on what actually went in, but she offered a lot of useful advice. Ironically enough, it was during one of these sessions that a cult tried to pull a ritual to summon some Warp Horrors, in the same city too.

Of course, between your and Emily's knowledge on ritual disruption, the local PDF being alerted by the destruction of several Null Runes, and the Witch Hunters being alerted by Emily and yourself, they were put down before they could summon more than a couple Daemons, which you put down without too much trouble. The mutations on the cultists offered you some insight into strengthening the defenses against such things, and seeing the tail-end of the ritual offered it's own insights into the field, so an overall plus to your day, all things considered. Even if it didn't really feel like it.

Reward: Emily Watts SL has advanced to 2. (Emily has no outstanding issues, so you don't get any options at SL 1. On one hand, no chance of messing up, and you won't miss out on SL training. On the other hand, you'll only get one SL level per action.) Karma is now 400. +10 to Sorcery. +15 to Psyker: Esoteric.

Psyker: Sorcery: 10. You have advanced humankind's knowledge of manipulating the natural world using the Warp a bit. +10(110 total) to yourself in combat, +5(55 total) to allies within 11000 meters.

Psyker: Esoteric: 185. You are finished with the third draft of your book of ways to disrupt rituals and have begun the final draft, and can close immense rifts with ease to force Warp Horrors out of those they possess, and all but the absolute strongest Warp Horrors can't keep your from forcing them back to the Warp. You can reliably predict events 60 minutes into the future, and get the occasional flash of events up to 60 days hence. +90 to combat checks. Can disrupt even titanic-scale rituals alone with great difficulty.

Psyker: Esoteric: 190. You are half-finished with the final draft of your book of ways to disrupt rituals, and can close immense rifts with great ease to force Warp Horrors out of those they possess, and all but the absolute strongest Warp Horrors can't keep your from forcing them back to the Warp. You can reliably predict events 90 minutes into the future, and get the occasional flash of events up to 90 days hence. +95 to combat checks. Can disrupt even titanic-scale rituals alone with some difficulty.

Psyker: Esoteric: 200. You are finished with the final draft of your book of ways to disrupt rituals and have handed some copies over to the Witch Hunters, and can close immense rifts with ease to force Warp Horrors out of those they possess, and even the absolute strongest Warp Horrors can't keep your from forcing them back to the Warp. You can reliably predict events 120 minutes into the future, and get the occasional flash of events up to 120 days hence. +100 to combat checks. Can disrupt even titanic-scale rituals alone. +50 to ritual disruption checks by allied psykers.

Psyker: Esoteric has Advanced to Psyker: Navigator.

Psyker: Navigator: 0. You can read and manipulate the Warp around you to a degree beyond anyone not specifically bred for such. Let's fix that.

Psyker All 200. Warp Expert. You're an expert at utilizing the Warp to accomplish myriad effects, and locking down others ability to do the same. Bonus of 100 to Psyker Checks. Malus of 100 to enemy Psyker Checks.

Gained 200 Exp. Gained 1 Level. 0/390 to Level 30. Currently possess 5 Perk points. +5 to tagged Skills. No fluff updates currently.
It may be worth taking the entire Elementalist tree with the five open perks. That should significantly increase Serras' prowess in battle, sets her up well to finish the basic psyker perks soon, and may even be more broadly useful with things like forging:
I'm thinking we should get the Combat perks next perk selection.

The five Elementalism perks are significantly more efficient at raising Combat skill, and do a lot more besides.

It would take nine perks to get to the Combat: Melee 200 perk.

It would take ten perks to get the Psyker: All: 100 perk, and the total bonuses and additional capabilities from that are better.
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It may be worth taking the entire Elementalist tree with the five open perks. That should significantly increase Serras' prowess in battle, sets her up well to finish the basic psyker perks soon, and may even be more broadly useful with things like forging:

Pretty much agree with this, especially since combat isn't really as necessary at the moment and we have 5 more turns until the WAAAGH gets here. Not to mention that they would also boost tactics and combat as well.
On a strategic scale, creating beta grade psykers would also create enormously powerful allies that can fight against the orks. We want to start that as soon as possible so they can train to get used to their powers and pile on the control blocks.

I'm quite sure but what do you think will happen when we fight a blank they would cancel out our warp powers we will need personal physical combat score.

Or we use telekinesis to shoot them with a lascannon (or telekineticaly beat them to death with a tank) or drop orbital bombardment on them. Blanks aren't hidden from precognition. They're also no match at all for indirect uses of psyker powers.

We don't need to get anywhere near a Blank to kill them in a psyker assisted fashion.
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