Psyker Divine All 50 Perk. Conceptual Interactions. Psychic power works on thoughts, beliefs, emotions. Concepts, in other words. This is the reason Daemonic attacks are so difficult to heal, as they are as much direct assaults on the soul as physical force, even in the Materium. In the Warp, psychic energy is all there is, so the Daemons, no longer requiring any anchoring, use attacks that are solely conceptual whether they attack material beings trapped there or each other. Even the least of summoned Daemons is a danger to material beings for this reason, even if they are often little more than masses of congealed souls, twisted by their circumstances and the Warp's conflicting confluence of corruptive influences. On their home ground, Daemons are an order of magnitude more dangerous, as their conceptual attacks are not weakened by the purely mundane existence of their targets. Similarly, psychic powers often work as their user wishes because the power responds to the concepts in their mind and desires of the user, assuming sufficient power. The Waagh! Field of Orks is merely an enhanced version of this effect, as used by their Psykers. Hence the ridiculous feats they can pull off at higher levels. +7500 to Psyker Checks.
Psyker Divine All 100 Perk. Archetypes. Archetypes so closely resemble Chaos in their workings that you triple-checked to be sure there wasn't some kind of Chaotic long-con lurking in the background, and you still aren't completely comfortable. Sure, there are similarities to mundane Minor Gods, but the parallels with Chaos are even stronger. For clarity's sake, and the relevance to Astartes, the Heroes Archetype would be used as an example. Every person who could be considered someone of import or significant power, and any great deed accomplished by anyone, went towards the Hero Archetype's power, as did the recognition of such deeds. Much like a Chaos God. Also like a Chaos God, those who could be called Heroes were empowered by this Archetype, essentially being rewarded for feeding a psychic entity. It's to the point you're surprised the Archetypes don't have their own gods by default. Speaking of which, the final similarity is that, as the follower of whatever path the Archetype lays out advances along that path, they accumulate power, but start to grow more rigidly aligned with it. While the slow path of Transcendence lets them retain most of their personal autonomy, the quick path, much like the ritual for becoming a Daemon Prince, leaves them as little more than an extension of their attached concepts. A transcended mortal who took the quick path to Minor god of Heroism is unlikely to arise, both because of how at odds taking the easy way out is with the Archetype, but also because of how many candidates there are. This is partially due simply to the number of people there are in the galaxy, in part because of the Astartes all being candidates simply by nature of the link Father forged between them and the Archetype, and in part because being a Hero is something almost everyone aspires to at some point, so more than a few actively work towards that lofty goal. For this reason, the Archetype of Heroism is one of the most powerful, and ancient, indelibly linked to the consciousness of most races in a manner not dissimilar to Chaos' emotional links, though there isn't usually any issue if any existing transcended mortal is killed off, unlike what would likely happen if something were to happen to a Chaos God. +10000 to Psyker Checks.
Psyker Divine All 150 Perk. Know Thy Self. The Warp is an immensely powerful dimension. Theoretically, one can access unlimited energy, as it does not consider the law of conservation or it's related laws to be anything more than a suggestion. The dangers are myriad, but much lost or undiscovered knowledge can be retrieved if you know what to look for and how to protect yourself. The best method for the latter is to know who you really are. Shrouding yourself in psychic might is as much a beacon as a shield, attempting to pass unnoticed is unreliable at best, especially against a native, million-year-old denizen. Knowing who you truly are provides a measure of defense all by itself. A stronger sense of self reduces the impact of memetic hazards and other conceptual damage, makes one more resistant to active Daemonic sabotage, and even removes inefficiencies and blockages in the soul resulting in an increase in psychic energy produced by the person in question, which in turn makes processing more Warp-based power possible due to better anchoring. An effective order of magnitude increase to psychic power is no laughing matter if the philosophical implications and reduced risk are not enough incentive. On the other hand, truly knowing oneself requires immense effort, or being repeatedly throwing into thrive or die situations. Most simply can't muster the interest or effort to really travel deeply, and in all honesty, it's hard to blame them. It's a lot of work to see every side of yourself, and most don't like everything they find. Most simply work on their willpower and self-discipline, as that is comparatively easier both mentally and emotionally. Both approaches are necessary for optimal results, as self-knowledge is only so helpful and the greatest foundation in the world without anything standing on it means just as little as a huge fortress built over a rickety foundation. Still, you believe you've tapped this avenue out. You're essentially at your peak of self-knowledge, and likewise concerning psychic might without a steady diet of souls, simple passage of time to allow soul-growth, Chaotic pacts, or some combination of the three. Alpha Plus power is more than enough for your purposes however, and psychic safety and knowledge are of greater import as of now. +15000 to Psyker Checks.
Psyker Divine All 200 Perk. Worlds Unknown. At this point, you've completely exhausted the psychic knowledge it is possible to accrue in less than 50 years. It is simply impossible to discover more without learning things unknown to all but a select handful who would never share. Most of these tidbits cannot be learned without experiments that are impossible to perform in less than a decade, unethical, or require conditions you simply don't have. A pure, undisturbed Warp, the Realm of Souls, for example, is never gonna happen in this universe. If a portal were opened to a dead one, the building blocks of reality decayed into nothingness, the last living thing a quadrillion years dead so even the sensations of the lowliest of lifeforms had long since evaporated into psychic nothingness, then it would be possible, but you lack the technology to do that on purpose with anything resembling reliability, even if you suspect a few methods that might be available without more than a few decades of work, and it would probably be a magnet for trouble regardless, drawing attention like the shadows in all likelihood. Still, the benefits of being present for the end of time would be immense. Insights into the decay of psychic energy, so difficult to measure because of how difficult true isolation is, insights into what happens to the denizens of the Warp when the potential for life is reintroduced after trillions of years of dormancy. A pre-War in Heaven universe would be best, but a Warp returned to it's calmed state would also provide much insight into what the Warp was like before it's corruption, which could aid in returning it to a heavenly place, as the oldest records of the Eldar indicated it had been. Then there was the true nature of the shadows, something you couldn't test without test subjects, and was therefore unethical in the extreme. Similarly, the exact mechanics of ritual sacrifice were a fuzzy area for you since you weren't exactly doing it yourself. Attempting to determine Nex's degree of corrupting influence relative to mundane Chaos or Chaos Undivided was an exercise in futility with the former unconscious and inaccessible without traversing layers of the Warp even deeper than the Chaos Gods, and the difference between the latter two was, while more easily quantified, still difficult to put a hard number on. Then there was the idea of how difficult it would be to make a Minor God with varying levels of worship and time. Is the volume of space with worshipers a factor as well? Does the complexity of their legend matter? The number of Domains? You aren't sure, but you aren't going to start fake religions just to find out. The point is that there's still a great deal you don't know. Some of it may never be known. What matters, is that you'll never stop looking for those answers, and you already know enough to be called an expert. To aid humanity in pushing psychic knowledge and technology to the point where it's not something to be feared. +20000 to Psyker Checks.