Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 18: Ravaging Rapscallions Rapidly Regret Regular Rampages

Double edged sword that is, because while Jack is holding the 9 together he's also reining in some of the more dangerous members because their methods aren't artistic, which by the way is very much why I want to capture Bonesaw and Bakuda before offing Jack.

Our forces are engaging all of them at once. Once Jack's dead we increase the pressure on the others and take them all down before they even know Jack's dead or captured (though I prefer dead).

Bonesaw is the only other one that we HAVE to secure now in such a case.

I put Willow in to take Bakuda alive because it's obviously preferable, but if she gets away it's salvageable. She won't go all-out with her bombs because that removes the incentive to not kill her outright. She's interested in her own life, after all.

The others can all be dealt with individually, now or a little later should they (temporarily) get away. Though I don't think Shatterbird or Burnscar are likely to get away if we have Narwhal handling the former and Slate suppressing the latter's fire.
Or have Weaver use Mass-Penetrating Scan to look for weaknesses and see if she can pinpoint Crawler's core.
Well, yeah. That's like the first thing she ought to do. But Grom constantly nixing the obvious solutions has convinced me that we shouldn't rely on it.

Hatchet Face might not show up until later in any of the fights.
That's the worry. Gust can serve to keep the skies clear of drones and/or put out Burnscar fires in the meantime.

Do you have any thoughts on who should be handling Jack and Shatterbird until Weaver can get there? We don't want him teleporting out before that.
People that Jack can't ignore but can't won't force him to think he's overwhelmed. I like Weld + MM as Weld only needs to worry about esoteric bombs but otherwise is completely immune to Jack Slash and Shatterbirds offensive powers, while MM can force them to keep their heads down since via sniping without being overwhelming. Might want a third cape in there if we can find the space, but otherwise MM can get backup from the two gangs as long as things don't go completely FUBAR.

The benefit of recognizing Manton doesn't really apply though. Legend and Alexandria may suspect but they don't know it's him, and he's hidden in a van. If Weaver sees a concentrating cape in a van we're not going to bother verifying appearance, it's going to be 'TAKE HIM OUT NOW'. We don't want to give him time to summon the Siberian back and give himself invincibility.
Actually they do. Check Alexandria's canon Interlude. She's known that the Siberian is a projection of Manton's daughter for a while now, she just got social-fu'd by Dr. Mother to not act on that information. Now she has an excuse (I've mentioned this several times now).

Speaking of, we need to have sufficient distraction to the Siberian so that Manton won't be protecting himself.
Weaver can accomplish that by herself via swarm clones of expendable bugs, luring the Siberian away from civies as an excuse to change search locations. She carries out the actual search with sensor bugs and tranq wasps.

I'm actually not sure if Manton is going to be in his jeep as Bakuda mining the roads makes that a much more dangerous proposition than in canon. If he is...a completely sealed car is going to ring alarm bells (and Taylor is definitely smart and perceptive enough that he'd be using a vehicle to keep up), and Legend + Alexandria can recognize him through the windows so they don't need to get close to surreptitiously check.

I like Gust being on Hatchet Face watch. But we should have him helping clear out drones, etc. all over the place in the meantime. Basically he's an artillery strike that can be called in.
He's quite useful as emergency response and keeping the skies clear, yes.
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Well, yeah. That's like the first thing she ought to do. But Grom constantly nixing the obvious solutions has convinced me that we shouldn't rely on it.

We should include it in the stunt, anyway.

Ugh...we need to start making stunts. For realsies.

That's the worry. Gust can serve to keep the skies clear of drones and/or put out Burnscar fires in the meantime.

I'm a little wary of him being up there alone. But the only other option is having Legend with him and I'm not sure we can afford him not being directly involved in one of the fights. Stunt in some kind of coordination that would grant him greater awareness around him and/or ability to precision strike targets on the ground.

People that Jack can't ignore but can't won't force him to think he's overwhelmed. I like Weld + MM as Weld only needs to worry about esoteric bombs but otherwise is completely immune to Jack Slash and Shatterbirds offensive powers, while MM can force them to keep their heads down since via sniping without being overwhelming. Might want a third cape in there if we can find the space, but otherwise MM can get backup from the two gangs as long as things don't go completely FUBAR.

Seems a bit light to keep things from going belly up. Miss Militia is rather squishy. I also don't care for how this relies on Jack deciding he's comfortable with staying. I don't want things depending on his choices.

I think Narwhal would be good for protection and make quick work of Shatterbird. Kid Win and Maestro would keep Jack from fleeing, and the PRT forces can take down Jack before Weaver even gets there.

Actually they do. Check Alexandria's canon Interlude. She's known that the Siberian is a projection of Manton's daughter for a while now, she just got social-fu'd by Dr. Mother to not act on that information. Now she has an excuse (I've mentioned this several times now).

Point taken.

The only other thing I'm trying to figure out is how to improve the odds for the Bakuda/Mannequin group and the hospital group.
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Here's a few stunts to mull over.

On the Second Day of Slaughter: (Effectively 5 write-in votes, with ONE Stunt allowed for each!)
[ ] Docks Shelter: Weaver, Marrow, Bladedancer, Alexandria, Bulldozer
-[ ] Stunt: For all the smashed buildings it's a subtle dance; you keep the Siberian from killing your brutes (or you!) and they try holding Crawler who will happily rip his own leg off to get past. Prayer's IEU is invaluable. Flaring anima buys you a moment to take a call: "You have Bonesaw? Well done!" You meet tiger eyes, "Cut them off..."
[ ] Street King Castle: Chevalier, Miss Militia
[ ] Boulder Builder Mountain: Narwhal, Kid Win, Wyld, Slate, Skein, Maestro, Inquisition, Feral, Willow
-[ ] Stunt: The throbbing howl of the sonic battle suddenly goes black. "And he's walked into the oak." Willow nods and steps. The rest of the advance is hard fought but inevitable. Miasma, smoke, killer drones and fire are overcome. Teleport tag ends when Burnscar appears in a pre-diced flame. Chris's device hums, Willow points and soon, Bonesaw screams.
[ ] PRT Downtown Headquarters: Clockblocker, Weld
-[ ] Stunt: "You won't shrug this one off!" Weld throws himself in front of Dennis and Clockblocker reaches over his shoulder desperately. Clang! His hand is smashed between the grenade and his fellow Ward's steely back but he grins. Hanging frozen in the air is a Bakuda special. When Armsmaster looks there's a flux capacitior - a timestop! "Alexandria, bring Crawler."
[ ] Philadelphia General Hospital: <Assign Heroes>

Please remember to format Free Actions properly: (Only ONE Free Action per Assembly member allowed!)
Free Actions should be phrased as stand-alone Stunts, so they must be 60 words or less (not counting "Free Action"), be descriptive about what you're hoping to accomplish, and set the scene.

[ ] EOA - Free Action: Even bracing for combat you hold five other conversations. "Armsmaster, pick me a present for Crawler.", "Gust, get higher, you are not as tough as Legend.", "Chambers, pass the vehicle hypotheses to", "Who, take Suzy, sweep west, stay hidden." and finally, "Everyone, today we close down the slaughterhouse. Good hunting!"
[ ] FPoP - Free Action: You follow the rubble wake as the Siberian heads straight for Geode's home suburb. "Get clear now!" Kali floats some knives in its peripheral vision, it hurries. The semi dismembered Bonesaw lies on a lawn, your paramagnetic tether snatches her from its grasp at the last moment but now the Siberian charges up the knives...

XP Expenditures should be formatted as such for EOA and FPoP:
[X] NAME - ? XP - Item ●●●○○
[X] NAME - ? XP - Item (Specialization ●●○)
Spending more XP than a character has in their own bank will automatically draw from the Assembly bank, and Named XP will be spent before Assembly XP is used.
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Since this wasn't on the first page I compiled the data from several of Grom's posts on Taylor's crossbow which should be helpful(even if it's just to recap some of her offensive potential).

Taylor's Assault Crossbow said:
Speed: 3 (This is how quickly you can fire with it.)
Accuracy: +3 (This is the bonus to hit things with it.)
Damage: 8L (This is the base damage if you hit things with it.)
Rate: 4 (This the number of times you can split your attack with it.)
Range: 200 (This is how many yards away you can hit with it before imposing range penalties.)
Tags: 2, B ("2" means it's a weapon that requires two hands to use. "B" means it's a Bow-Type weapon, so its damage is augmented by the ammunition used.)
Quantum Beacon: fires a 100-range(maximum range), damage-less Tracer that teleports the next shot to wherever it hit, automatically awarding it the same to-hit successes achieved on the Tracer shot and Infinite Range. Tracer can be used as a GPS Tracking device until next shot is fired or 1 hour has passed.

-240 Fowling Dart (+2 Damage, all Damage is converted to Bashing)
-120 Tranquilizer Dart (-6 Damage, Poison Effect that KOs everything except strong Brutes or people with counters)
-24 Containment Foam Dart (-6 Damage, enough containment foam to lock up the upper-torso of an average male adult in 20 seconds)
-12 Explosive Dart (+5 Damage, Piercing, only allowed against Slaughterhouse 9 members!)

Tranquilizer Dart (MECHANICS NOT FINAL)
-- On OWoD meatmachines, they deal 8 dice of 'bashing damage'. They take -1 dice on all actions for every point of damage they take this way, but if they take more than their Stamina score then they pass out for [6-Stamina] hours. Multiple Tranq darts are cumulative.
-- Against motonic folk, they have the same stats as Arrow Frog Venom, except they do Bashing instead of Lethal: 8B Damage, 4M Toxicity, 0 Tolerance, -4 Penalty. Multiple Tranq darts are cumulative.
now 13L is nothing to sneeze at being in the realm of High-end Artifact Crossbows(Onslaught Crossbow) and the low end of ship based weapons(light Implosion bow) should handle killing Jack just fine, what I'm worried about is the fact that we could end up killing Tatsu with the same shot.
Since this wasn't on the first page I compiled the data from several of Grom's posts on Taylor's crossbow which should be helpful(even if it's just to recap some of her offensive potential).

now 13L is nothing to sneeze at being in the realm of High-end Artifact Crossbows(Onslaught Crossbow) and the low end of ship based weapons(light Implosion bow) should handle killing Jack just fine, what I'm worried about is the fact that we could end up killing Tatsu with the same shot.

We should be able to stunt having a high powered rife anyway. Then we just pick our shot where we Jack's head is blown apart but missing Tatsu.
We should be able to stunt having a high powered rife anyway. Then we just pick our shot where we Jack's head is blown apart but missing Tatsu.
Crossbow is equal or better than a whole bunch of different types of gun. we're talking more accurate than a sniper rifle, hit's like a Rocket launcher, and has the rate of fire of an Assault rifle. if we had some Broadheads or target points then I'd have absolutely no worries about killing jack with our Crossbow, but as it stands our only lethal option is explosive.

that said we're probably better off calling in a couple of PRT Sniper teams.
I'm a little worried that using an Explosive Bolt to kill jack will also grievously wound Tatsu who is strapped to his back
@Gromweld - what's the collateral damage of the Explosive Bolt? If we headshot Jack, would his jumppack get killed too?

I'm a little wary of him being up there alone. But the only other option is having Legend with him and I'm not sure we can afford him not being directly involved in one of the fights. Stunt in some kind of coordination that would grant him greater awareness around him and/or ability to precision strike targets on the ground.
Gust is a natural counter to airborne drones because of his macro scale weather control. We should, however, give Alexandria standing orders that she should drop whatever she's doing to help him out if he needs it. She has the speed to respond quickly and is immune to everything the drones can throw at her.

Seems a bit light to keep things from going belly up. Miss Militia is rather squishy. I also don't care for how this relies on Jack deciding he's comfortable with staying. I don't want things depending on his choices.

I think Narwhal would be good for protection and make quick work of Shatterbird. Kid Win and Maestro would keep Jack from fleeing, and the PRT forces can take down Jack before Weaver even gets there.
Narwhal is a good mid-range defensive option, so she might be a good choice.

The tightrope we need to walk with Jack is that we can't bring too many people or else he'll realize he's in over his head and wig out, but we also can't bring too few or else we endanger anyone we send. Miss Militia forces Shatterbird to keep her head down, and also forces Jack to either stay out of LOS or teleport to try and fight in melee...either Weld guards her back or we use him as an additional means to apply pressure while Narwhal keeps the squishy safe.

They are there to tarpit Jack Slash and Shatterbird, not take them out. Jack will probably leave if Shatterbird dies so, again, we need enough force to keep them occupied but not enough for them to quit the field.

You've brought up Kid Win again, which I'm sorry to say is a really dumb choice. Keeping Bonesaw from fleeing is absolutely critical - she's much more dangerous than Jack Slash while operational, and having Wyld in the same location as her to neutralize her plagues mandates Kid Win be present because Bonesaw cannot be allowed to tactical hug Wyld. Bonesaw escaping with Wyld is a lose condition.
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Or, and it's just a random idea, you can have a PRT sharpshooter do that while you do something else.

Certainly an option, though Weaver has the added advantage of optical shroud.

Narwhal is a good mid-range defensive option, so she might be a good choice.

The tightrope we need to walk with Jack is that we can't bring too many people or else he'll realize he's in over his head and wig out, but we also can't bring too few or else we endanger anyone we send. Miss Militia forces Shatterbird to keep her head down, and also forces Jack to either stay out of LOS or teleport to try and fight in melee...either Weld guards her back or we use him as an additional means to apply pressure while Narwhal keeps the squishy safe.

They are there to tarpit Jack Slash and Shatterbird, not take them out. Jack will probably leave if Shatterbird dies so, again, we need enough force to keep them occupied but not enough for them to quit the field.

As you say, it's a tightrope. Do you really want to hinge getting Jack and saving Tatsu on a tightrope? We should not be giving Jack any choice at all if possible.

You've brought up Kid Win again, which I'm sorry to say is a really dumb choice. Keeping Bonesaw from fleeing is absolutely critical - she's much more dangerous than Jack Slash while operational, and having Wyld in the same location as her to neutralize her plagues mandates Kid Win be present because Bonesaw cannot be allowed to tactical hug Wyld. Bonesaw escaping with Wyld is a lose condition.

I think Slate provides plenty of cover to keep that from happening. Clockblocker can freeze Bonesaw and Uzu (save Willow for Bakuda).

Although...I am in support of stunting a perfect shot for PRT forces to take out Jack almost right off the bat.

In such a case Kid Win isn't really necessary to save Tatsu so long as we take Jack out.

Maestro should be a part of setting up that perfect shot. Make a note of Narwhal protecting the squishies and making chunky salsa out of Shatterbird, and MM coordinating villains as well.

Not sure if we need Weld in that situation...maybe he could help out somewhere else.
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do we know anything about our potential allies the Overleague members, Street King members,and Boulder Builders members?
I have just realized something. My Marrow free action is basically teasing a cat with a toy on a string. If we pull Bonesaw back over her head, I bet we can make the Siberian do flips.
As you say, it's a tightrope. Do you really want to hinge getting Jack and saving Tatsu on a tightrope? We should not be giving Jack any choice if at all possible.
Given that the alternative is risking Bonesaw tactical hugging Wyld - which we absolutely cannot allow to happen - we don't have a choice. That's why we bait him with enough resistance to keep things interesting for him but not enough for him to cut his loses and run.

I think Slate provides plenty of cover to keep that from happening. Clockblocker can freeze Bonesaw and Uzu (save Willow for Bakuda).
This has multiple points of failure.
- We don't know if Slate's darkness prevents teleportation.
- Clockblocker has to be in range to freeze Bonesaw/Uzu.
=> He also has to be able to react fast enough to freeze her before she can teleport out with Wyld.
==> Having him sit next to Wyld practically screams OBVIOUS TRAP.
- Clockblocker freezing Bonesaw doesn't actually prevent her from leaving, it just delays when Bonesaw is able to leave.
- Clockblocker freezing Bonesaw prevents Wyld from incapacitating her.
=> It does, however, buy time for Wyld to detach Uzu.
=> Freezing Uzu instead just means that you're sharing space with Bonesaw and all the bullshit aerosols she has at her disposal.
==> Which includes power blocking BTW.

Putting Willow up against Bakuda strikes me as a bad idea. Without plant teleportation that's just asking for her to get hurt since Bakuda is highly volatile individual with a hair trigger disposition. Keeping her with the Wyld Hunt gives her multiple teleport vectors which will both help keep her safe and also give her unexpected attack avenues.

Although...I am in support of stunting a perfect shot for PRT forces to take out Jack almost right off the bat.
Having PRT troops present is a given as they'll be needed to coordinate with the two gangs...although we should be prepared for Jack to try and pull a, "See, even now your so-called allies seek to betray you" line on them to turn the gangs against us.


I think we could incorporate this into the Gust stunt by talking about him clearing the air and rooftops to make it safe for sniper teams to gain city-wide coverage. This would also be a good use of Alexandria or Legend, their sole job would be to insure air superiority and keep our sniper teams safe.

This way we avoid the problem of metagaming having a bunch of normals conveniently show up exploit Jack Slash's vulnerability despite us having shaky IC justification at best.

I really don't want to fuck this up by having the QM slap us down for metagaming.

Not sure if we need Weld in that situation...maybe he could help out somewhere else.
Weld would also be a good choice for tackling B&B or acting as HF bait in general. The only things he's really vulnerable to are Bakuda's more wacky bombs and the Siberian. Sending him up against Bakuda is just asking for him to get hurt as he's melee and she'll have plenty of opportunity to pick something nasty. Safest option is against B&B; sending him to the Hospital or to help vs JS&SB would also be a good use of his skills but carries with it an element of risk due to the bomb presence.
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Since we didn't specify what drones to extrude we wound up spending a lot of Essence on small drones, rather than just one or two the size of that bull. This raised our Anima, which certainly didn't help us in dealing with Tattletale.

Since the stunt asks for more technology than the action can actually provide, Gromweld kindly chose to give us the Teleport jammer as the most important part, and ignored the rest.

Our stunt for sleeping was completely useless. The stunt tried to prepare Wyld to free Bonesaw's victims, and to mend fences with Inquisition. Neither of these happened, possibly because they are completely unrelated to the action itself.

Our stunt for getting to know Inquisition reads more like a SATCOM stunt than a personal chat, but that probably worked out in our favor. The next time we try to talk to her, it should definitely be in human form. If we hadn't spent time quasi-SATCOM-ing with Inquisition a lot more of our forces would have been hit by the stinkbomb and we'd be in much worse shape, so this "failure" is definitely a win.

Talking to Wyld also seems to have been more about improving our capabilities rather than a heart-to-heart. We definitely succeeded on this one though.

Our free action to create an assistant succeeded. Given that we shut down all our charms to have Wyld work on us, we probably didn't need to specify the withdrawal of IEU.

Overall, the update went well for us. We got our sleep and we only have 1 point of Clarity so our social pools remain in good shape. Also, Who got a familiar.

Yes, she has a Kill Order, but beyond the fact that her own implants require nothing short of complete brain destruction to actually put her down, her body is filled with methods of releasing any number of viruses and plagues. Smother and contain her, if you can, as the only other safe option is to turn the entire block to glass"
As predicted, PRT policy is only concerned about plagues she may be carrying herself, not ones distributed elsewhere.
By the time ten o'clock rolls around, a number of facts about your situation have become clear:
Called it again. We did not simply look at the video of Jack's broadcast, deduce his location, and descended on him with an army.
It's not standard protocol for a Ward to receive one, but the Director told me you had been authorized for Protectorate-level clearance as long as the Slaughterhouse Nine are in the area."
People were quite concerned about this with the original SATCOM stunt, so I wonder if this is the result of our stunt or if this would have happened anyway.
Called it again. We did not simply look at the video of Jack's broadcast, deduce his location, and descended on him with an army.
You'd be right if we spent an action trying to track down Jack Slash and failing, but we didn't do that so...I'm not quite sure why you'd feel smug about our failure to accomplish something that we didn't attempt to accomplish.
Putting Willow up against Bakuda strikes me as a bad idea. Without plant teleportation that's just asking for her to get hurt since Bakuda is highly volatile individual with a hair trigger disposition. Keeping her with the Wyld Hunt gives her multiple teleport vectors which will both help keep her safe and also give her unexpected attack avenues.

How can we have any idea if Willow's knockout ability (probably some chemical) will work on fugging Bonesaw?

Having PRT troops present is a given as they'll be needed to coordinate with the two gangs...although we should be prepared for Jack to try and pull a, "See, even now your so-called allies seek to betray you" line on them to turn the gangs against us.


I think we could incorporate this into the Gust stunt by talking about him clearing the air and rooftops to make it safe for sniper teams to gain city-wide coverage. This would also be a good use of Alexandria or Legend, their sole job would be to insure air superiority and keep our sniper teams safe.

This way we avoid the problem of metagaming having a bunch of normals conveniently show up exploit Jack Slash's vulnerability despite us having shaky IC justification at best.

I really don't want to fuck this up by having the QM slap us down for metagaming.

Which one, though? We need serious support against Crawler and Siberian. Chevalier's shard sensory ability LOS only? If so he won't be much good finding a cape who's hidden like Manton.

Weld would also be a good choice for tackling B&B or acting as HF bait in general. The only things he's really vulnerable to are Bakuda's more wacky bombs and the Siberian. Sending him up against Bakuda is just asking for him to get hurt as he's melee and she'll have plenty of opportunity to pick something nasty. Safest option is against B&B; sending him to the Hospital or to help vs JS&SB would also be a good use of his skills but carries with it an element of risk due to the bomb presence.

There's risk of bombs EVERYWHERE. The hospital isn't quite as bad and he'd be good against zombies and drones.


Weaver, Marrow, Legend and/or Alexandria


Miss Militia, Narwhal, Maestro, PRT forces

MM coordinates gangs. Narwhal protects squishies. Maestro messes with Jack's shit and work into a KILLSHOT STUNT for Jack. He'll be hopping around, having fun, and then BOOM, HEADSHOT.


Slate, Wyld, Inquisition, Willow (or Clockblocker), Feral, Kid Win


Armsmaster, Dragonsuit, Bladedancer, Gully, Clockblocker (or Willow)


Weld, Gallant, Bulldozer, PRT forces

-Gust on overwatch: stunt him clearing out the stinkbomb and then skies/rooftops for sharpshooters assigned to different areas (Jack, PRT HQ),
I'm not sure if we want to divert Alexandria and Legend until after the skies are cleared or have one of them do that and then join the Siberian/Crawler fight. If so, which one.

Who/Suzy is still unassigned. Unsure where to put her. Same for Chevalier pending the answer about his sensory ability.

I'm a bit uncomfortable not having a leader or adult with the Wyld Hunt. Though Wyld has been giving orders for them. Weld would be alright, but that leaves the hospital with only two capes.

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- Clockblocker has to be in range to freeze Bonesaw/Uzu.
=> He also has to be able to react fast enough to freeze her before she can teleport out with Wyld.
==> Having him sit next to Wyld practically screams OBVIOUS TRAP.

Speaking of Wyld-based traps, Wyld wears full-coverage armor now. Bonesaw Tactical Hugging an armored Alexandria disguised as Wyld would not go well for the drones and bombs in the pocket dimension. (Also, Alexandria would be more willing to go along with it than we might expect. She knows she won't get trapped there, because she can get a Door.)

You'd be right if we spent an action trying to track down Jack Slash and failing, but we didn't do that so...I'm not quite sure why you'd feel smug about our failure to accomplish something that we didn't attempt to accomplish.
If you think that locating the S9's base ISN'T something we would have been smart enough to try doing if we easily could, that's your lookout.
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Thats... Not how it works in canon at all. She asks it questions, but if the answer to said question relies on her having a specific piece of data to uncover, and she doesn't have that data, then she doesn't uncover it.
Except she routinely uncovers facts that would be effectively impossible to just guess correct, or information that no other human being on the planet knows. Heck, when analyzing Leviathan she gets exact calculations for his density and toughness!
As I understood it, Tattletale's Process works like this.

Step 1: Lisa looks at a lamp,
Step 2: Lisa's shard starts scanning through everything she knows about said lamp, from where she got it, to what she remembers from that one glimpse she caught of the makers mark on the base, that one time when she knocked it over.
Step 3: Shard uses all information to pinpoint where lamp was made, and when.
Step 4: Shard tells Lisa, who tells it to shut the fuck up because she's trying to sleep.

step 1: Lisa looks at lamp.
Step 2: Lisa starts deliberately thinking up everything she knows about said lamp.
Step 3: Shard uses all information to deduce when and where the lamp was made.
Step 4: Shard Tells Lisa.
The critical piece that you are glossing over is both of your #3 entries here, as HOW Lisa's shard is able to do that is what I've been focusing on. We know from Wildbow's clarifications that Shards are effectively massive bio-crystal computers with limited sapience, with more capabilities than just their user's power may imply; what we call a "Shard" is a grouping of these bio-crystal computers, with a general theme geared towards a specific task but still capable of accomplishing a wide variety of tasks. So, what does this mean for Lisa's power?

Lisa's power, from my reading of canon and Wildbow's clarifications, doesn't know everything, but rather is doing Universal Equation-level calculations based on the data and questions/input provided by its user. To augment this, the Shard "talks" with other Shards to help fill in gaps or boost its databanks of pre-calculated data, which is where the (mis)information about Alchemicals/Autochthon is coming from. Similarly, Lisa's Thinker-headaches are caused by the Shard going into a bit of a recursive loop trying to calculate feats that simply aren't possible within the Nowhereverse's Universal Equation math; this is ameliorated by Loom-Server Migration, as that sub-module works through doing kooky reality-augmenting Bullshit Magic to effectively fool anything/anyone looking at the user that they're playing by the Rules (and possibly even providing "legitimate" explanations as well).

So that's what I meant by the Shard "datamining reality" - it's effectively number-crunching on the scale of post- and pre-cog, but like any good math equation or computer program, it's entirely beholden to the input data to get anything reasonable. Add onto that the ability of the Shard to deliberately feed answers subconsciously to get Lisa thinking in a certain direction, and you have the potential for the power to be utilized both well and poorly.

Ultimately, it's pretty clear from canon that Lisa's power has the potential of being of the most powerful Thinker powers on the planet, given the right preliminary data and question sets. I worked backwards from there, trying to be as canon-compliant as possible, and came up with the reasoning above.
That's the sort of absurd "all shards know everything and are just fucking with everyone" sort of wank-characterization that people normally give PtV or Leet's shard.

I've never seen anything supporting that theory at all, certainly not the canon material and frankly if it does turn out to be true, i'd lose a lot of respect for Wildbow.
Point of Order: Wildbow has confirmed that Leet's shard specifically does know everything (related to Tinkertech) and is, in fact, fucking with him because Leet was being completely worthless.
1)How hot are the suns over the river?
2) Can Gust hold something in one of those suns? What of Narwhal?
3)Are there any other exotic effect zones post-Bakuda bombing in the Docks area?
1) Not "surface of the sun" hot, because then the atmosphere would ignite and we'd have global firestorms, but somewhere below that point and "able to melt steel and concrete at a reasonable rate."
2) At ground-level, Gust is a relatively mediocre Aerokinetic... so no. Maybe for Narwhal, but her forcefields are frictionless surfaces so it's tricky beyond the fact that the Suns are hot enough to destablize the forcefields after a few seconds of close-contact.
3) Yes. Lots. No time-stop bubbles yet, but feel free to Stunt in some zany ones as long as they don't immediately solve all our problems. Wait, you said 'Docks area', whoops. No, not around the Docks area - some about a mile away and beyond, but nothing closer.
I think we may have taught Wyld's shard how to make souls. Or at least given it a good start on that.
Sure, she took her first step to figuring out how to make souls. Only a few million more steps to go!
Hah! Awesome! I think I may use scraps of this somewhere else down the line - the parts prior to the "NOW" section, at least - as otherwise it'd be too much of a disruption to have more than one Interlude before 8.3. Good work! +1 XP!
Would Narwhal's projected forcefields pop Siberian if they manifest inside the projection?
No, as the forcefields would immediately break the instant they try to counter or interfere with Siberian's absolute effect. At the very least, with the Siberian having been around so long and Narwhal having been a major S-Class Threat fighter in canon, it seems like this is something that would have happened and pointed out in canon if it did work.
@Gromweld - what's the collateral damage of the Explosive Bolt? If we headshot Jack, would his jumppack get killed too?
Expect deadly shrapnel at the very least, even if the explosion itself doesn't envelop the nearby Twinpack.
because Bonesaw cannot be allowed to tactical hug Wyld. Bonesaw escaping with Wyld is a lose condition.
So selfish! We're trying to recruit all the Best Sisters, so why would we deprive Riley of one as well?!
Since we didn't specify what drones to extrude we wound up spending a lot of Essence on small drones, rather than just one or two the size of that bull. This raised our Anima, which certainly didn't help us in dealing with Tattletale.
I chose to go with a bunch of smaller ones in addition to the robobull because the smaller drones have the best critical parts/weight ratio. Also, we have a ton of them, so they're good Tinker-fodder. Even if we had been more economical, our Stunts called for us to hand out IEU like candy right before talking with Lisa... so I'm not sure what we were expecting, there.
Since the stunt asks for more technology than the action can actually provide, Gromweld kindly chose to give us the Teleport jammer as the most important part, and ignored the rest.
I figured we wanted Armsmaster and Kid Win to not be running on fumes for the coming day after working an all-nighter, so there was that, too. Three hours to make the thing, then do a few usability tests and start work on a second device seemed reasonable.
Talking to Wyld also seems to have been more about improving our capabilities rather than a heart-to-heart. We definitely succeeded on this one though.
I broke the Wyld bits into two parts (the bug-creation and the talk at the end).
Our free action to create an assistant succeeded. Given that we shut down all our charms to have Wyld work on us, we probably didn't need to specify the withdrawal of IEU.
Something that kept going through my mind was the fact that Kaylee is sorta made redundant when we and Dragon are both in the area and able to dedicate our attention to micro-managing things. Case in point: we didn't need Kaylee (or a person appointed by her) to poke Armsmaster to sleep, as Dragon was already on the job there. In the end, I made it so Dragon and Kaylee are sorta working together, where Kaylee was handling tasks that required physical intervention - that would be out of range of our bugs or inappropriate to use bugs for - while Dragon took care of electronic paperwork/details.
As predicted, PRT policy is only concerned about plagues she may be carrying herself, not ones distributed elsewhere.
The PRT expects distributed plagues at this point, but history shows that anything Bonesaw seeds into the environment WILL be used eventually so the only thing left to prevent is the Bad Stuff she keeps on her person that has been held in reserve.
Called it again. We did not simply look at the video of Jack's broadcast, deduce his location, and descended on him with an army.
Uriel dispatched forces to VTV station - Marrow, Bladedancer, and Chevalier went after they left us earlier. Nothing was there except a freeze-bomb and some zombified civilians (which went about as well as you can imagine).
People were quite concerned about this with the original SATCOM stunt, so I wonder if this is the result of our stunt or if this would have happened anyway.
Everything we're doing now - including a lot of 8.2 - is being influenced by the SATCOM vote. For instance, if we had voted to be more active/aggressive, we would have been hunting around instead of staying in one place in 8.2 and playing Administrator.[/quote]
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