Let's not exaggerate the problem. Disbanding S9
is not hard.
S9 as a group is not problematic due to their powers. It is problematic, due to fact
they work together. Separately, every member is manageable. Especially now, when it is known, that Siberian is projection.
Let's look as S9 from Jack's point of view - attempt to put yourself in his shoes. You coordinate the group of parahuman in
entirely hostile world. Everyone is enemy. Every second, every angle. Every power imaginable is gunning for you. Everyone wants you dead. One mistake and heroes and villains will jump on and tear you apart.
If you forget about S9 reputation and think about it like about any other superhero group... their situation is rather dire (no pun intended
Let's look what would be sufficient to disable each member:
- Jack - high caliber sniper riffle is enough for his head to make exploding melon impression. Even if he had adamantium skull, it would still reduce his brain to mush. All information gone. Bonesaw is not brain-specialist. She is unlikely to be able to create a full memory backup.
- Bakuda - high level Mover snatching her when she is walking the street and moving her far out of town. Sedative injection at begining of the flight.
- Hatchet Face - high caliber sniper riffle, again
- Crawler - Alexandria can probably survive 5 minutes of contact with him with no problems. She can fly him in the middle of ocean. He would be out of the engagement, and can be taken care about later.
- Shatterbird - sniper riffle
- Burnscar - sniper riffle
- Mannequin - sniper riffle won't be enough, but he is still fragile. Legend can crush him with his homing laser.
- Siberian - now, that it is know it is projection, miniaturized tinker bomb (made by Armmaster), would be enough to take it out.
- Bonesaw - probably most problematic. Alexandria can catch snatch her and fly with her into one of Bakuda suns. 30s inside and Bonesaw is safely gone.
All in all - IT'S NOT HARD!
It all boils down to inteligence. Knowledge where they are, and what they are doing. Once that knowledge is gathered, it's not that hard to pick S9 one by one. Siberian cannot be everywhere, cannot provide constant protection. All of them are vulnerable to one degree or another.
Key point it to take initiative, to attack without giving them opporunity to react.
Hell, Alexandria is not even really needed. Any good mover with brute rating would do. Good part of it can be done by few trained snipers, targeting from an mile away.
As for order... Bonesaw first.
Definitely Bonesaw first. She is the ONLY member of the team, that can literaly kill the world by unleashing plague. Her death is a priority.
Teleporting twins are an complication, but not one that is impossible to solve. One of solution is Clockblocker. Single touch is enough to freeze either Bonesaw, or 'backpacked' twin. They can then be separated - and dealt with separately. Only problem is engineering situation when Clockblocked can actually catch the target unware. It all depends on movers available.
All in all - inteligence first, and then hit and run tactics. Taking out S9 one by one. Most of all. they cannot be allowed to dictate terms of engagement. This is what allowed the group to survive that long.