Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 18: Ravaging Rapscallions Rapidly Regret Regular Rampages

Too unwieldy, the RoF is for shit, and the recoil is a killer.
Standard 40mm grenade launcher is compact, much faster firing, has urban combat range, and gives you a range of payloads from high explosive to thermobaric.
Or, if you absolutely must kill it, get an RPG and put a hole the size of a Mack truck in your target's torso.

Do remember though, that Bonesaw et al have two healers captive.
This means that if you do not put anyone down HARD and they remain in the range of a teleporter, they'll be healed and be back on the battlefield in a day or so.
Less if they have Bonesaw.

And secondarily, killing/capturing Bonesaw is going to tick the Siberian and Mannequin off.
So it is Imperative that we put Manton and Mannequin down ASAP before they do something we will regret.
It may be possible to use her to bait a trap, but don't count on it.
OK. Let's have a look.

1)I don't believe we're going to kill Jack Slash in this chapter. He's clever, sneaky, hella experienced, has his spider-sense, and has had a week to plan this terror campaign (and is the Final Boss of the arc). Additionally, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he's got a final "No, fuck YOU" contingency measure - and beside, the rest of the Nine might simply go on an uncontrolled rampage without him to direct them. As such, I think we should allocate to the Street Kings castle enough forces to protect local targets and force Jack to retreat, but otherwise save our heavy hitters for other targets.
What we need to do with Jack at this stage isn't kill him. It's take away his resources, one-by-one.

2)Siberian is one of the most useful resources at Jack's disposal. He allows the Nine to lolnope any degree of physical force, and in combat he can counter just about anyone, even Alexandria. The hey to taking down Siberian is finding the controller, and what we have here is a unique opportunity to do so.
As such, I think we should focus forces on the docks for now. Weaver, Marrow and Alexandria to occupy Siberian and Crawler. Gust to remove the stench. Wyld Hunt (working together, as they do best) to fight the drones and seek&destroy Siberian's controller.

3)Kid Win should not be assigned to a fight just yet.
His Anti-Twins Dimensional Anchor is our ace in the hole. If he uses it now, we might free one of the twins, but the Nine will be ready for it next time. Might even kill the other twin off.
As such, I say we keep Kid Win out of the fighting for now, giving him time to make a second charge for his dimensional anchor. At a future chapter, we can use that to lonope the Nine's attempt to retreat from lost battles.

4)The Philadelphia General Hospital is the most straightforward battle. Sounds like where we need the least "utility" powers, so, probably where Bulldozer should go. Don't send Willow, though - the ability to sense pain is probably worse than useless in this kind of environment.

5)Weld, being immune to both Burnscar and Bonesaw, should be sent to the Boulder Builder Mountain.

6)Gallant's power might be able to detect Mannequin, Willow might able to feel the pain of those he hurts on his way, Clockblocker might as well go against him since he's a melee fighter (whom I don't recommend pitting against Crawler), and Who, if she can avoid the drones, might be able to capture Bakuda. I say send them to the PRT HQ.

7)Gully's powers will probably have the most room to work in the Boulder Builders' Mountain.

8)Narwhals's force-fields can probably counter Jack Slash and Shatterbird just fine, so she should go to the Street Kings Castle.

9)Legend, with his powers, is ideal for reserves, being sent to wherever he ends upbeing needed the most.


Now, taking all of the above into account, a tentative force distribution:

* Docks Shelter
-- Targets: Large civilian population, Marrow, Weaver
-- Enemies: Crawler, Siberian, Drones, Stinkbomb
Our forces: Weaver, Marrow, Gust, Alexandria, Wyld, Inquisition, Skein, Maestro, Slate, Feral

* Street King Castle
-- Targets: Overleague members, Street King members
-- Enemies: Jack Slash, Shatterbird, Drones, Bombs, Controlled!Tatsu
Our forces: Narwhal, Chevalier

* Boulder Builder Mountain
-- Targets: Boulder Builders members, Geode, Xylophone
-- Enemies: Burnscar, Bonesaw, Zombies, Plagues, Drones, Controlled!Uzu, Controlled!Philharmonic
Our forces: Weld, Gully

* PRT Downtown HQ
-- Targets: Director Uriel, PRT leadership, Armsmaster, Dragonsuit
-- Enemies: Mannequin, Bakuda, Drones, Bombs, Controlled!Philanthropic
Our forces: Gallant, Willow, Clockblocker, Who, Miss Militia

* Philadelphia General Hospital
-- Targets: ~2,000 civilians
-- Enemies: Drones, Bombs, Zombies
Our forces: Bulldozer, Bladedancer

Kid Win and Legend in reserve, PRT troops sent where they can help such as the HQ or the hospital.

Hm. Force distribution is a bit too uneven. Might send Alexandria to one of the less well-covered areas, and hope we can handle Crawler and Siberian without her help.
Those are rather large issues @Vebyast.
Agreed. I was mostly thinking of Wyld when I came up with the idea. If our plan is to get her to neutralize Bonesaw, we're depending on her to simultaneously do that, stop the plagues, and save the Twin. If we let her get hugged, however, she can safely ignore the plagues and concentrate on saving the Twin, who then serves as her escape route.

The Weld equivalent gambit was a far less palatable option that I felt should be mentioned in case it sparked a good idea from someone else. Like a reasonable plan for getting Bonesaw to tele-hug a tac-nuke.
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@sun tzu I don't think Weld vs Burnscar is the best idea. Heat actually affects once it gets high enough and slows him down as his form expands and softens. It won't be instant, but it'll affect him.

Best to have Gallant go against Burnscar. His powers are perfect for ruining her Shard control.

Weld would be good against Shatterbird and Jack, along with Kidwin (or Kidwin against Bonesaw.)
Best to use explosives or >.50 BMG weaponry then, given the briefing listing HF as possessing regen and "has survived headshots before".
Orr, containment foam and surgery. I had the thought, if EOA grabs one of Bonesaw's control rigs we could turn the Nine's tactics against them by puppeting their fallen against them. Having Hatchet Face on our side would make taking down the rest a lot easier.
Alright so Alexandria now knows that she has legitimate excuse to put down Manton.

Betcha 20 bucks she already pre-ordered the celebratory champagne :D
Let's not exaggerate the problem. Disbanding S9 is not hard.

S9 as a group is not problematic due to their powers. It is problematic, due to fact they work together. Separately, every member is manageable. Especially now, when it is known, that Siberian is projection.

Let's look as S9 from Jack's point of view - attempt to put yourself in his shoes. You coordinate the group of parahuman in entirely hostile world. Everyone is enemy. Every second, every angle. Every power imaginable is gunning for you. Everyone wants you dead. One mistake and heroes and villains will jump on and tear you apart.

If you forget about S9 reputation and think about it like about any other superhero group... their situation is rather dire (no pun intended :p)

Let's look what would be sufficient to disable each member:

- Jack - high caliber sniper riffle is enough for his head to make exploding melon impression. Even if he had adamantium skull, it would still reduce his brain to mush. All information gone. Bonesaw is not brain-specialist. She is unlikely to be able to create a full memory backup.
- Bakuda - high level Mover snatching her when she is walking the street and moving her far out of town. Sedative injection at begining of the flight.
- Hatchet Face - high caliber sniper riffle, again
- Crawler - Alexandria can probably survive 5 minutes of contact with him with no problems. She can fly him in the middle of ocean. He would be out of the engagement, and can be taken care about later.
- Shatterbird - sniper riffle
- Burnscar - sniper riffle
- Mannequin - sniper riffle won't be enough, but he is still fragile. Legend can crush him with his homing laser.
- Siberian - now, that it is know it is projection, miniaturized tinker bomb (made by Armmaster), would be enough to take it out.
- Bonesaw - probably most problematic. Alexandria can catch snatch her and fly with her into one of Bakuda suns. 30s inside and Bonesaw is safely gone.

All in all - IT'S NOT HARD!

It all boils down to inteligence. Knowledge where they are, and what they are doing. Once that knowledge is gathered, it's not that hard to pick S9 one by one. Siberian cannot be everywhere, cannot provide constant protection. All of them are vulnerable to one degree or another.

Key point it to take initiative, to attack without giving them opporunity to react.

Hell, Alexandria is not even really needed. Any good mover with brute rating would do. Good part of it can be done by few trained snipers, targeting from an mile away.

As for order... Bonesaw first. Definitely Bonesaw first. She is the ONLY member of the team, that can literaly kill the world by unleashing plague. Her death is a priority.

Teleporting twins are an complication, but not one that is impossible to solve. One of solution is Clockblocker. Single touch is enough to freeze either Bonesaw, or 'backpacked' twin. They can then be separated - and dealt with separately. Only problem is engineering situation when Clockblocked can actually catch the target unware. It all depends on movers available.

All in all - inteligence first, and then hit and run tactics. Taking out S9 one by one. Most of all. they cannot be allowed to dictate terms of engagement. This is what allowed the group to survive that long.
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OK. Let's have a look.
1)Agreed about Jack.

2)No to involving the Wyld Hunt in a search for Siberian.
They have no capacity for stealth, nor do they know where or how to start looking.
All that happens is they come close, he summons Siberian in their middle and they get slaughtered.

Besides, of the entire Hunt, the only person with much of a combat capability vs drones is Feral and her dogs, and Skein's puppets.
Everyone else is just bait.

3)Nope to holding Kid Win back.
Wyld remains a priority target for Bonesaw, and losing her to a snatch would be a major catastrophe.
And the truth remains that she's the only one who could possibly counter Bonesaw in the field, so she has to be at the Boulder place.
Else Bonesaw retrieves more parahumans from the Boulder Builders dead or alive, weaponises them, and we have to face them next time.

What we have to accept is that the Nine have had a week to prep; they will have contingencies, final fuck yous and the like.
Remember how canon!Bonesaw had a plague pre-seeded in Brockton Bay? Expect shit like that, along with Bakuda's variety.
We can't afford to let them gather more resources.

Besides, capturing a Twin will force them to devote more resources to defending their base.
They won't kill the other yet; the ability to teleport is too useful.
They'll just mine the dimension with drones, and each drone there isn't fighting us on the streets.
Orr, containment foam and surgery. I had the thought, if EOA grabs one of Bonesaw's control rigs we could turn the Nine's tactics against them by puppeting their fallen against them. Having Hatchet Face on our side would make taking down the rest a lot easier.
The ideal occurence would be to grab Hatchet Face and ram him into Crawler just before blowing them both up.
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This is why I suggested for Alexandia to snatch her and fly her into one of Bakuda convenient miniature suns. 1000+ celsius is enough to sterilize just about anything.
Canon Bonesaw pre-seeded a plague in Brockton Bay a week before the Nine started operations.
Only the fact she was releasing a suppressant constantly stopped an epidemic.
They've had a week to prep here, and more resources; if you think she doesn't have something similar going, you are very optimistic.

What are the odds that throwing Crawler into one of Bakuda's suns will work?
If surface temperatures are >1400 Celsius, the core temperatures should be significantly higher.
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This is why I suggested for Alexandia to snatch her and fly her into one of Bakuda convenient miniature suns. 1000+ celsius is enough to sterilize just about anything.

EDIT - I would assume, she can do it in about 5 to 10 seconds, from contact to entering 'sun' surface.
Uh, again no. First, Tinkertech means that might not be enough to neutralize the plagues. Second, that kills Uzu.
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couple of things before I go off to rehearsal:

We can't take care of everybody at once, so we should allocate forces to insure we deal with what we decide requires doing, and give enough to stall for the things that can wait.

Jack is the second lowest priority (lowest being hospital, although we won't ever admit to that) as his main threat is that he keeps the inmates from running amok.

Case 53s, particularly Bulldozer, are vulnerable to Broadcast shard diplomacy. Weld might do OK as he doesn't have Bulldozer's reservations.

Who is perfect for finding and neutralizing Manton as he can't see her coming and will deny her existence even as she takes him out. Potential non-lethal takedown, if she's not up to killing.

Gully makes the Tinker duo fight significantly easier by remote detonation of Bakuda bombs.

Alexandria knows about Manton (check her interlude) and is looking for an excuse to take him out.

I had more but I gotta run.
Wel, yes, that would work. But you are forgetting about the Twin strapped to her back.

Not forgetting. Yep, it is complication. Simplest (though not best) solution, is to use sniper riffle to kill the twin, moments before Alexandria is snatching Bonesaw. Other solution involves Clockblocker - but enginering opportunity for him is problematic.
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Uh, again no. First, Tinkertech means that might not be enough to neutralize the plagues. Second, that kills Uzu.

Yep. But again, let's not assume, that Bonesaw is carrying the backpack all day long. I think it is safe bet, she is taking it 'backpack' off when she is working on next 'piece of art'.

It all boils to knowledge of S9 actions.
Not forgetting. Yep, it is complication. Simplest (though not best) solution, is to use sniper riffle to kill the twin, moments before Alexandria is snatching Bonesaw. Other solution, is Clockblocker - but enginering opportunity for him is problematic.
Or we can NOT have her do that. Since it's pointless and it seems like you are trying to avoid anything that keeps the Twin alive.

Like not killing Bonesaw, something we all agreed was a bad idea.
Yep. But again, let's not assume, that Bonesaw is carrying the backpack all day long. I think it is safe bet, she is taking it 'backpack' off when she is working on next 'piece of art'.
It all boils to knowledge of S9 actions.
If you're talking about playing the Hard Man?
We wouldn't stop at killing a Twin.

Withdraw Weaver from the Docks and send her after Jack with Kid Win.
Accept the civilian casualties to kill off Jack Slash and Shatterbird.
Allow Wyld to be captured and rig up a nerve agent to go with her and kill everything/everyone in her vicinity.
Write off Vista and Transfusion.

We're not that cold blooded, nor is there the need, so let's stop talking about assassinating Twins as an instrument of war.

1)How hot are the suns over the river?
2) Can Gust hold something in one of those suns? What of Narwhal?
3)Are there any other exotic effect zones post-Bakuda bombing in the Docks area?
Or we can NOT have her do that. Since it's pointless and it seems like you are trying to avoid anything that keeps the Twin alive.

Like not killing Bonesaw, something we all agreed was a bad idea.

Avoid? No, not avoid. I'm just pointing that there ARE solutions to problem Twin poses. Brutal, undesirable solutions, but solutions nonetheless.

Ideal situation would be to just wait until Bonesaw decides to take out 'backpack' for a moment (has to happen sometimes), and snatch tactics takes seconds. Other is Clockblocker. Another is Legend to use lasers (especially if he can make them in invisible frequency) to cut straps and some telekinetic to move Twin aside. Another is wait until there are no drones near, and use Who to 'disappear' the twin.

Those are just examples.
i think relying on the Triumvirate to spot Manton is a bad plan. They don't (publicly) know it's Manton, and they're too important to send around looking into every van and abandoned house for a projector that only we as the readers know that they would recognize. it's impossible to justify giving them that task IC without knowing it's Manton first. Chevalier or anyone else who has a secondary power to detect other capes would be a better choice, but he most likely can't cover ground fast enough for that to work well, and it runs a risk of getting him killed if Manton spots him looking before he spots Manton and reports in.

Here's a second thought: If Bonesaw is captured (as that seems to be most people's priority) but the others aren't, then it is very likely that either Jack or Siberian will attempt a rescue. If Jack is still alive, the rescue will probably involve a lot of destruction elsewhere to split the defending forces away from holding Bonesaw. If Jack is dead, then there's still a good chance Siberian might attempt a solo rescue (she/Manton seems to have some kind of emotional attachment to Riley). In either case, and especially the latter, it could be a good chance for us to dictate the terms of the engagement by setting a trap of our own. Food for thought if prioritizing Bonesaw (& Jack) ahead of Siberian.
I think we may have taught Wyld's shard how to make souls. Or at least given it a good start on that.

Fun omake idea: purely by accident, Scion hovers in just the wrong patch of sky for a moment too long and then gets yanked through the portal to Autocthon.