Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 18: Ravaging Rapscallions Rapidly Regret Regular Rampages

And why do you think IEU is redundant, if I may ask?
It's one of two charms I would have thought mandatory for Earth Bet Alchemicals, given how it amplifies parahuman powers.
Given how Vajra's IEU is a complete waste of slot, I don't think so. We're not looking for grabbing random hax , but rather coherent functions. Before you throw IEU at everything, you should consider what actions benefit from it at all. Social actions and physical actions are capped by the ability to talk to and physically interact with so many people at once.

It's only pure mentals that get a useful boost.
It did help yeah, by moving bulk cargo faster. I used it in the Autochton Delivers free action stunt. However, IEU abuse isn't necessarily as useful as other charms in the same slot, especiallly if it's prereqs aren't already needed or met.

On Missy, I'm not sure what the mobility charms give that her power doesn't already cover, given her canon stunts.
just because a Charm's power interaction isn't completely OP does not make it a wasted slot. Vajra's IEU is just as applicable to precision Tinkering as Weaver's IEU, and probably has better synergy with Blaster type capes.
On Missy, I'm not sure what the mobility charms give that her power doesn't already cover, given her canon stunts.
I already answered this. tl;dr (which seems to be the case :rolleyes:) the second charm in the tree gives a really powerful buff thanks to the differences in Exalted and oWoD combat mechanics.
Apologies in advance for the spaghetti-type nature of the replies.
In which case we'd need an Int Aug, which takes up a charm slot and another [1m] from our peripheral pool.
Given that cognitive acceleration was how Vista managed to save Armsmaster and the Wards on top of the BB oil rig when Benjy almost knocked their vehicle off the first time?
Worth every mote.
Turning Vista into a Mover/Shaker is well worth it, given our issues with organic strategic mobility when the Twins are down.

But in terms of the social stuff? Charm text is that it reduces the time it takes to perform Dramatic Actions, which is mostly Socialize, Bureaucracy and, amusingly, War. Anything more than that is wishing that Grom gives us something extra which you really shouldn't factor in since there's no way to measure it.
I believe it works on Performance as well, particularly prayer.
And modern audiovisual media is very much a Performance thing.

The fact that we could win this without a dedicated social specialist is really not relevant. Just because you can kill a man with your bare fists doesn't mean that having a gun wouldn't make it a whole lot easier.
It is entirely relevant.
My argument is that we do have significant existing social ability in Taylor, and that we are likely to keep building it.
Enough that a social exalt is not a pressing emergency, so we can afford to take our time and get it right in the three months that we have to complete our Assembly.

Accepting fundamental longterm limitations in our primary candidate to stick a 13 year old, with all her drawbacks of that age on Earth Bet, in the role of primary moebot?
Unnecessary, and creates it's own problems.

To use your analogy, the fact that we can kill a man with our fists means that we can afford to take a little time to wait for the shipment of modern guns, instead of settling for the immediately available musket.
Three months where we have no idea what could happen in the meantime and, if how the timing of events thus far has been of any indication, we'll have something major happen during that period. I would rather not gamble on things going smoothly because seriously.
You also seem to be willing to gamble on things going well for us in the social arena without having access to social charms. Again, this is rather naively optimistic. Because all this?
Because being stampeded into sub-optimal choices because of paranoia costs us in the medium to long term and makes us less capable of doing our job in the long run.
We have a working stopgap, and time to get our social candidate right.
Let's do so.

Also pointing out that Word of God was explicit as to when we absofuckinglutely needed support to minimize friendly casualties; that's why we grabbed Marrow prior to Jack's merry band showing up.
We're not exactly being blindsided by the GM on a strategic level here.
Basically hemming and hawing, making excuses for why things aren't going more favorably for us. I would much rather have a social exalt so we don't need to worry about this at all so we can focus on the more important stuff like saving Autochthon so we don't have the Engine of Extinction ending existence. We also have the Endbringers and Zion lurking in the background.
Vista IS (likely) to be a social Exalt as a secondary role; it synergizes quite well with what we've seen of her so far, and a combat/war/logistics loadout.

She just isn't a good primary social bot on Earth Bet, for reasons I have previously detailed, and things aren't dire enough for us to accept the compromises and changes (and costs) necessary to make her one.
We are not desperate enough to consider throwing Armsmaster into the Cradle as is, after all, or to go with Accord or Loom, who are both willing candidates.
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Given how Vajra's IEU is a complete waste of slot, I don't think so. We're not looking for grabbing random hax , but rather coherent functions. Before you throw IEU at everything, you should consider what actions benefit from it at all. Social actions and physical actions are capped by the ability to talk to and physically interact with so many people at once.
You are so very wrong.
From a Doylist perspective, the GM picked the charm loadout for Marrow, and it's self-evidently defeating for him to waste it.
From a Watsonian perspective, we explicitly got a power-testing episode to demonstrate Marrow's IEU effect on herself, and it was in full effect when she and Bladedancer stormed Protectorate Island.
You really need to read the relevant episodes again.
It's only pure mentals that get a useful boost.
There was a reason why she went through the entirety of Protectorate Island, spending her motes on offense, without being sure of how to activate her other charms, and only suffering -2 Bashing.
While shielding Bladedancer to boot.
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Are we certain that is how the two mechanics interact? Maybe instead of giving them a DV and raising it by 2 it gives them 2 autosuccesses on their defense roll.
Well, the charm text says it lets friendlies use the Exalt's Essence score for the purposes of calculating DDV. oWoD chars don't have DVs, so in order for the charm to work it has to temporarily give them one. The reason why I'm fairly confident it works this way is because the charm has the Shaping tag. Since Shaping involves overwriting reality, this seems like the most plausible interpretation.

Side note: Since they're mortals they'd round their DVs down.

@uju32 - I'm not going to respond to everything because spaghetti posts are incredibly annoying.
Given that cognitive acceleration was how Vista managed to save Armsmaster and the Wards on top of the BB oil rig when Benjy almost knocked their vehicle off the first time?
Worth every mote.
Turning Vista into a Mover/Shaker is well worth it, given our issues with organic strategic mobility when the Twins are down.
So have Taylor use it on her again like normal.

I believe it works on Performance as well, particularly prayer.
And modern audiovisual media is very much a Performance thing.
So? This doesn't doesn't change the fact that Performance and Socialize have different targets and are used to accomplish different things.

My argument is that we do have significant existing social ability in Taylor, and that we are likely to keep building it.
Taylor has Charisma 1, Manipulation 2, and Socialize 3 meaning that any attempts at changing a group's policy has a base pool of FIVE. This is, frankly, shit. Oh, we train up Socialize? Great, we have a base pool of seven, which is still not that great. This is before you start factoring in things like the Magnitude of the group you're trying to influence, which adds to the group leader's MDV (up to +3).

Seriously, go read the rules (pg 175). It is nowhere as near a rosy a picture as you paint it to be.

Enough that a social exalt is not a pressing emergency, so we can afford to take our time and get it right in the three months that we have to complete our Assembly.
Again, you are assuming that things go smoothly and no situation arises where we'll need a social specialist. You say that Grom would warn us if something big were coming down the pipe...I don't know how you could interpret Bulldozer's interlude as being anything other than a warning.
Taylor has Charisma 1, Manipulation 2, and Socialize 3 meaning that any attempts at changing a group's policy has a base pool of FIVE. This is, frankly, shit. Oh, we train up Socialize? Great, we have a base pool of seven, which is still not that great. This is before you start factoring in things like the Magnitude of the group you're trying to influence, which adds to the group leader's MDV (up to +3).
Well, with the right specialty and applicable reputation, that's potentially up to 8 additional dice not counting stunting.
Having only the barest Idea of Exalted mechanics shouldn't we want to put points into CHA if possible? Having a massive rep only gets us so far.
Of course. The main problem with upgrading Attributes as an Alchemical, however, is that they are completely out of action for a time while the improvements are being installed (to the tune of one week per dot of improvement).
I wonder, if Accord were to jam his forehead into the Cradle on his own, without telling us, would that further boost his qualifications as a Starmetal?
Autobot wouldn't accept him, nor would Accord be able to detect it's orientation in the first place.
At the moment, the only person able to detect and interact with the Cradle is Taylor.
Even Iris couldn't find it by looking at Brockton Bay during the Benjy attack.

@uju32 - I'm not going to respond to everything because spaghetti posts are incredibly annoying.
Fair enough.

So have Taylor use it on her again like normal.
As the assault on Protectorate Island just demonstrated, Taylor will not necessarily be within arm or swarms' reach of her Assembly when the pucky hits the rotary impeller.
Having a combat and general Intelligence boost reliant on Taylor's presence is a bad idea IMO.

So? This doesn't doesn't change the fact that Performance and Socialize have different targets and are used to accomplish different things.
It's nowhere that clearcut.
Especially in this quest.

Hell, even in Exalted crunch, Performance is used for written attacks on social units.
Like blogs, and newspaper editorials, and the Precepts of the First Church of Autobot.
We just need to improve Linguistics, because it is the Appearance of written attacks.
Taylor has Charisma 1, Manipulation 2, and Socialize 3 meaning that any attempts at changing a group's policy has a base pool of FIVE. This is, frankly, shit. Oh, we train up Socialize? Great, we have a base pool of seven, which is still not that great. This is before you start factoring in things like the Magnitude of the group you're trying to influence, which adds to the group leader's MDV (up to +3).
Seriously, go read the rules (pg 175). It is nowhere as near a rosy a picture as you paint it to be.
I did.

The Appearance penalty and our Reputations both apply situational benefits, as do stunts.
Things like framing social attacks to take advantage of existing Intimacies and Motivations?
Also a thing; you are looking at upwards of 8 dice added to our attack pool from taking advantage of Reputation and target Intimacies/Motivation, and our Appearance bonus cancels out most or all of any boost the target gets from Magnitude.

And that doesn't account for Teamwork bonuses from having at least two other Alchemicals involved(Marrow + next candidate).
Or that Taylor is uniquely set up to roll [Investigation+Perception] to Read Motivation.
Or that she just spent a week in isolation doing research at Int 5 + IEU.

So yeah, even as we stand?
The Assembly's social attack pool is actually pretty damn good, even with Taylor as point woman.
Even at Socialize 3.
Again, you are assuming that things go smoothly and no situation arises where we'll need a social specialist. You say that Grom would warn us if something big were coming down the pipe...I don't know how you could interpret Bulldozer's interlude as being anything other than a warning.
No I am not.
I just refuse to allow paranoia compel us into unwise action.

As for the Case53s?
Bulldozer's Interlude is exactly why we're doing our best to keep friendly Case 53s alive.
And this doesn't include the fact that as I currently specced her, Vista would come with the first two social charms anyway.
The fact that she is not a dedicated social Exalt does not make her inept at diplomancy, and both Taylor and Marrow would assist as well; Marrow in the case of the Case53s at least.

The PRT and other political bodies we will take as they come.
But in those events, a candidate whose personal Backgrounds gives him/her access to the higher echelons of sociopolitical power is significantly more appropriate suitable than one who doesn't have said access.
Charms being equal.
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Basically, if Dean was actually, truly skilled (ie: had dots in the relevant Abilities), then he could make Yamada look like a chump. The thing is, Dean is nice and thus doesn't exploit his power to actually do this, as it'd be manipulative as all hell even if he was doing it for good reasons. Because of that, my interpretation of him in canon (Vista's comments in her Interlude, other snippets before then) give me cause to believe that Dean likely subconsciously avoided pushing his power's limits (because he really is a good guy) and just coasted on the feedback from his base-line emotion reading to navigate his social life and keep the status quo going. He was the "heart" of the team because it was absolutely trivial to become so, but the fact that there remained any sort of emotional problems in the social circles around him was only because he didn't push himself (and his power) hard enough to root them out.
That's what I'm saying, so you made my argument for me. He's got decent Attributes but very poor Abilities, and a power that fills in the gaps. If he pushed himself and trained his Abilities, Brockton Bay could have been much different (possibly not better, though!)
It's nice to have explicit textev suggesting differently
Gallant hesitantly raised his hand, "One of Hellhound's dogs slammed into me. I think I might have a broken rib. Paramedics cleared me, but I want to be extra sure I'm not risking a punctured lung or something."

Panacea frowned, then gestured to the far end of the room, "I'll take a look at you over there?"

"Go figure, Glory Girl's boyfriend gets special treatment," Clockblocker grinned to make it clear he was just poking fun. Gallant just smirked in response.

The pair went to Gallant's alcove, and she sat him down on the bed before laying a hand on his shoulder. She pulled her hood back and furrowed her brow.

"You don't have a punctured lung. You've got one fractured rib, but you're not even in that much pain. Why-"

"I lied. I wanted to talk to you, alone," he took her hand.

She scowled and pulled her hand back like he'd bitten her. As if to make doubly sure he wouldn't grab her hand again, she folded her arms.

"You know I can sense emotions," he said, "Everyone's emotions, like a cloud of colors around them. Can't turn it off. It's just how I see the world."

"Victoria mentioned that."

"So you're an open book to me. I know you're scared. No… you're terrified, and that's why you're not talking."

She sighed and sat on the bed, as far from Gallant as she could.

"I never wanted these powers. I never wanted powers, period."

He nodded.

"But I got them anyways, and I got international attention over it. The healer. The girl who could cure cancer with a touch, make someone ten years younger, regrow lost limbs. I'mforced to be a hero. Burdened with this obligation. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't use this power. It's such an opportunity, to save lives."


"But at the same time… I can't cure everyone. Even if I go to the hospital every night for two or three hours at a time, there are thousands of other hospitals I can't visit, tens of millions of people who are terminally ill or living in a personal hell where they're paralyzed or in constant pain. These people don't deserve to face that, but I can't help them all. I can't help one percent of them if I put in twenty hours a day."

"You have to focus on what you can do," Gallant told her.

"Sounds easier than it is," Panacea answered, with a touch of bitterness, "Do you understand what it means, to cure some of these people? I feel like every second I take to myself is a second I've failed somehow. For two years, it's been this… pressure. I lie in bed, awake at night, and I can't sleep. So I get up and I go to the hospital in the middle of the night. Go to pediatrics, cure some kids. Go to the ICU, spare some lives… and it's all just blending together. I can't even remember the last few people I saved."

She sighed again, "The last person I really remember? It was maybe a week ago, I was working on a kid. He was just a toddler, an immigrant from Cairo, I think. Ectopia Cordis. That's where you're born with your heart outside your body. I was putting everything in the right place, giving him a chance at a normal life."

"What made him so memorable?"

"I resented him. He was lying there, fast asleep, like an angel, and for just a second, I considered just leaving him. The doctors could have finished the job, but it would have been dangerous. He might have died if I'd left him on the table, the job half done. I hated him."

Gallant didn't say anything. Scowling, Panacea stared down at the ground.

"No, I hated that he would have a normal life, because I'd given up mine. I was scared that I might intentionally make a mistake. That I might let myself fuck up the procedure with this kid. I could have killed him or ruined his life, but it would have eased the pressure. Lowered expectations, you know? Maybe it would have even lowered my own expectations for myself. I… I was just so tired. So exhausted. I actually considered, for the briefest moment, abandoning a child to suffer or die."

"That sounds like more than just exhaustion," Gallant replied, quietly.

"Is this how it starts? Is this the point I start becoming like my father, whoever he was?"

Gallant let out a slow breath, "I could say no, that you're never going to be like your father. But I'd be lying. Any of us, all of us, we run the risk of finding our own way down that path. I can see the strain you're experiencing, the stress. I've seen people snap because of less. So yeah. It's possible."

"Okay," she said, just under her breath. He waited for her to elaborate, but she didn't.

"Take a break. Tell yourself it's something you have to do, to recharge your batteries and help more people in the long run."

"I don't think I can."

They sat in silence for a few moments.

He turned towards her, "So what does this have to do with what happened at the bank?"

"She knew everything. That Tattletale girl. She said she's psychic, and from what she said, what she knew, I believe it."

Gallant nodded.

"You know what it's like, to talk to people like her? Like you, no offense? You build up this mask, you delude yourself into thinking everything is normal, and you force yourself to look past the worst aspects of yourself… and then these Gallants and Tattletales just strip you naked. Force you to confront it all."

"I'm sorry."

"You said yourself, you can't turn it off, right? Can't really blame you. It's just… it's hard to be around. Especially after dealing with Tattletale."

"What did she say?"

"She threatened to talk about stuff. Stuff worse than what I just told you, I guess. Threatened to tell me things I just don't want to know. Said she'd use what she knew to ruin my relationship with Victoria and the rest of my family," Amy hugged herself.

"My sister's all I've got. The only person with no expectations, who knows me as a person. Carol never really wanted me. Mark is clinically depressed, so as nice as he is, he's too focused on himself to really be a dad. My aunt and uncle are sweet, but they've got their own problems. So it's just me and Victoria. Has been almost from the beginning. That smug little monster threatened to tear my sister and I apart using yet another thing I didn't want, another thing I had no control over."

Gallant started to speak, then stopped.


"Does… does this have anything to do with the, erm, rather strong feelings you have towards me?"

Panacea went still.

"I'm sorry," he hurried to say, "I shouldn't have brought it up."

"You shouldn't have," she stood up and started towards the door.

"Look, if you ever need to talk…" he offered.


"You probably won't want it to be me, okay. But my door's always open, and you can call me at any hour. Just letting you know."

"Okay," she replied. Then she reached over to him and touched his shoulder, "There. Bruises gone, ribs touched up."

"Thank you," he replied, opening the door for her.

"Take care of my sister, okay? Make her happy?" she murmured, as she hesitated in the doorway.

"Goes without saying." They rejoined the main group.

Every head in the room turned as Panacea picked up the marker by the computers. With a grim expression on her face, she began filling in Tattletale's section of the whiteboard.
Explicit textev that Gallant is significantly more interventionist than you are assuming.
Not as skilled as Yamada, though she at least got several sessions to work on her patients.

But he actually got Panacea to talk to him for a bit, to admit insecurities she didn't admit to many other people.
Despite the fact she was jealous of him.
That's skill.

Also from the same Interlude
"I invited her," Gallant spoke up, "I'll take the blame, and you can take the costs for the property damage out of my trust."

Director Piggot offered him a thin and utterly humorless smile, "Living up to your name, I see? Yes, I'm sure that's the best way to get the message across. Your teammates and I know who you are under the mask. Of everyone here, myself included, you're the one most able to handle a fine of tens of thousands of dollars."

"I won't deny it, ma'am," Gallant choked out the words.

"I'm afraid I'm a believer in punishment, when punishment is due. Taking money from someone with money to spare is not going to mean anything. All of you will share the fees between you. Since I can't touch the trust funds the PRT established for you, I'll have to settle for docking your pay. Maybe next time, the rest of you can talk Gallant out of inviting his girlfriend along."

The protests overlapped. "It was her sister in the bank! She would have gone in anyways!" "I start college next fall!"
Then from the WoG thread on SB
It's alluded to, but he's tied into some of the local business by way of his wealthy dad. He'd easily cross paths with Theo in the hoity toity events (given similar backgrounds/locations - they live in the Towers), and is generally very wealthy.
-- Answers to questions asked by an artist who did a picture I like. I gave him free reign to bug me.

And from Hannah's Interlude
"Gallant has local responsibilities, and is expected to start helping with his father's local business enterprise," Dragon spoke, giving truth to Colin's words, "Miss Militia is right, he's a local fixture. And his girlfriend is here."

Hannah nodded, "Painful to give up Vista or Clockblocker. They're our big guns, and they're local heroes after the role they played in that bomb scare. Shadow Stalker?"
Quest Notes: Future Assembly-Member Build Considerations
Sorry for lack of communication/updates, been dealing with stuff. Unpleasantness. I'll leave it at that.

Thankfully, it's mostly resolved now. Hoping to have the update within the next few days, and then March will be clear for more regular updates.

Regarding the builds and discussion for future Assembly members, some critical data to keep in mind:
- Shard-Charms will always take up 3m of the Personal Essence pool, and one Dedicated slot. They're fuck-massive resource hogs, but they're OP as all get-out so whatever.
- Taylor gets to pick the new Assembly member's PRIMARY role, not any sub-roles as those are dictated by their personality and Autobot's motivations (example: Marrow).
- Cauldron/Eden Shards will usually veer towards replicating existing charms (and thus counting as prerequisites) since Autochthon is mostly rebuilding ("Repurposed") the broken creature/tool from the ground up to work within his themes. Scion Shards will usually work as more stand-alone creations as Autobot is converting a functioning creature/tool.
- If an Alchemical has augmentations for all three of a class of attributes (Physical, Social, Mental), their IEU allows Earth-Bet meatrobots to play by Exalted rules for actions of that class instead of OWoD, as well as allows for them to perform minor Stunting. (For reference, Bladedancer wouldn't have been able to keep up with Marrow in the slightest without the all-Physical IEU that Marrow gave her during that whole debacle.)
- IEU only has goofy interactions with Nowhereverse Shard powers, not Alchemical Shard-Charms. For example, Vista was warpin' space like a baus with Taylor's IEU, but if we converted her and Taylor hit Alchemical!Missy with IEU, then MissyBot wouldn't gain the same leap in power. This is one of the weird cases where Nowhereverse/Motonic Physics interactions favors Nowhereverse, so keep this in mind when considering whether we want to convert someone only for their powers.
- For your next assembly member, PR is going to be a Big Deal after all this if we don't want to just go to ground for a bit after some the shit that's going to go down at the end of the Arc. So, we can either go Social, Sneaky, or Scheming, with valid paths for each - just remember that we have about 3 months to go and each conversion takes a week off that time limit.
More comments
-So speccing anyone will have to go with a 16 mote pool, not a 19 mote pool as I assumed.
Will try my hand at reworking loadouts later.

-The Vista news is a little disappointing, but I note that you said she won't get the same leap in power from IEU, not that she doesn't get a jump in power.
Given that canon had her literally warping continents, I suppose we can deal.

-Interesting note about the difference between Scion and Cauldron shards.
Given that the only likely Exalt candidates left with Cauldron shards(currently) are Weld and maybe Gallant, this is not too big an issue.
Dancer is certainly too intense to be a Cauldron cape.

-PR is gonna be a big deal for our current Alchemicals anyway.
Marrow was effective head/cohead of the Case 53s, and a major hitter for the PRT; her change would be major news anyway, even before she debuted by spearheading the breach of the Petty Island facility on live TV.
And then Mastered everyone watching.
The only reason we're not currently drowning in a shitton of reporters is because of the S9 interrupt.

1)The Moebot gets the Happy Fun Spike tree, right?
How goes the installation costs? Standard, or are you tweaking it?

2)Because by my count, that tree is 5 motes and 5 charm slots all up, but only two of those charms(POS and IDS) are available at Essence 3.
With the rest only coming available at Essence 4.
Do they come free or do we pay for those?

3)Are the extras installed at chargen anyway, or just when the moebot hits Essence 4?
- If an Alchemical has augmentations for all three of a class of attributes (Physical, Social, Mental), their IEU allows Earth-Bet meatrobots to play by Exalted rules for actions of that class instead of OWoD, as well as allows for them to perform minor Stunting. (For reference, Bladedancer wouldn't have been able to keep up with Marrow in the slightest without the all-Physical IEU that Marrow gave her during that whole debacle.)
It must be from one Alchemical? FPoP can do it for physicals and combat already, but buying it for anyone else is going to be expensive as hell. At least a quarter of their charm slots.
1)The Moebot gets the Happy Fun Spike tree, right?
How goes the installation costs? Standard, or are you tweaking it?
Moebot (if we choose to make one) gets Happy Fun Spike and all associated charms for free, both in terms of Personal Essence cost(s) and Charm Slot cost(s). Kinda broken yeah, but it's an interesting quest/plot hook that I want to kick around that simply won't get traction otherwise due to its costs. I won't give out the specifics for how it will all go down, however, so I leave that up to your imagination for now.
It must be from one Alchemical? FPoP can do it for physicals and combat already, but buying it for anyone else is going to be expensive as hell. At least a quarter of their charm slots.
No, doesn't have to all be from the same Alchemical. Taylor has an Intelligence augmentation, so if another Alchemical with Perception and Wits augmentations hits someone that Taylor's IEU'd then it will complete the trifecta and allow the receiving meatrobot to perform all mental actions (not just dramatic ones) as if they were using Exalted rules instead of OWoD.
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Moebot (if we choose to make one) gets Happy Fun Spike and all associated charms for free, both in terms of Personal Essence cost(s) and Charm Slot cost(s). Kinda broken yeah, but it's an interesting quest/plot hook that I want to kick around that simply won't get traction otherwise due to its costs.
MRP, MIS, and SPI all require E4 and Man 5-6. Do those come pre-installed on top of POS and IRS? Are they locked until the Moebot achieves the stats at a later point (like how I assume SOPA's submodules work)? Are you house-ruling away the prereqs entirely?

Taylor: *grumbles about bullshit DRM*
Moebot (if we choose to make one) gets Happy Fun Spike and all associated charms for free, both in terms of Personal Essence cost(s) and Charm Slot cost(s). Kinda broken yeah, but it's an interesting quest/plot hook that I want to kick around that simply won't get traction otherwise due to its costs. I won't give out the specifics for how it will all go down, however, so I leave that up to your imagination for now.
What if they don't have the manipulation for it, being charisma based?

Also can you confirm the Spike's usefulness for therapy? It's been brought up a few times.