Lisa linking together data is how she feeds her shards questions for it to answer, but the shard pulls its data from reality itself. Basically, the shard has all the answers and is just waiting for Lisa to ask the right questions - with the added twist that the shard will deliberately screw up the answers if the questions aren't right.
Thats... Not how it works in canon at all. She asks it questions, but if the answer to said question relies on her having a specific piece of data to uncover, and she doesn't have that data, then she d
oesn't uncover it.
Otherwise she'd just be able to use it like PTV.
It's all couched in a 'logical deduction' facade, but it's pretty damn clear that the shard is capable of pushing answers when she isn't even intentionally asking for them - she wouldn't have to go into sensory deprivation to sleep when her power gets bad, otherwise.
I'm not seeing the connection here.
What does the shard acting on information lisa is picking up subconsciously, then working on that information when she's much prefer it to shut the hell up and let her sleep, have to do with omniscience?
Her shard deducing things is what keeps her up at night, because she can't stop
thinking. If she doesn't actually need to deduce anything, then why would it bother her? she'd just ask a question by accident, then get an answer and it would be over. Her shard wouldn't be spending hours poking at the problem while she'd rather be sleeping.
Are you saying that, because her shard is constantly working in the background, drawing in every piece of data that she ever sees or hears and using that to give her information she doesn't want, about things she never asked, that she doesn't NEED that data in order to get said answers?
As I understood it, Tattletale's Process works like this.
Step 1: Lisa looks at a lamp,
Step 2: Lisa's shard starts scanning through everything she knows about said lamp, from where she got it, to what she remembers from that one glimpse she caught of the makers mark on the base, that one time when she knocked it over.
Step 3: Shard uses all information to pinpoint where lamp was made, and
Step 4: Shard tells Lisa, who tells it to shut the fuck up because she's trying to sleep.
step 1: Lisa looks at lamp.
Step 2: Lisa starts deliberately thinking up everything she knows about said lamp.
Step 3: Shard uses all information to deduce when and where the lamp was made.
Step 4: Shard Tells Lisa.
What you are suggesting seems to be
Step 1: Lisa looks at/decides to scan Lamp.
Step 2: Lisa's shard asks god where the lamp came from
Step 3: Lisa's shard decides whether to fuck with her or not for some arbitrary reason.
Step 4: Lisa's shard provides answer.
That's the sort of absurd "all shards know everything and are just fucking with everyone" sort of wank-characterization that people normally give PtV or Leet's shard.
I've never seen anything supporting that theory at all, certainly not the canon material and frankly if it does turn out to be true, i'd lose a lot of respect for Wildbow.
Having your characters have their powers just outright
ask reality what the answer is instead of working it out for themselves greatly cheapens the skills and creativity of the characters using them, and it's
lame to boot.
Contessa gets a free pass (but not really) because she's incredibly broken, both as a character and as a person.
Some other "see the future" types can do similar things, but they all have severe limits and "see the future" as their entire glmmick.
Going from "sherlock scan deduction powers" directly to "she taps into the Root, Natsuverse style and it answers all her questions" seems a bit of a leap, don't you think?