Your 'birth is a relatively simple affair, one moment you didn't exist and now you do. It's all you need to know about the subject and at the moment it's all you actually care about, that and your purpose in life, which is to follow the orders of your creator.
"Mwhahahahaha." Speaking of your creator, once your visual sensors activate he ends up being your first sight, how appropriate. Eggmon or Doctor Robotnick as some refer to him is a man of tall stature and rather rotund built that gives him a minor resemblance to the 'Eggs' that are a common motif within his designs. In addition he posses an impressive mustace as well as an inexplicably good fashion sense, choosing clothes that in your completely unbiased opinion are befitting of a future ruler of the world. "It is finally done, my latest and greatest creation! The Egg Brain!"
A part of you appreciates the title, even if you will end up loosing it when the doctor inevitably makes another high quality machine.
"Thank for my creation Doctor." While your existence has been short you do appreciate it. "How can I be of help to you today?"
"Right, I am just about to begin my master plane. A plot that will finally bring that accursed Hedgehog to his knees and user in an age of my own making!" You creator strikes a dramatic pose. "Sonic may have beaten every machine I've thrown at him yet, but my robotics skills aren't the
only ace I have up my sleeve."
.... This is very informative, but it doesn't exactly tell you what you are supposed to be doing. You will wait until given proper instructions.
"Anyway." The Doctor moves on after a short moment of silence. He must have paused to make his speech more impressive or something such as that, you really don't understand organics yet even ones as smart as your creator. "I of course will be working on an elite force to gather the Chaos Emeralds needed to bring my newest plan into fruition. While I do that I need you to do is to try and spruce up the rest of my forces. Most of them are outdated and I've wanted to start an overhaul of them for quiet some time but outside of my newest project they aren't critical for my next plan."
"Acknowledged." You reply without hesitation.
"Very Good." You creator claps his hands together before turning around and walking off.... he's muttering something about 'about a machine called Beta as he walks off... how fascinating.
Oh well you have plenty of work to do and an undefined amount of time to get it done.
Now how do you start?
[x] The E-series prototype.... Alpha. It is not intended for front line combat, but as befitting of your creators genius even this prototype has some potential if applied correctly.
[x] One of Metal Series, Silver Sonic, Mecha Sonic, Mecha Knuckles, Metal Knuckles, or even the
prototype any one of these machines could be a potent force if brought up to spec.
[x] Past Badniks the good doctor has created a wide variety of machines in the past, perhaps bringing one of these older machines up to date could be of aid to your creator.
[x] Current Badniks you creator really is looking to remodle soon and it shows, the line up of active Badniks is fairly small, but you could improve them to get more quality even with the smaller numbers. (Upgrade one of the Sonic Adventure 1 Era Badniks).
[x] A new Badnik you do not know how long anything you produce will last, but your current goal is merely to make your creators forces stronger for the next fight, a new machine type should be a decent hold over until the doctor initiates his overhaul.
[x] A powerhouse, instead of updating an old machine or producing a new less robot template a more powerful machine may be needed to aid your creators plans.
[x] A new standard, currently the biggest problem with your creators force seems to be the reliance on animals for power, you could look into some of your creators forays into cheaper machines that need no such thing.