Something to think about down the road, but probably not for some time. However, a bit more on stats will be helpful (well, until Dia dies, of course, but we should have a couple decades before then), and some more population would be great - assuming we can house them all >_>
We should definitely be trying to pull Glenshade fully into our polity, considering they just got a population swell.
[X] Sit a while and contemplate the dead (1.2x)
No, I don't see Dia as the type to pray. Or write poetry, for that matter. But she does have some things regarding death to consider.
How active was chaos at this point? Because I'd be very, very cautious about offering prayers for Anna if they're even a little active(paranoid? Yes, justified? Maybe?).
The ancient, galaxy-spanning civilization of formerly reincarnating arch-hedonists has just orgied so hard that their center imploded into the largest tear in reality ever recorded while birthing a god. Ten thousand years later the most successful polity still summarily executes people who try this kind of stunt because not doing so leads to twisted planet-engines powered by pain.
Let's not invite the whispering-bone-forces to shape our eldest daughter.
You're not quite sure what exactly it was that you were expecting when you first came out here, but this wasn't it... but as you sit back and reflect on your life and those who have left it, you think that this is better than whatever vague, nebulous idea you had before was. You think you understand the appeal here. It's not about anything more grandiose than remembering. You haven't really had time to reflect much on the fact that Sergeant Coil departed the scene so early on. You also think about all the people you haven't really been able to really pause and think about since the starbombs fell. Some might even be alive, but they might as well be dead for all practical purposes to you. You suspect that even if your parents or siblings somehow survived they will never be in a position to make a radio broadcast that you will pick up.
There was a depressing thought. Your daughters and any other children you might have will never know any grandparents aside from the Aetos in Dragonfly's Landing. But... but... as you think about it more, even as tears come to your eyes, you can imagine how that would have gone. How proud your family would have been to see how far you have gone. You really needed the apocalypse to get as far as you did, but you can see their smiles in your head.
Maybe... maybe that's what people are talking about when they go on about 'spirits'? It's not so much about anything out there actually being capable of intercession, so much as trying to hold onto the memories and images in your mind by going out of your way to put them into the forefront.
Getting up, you quietly thank Velar for his time, and discretion, before you head out once more.
Greengraft Current Mood: Optimistic
Glenshade Manor Mood: Solemnly Hopeful
The influx of so many people from the outlying settlements means that there is a large redistribution of hydroponics space as you ensure that everyone is to get their minimum caloric intake, although fortunately you have enough reserves that for the most part that just means those growing luxury foods simply don't get to rent out as much space as before. This does mean some complaining, but most people are happy that they won't risk starving because someone wanted to grow mint instead of soy.
As for your own happiness, while Anna remains frail, she and her sister are now curious toddlers and both seem to have inherited some of your bellicose attitudes, which is more than a little worrying considering Anna's health issues. You've told Mirande more than once not to be so rough with her sister, but she can be bad around others, in that she is so adorable she can often get away with far more than she should.
Also, despite efforts otherwise, you are not yet pregnant again, although you might want to be.
Rolled 27
Little improvement
Economically, things are going well, with the new people integrating in nicely and more and more people getting their feet under them in this new world. Glenshade Manor's farms reach their maximum size without further expansion and fresh vans are assembled to facilitate trade between your two communities, while the decommissioning of the solar power plant opens up an immense amount of space for future expansion in Greengraft, although you will have to think very carefully about what you want to build considering that it will not be as well protected as the older buildings.
Government Income: 1360C Treasury: 2055C Salary Paid: 50C
Rolled 81
This year when Armin comes to you with his report, there is considerably less trying not to wince as he explains that while there was some damage done by the failure last year, the majority of the corruption was simply time and the corrosion in the interior of the plane. What they have discovered is interesting. While several of the more recent entries are still a corrupted mess, they did discover a video log dated as being made the day before the starbombs fell. While only the audio is still intact, it is... interesting to say the least, especially one particular bit.
"Father says that Jordan has been acting peculiar again. It's father who is the problem I think. He gets so worked up over all of this, keeps going on about 'control' and 'willpower', but he's the one spiralling out of control. I should probably cut this vacation off early and go see them, but honestly I don't want to deal with either one of them when they start acting like this."
What an uncomfortable recording to hear. Could the disaster have been avoided if the second son had returned home to speak with his father and brother over whatever had been so agitating them, or had the fatal issue been something else than what was being alluded to? You wish you had more, had more context to go on here.
As for the inquiries into your relatives, what you find surprises you. While you learned something about the political and economic situation from the top level last year, your agents listening in on their traders and making contacts found out much more from the lower levels looking up this year. While there is some resentment and discontent from the lower classes, the Baron is actually liked by the lower classes for keeping most of them fed. While from your perspective the food problems were likely self-inflicted, for the average person the political transition was so fast and decisive after the starbombs fell that they maintained many of the same systems and attitudes after and thus most of the indentured servants were just happy that someone would make sure they would be fed without really thinking that the 'debt' they had accumulated was not meaningful. The fact that the wives of dead Janissaries had had their debts wiped out as agreed upon had only made the population more loyal, more assured that agreements would be lived up to.
There were, however, rumours of darker dealings, of the Baron possessing not just legal control, but also having puppet strings on the realm of things that he had outlawed, small as that currently was.
You also have found out that they have absorbed another community into their fold, although 'community' is somewhat stretching it, which is why you only really found out about it through unofficial channels. Only about a day's walk from Dragonfly's Landing, which is mostly a hunting lodge type resort, is Hawksview Ridge, a large plot of cleared and covered over land used for an ancient Terran game for the rich called 'golf', that has actually been a major agricultural centre for the Dragonflies once they converted it over to that purpose, aided from the output and seed vaults from the Shattersaw farms. While not as space efficient, the farms are far larger than anything you have and are finally reaching full output. The price you get for your agricultural surplus is likely going to drop soon.
Rolled 43 + 36 = 79
On the research front, you finally have the results on the backup reactor design, and you can now assemble more, if you have the parts. Making the parts is going to be a bit of a problem, but for the most part they fall under the same design umbrella as all of your industrial tools, simply with more magnetically active components. As for the sap purification project, it was almost done before they hit a snag in that the final purification step introduced a non-toxic but unpalatable byproduct. Fortunately a particularly plucky chef managed to step up and come up with what Provost Vultin described of as 'an engineering solution' and figured out ways to simply mask the flavour via cooking. While the food is now completely safe to eat, the process to refine it to the point where you can do so is rather involved and will require the construction of additional equipment.
Improved Sap Purification
217 + Rolled 85 + 40 = 242/250
Final Push?
Rolled 1d10 - 4
Random Roll
1d16 - 1
Improved Local Sap Purification
Rolled 13
New Research Projects Available!
Sap Purifier Available for Construction!
On the research front, you show the archival tool you found to Sammael, and while he has seen and worked with such devices before he is quite interested in the fact that a large amount of information was loaded into it before the starbombs fell. While you both expect it to be more legal documents like pretty much everything else at Librarian's nook, its actually a complete set of treatises on plasma physics and fusion! With the recent success with the backup fusion reactor, he now knows the people who can best use it, and your understanding of the physics and technology you are working with goes forward by years, not having to relearn so many things that were already known.
There are, however, fewer people in Shattersaw to migrate in than there have been in the past, so you only have a few labourers trickle in this year.
35 labourers migrated from Shattersaw
Rolled 99
Something really good!
Rolled 44 Dub dubs
Free tech!
Rolled 1d16 - 15 Plasma Physics I now complete
Plasma Physics I + Backup Fusion Reactor Design gives a 1/6 completion bonus to Industrial Reactor Design (50 RP)
Rolled 83
Life is good.
The subjugation last year brought you, the Dragonflies, and the 504s together in mutual hatred for raiders, and despite the less than stellar results, no one particularly blamed you for not anticipating people with only a few firearms they have recently started reloading using black powder to be able to employ explosives, so the unusually high casualty rate was not held against you. That's a pretty solid platform to keep up dialogue with the other powers in the region. Also, after the sound thrashing you gave the raiders despite their unexpected advantages, perhaps you can drag them in politically to avoid further bloodshed.
Select up to 2 action
[] Continue building a rapport with the 504s
[] Keep up a dialogue with the Dragonflies
[] Glenshade Manor now answers to you, but there are still 'unaligned' Grave Tenders in Shattersaw that you could potentially convince to migrate
[] Attempt to contact one or more of the raider groups past Amethyst Gardens
You have plenty more people now, and your military took some casualties, but if you want to go back out to beat up the remainder of the raiders you are fairly certain no one will get up to anything in Shattersaw. The 504s are unlikely to come along unless you ask, but they also now know that the raiders are real and are up to the worst, most horrific shit.
Select up to 3 options
[] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 100C per action
[] Train Militia - You've trained up militia, but you know they can be better than they are. Drill them up to your standards
[] Subjugate Raiders II (2 actions) - On the one hand, the worst surprises are probably over and it is unlikely anyone will stir up shit while you are away, but on the other you still have to deal with the enemy bases being at the very end of your logistical reach. Cost: 400C WARNING: If you do not spend diplomatic actions to contact the 504s they might get into trouble with the Dragonflies while you are away
With the solar plant decomissioned you now have more room, although you will have to make new, less armoured buildings to do that. There is still room in Glenshade Manor if you want to keep critical systems better protected though.
Select up to 1 option. 2 more options will be selected, but may not be from this list
[] Install solar plant in Shattersaw. Cost: 300C
[] Install Sap Purifier (req. 1 power, 0 space [attached to agricultural or residential building], increases sap gathering yield to 8 food/worker, no attrition). Cost: 400C
[] Install building in Glenshade Manor - With unoccupied buildings Glenshade Manor has room to expand and all it would require would be the installation of new fixtures. 1 turn builds: Research and Teaching Centre, Machine Shop, Hydroponic Farm; 2 turn builds: Sawmill, Hospital. Cost: 200C/turn
[] Construct sawmill - With the gear you have, you could set up a relatively small scale sawmill, although it would stretch your energy supplies thin, even augmenting with the hospital's back up fusion reactor, but you could start cutting down trees and turning raw materials into refined ones. WARNING: Will be housed in locally sourced material building and can suffer attrition Cost: 200C/turn*2 turns [] Construct hospital (Politically desired, here or Glenshade Manor) - With the gear you have, you could set up a small but incredibly potent hospital facility. If this had been up when you had been shot you likely would have been back on your feet in weeks rather than months. Will require the back up fusion generator. WARNING: Will be housed in locally sourced material building and can suffer attrition Cost: 200C/turn*2 turn [] Construct new building - You can copy an existing building now (please specify). Time required: 2 years WARNING: Will be housed in locally sourced material building and can suffer attrition
Armin knows that there are entries on the memory banks from after when the bombs fell, which could contain important information in answering what happened. With both of your neighbours investigated, he also thinks that he can now successfully expand your spy network and get a better, more constant read on what is going on.
Pick up to 2 options
[] Investigate the Dragonflies - The Dragonflies actually seem most interested in stability (with them on top of course), but the definitely also have skeletons in their closet
[] Dig into the 504s - The 504s have secrets, you just need to get at them
[] Expand the spy network
[] Examine recovered memory banks II - The governor's son's plane had memory banks that you recovered, and it seems that there was something going on with the governor and his family the day before the starbombs fell, but there is more to uncover
Your research advanced by leaps and bounds recently, leaving you with two projects open and a number of new ideas to explore.
Select up to 2 options
Local Adaptation
Portable Sap Purification 0/150
Local Meat Purification 0/100
Grenade Fruit Cultivars 0/250
Pile Tree Cultivation 0/650
Underground Construction 0/400
Personal Equipment
Archival Tool 0/150 (Unavailable for use while being researched)
Basic Cybernetics 32/1000
Survey Monocle Design 0/600 (Unavailable for use while being researched)
Viceroy-class Low Orbital Personal Transport Design (Salvage x2) 0/1500
Infrastructure Design
Industrial Fusion Reactor Design 50/300 (Req. Decommission)
Tree Smelter Design 0/100
Dandriss Grade Lumbermill Saw Design 0/400
UAM Design 0/750
UAM Jailbreaking 2/500 (Warning: Researching less than 50 RP a turn on this project breaks a UAM device)
Universal Healing Machine Design 87/2000
Cloning Tank Design 0/1000
Cybernetic Surgery Design 0/1000
Solar Plant Design 0/200
Industrial Parts Manufacturing 0/375
Plasma Physics II 0/1000
Field Physics I 0/600
Industrial Design Logic 0/500
Plasma Cutter Refinement 0/300
Note: Design Logic projects cause all other projects under their umbrella to advance by 25% of their total RP requirement
For the research centre, the assignment would be:
[] Research (sub-vote for your preferred project)
[] Teaching
With your government fully set up, you now actually have more time on your hands, since there are now institutions (albeit tiny ones at this point) to take a significant load off for you. You had an interesting experience at the Temple of the Restful Sepulchre, so maybe you should go back? Or maybe you should meet with Grave Keeper again, see what the madman thinks about the world. Or maybe just spend time with your daughters.
Select up to 2 options
[] Make a pilgrimage to the Restful Sepulchre
[] Go talk with Grave Keeper
[] Work on Stewardship - Chance of increasing your base Stewardship score
[] Spend time with your daughters
[] Spend time with one of your councillors
- [] Specify which
[X] Continue building a rapport with the 504s
[X] Glenshade Manor now answers to you, but there are still 'unaligned' Grave Tenders in Shattersaw that you could potentially convince to migrate
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 100C per action
[X] Subjugate Raiders II (2 actions) - On the one hand, the worst surprises are probably over and it is unlikely anyone will stir up shit while you are away, but on the other you still have to deal with the enemy bases being at the very end of your logistical reach. Cost: 400C WARNING: If you do not spend diplomatic actions to contact the 504s they might get into trouble with the Dragonflies while you are away
[x] Install building in Glenshade Manor
-[x] Research and Teaching Centre
[X] Expand the spy network
[X] Examine recovered memory banks II - The governor's son's plane had memory banks that you recovered, and it seems that there was something going on with the governor and his family the day before the starbombs fell, but there is more to uncover
[x] Keep up a dialogue with the Dragonflies
[x] Glenshade Manor now answers to you, but there are still 'unaligned' Grave Tenders in Shattersaw that you could potentially convince to migrate
[x] Train Soldiers x2 - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 100C per action
[x] Train Militia - You've trained up militia, but you know they can be better than they are. Drill them up to your standards
[x] Install building in Glenshade Manor - With unoccupied buildings Glenshade Manor has room to expand and all it would require would be the installation of new fixtures. 1 turn builds: Research and Teaching Centre, Machine Shop, Hydroponic Farm; 2 turn builds: Sawmill, Hospital. Cost: 200C/turn
-[x] Research and Teaching Centre
[x] Expand the spy network
[x] Examine recovered memory banks II - The governor's son's plane had memory banks that you recovered, and it seems that there was something going on with the governor and his family the day before the starbombs fell, but there is more to uncover
[X] Spend time with your daughters
[X] Spend time with one of your councillors
- [X] Sammael Vultin
We can never really have enough workers/population, particularly since we have 0% natural population growth due to our policies (which I still consider rather dumb), so enticing more neutrals from Shattersaw into our fold is rather important.
And given our relationship with the Dragonflies due to marriage with Maxwell, keeping the dialogue there up is also important.
The raiders have already shown that they can be very dangerous, and this time we wouldn't have the support of the Dragonflies and 504s to help soak up losses. So, it makes more sense to me to try and build up our own strength a bit further, drill our militia, and increase the number of soldiers.
The teaching facilities mean that we can *finally* have a steady influx of new academics and artisans, to help maintain our technological knowledge as much as possible. As a result, we can assign the Multi-Purpose facility fully to research, giving us a significant advantage in the long term, as we can research projects more quickly and (in case of UAM Jailbreaking and possible similar things), more safely. I consider it pretty much a must-have.
Expanding the Spy Network will hopefully get us a steady trickle of information on the other two polities in the area, and what they get up to, making future inquiries into them much easier. And getting more insights into what went on before the starbombs just seems sensible.
Research Jailbreaking the UAM means we won't have to worry as much about our industry, given their flexibility, and with the research facility, it's perfectly safe.
As for the archival tool, it might help us out in research, meaning we can get more done in a shorter amount of time, making this a rather decent pick for our low-level/quick project.
Spending time with our daughters is just good sense, IMO. As for why we should spend time with Sammuel; he's the head researchers. If spending time with him manages to "upgrade" his abilities, somewhat like we did when spending time with Maxwell, it means we'll complete projects even faster, if only a slight bit.
Note, this is a vote to continue the war, which I'm not entirely sure is in our interest.
[x] Continue building a rapport with the 504s
[x] Glenshade Manor now answers to you, but there are still 'unaligned' Grave Tenders in Shattersaw that you could potentially convince to migrate
First vote is needed for max war capability. Second gets us more useful people.
[x] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 100C per action
[x] Subjugate Raiders II (2 actions) - On the one hand, the worst surprises are probably over and it is unlikely anyone will stir up shit while you are away, but on the other you still have to deal with the enemy bases being at the very end of your logistical reach. Cost: 400C
If we are going to continue the war then the second is required. The first seems like the best bet given how useful soldiers are.
Economic [x] Install building in Glenshade Manor - With unoccupied buildings Glenshade Manor has room to expand and all it would require would be the installation of new fixtures. 1 turn builds: Research and Teaching Centre, Machine Shop, Hydroponic Farm; 2 turn builds: Sawmill, Hospital. Cost: 200C/turn
Seriously, reread this. It does everything that other options do for less money. The only downside is that it does them at Glenshade Manor. We'll need to do it for two turns, and continue securing Glenshade Manor by beating up the raiders, but we are likely to do that anyways.
Also, since it was pointed out:
[x] Research and Teaching Centre
Since we need a second one so one can teach and one can research. The Hospital is the next most important option we can do, so that's next turn.
[x] Expand the spy network
[x] Examine recovered memory banks II - The governor's son's plane had memory banks that you recovered, and it seems that there was something going on with the governor and his family the day before the starbombs fell, but there is more to uncover
Answers and a better spy network. I personally want answers, and you can never have to good a spy network.
Reread Industrial Design Logic. It's worth over 1500 lots of research points in some of our most important techs. The archival tool is much less important and I'm tempted to switch it for more food production techs, or maybe grenades.
[x] Spend time with your daughters
[x] Go talk with Grave Keeper
Taking care of our children is important and talking with Grave Keeper should help with his unaligned followers.
Seriously, reread this. It does everything that other options do for less money. The only downside is that it does them at Glenshade Manor. We'll need to do it for two turns, and continue securing Glenshade Manor by beating up the raiders, but we are likely to do that anyways.
Good point on this, particularly considering that the facilities would be protected by pre-Fall buildings and thus not subject to attrition. Edited my vote to build the Teaching Centre at Glenshade rather than in Greenshaft.
Reread Industrial Design Logic. It's worth over 1500 research points in some of our most important techs.