Privately, we're probably amused, but it's not appropriate for behaviour, and we're trying to walk the line between "Reasonable authority figure" and "Tries to give at least some freedoms"
[X] Clean it up as any other graffiti, its probably harmless
You snicker a bit at the whole thing but wave it off. It's clearly pretty stupid so whoever is doing it is probably just some kid with a hero complex. You order it to be cleaned up and then move on.
The world keeps turning, but your primary concern is for Anna. She is unfortunately still small and sickly, but at least she doesn't need to be under continuous monitoring anymore. You fear she may never be the healthiest child.
Rolled 38
Little Improvement
Economically, you're doing fairly well, as far as you can tell. People seem rather happy with the new freedoms and the ability to found their own businesses, and they have accepted the fact that you will back the new currency and thus have some faith in it. The surplus of food is also really helping, both for general happiness and for export. The surplus also means that for the first time in years some luxuries like grapes - that example care of Amethyst Gardens - actually appears on the menu.
Government Income: 543C Salary Paid: 50C
Rolled 92
Economy stable and thriving
Armin's efforts to establish an internal spy network also start bearing fruit, having created a network of informers and agents within your own territory to keep an eye on what people are up to. Thus far they are primarily an observation tool, but he informs you that they could do more if you so wished.
Now have access to better information on happiness and disconent
Greengraft Current Mood: Cautiously Optimistic
Glenshade Manor Mood: Grimly Determined
Current Spark Points: Political Reform
On the research front, the work on the backup fusion reactor design is coming along slowly by all accounts, while the improved sap purification is moving along much more quickly. Also of interest is the fact that several of the doctors and nurses decided to open up the user manual for the UHD. While apparently they claimed at "their eyes started bleeding at the incomprehensible madness of the assembly and maintenance guide" you are fairly certain that is hyperbole, although also a clue as to how bloody difficult just figuring out how to assemble one of these machines even with all of the right pieces is going to be.
Random Roll
Rolled 1d15 - 13
Universal Healing Machine Design
Rolled 87
Other than that, the situation wasn't too eventful. The academics from Amethyst Gardens, agronomists mostly from the sound of it, decided to pack up and leave for greener pastures, namely Greengraft, which is rather useful for you. A few people also filter in from Shattersaw, mostly people looking for work.
5 Academics Migrated from Glenshade Manor
28 Labourers Migrated from Shattersaw
Rolled 22
So while you are starting to achieve a degree of internal stability, you are also finding that you have more enemies than you had thought you did last year while still having to deal with the political fallout of dealing with your 'friends' in Shattersaw.
The Shattersaw situation seems to have mostly stabilized, with the Dragonflies remaining coolly distant, the 504s being grumpy about everything but not wanting you to be an enemy, and Grave Keeper and his followers being creepy and friendly in their own ways. You also have the distant raider groups to worry about now. Oh, and you are hearing that with the other reforms out of the way the calls for political reform are only getting louder. This is especially aggravating because right now if you want to deal with the raiders effectively you are sure that you are going to need both the 504s and Dragonflies in on a joint operation so that they don't try to kill each other while you are distracted elsewhere and that's months of arguing you won't have time for if you are spending months arguing about your own internal laws.
Select up to 2 options
[] Continue building a rapport with the 504s
[] The Dragonflies won't change if you don't talk to them, so try to open up to them a bit
[] Integrate the Grave Tenders at Glenshade Manor into your political system, which should also boost the opinion of those in Shattersaw
[] Hold a 'constitutional conference' to formalize politics ~10% chance of Petition for Redress if not addressed this turn
[] Try to entice over the remainder of the population of Amethyst Gardens
[] Attempt to contact one or more of the raider groups past Amethyst Gardens
There is plenty you could do, but you are currently limited by numbers. If you can't get the Dragonflies and 504s on board for subjugating the raiders right now it might be better to take this opportunity to bulk up your military forces. Of course, you still need more people. It's aggravating.
Select up to 3 options
[] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 100C per action
[] Train Militia - You have open spots and can train more militia to be called up in case of emergency
[] Train Militia x2 - The last year proved on both sides that mere numbers are not everything and discipline and morale are key factors. You won't just train them, but you will drill them up to your standards so that they will be just as effective as your more veteran troops Req. Train Militia
[] Jaeger Program - You've got half your forces trained as woodsmen, so perhaps you should rotate them out for your other half to receive training. Cost: 200C
[] Subjugate Raiders (2 actions) - This is going to be tough. Winning the battles is going to be easy, but holding them down and keeping their civilian population under control is going to be much, much more difficult, especially since you will be at the very end of your supply lines. Worse yet, you will have to strip away most of your garrison troops and have them be away for months, which could easily let the 504s or Dragonflies get ideas, which would be a disaster to return to. Cost: 400C WARNING: If you do not spend diplomatic actions to contact the 504s and/or Dragonflies the excluded parties are likely to attack each other while you are away
Your new economic situation has some benefits. Unfortunately with your current space restrictions there is something of a drawback since you can't directly mobilize the same resources you could before.
Select up to 1 option. 2 more options will be selected, but may not be from this list
[] Decommission solar plant - Take down the panels, freeing up room for future expansion
[] Vehicles? - You have the one van, but perhaps you could construct more. It's a simple enough design, and having more might let you make reliable contact with Glenshade Manor, overcoming some of your supply difficulties
[] Construct farm at Glenshade Manor - Sending over surplus, expand their hydroponic farm so it is sufficient to feed 1000 people
With the laws on the book and an internal spy network set up, Armin is quite pleased with your security situation but he thinks that more could be done. So much more.
Pick up to 2 options
[] Investigate the Dragonflies - Try to spy on and examine the your new in-laws, learning more about who they really are and what their goals are beyond 'domination'
[] Investigate the 504s - Try to spy on and examine the 504s, learning more about who they really are and what they actually want
[] Secret Police - Armin suggests that the internal network of monitoring could be given an expanded purview to enforcement. WARNING: Decreases happines, with greater effects the greater the level of democracy and democracy desire
[] Examine recovered memory banks - The governor's son's plane had memory banks that you recovered, and decrypting them and restoring the damage may give you information as to why the starbombs fell
Research goes well, with the only major question being how you will assign the research institute this year.
Your relationship with Maxwell is now something more than what you might call 'politically enforced', what with spending time with him last year and the birth of your daughters. Your game nights are fun, although perhaps you might like to pursue your own hobbies. Or maybe you should spend time improving your ability to manage things, since half of your aggravation has been dealing with all the minutiae of building a functioning polity. Also, now that you think about it, your councillors have been getting a bit better at their jobs and you certainly benefited from learning more about Maxwell, so perhaps spending some time with one of them might be useful.
Select up to 1 option
[] Work on Stewardship - Chance of increasing your base Stewardship score
[] Game with Maxwell - Continue your nightly games
[] Relax - Try to find something else to do to occupy your downtime
[] Spend time with one of your councillors
- [] Specify which
[X] The Dragonflies won't change if you don't talk to them, so try to open up to them a bit
[X] Integrate the Grave Tenders at Glenshade Manor into your political system, which should also boost the opinion of those in Shattersaw
Get started on talking to the Dragonflies and work on bringing the Grave Tenders into our system.
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 100C per action
[X] Train Militia - You have open spots and can train more militia to be called up in case of emergency
[X] Jaeger Program - You've got half your forces trained as woodsmen, so perhaps you should rotate them out for your other half to receive training. Cost: 200C
More soldiers, more militia, and get all our forces trained as woodsmen.
[X] Vehicles? - You have the one van, but perhaps you could construct more. It's a simple enough design, and having more might let you make reliable contact with Glenshade Manor, overcoming some of your supply difficulties
More vehicles will be seriously valuable for the mobility it provides us.
[X] Investigate the 504s - Try to spy on and examine the 504s, learning more about who they really are and what they actually want
[X] Examine recovered memory banks - The governor's son's plane had memory banks that you recovered, and decrypting them and restoring the damage may give you information as to why the starbombs fell
See if we might be able to learn more about their assassination attempt and look into the memory banks.
[X] Teaching
[X] Game with Maxwell - Continue your nightly games
[x] Integrate the Grave Tenders at Glenshade Manor into your political system, which should also boost the opinion of those in Shattersaw
[x] Hold a 'constitutional conference' to formalize politics ~10% chance of Petition for Redress if not addressed this turn
Basically we need to both of these soon. Next turn we can ask both the 504 and Dragonflies to help us beat up the cannibals, but for now this needs to happen.
[x] Jaeger Program - You've got half your forces trained as woodsmen, so perhaps you should rotate them out for your other half to receive training. Cost: 200C
[x2] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 100C per action
Prep the military for next turn's adventure.
[x] Decommission solar plant - Take down the panels, freeing up room for future expansion
All the important stuff requires this, let's get it done.
[x] Secret Police - Armin suggests that the internal network of monitoring could be given an expanded purview to enforcement. WARNING: Decreases happines, with greater effects the greater the level of democracy and democracy desire
[x] Examine recovered memory banks - The governor's son's plane had memory banks that you recovered, and decrypting them and restoring the damage may give you information as to why the starbombs fell
I don't yet trust our intelligence enough to use them as foreign spies, also these both should eventually happen.
[x] Teaching
This is needed to preserve our quality.
[x] Game with Maxwell - Continue your nightly games
If we keep this up it eventually should be automatic. Also, good relations with our husband is important.
[X] The Dragonflies won't change if you don't talk to them, so try to open up to them a bit
[X] Hold a 'constitutional conference' to formalize politics ~10% chance of Petition for Redress if not addressed this turn
-as much as I don't like what they stand for, we spent a turn with the Grave Tenders and 504's, its only fair to give them a shot...
[X] Train Militia - You have open spots and can train more militia to be called up in case of emergency
[X] Train Militia x2 - The last year proved on both sides that mere numbers are not everything and discipline and morale are key factors. You won't just train them, but you will drill them up to your standards so that they will be just as effective as your more veteran troops Req. Train Militia
[X] Jaeger Program - You've got half your forces trained as woodsmen, so perhaps you should rotate them out for your other half to receive training. Cost: 200C
[X] Vehicles? - You have the one van, but perhaps you could construct more. It's a simple enough design, and having more might let you make reliable contact with Glenshade Manor, overcoming some of your supply difficulties
[X] Investigate the 504s - Try to spy on and examine the 504s, learning more about who they really are and what they actually want
[X] Examine recovered memory banks - The governor's son's plane had memory banks that you recovered, and decrypting them and restoring the damage may give you information as to why the starbombs fell
[X] Teaching
[X] Relax - Try to find something else to do to occupy your downtime
[X] Try to entice over the remainder of the population of Amethyst Gardens
[X] Integrate the Grave Tenders at Glenshade Manor into your political system, which should also boost the opinion of those in Shattersaw
While leaving the 504s and Dragonflies is a little irksome, if we can pull Amethyst Gardens over in its entirety then we don't have obligations that stretch towards the raiders. That'll make it easier to deal with problems on that end.
As for the Grave Tenders, integration is a good opportunity. They're practically already part of our polity, so let's solidify and semi-formalize it.
[X] Jaeger Program - You've got half your forces trained as woodsmen, so perhaps you should rotate them out for your other half to receive training.
[X] Train Militia - You have open spots and can train more militia to be called up in case of emergency
[X] Train Militia x2 - The last year proved on both sides that mere numbers are not everything and discipline and morale are key factors. You won't just train them, but you will drill them up to your standards so that they will be just as effective as your more veteran troops Req. Train Militia
We're not ready to try and subjugate the raiders. Filling out our militia and training them to higher standards is going to give us a fairly strong defensive force for if and when we send our actual troops out to take care of raiders. And woodsman training for the rest is a reasonable idea.
[X] Decommission solar plant - Take down the panels, freeing up room for future expansion
We have a bit of a food surplus already. And, as a bonus, once the solar plant is down, we could perhaps set the panels up elsewhere - say, if Glenshade needs more power to operate grow lamps...
[X] Investigate the Dragonflies - Try to spy on and examine the your new in-laws, learning more about who they really are and what their goals are beyond 'domination'
[X] Investigate the 504s - Try to spy on and examine the 504s, learning more about who they really are and what they actually want
The plane keeps bugging me to investigate it, but if we're not going to spend diplomacy on the two other factions we should at least investigate them. It might reveal a way to integrate one or the other party into our political system easily, for one thing.
[X] Secondary - Improved Sap Purification
Progress is being made, so let's see if we can finish it off. Having a successful and healthy sap food product could reap *significant* diplomatic rewards. It certain adds to our value to the 504s and Dragonflies from "source of military might" to "source of military might AND new technology to help us survive".
[X] Game with Maxwell - Continue your nightly games
Some relaxation is important.
EDIT: Rather then training up soldiers, we should fill out and then improve our militia to keep our home base secure even when we're taking the troops out elsewhere.
It also helps morale (perhaps not mechanically, but still) and confidence in the government. They see the militia training, they see the emphasis on "protecting your families" and they feel safer.
@Academia Nut: We need an option to conduct, or at least prepare for, a conclusive showdown with the 504 with the goal of absorbing them. Now that the Dragonfly heir knows and appears extremely motivated by the reason he may be of use in maneuvering us into a good enough position to convince them to just submit without fighting and convince observers that we had good cause for annexing them.
Investigating the recovered data is important. It was provided supernaturally with the implication that it involved something we should be very afraid of.
[X] The Dragonflies won't change if you don't talk to them, so try to open up to them a bit
[X] Integrate the Grave Tenders at Glenshade Manor into your political system, which should also boost the opinion of those in Shattersaw
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 100C per action
[X] Train Militia - You have open spots and can train more militia to be called up in case of emergency
[X] Jaeger Program - You've got half your forces trained as woodsmen, so perhaps you should rotate them out for your other half to receive training. Cost: 200C
[X] Vehicles? - You have the one van, but perhaps you could construct more. It's a simple enough design, and having more might let you make reliable contact with Glenshade Manor, overcoming some of your supply difficulties
[X] Investigate the 504s - Try to spy on and examine the 504s, learning more about who they really are and what they actually want
[X] Examine recovered memory banks - The governor's son's plane had memory banks that you recovered, and decrypting them and restoring the damage may give you information as to why the starbombs fell
[X] Primary - Backup Fusion Reactor
[X] Game with Maxwell - Continue your nightly games
[X] Continue building a rapport with the 504s
[X] The Dragonflies won't change if you don't talk to them, so try to open up to them a bit
[X] Jaeger Program - You've got half your forces trained as woodsmen, so perhaps you should rotate them out for your other half to receive training. Cost: 200C
[X] Subjugate Raiders (2 actions) - This is going to be tough. Winning the battles is going to be easy, but holding them down and keeping their civilian population under control is going to be much, much more difficult, especially since you will be at the very end of your supply lines. Worse yet, you will have to strip away most of your garrison troops and have them be away for months, which could easily let the 504s or Dragonflies get ideas, which would be a disaster to return to. Cost: 400C WARNING: If you do not spend diplomatic actions to contact the 504s and/or Dragonflies the excluded parties are likely to attack each other while you are away
[X] Construct farm at Glenshade Manor - Sending over surplus, expand their hydroponic farm so it is sufficient to feed 1000 people
[X] Examine recovered memory banks - The governor's son's plane had memory banks that you recovered, and decrypting them and restoring the damage may give you information as to why the starbombs fell
[X] Investigate the 504s - Try to spy on and examine the 504s, learning more about whothey really are and what they actually want
[X] Secondary - Improved Sap Purification
[X] Relax - Try to find something else to do to occupy your downtime
[X] Hold a 'constitutional conference' to formalize politics ~10% chance of Petition for Redress if not addressed this turn
[X] Integrate the Grave Tenders at Glenshade Manor into your political system, which should also boost the opinion of those in Shattersaw
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (10) of Soldiers (Light Infantry). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 100C per action
[X] Train Militia - You have open spots and can train more militia to be called up in case of emergency
[X] Jaeger Program - You've got half your forces trained as woodsmen, so perhaps you should rotate them out for your other half to receive training. Cost: 200C
[x] Decommission solar plant - Take down the panels, freeing up room for future expansion
This will give us room to set up the hospital. After they have been intigrated, then we can finish the hydroponics farm at Glen-shade. This also lets the civilians have a chance at setting up stuff in the space, which might end up be some of the things we want set up but don't have the action slots for.
[X] Investigate the 504s - Try to spy on and examine the 504s, learning more about who they really are and what they actually want
[X] Examine recovered memory banks - The governor's son's plane had memory banks that you recovered, and decrypting them and restoring the damage may give you information as to why the starbombs fell
[X] Primary - Backup Fusion Reactor
With this finished, we won't have to worry abut fusion tech being lost, and be able to focus on sap purification and other infrastructure technologies.
[X] Game with Maxwell - Continue your nightly games
Select up to 2 options
[X] Integrate the Grave Tenders at Glenshade Manor into your political system, which should also boost the opinion of those in Shattersaw
[X] Hold a 'constitutional conference' to formalize politics ~10% chance of Petition for Redress if not addressed this turn
There is plenty you could do, but you are currently limited by numbers. If you can't get the Dragonflies and 504s on board for subjugating the raiders right now it might be better to take this opportunity to bulk up your military forces. Of course, you still need more people. It's aggravating.
Select up to 3 options
[X] Train Militia - You have open spots and can train more militia to be called up in case of emergency
[X] Train Militia x2 - The last year proved on both sides that mere numbers are not everything and discipline and morale are key factors. You won't just train them, but you will drill them up to your standards so that they will be just as effective as your more veteran troops Req. Train Militia
[X] Jaeger Program - You've got half your forces trained as woodsmen, so perhaps you should rotate them out for your other half to receive training. Cost: 200C
Your new economic situation has some benefits. Unfortunately with your current space restrictions there is something of a drawback since you can't directly mobilize the same resources you could before.
Select up to 1 option. 2 more options will be selected, but may not be from this list
[X] Decommission solar plant - Take down the panels, freeing up room for future expansion
With the laws on the book and an internal spy network set up, Armin is quite pleased with your security situation but he thinks that more could be done. So much more.
Pick up to 2 options
[X] Investigate the 504s - Try to spy on and examine the 504s, learning more about who they really are and what they actually want
[X] Examine recovered memory banks - The governor's son's plane had memory banks that you recovered, and decrypting them and restoring the damage may give you information as to why the starbombs fell
Research goes well, with the only major question being how you will assign the research institute this year.
[X] Teaching
Your relationship with Maxwell is now something more than what you might call 'politically enforced', what with spending time with him last year and the birth of your daughters. Your game nights are fun, although perhaps you might like to pursue your own hobbies. Or maybe you should spend time improving your ability to manage things, since half of your aggravation has been dealing with all the minutiae of building a functioning polity. Also, now that you think about it, your councillors have been getting a bit better at their jobs and you certainly benefited from learning more about Maxwell, so perhaps spending some time with one of them might be useful.
Select up to 1 option
[X] Game with Maxwell - Continue your nightly games