But Dia only gives a one personal action bonus, so one action vanishes into thin air

Dia gives two additional actions because of who she is, but if she wants to take enough time off to get an additional personal action she has to sacrifice both.

All the other sources of energy you mention will provide at the very most two orders of magnitude less energy than photosynthesis (and that is assuming that the life here can make fairly efficient natural fission reactors). If you want more energy flux going through the ecology, have you considered organisms with natural fusion power?

The plants have drained enough energy from the interior of the planet that tectonic drift has slowed and mountain building can no longer keep up with the plant derived erosion. Photosynthesis is still capturing most of the solar energy incident on the planet, its just that each individual tree doesn't necessarily have to have a canopy coverage of several square kilometres because there are other sources of energy to tap.

Does the fire-hazard mean that underground settlements also could not be hidden?

Not the fire hazard, no, but if you have trees on top of your settlement, you have trees digging their roots into your settlement, so yes, you will have an open patch of forest, if only because you will end up killing the trees on top to keep them from killing you.

@Academia Nut: Do we have to be president of Shattersaw to initiate reforms?

To initiate the reforms, yes.

@Academia Nut, what's the difference in combat effectiveness of one SAW per squad versus two SAWs per squad versus three SAWs per squad?

Mobility goes down with each additional SAW. The additional firepower of two makes them more effective than just one, but at three the loss of mobility is such that you would probably be better served hauling around a single light autocannon (or better yet, a SAW and a LAC) instead. It's like asking why modern militaries don't arm their squads with as many machine guns as they have soldiers.
You can start with hydroponic adaptation if you want to do some degree of tree shaping. Do note that the branches will respond better than the roots. Also, that the ground is roots. Like, a not inconsiderable portion of the lithosphere is composed of "plants" (again, they're only analogous to Terran plants, so they have their own properties).
You can start with hydroponic adaptation if you want to do some degree of tree shaping. Do note that the branches will respond better than the roots. Also, that the ground is roots. Like, a not inconsiderable portion of the lithosphere is composed of "plants" (again, they're only analogous to Terran plants, so they have their own properties).
Given how the trees are apparently ludicrously metallic I now have the image of our descendents mining roots to forge into ships to traverse the cold void of space.
2) It also ensures that they need to take more care, because this is obviously a response to their botched spying. We're increasing defensibility such that they'd either have to approach us diplomatically, or attempt to attack via guerilla warfare in a forest we know far better than them. This has been confirmed by Academia Nut, sufficient AA saturation means no troop drops of cybercommandoes and our settlements are too hardened to damage without expending resources they can't replace

A forest we know far better than the people who have been conducting routine military operations in it for years? We are not going to be able to threaten The Authority. No, we can't even give them a bloody nose while they obliterate us. No, light spitball launchers do nothing to change that. Even if they have to deploy their absolutely overwhelming force of "run up vertical walls like they are flat ground" jetpack heavy cyborg supersoldiers in the forest they know better than us and can operate far better in they still have untouchable pre-fall ground attack craft, bombers, strategic anti-warship missiles, automatic indirect-fire microdrone airburst grenades, self-guided indirect fire armor-piercing portable missiles, more militia than we have humans, an established fortress already inside Shattersaw, orbital bombardment options, Zeus-only-knows what sort of artillery support, cyborg psykers capable of mind-controlling hundreds of people to charge into combat, ample opportunity to pre-emplace explosives and other sabotage before attacking using their superspies who have already successfully infiltrated us multiple times, the option of offering the unhappy high-ranking-but-dispossessed nobles in the Dragonflies holdings in the area in exchange for overthrowing the mere baron currently in charge, etc etc.

Trying to play the deterrence game with The Authority is a waste of resources at best.

All da land trains!

We really need to get around to recon in the woods.

It feels kinda weird to finally run into another faction who isn't running a gestapo.

Look, getting an extra personal action because our population supported going for broke over a rare major upgrade was a lucky break, but we really should not be trying to bankrupt ourselves just to leave Dia unable to act. This is not a realistic goal to shoot for routinely.

Aeronautics is 60RP from completion, and would open the whole world to us. Tech trade, alliances, intel collection, skilled immigration, etc.

Artificial Intelligence would improve our research on its own, and further improve the boost from networking, while opening up Industrial Automation II, which is only 173RP from completion.

Grand Caravan looks interesting, as does Quad Mech.

I want to know a little bit more about Recreational Plants. It seems odd that they would have much important use when we already have Pharm II, but we know from Medicinal Plants II that the local drugs can have some very exotic effects. These might be a form of mental upgrade.

What is Vehicle Reactor Reinforcement? Is it really adjusting the BFRs and IFRs for use in vehicles? What kind of vehicles need that kind of power?

[X] Talk with the Authority

[X] Drill Militia

[X] Upgrade Military (SAWs) 60x - 3000C

[X] Upgrade Military (Light Autocannons) 200xAAA - 5000C

[X] Command Centre Design

[X] Take one military action off for a Personal action.

[X] Build Land Trains x8 - 1600C

[X] Decommission Glenshade Manor Solar Plant

[X] Proving Grounds (Dragonflies would like this built)

[X] Basic Cybernetics 970/1000

[X] Materials Science I 0/300

Light spitball launchers do nothing for us which the SAWs can't do better, and we really need to get some recon done in the woods.

[X] MRP - Howitzer 0/300

Bigger guns help quite a lot here.

Then research EM Field Guns and get free EM AAA in the bargain.

What, exactly, are bigger guns going to help with? SAWs can take on anything which we haven't been told will require heavy EM fire. Are you going to try to hit aircraft with howitzers?

We traded it to them with the hopes that they'll complete the research, but it seems like they did some thing else

Yes... what did they do with all that gateway tech?

We need the addtional personal action from skipping one Military unless we want one of the following to be skipped:
-Shattersaw Election
-Miranda's Psyker Training
-Spending time with the rest of our children because they're getting jealous of Miranda/feeling neglected after 3-4 years doing nothing with them.

The last one is better to skip than blowing all of our funds just to tie our hands.

We could just drop the Drill Militia for this turn and get to work on Anne. We really do not want the Intrigue heavy twin to be a problem so we need some attention for her. Right Now.

Lets not pull Emperor (TM) Bad Parenting

Better option: nullify Anna. We don't have the resources to deal with this, and we don't want her on the Dragonfly throne anyway.

Because they aren't trained for full auto squad weapons, as we've voted to restrict SAWs to military only.

They are military, and they have used SAWs before. Restricting SAWs to civilians meant no private purchases, not that they couldn't be used by formal militia units.

Because you guys voted for it as our bribe, we should use the military research slot to learn the missile launcher design.

Not necessarily. The fact that we made a stupid decision does not compel us to double down on the stupid.

Also, none of us are interested in maybe trading tech with the Machine Heads? We've been talking about it for a while, and once we steal all of their tech...I mean trade it in a fair and affordable manner...we can lower down the number of actions we have to choose from later.

They don't really have much. They're an offshoot of the 504, who we have already completely looted, and the only tech they appear to have researched on their own is the mech shop, which they don't want to trade and which isn't a lot of use to us in any case.
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Concert announced!

The 20th anniversary of Starfall will be marked with vigils for the lost, feasts for the living and now a three hour long violin solo from Greengraft's own Leonora Bartoli. Bartoli, age 43, will be performing an original piece titled the Triumph or Icarus at the Starfall Memorial the night of the anniversary to all who would attend. The musical piece, kept under strict secrecy before the reveal, is reported to be a haunting saga of loss and painful rebirth mirroring both the original mythic figure and the plight of all those who have lived both before and after the tragedy.

Bartoli was hailed as a musical prodigy when she attended the Avarian Harmonic Seminary in Shattersaw, and while she has made her living harvesting sap in the forests outside Glenshade Manor for the past ten years to support her family of three children and husband (deceased), Leonora never lost her love of music. But now she has promised to play once more before everyone, keeping art alive and reminding us all that much of what was once thought lost still surrounds us even now.

Astute readers may recall her name listed among those maimed in the windstorms of last year. While she, like other survivors of the event, were treated at the Grand Memorial Hospital her arm was severed by falling leaves. Ms. Bartoli's magnum opus will be assisted by a cybernetic arm grafted to her body for the duration of the event. Before our readers become too excited of the news, however, hospital staff have urged us to inform our readers that this prosthetic is at the moment a limited tool for a limited engagement; rather than receiving a signal from her brain the arm has been carefully and painstakingly programmed to help her play for the evening.

A number of high-profile attendees are expected for the event; Baron Maxwell's personal secretary wasted little time in RSVPing for the event, and Baroness Stone has likewise announced plans to attend. President Simpson has not officially accepted an invitation, but is expected to attend in light of Major Danzig of the Authority for the Restoration Effort's statement that he is "most curious" to hear Ms. Bartoli play.
I'd certainly like it if it was, but that's mostly just for ego-stroking on my part. Normally I'd try to make it longer so it doesn't feel so short, but as I'm trying to emulate the Networked Archival Tool equivalent of a newspaper clipping....

Yeah, I like how the actual bonus you're going for is pretty incidental to what the Omake is about. A lot of the omakes are 'this guy discovers this thing' and all, whereas this one is actually about music, and a growing culture (that appreciate music and has the time and energy to spend at least an evening doing so on a special occasion) among other things.
Changing vote

[X] Seek more immigrants from the Free Volunteers populations

[X] Attempt to perform a tech trade with the Machine Heads

[X] 150 SAWS for 7500c

[X] Command Centre Design - With the completion of the proving grounds and military academy, your thoughts now turn towards the fact that as your military grows there will be even more needed, although the idea is a long term project

[X] Hunt Aliens in the Woods - Well, you know what the Authority are hunting in the woods now, and they sound unpleasant, to say the least, so you suppose you could join in, although it would be dangerous. Cost: 600C. WARNING: Bad or no things can happen with this

[X] Trade in fourth and fifth Military action for an extra Personal action

[X] 8 land trains for 1600c

[X] Decommission Glenshade Manor Solar Plant

[X] Proving Grounds (Dragonflies would like this built)

[X] Aeronautics I 190/250

[X] material science I 0/300
Yeah, I like how the actual bonus you're going for is pretty incidental to what the Omake is about. A lot of the omakes are 'this guy discovers this thing' and all, whereas this one is actually about music, and a growing culture (that appreciate music and has the time and energy to spend at least an evening doing so on a special occasion) among other things.

The original version of this focused more on the rehab, but this just felt better.

Also, to everyone voting for Aeronautics, might I entice you to change your vote to Artificial Intelligence I instead? I'm working on another omake for Aeronautics, so hopefully that'll get done without too much muss and fuss.
[] Seek more immigrants from the Free Volunteers populations
[] Coordinate with the Dragonflies
[x] Coordinate with with the 504s
[x] Talk with the Machine Heads
[] Attempt to perform a tech trade with the Machine Heads
[] Talk with the Authority

[] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating eight squads squad (80) of Soldiers (Jaegers) with 1 SAW per squad. REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3, etc.) Cost: 2160C per action (need to buy guns and armour now)
[] Drill Militia - You've been inducting your best militamen into the regular army, it may be time to drill the recruits again
[x] Upgrade Military (SAWs) - 94 SAWs
[x] Upgrade Military (Light Autocannons) - 200 LACs with AA mounting, 50 LACs without AA mounting
[] Upgrade Mechs - Current Inventory: 4 Forestry Mechs, 2 with compact reactors. You can begin militarizing your mechs, turning them from industrial tools into weapons of war, properly armed and armoured for the task. Cost: 300C/mech plus weapons and reactors if necessary. Specify number of mechs to militarize, what armaments will be attached will be decided after
[X] Command Centre Design - With the completion of the proving grounds and military academy, your thoughts now turn towards the fact that as your military grows there will be even more needed, although the idea is a long term project
[] Hunt Aliens in the Woods - Well, you know what the Authority are hunting in the woods now, and they sound unpleasant, to say the least, so you suppose you could join in, although it would be dangerous. Cost: 600C. WARNING: Bad or no things can happen with this

AN: You get +1 Military action for your education trait, and +1 for having a Martial skill of 25 or higher. If you want an extra personal action, you must be doing only 3 military actions


With the reactor in Glenshade Manor complete and your industry now running more UAMs, you have considerably more economic activities you can get up to.

Select 2 option
[] Construct new building - You can copy an existing building now (please specify). Time required: Variable WARNING: Will be housed in locally sourced material building and can suffer attrition
[] Build new Backup Fusion Reactor - It will take quite a lot of your industrial output, but you can build a new Backup Fusion Reactor to provide more power. Cost: 500C, 1 turn
[] Build new Industrial Fusion Reactor - It will take a huge amount of your industrial output, but you can build a new Industrial Fusion Reactor to provide more power. Cost: 800C, 2 turns
[] Build Mechs - These are complex machines requiring a lot of parts, so building one from scratch is not easy. Cost: 450C/mech, up to 4 mechs a year (will specify composition of military or forestry in later voting)
[x] Build Land Trains x8
[x] Decommission Glenshade Manor Solar Plant

-[x] Send it to Shattersaw

[x] Multi-Purpose Teaching and Research Complex (504s would like you to build this)
[] Chemical Refinery (504s likely to one)
[] Barracks
[] Hunting Lodge
[] Proving Grounds (Dragonflies would like this built)
[] Military Academy
[] Machine Shop
[] Hydroponic Farm (Dragonflies likely to build one)
[] Manual Manufactory

[x] Artificial Intelligence I 105/500

Available Mutual Research Projects (please preface with MRP)
[] Plasma Cutter Refinement 10/300 (1.5x vote weight)
[] Plasma Physics II 4/1000
[] Laser Physics I 0/400
[x] Materials Science I 0/300
[] Aeronautics I 190/250
[] Howitzer 0/300 (1.5x vote weight)
[] Rotary Autocannon 3/300

@Academia Nut what can be done to increase the number of Shattersaw actions? If we wanted to build more than one thing at a time, would we need to do something there?
With 191 SAWs we'd be able to arm our entire militia with 1 SAW per squad (we have 1909 militia currently). So the 170/179 SAW orders people are proposing could be practically used.

I do think that the LACs will have a fair degree of use, though just like the missile launchers, I think they are not going to be as great as people are hoping at being anti-Authority weapons. However, we still have other potential enemies, and light artillery will still be useful against them.

Not the fire hazard, no, but if you have trees on top of your settlement, you have trees digging their roots into your settlement, so yes, you will have an open patch of forest, if only because you will end up killing the trees on top to keep them from killing you.

Yeah, I'm thinking my idea for secret settlements is really not practical at all.

The plants have drained enough energy from the interior of the planet that tectonic drift has slowed and mountain building can no longer keep up with the plant derived erosion. Photosynthesis is still capturing most of the solar energy incident on the planet, its just that each individual tree doesn't necessarily have to have a canopy coverage of several square kilometres because there are other sources of energy to tap.

That is still orders of magnitude less than the energy a planet gets from sunlight hitting the surface.

A single tree with a canopy of several square kilometers is much larger than anything I was imagining either.

However, 40k isn't high on the Mohs scale of SF-hardness, so I don't think you should worry about it too much.

@Academia Nut: Let me know if any of those welfare ideas from the post linked above would be allowed. Personally, I would like to see a baby box and a hardship fund established. Would they be something that could be combined into a single economy action to roll out?

[X] Seek more immigrants from the Free Volunteers populations
[X] Attempt to perform a tech trade with the Machine Heads

[X] Drill Militia
[X] Upgrade Military (SAWs)
-[X] Purchase 170 SAWs for 8500 C
[X] Command Centre Design
[X] Trade in fourth and fifth Military action for an extra Personal action

[X] Build Land Trains
-[X] Build 8 Land Trains for 1600 C
[X] Decommission Glenshade Manor Solar Plant
[X] Build a Multi-Purpose Teaching and Research Complex in Shattersaw

[X] Artificial Intelligence I 105/500
[X] MRP Materials Science I 0/300
X] Seek more immigrants from the Free Volunteers populations
[X] Attempt to perform a tech trade with the Machine Heads

[X] Drill Militia
[X] Upgrade Military (SAWs)
-[X] Purchase 170 SAWs for 8500 C
[X] Command Centre Design
[X] Trade in fourth and fifth Military action for an extra Personal action

[X] Build Land Trains
-[X] Build 8 Land Trains for 1600 C
[X] Decommission Glenshade Manor Solar Plant
[X] Build a Multi-Purpose Teaching and Research Complex in Shattersaw

[X] Artificial Intelligence I 105/500
[X] MRP Materials Science I 0/300

This seems like the least bad option.
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I've said this before. To repeat: if The Authority cannot find all our bases they cannot conquer us.
We know that the authority has the ability to enter orbit. The primary complexity of a satellite intelligence network is getting to orbit. Thus, it's reasonable to conclude they have spy satellites looking down on us and would send a shuttle to inspect any wide scale deforestation needed for building another settlement.

Thankfully we know they didn't inherit the pre-existing network of major satellites, but that doesn't mean there aren't smaller satellites for them to take control.

This is before we even start to talk about how many people need to be employed in this effort, for those numbers are large enough to make any attempt at hiding the effort absurd.

@Academia Nut: Let me know if any of those welfare ideas from the post linked above would be allowed. Personally, I would like to see a baby box and a hardship fund established. Would they be something that could be combined into a single economy action to roll out?

It should be noted that the party currently in power is the party which proposed the original welfare scheme, and while we know their political program has dramatically changed since then, it's plausible that portion of their platform is still present.

On the other hand, do you know what the best way to get a specific proposal like this before us is? It's to write up a story in which such a proposal is submitted to the government.

Lastly, is there a reason you sign your name at the end of your posts? The board has a signature for exactly that sort of personal touch, and one of rightly disliked people whose actions led to the creation of this web-board had exactly that annoying habit.
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You know, I wonder if one of the biggest impacts of the trains won't be the external exploration, but internal unification as the effective distance between our towns collapses.

For example, depending on distances people may be able to commute to work between settlements.
Stumbling over Success

Jers Kelit had never been someone who people would describe as "friendly looking". He had a very serious personality, bordering on dour much of the time, which reflected in the lines of his face. That his face was also marred with many small nicks and scars from his time in the forest, or his service with the militia, didn't help.
Right now, he wasn't just "not friendly", but downright furious.

"What the drek were you thinking?" he hissed at his son Delv with a glare, waving to where a squad of Jaegers had, for lack of a better term, taken custody of what was unmistakably a young Roachrhino. A very young one, if his eyes didn't betray him. Obviously nervous, though the canister of tree sap that a girl was presenting it seemed to help keep it from outright panicking.

"Capturing animals - ANY animal - is a job for a large team of very experienced, very well-trained, and very well-equipped hunters, woodsmen, and Jaegers. NOT two students who haven't even finished their apprenticeship, and whose ONLY duty it was to accompany the sap gatherers to safely get some more experience in the forest itself!"

"We didn't capture it!" Delv protested.

"Oh?" Jers drawled. "I suppose I'm hallucinating that huge, armored critter over there, then? Or maybe you're telling me that you stumbled over it somehow?"

"Yes!" Delv answered, earning a confused glare from his father. "We did stumble over it, kinda…"

"Explain," his father prompted him with a frown.

"Well, okay. The group we were with had reached their work area, and we - that is, Krinn and I - figured that it was kinda boring to just stand around, and not really getting us much 'experience' in the forest. So we went to the supervisor to ask him whether we could help to patrol the inner perimeter, because it could give us some actual experience. And I figured that it might let me shoot a Tree Louse or two for dinner, and… well… erm…"

"Out with it, boy!" his father scowled.

"I… er… kinda like spending time alone with Krinn," Delv admitted somewhat bashfully, but then quickly pressed on. "The supervisor figured with other hunters and militiamen patrolling the outer perimeter it should be safe enough, so he gave us the okay. We went out, kept up regular check-ins with the group via radio, took out some pests, called in when we came across anything dangerous, like Grenade Fruit, and so on. Except that, well, we came across this little guy besides his dead mother. I'm not sure what killed her, or why they were alone, rather than with a herd. Krinn wanted to just kill him and get a bonus for all the meat and the skin and carapace, but I remembered how they were trying to figure out how to tame and domesticate these, and how you'd you'd gotten favors for bringing the whitecoats pieces of meat for study when they'd still been working on that, so I convinced her that we should at least try and bring it back, so they could try out their theories on it. Except that, well, I didn't have a clue how we'd manage that, until Krinn remembered that her dad had accompanied some whitecoats when they'd been studying what the animals here eat, and how Roachrhinos had that horn so they could get through treebark and at the sap, so she stayed there while I went back to the group, convinced the supervisor of the idea, and returned with some canisters of raw tree sap. Krinn fed it, getting it to follow us, and, well, here we are…"

Trailing off, Delv shrunk in a bit on himself as his father's glare intensified. He had to admit that in hindsight it really was a strange story, and probably not the smartest, but at the time it had all seemed like a really good idea.

"Fine," his father grumbled after a while. "So you and… Krinn… were just being incredibly reckless and stupid, rather than suicidally so. Doesn't mean you're going to get off punishment-free. Let's start with grounding you for the next three months, during which time you will also be doing all of the chores in the house. And no network-access, either. In fact, I think I'll take away your datapad altogether until your punishment is over. I will also be talking with your mother about what further measures we should take, so that something like this won't happen again."

"Yes, father," Delv sighed. He definitely wasn't looking forward to the near future, in particular the long rants and lectures he'd undoubtedly get from his mother. But watching Krinn how she was feeding the Roachrhino calf with a grin - a grin that widened when she noticed him looking at her and prompted a smile of his own - he figured that it was worth it.
It should be noted that the party currently in power is the party which proposed the original welfare scheme, and while we know their political program has dramatically changed since then, it's plausible that portion of their platform is still present.

On the other hand, do you know what the best way to get a specific proposal like this before us is? It's to write up a story in which such a proposal is submitted to the government.

That is a really useful insight. Now would be a very good time to get a decent social safety net put in place. Since Dia has the power of the purse, something like a wealth subsidy or negative wealth tax might even be within her exclusive authority.
@Academia Nut: Let me know if any of those welfare ideas from the post linked above would be allowed. Personally, I would like to see a baby box and a hardship fund established. Would they be something that could be combined into a single economy action to roll out?

They're possible, but part of the problem is that your society is still small enough that a lot of social welfare is adequately taken care of by personal networks of friends and family, and there is enough room to grow and expand still that a lot of people have taken up something of a pioneer mentality. No one will starve or go without a home the way things are, and if you need a job there is always sap gathering to fall back on. As it currently stands your population is more interested in military spending than social work... in large part because the population admires you.
They're possible, but part of the problem is that your society is still small enough that a lot of social welfare is adequately taken care of by personal networks of friends and family, and there is enough room to grow and expand still that a lot of people have taken up something of a pioneer mentality. No one will starve or go without a home the way things are, and if you need a job there is always sap gathering to fall back on. As it currently stands your population is more interested in military spending than social work... in large part because the population admires you.
I love the way society is becoming a bunch of militant freethinkers. Hopefully it will be enough do that the imperium does not steam rollover us.
Instead of stubbornly insisting on provoking The Authority, we might look into merging with them. That would probably be too much to hope for normally, but they at least claim that Greengraft is the most sophisticated faction they have encountered, their ruler is extraordinarily young and reliant on psychic abilities to maintain his position, and the most likely heir of Greengraft is an attractive, gregarious, noble, natural-born (inheritable) psyker.