Hmm, we have 280 soldiers. We'll have at least 320 this turn. That means I'd want 64 SAWs total, which means I want to build 49 SAWs this turn. Well that's pretty unlikely.
Current leading number of SAWs is 29, we'd have 44. 1 per squad and 12 extras. That's alright I guess. Not optimal, but it'll tide us over.
hmmm... roachrhino domestication 220/300 is also nearly finished... but maybe an omake about it can complete it this turn?
Damn, the soldier numbers were wrong. We have 28 squads and 15 SAWs, so we need 41 for current amounts. With training and auto-growth, that should be 35 squads and 15 SAWs, so really the number should be 50. And, hell, if it's that close to cap, might as well go for 60 for future-proofing. 60*150 = 9000 C, add in training for 1400 C and the 600 for networking and that's 11000 C.

Expensive, but we can do it; we get 14k for income. And that means we've got 2 SAWs per squad for the next year or two, and more or less will have one per squad for the foreseeable future.

[X] Trade with the Machine Heads
[X] Coordinate with the Dragonflies

[X] Train Soldiers
[X] Upgrade Military (SAWs)
-[X] Purchase 60 SAWs

[X] Upgrade Archival Tools to be networked together

[X] Barracks (own public and Dragonflies would like this)

[X] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police
[X] Investigate the Machine Heads

[X] Land Train 0/200
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[X] Seek more immigrants from the Free Volunteers populations
[X] Trade with the Machine Heads

[X] Train Soldiers
[X] Upgrade Military (SAWs)
-[X] Purchase 60 SAWs

[X] Upgrade Archival Tools to be networked together

[X] Barracks (own public and Dragonflies would like this)

[X] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police
[X] Investigate the Machine Heads

[X] Land Train 0/200
Last edited:
[X] Train Soldiers
[X] Upgrade Military (SAWs)
-[X] Purchase 60 SAWs

[X] Upgrade Archival Tools to be networked together

[X] Barracks (own public and Dragonflies would like this)

[X] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police
[X] Investigate the Machine Heads

[X] Land Train 0/200

Appeals to the OCD in me and doesn't break the bank barring exceptional circumstances.
... I'm frustrated, yet satisfied. I want SAWs. I've been pushing for SAWs for (in-game) years. And now, finally, others see the light.

Btw your new votes are missing the diplomacy section, which bothers me, but the voting program will probably catch your old vote anyways, so don't mind me.

[X] Talk with the Authority
[X] Trade with the Machine Heads

[X] Train Soldiers
[X] Upgrade Military (SAWs)
-[X] Purchase 60 SAWs

[X] Upgrade Archival Tools to be networked together

[X] Barracks (own public and Dragonflies would like this)

[X] Dig into the 504s
[X] Investigate the Machine Heads

[X] Land Train 0/200
Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] Seek more immigrants from the Free Volunteers populations
No. of votes: 21
veekie, markksim, tenchifew, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, trewsad55, Thrice-Blessed22, SuperSonicSound, Chaeronea, Hazardine, wingstrike96, hunter09, The Laurent, Strypgia, vel10, Katreus, piebox, Doomsough, racnor, Odysseus2099, Hannz

[X] Trade with the Machine Heads
No. of votes: 27
veekie, butchock, sebsmith, markksim, tenchifew, fitzgerald, Arbit, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, trewsad55, Thrice-Blessed22, SuperSonicSound, Chaeronea, Hazardine, wingstrike96, hunter09, The Laurent, Strypgia, vel10, Katreus, piebox, Doomsough, racnor, Odysseus2099, CircleTheSkies, Hannz, redzonejoe

[X] Talk with the Authority
No. of votes: 4
butchock, fitzgerald, Arbit, redzonejoe

[x] Coordinate with the Dragonflies
No. of votes: 2
sebsmith, CircleTheSkies

[X] Train Soldiers
No. of votes: 26
veekie, butchock, sebsmith, markksim, tenchifew, fitzgerald, Arbit, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, trewsad55, SuperSonicSound, Hazardine, wingstrike96, hunter09, The Laurent, Strypgia, vel10, Katreus, piebox, Doomsough, racnor, Odysseus2099, CircleTheSkies, Hannz,, redzonejoe
[x] Train Soldiers Cost: 1400C per action (need to buy guns and armour now)
No. of votes: 1

[x] Train Soldiers (x2) Cost: 1400C per action (need to buy guns and armour now)
No. of votes: 1
[X] Train Soldiers x2
No. of votes: 11
veekie, sebsmith, markksim, tenchifew, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, SuperSonicSound, Hazardine, wingstrike96, hunter09, piebox
[X] Train Soldiers 2x
No. of votes: 1

[X] Command Centre Design
No. of votes: 3
Thrice-Blessed22, Katreus, racnor
[X] Command Centre Design - With the completion of the proving grounds and military academy, your thoughts now turn towards the fact that as your military grows there will be even more needed, although the idea is a long term project
No. of votes: 17
veekie, butchock, markksim, tenchifew, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, trewsad55, SuperSonicSound, Chaeronea, Hazardine, wingstrike96, hunter09, The Laurent, vel10, piebox, Doomsough, Odysseus2099

[X] Hunt Aliens in the Woods
No. of votes: 1

[X] Upgrade Military (SAWs) - 10 SAWs
No. of votes: 1
[X] Upgrade Military (SAWs)
No. of votes: 10
Arbit, vel10, Katreus, Doomsough, racnor, Odysseus2099, CircleTheSkies, Hannz,, redzonejoe
[X] 10 SAWS
No. of votes: 1
[X] Buy 10 SAWs
No. of votes: 1
The Laurent
[X] Upgrade Military (SAWs) â€" 10 SAWs, 1500C
No. of votes: 1
-[X] Purchase 29 SAWs
No. of votes: 1
-[X] 29 SAWs
No. of votes: 3
Katreus, Doomsough, Odysseus2099
-[X] 60 SAWs
No. of votes: 1
-[X] Purchase 60 SAWs
No. of votes: 4
CircleTheSkies, Hannz,, redzonejoe

[X] Upgrade Archival Tools to be networked together. Cost: 600C + maintenance each turn (3% of population in C)
No. of votes: 24
veekie, butchock, sebsmith, markksim, tenchifew, fitzgerald, Arbit, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, trewsad55, Thrice-Blessed22, SuperSonicSound, Chaeronea, Hazardine, wingstrike96, hunter09, The Laurent, Strypgia, vel10, Katreus, piebox, Doomsough, racnor, Odysseus2099
[X] Upgrade Archival Tools to be networked together
No. of votes: 4
CircleTheSkies, Hannz,, redzonejoe

[X] Barracks (own public and Dragonflies would like this)
No. of votes: 27
veekie, butchock, sebsmith, markksim, tenchifew, fitzgerald, Arbit, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, trewsad55, SuperSonicSound, Chaeronea, Hazardine, wingstrike96, hunter09, The Laurent, Strypgia, vel10, Katreus, piebox, Doomsough, racnor, Odysseus2099, CircleTheSkies, Hannz,, redzonejoe
[X] Barracks (own public and Dragonflies would like this) - Shattersaw
No. of votes: 1

[X] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police
No. of votes: 17
veekie, markksim, tenchifew, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, SuperSonicSound, Hazardine, wingstrike96, hunter09, The Laurent, Katreus, piebox, Doomsough, Odysseus2099, CircleTheSkies, Hannz,
[X] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police - The Dragonflies have a sophisticated internal security network for keeping their own people in line, it might be a good idea to try to get your own operatives inside if you want to perform further operations with them
No. of votes: 3
butchock, Arbit, Chaeronea

[X] Investigate 504s technology
No. of votes: 13
veekie, sebsmith, tenchifew, fitzgerald, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, SuperSonicSound, Hazardine, wingstrike96, hunter09, The Laurent, Strypgia, Odysseus2099

[X] Investigate the Machine Heads
No. of votes: 13
butchock, sebsmith, fitzgerald, trewsad55, Thrice-Blessed22, Katreus, piebox, Doomsough, racnor, CircleTheSkies, Hannz,, redzonejoe

[X] Dig into the 504s - The 504s have secrets, you just need to get at them
No. of votes: 5
Arbit, trewsad55, Thrice-Blessed22, Strypgia, racnor
[X] Dig into the 504s
No. of votes: 1

[x] Investigate Dragonflies technology
No. of votes: 1
-[x] Specifically target Cloning Tank Design
No. of votes: 1

[X] Land Train 0/200
No. of votes: 20
veekie, butchock, markksim, tenchifew, NegativeHorizon, Kelenas, Thrice-Blessed22, SuperSonicSound, Chaeronea, Hazardine, wingstrike96, hunter09, piebox, Doomsough, racnor, Odysseus2099, CircleTheSkies, Hannz,, redzonejoe
[X] Land train
No. of votes: 1

[x] Basic Cybernetics 847/1000
No. of votes: 1

[X] Roachrhino Domestication 220/300
No. of votes: 1

[X] Improved Teaching Methods II 6/320
No. of votes: 1
[X] Improved Teaching Methods II
No. of votes: 1

[X] Seek more immigrants from the Free Volunteers populations
[X] Trade with the Machine Heads

[X] Train Soldiers - 1400C
[X] Upgrade Military - 10 SAWs - 1500C
[X] Command Centre Design

[X] Upgrade Archival Tools to be networked together. Cost: 600C + maintenance each turn (3% of population in C)
[X] Barracks (own public and Dragonflies would like this) - 200C

[X] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police
[QM] Investigate 504s technology

[X] Land Train 0/200

Next round of voting shortly. Also, I will give you a chance to review how many SAWs you want.
[X] Seek more immigrants from the Free Volunteers populations
[X] Trade with the Machine Heads

[X] Train Soldiers - 1400C
[X] Upgrade Military - 10 SAWs - 1500C
[X] Command Centre Design

[X] Upgrade Archival Tools to be networked together. Cost: 600C + maintenance each turn (3% of population in C)
Private Actions
-[X] Multipurpose Teaching and Learning Complex (Amethyst Gardens)
-[X] Machine Guns!
[X] Barracks (own public and Dragonflies would like this) - 200C
-[X] Guns!

-[504] Backup Fusion Reactor
-[DF] 20 Light Autocannons

[X] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police
[QM] Investigate 504s technology

[X] Land Train 0/200

Current Project Net Income: 9724C

The discussion of the year's projects grinds to a halt for a bit as you discover that somewhere along the line your Legate got old economic and troop data and thus he has to pause and consider whether or not his initially very conservative call for new SAWs is entirely appropriate, although calls for a larger order causes all sorts of arguments among the council over whether you should wait for the UAM design project to complete for maximum cost effectiveness versus having enough weapons to meet any surprises you will encounter.

Change SAW order?
[] No, keep it as is
[] Yes, change the size of the order
-[] Order size

The question then comes up on whether or not to switch your chemical refinery over to research or not. Moving it from production to research will cost you about 3000C/year in maintenance and reduced economic activity from its product.

Refinery activity
[] Keep it economic
[] Do research
- [] Which project?

This also brings you to the shiny new proving grounds your gunsmiths have financed, which can be used to test weaponry or military concepts.

Assign Proving Grounds
[] Aid AAA mounting research
[] Aid Command Centre Design research
[] Plasma Cutter Refinement
[] Howitzer
[] EM Field Gun Design
[] Mech Militarization

This then brings you to what to do with your teaching centres. One will have to remain teaching, while the other you can move around a bit if you want.

For the Research and Teaching Centre
[] Keep as is (training two batches of academics)
[] Research centre for AAA mounting
[] Research centre for UAM Design
[] Research centre for chemistry project (if selected)
[] Research centre for weapons project (if selected)

In between all of that, in the idle moments where you're not fighting the alien knowledge stuck in your brain, you consider what to do with your time.

Select up to 2 options (All are at weighting 0.5+d.10x)
[] Make a pilgrimage to a temple
[] Work on Stewardship - Chance of increasing your base Stewardship score
[] Help your daughters with their homework
[] Try to work with Anna specifically
[] Try to work with Mirande specifically
[] Try to work with Victoria specifically
[] Spend time with one of your councillors
- [] Specify which
[] Study Grave Keeper's Memoirs
[] Meditate on the alien knowledge
[] Meditate on your own mind
[] Diplomacy action or Shattersaw Economic action
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So, take an action to try and unfuck our brain? Or keep working on the alien knowledge to hopefully help counter the brewing shitstorm?
Shouldn't we still have enough Artisans to train new ones this year, at least withone (or one half) RTC?

If we don't, could we temporarily shut down one of the Machine Shops to free up the necessary Artisans for training?

You do. What you don't have is enough academics to switch that one over to research, so it is staying as unless you want to drain at least 40 artisans out of something else.

Yeah, sounds about right to me.

I'm also thinking we should start addressing the potential Artisan Gap, we're doing okay on academics I think, but could we use our other teaching center to start on Artisans instead of doubling down on Academics like we were? Our chief advantage so far has been that we've been able to maintain a near monoply on skilled tradesmen and researchers (Even the Authority doesn't match our research apparatus apparently!)

Also, should we start working at expanding our walls too? More space would be nice, and the Machine Heads are essentially underwriting it with their loan repayments. Be even nicer if we could crack ways to grow the Pile Trees faster, but such is life.

That said, I really, really do like the way our society's coming together so far. If we actually survive to the Age of the Imperium, things'll get real interesting with the butterflies.
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Change SAW order?
[X] No, keep it as is

Refinery activity
[X] Keep it economic

Assign Proving Grounds
[X] Aid Command Centre Design research

For the Research and Teaching Centre
[X] Research centre for UAM Design

Select up to 2 options (All are at weighting 0.5+d.10x)
[X] Meditate on the alien knowledge
[X] Meditate on your own mind
Well, our private citizens are just building a new RTC, which will need to be staffed. My inclination is to deactivate a Machine Shop and train as many Artisans as possible.

Expanding the walls is kinda "meh" at the moment. 10 turns and 5000 C (500/turn) for 1 additional space isn't exactly inspiring. With Shattersaw, Amethyst Garden, and potentially the new settlements that'll become available with the Land Train, I'd be inclined to wait a while until we have things like Hydroponic Adaption, Fissile Material Harvest, or Underground Construction.

Change SAW order?
[x] Yes, change the size of the order
-[x] 30 (4500 C)

Refinery activity
[x] Keep it economic

Assign Proving Grounds
[x] Forestry Mech Militarization

For the Research and Teaching Centre
[x] Keep as is
-[x] Temporarily deactivate a Machine Shop, and train as many Artisans as possible; the rest Academics

Select up to 2 options (All are at weighting 0.5+d.10x)
[x] Study Grave Keeper's Memoirs
[x] Meditate on your own mind
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there are several research that may be completed in 2 or 3 turns (5 at the most if we have poor rolls), I think the Material Science, Edible Grenade Fruits, Roachrhino Domestication (maybe 1 turn), Solar Plant Design, Hydroponic Adaptation, and Compact Power Cells...
[x] Yes, change the size of the order
-[x] 30 (4500 C)
[x] Keep it economic
[X] EM Field Gun Design
[X] Research centre for UAM Design
[X] Study Grave Keeper's Memoirs
[X] Meditate on your own mind

Grave Keeper should have a trick or two for dealing with crazy, since he suffered the same problem, so read his notes and apply them
@Thrice-Blessed22, @wingstrike96

Please change your votes regarding the research and teaching centers to this:
[] Keep as is
-[] Temporarily deactivate a Machine Shop, and train as many Artisans as possible; the rest Academics

We are in *desperate* need for additional Artisans, otherwise we'll soon find ourselves unable to man crucial infrastructure such as our fusion reactors. And this way we'll only lose out on an average of 27 RP.
Mech Militarization would be nice. We're still not beating Cyborg Supermen, but all we really need to do is make sure they can't overcome us without... Say, 20% losses.

That doesn't mean we need to be a peer, that just means we need to have enough firepower and ability to bring it to bear to kill a couple. The mathematics of "We can't replace any of these fucking dudes" would take over from there, and we'd become essentially too tough to overcome. They're also pretty risk averse evidently, given the fact they haven't bothered to force us into being a vassal once we hamstrung their diplomatic stab.

And their militia is garbage compared to our army, not actually bad, but no match for us either.

For Eldar... Honestly, the hard part is actually picking them out and concentrating fire. They're not really very good with regards to staying power, but they're ridiculously killy and good at sneaking around and blitzing.
@Thrice-Blessed22, @wingstrike96

Please change your votes regarding the research and teaching centers to this:
[] Keep as is
-[] Temporarily deactivate a Machine Shop, and train as many Artisans as possible; the rest Academics

We are in *desperate* need for additional Artisans, otherwise we'll soon find ourselves unable to man crucial infrastructure such as our fusion reactors. And this way we'll only lose out on an average of 27 RP.
[x] Yes, change the size of the order
-[x] 30 (4500 C)
[x] Keep it economic
[X] Forestry Mech Militarization 0/200
[X] Keep as is
-[X] Temporarily deactivate a Machine Shop, and train as many Artisans as possible; the rest Academics
[X] Study Grave Keeper's Memoirs
[X] Meditate on your own mind
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Mech Militarization would be nice. We're still not beating Cyborg Supermen, but all we really need to do is make sure they can't overcome us without... Say, 20% losses.

That doesn't mean we need to be a peer, that just means we need to have enough firepower and ability to bring it to bear to kill a couple. The mathematics of "We can't replace any of these fucking dudes" would take over from there, and we'd become essentially too tough to overcome. They're also pretty risk averse evidently, given the fact they haven't bothered to force us into being a vassal once we hamstrung their diplomatic stab.

And their militia is garbage compared to our army, not actually bad, but no match for us either.

For Eldar... Honestly, the hard part is actually picking them out and concentrating fire. They're not really very good with regards to staying power, but they're ridiculously killy and good at sneaking around and blitzing.

Dragonfly domestication might be better if it's an option. I suspect that The Authority would have moved on us already if they were going to, and we know that we are going to have to deal with the Eldar. I continue to suspect that raw force of arms is not going to be what wins the coming days for us.

That also fits. Some vehicle designs can also be used there.

Is land train pushing it a little too far? What about aeronautics?
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