I've gone over this before in previous posts, but let me try again.

The Dragonflies are screwed once we get control of them as their economy is stupid and easily imploded simply by improving the Baron's holding with Greengraft tech and buying them out, as most of them go into the red. As long as we don't botch everything involved or die we can neuter them as a slave state in a turn or two (once we are in charge). We don't have to fight them for it. We'll own their military at that point... literally. The issue is getting their current head of state to step down.

Our objective with the Nobility is not to remove the concept of Nobility, its to make them stop being such evil for lulz, upper class twits. I'm not against setting the competent ones up as settlement leaders as long as they remain competent. Remember that in Greengraft the purpose of the Nobles is to provide competent leadership of the state for the betterment of the state. Them getting paid well is a privilege that they earn. Remember most of these guys are landless nobles. They prove themselves competent the can fix that... but only if they don't act crazy and stupid like the old planetary rulers.

[X] Good Cop/Bad Cop (let David take the role of the aggressor and you as the peacemaker)

The point here is to get the 504s to curb their axe crazy segments as unneeded in the current environment. The Dragonflies can rant about themselves being more and more Awesome for nonsensical reasons. The trick here is to be the sane one that convinces them to do smart things and not crazy stupid ones. We have no real interest in making them not a democracy.... We do have a real interest in making them not a democrazy.

Good Cop, Bad Cop for Dia involves moderating the 504s. We are getting the Dragonflies to agree to make exactly what we are already doing into official state policy. Nothing says we can't get the 504s into some kind of agreement that makes them think they are winning as well.

Our end goal is to get both the 504s and the Nobles to stop being expletives.
I simply don't want to fight unnecessarily when I'd rather play the long game instead to eventually controlling both factions through diplomatic, technological and hopefully military superiority when we have the resources for it. The only for that to happen though is if we continue and even maybe even increase funding for more artisans and academics to obtain more technological and industrial capabilities.
[X] Good Cop/Bad Cop (let David take the role of the aggressor and you as the peacemaker)

This is basically just formalizing the actions we were previously planning, that being letting the 504's and Dragonflies struggle with each other while we seize power/build infrastructure and tech up. This also allows us to moderate the conflict enough that we can get a situation where the two polities compete viciously (possibly for our favour if we can swing it) but gang up on any external threat/party.
Aftermath part 3
-Welcome to StarCom-

I was back in the presentation room. Ring one had officially cast it's lot with StarCom. In response, the Administrator had called a meeting to welcome them to the corporation. The room was packed and holos of the meeting were being piped throughout the station.

The Administrator took the stage. "Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to formally introduce myself and welcome you to StarCom. I am Administrator Noche, head of operations in the Dandriss System. You have all made a wise choice, though the present may seem harsh, you will live to see the new dawn. As part of the standard benefits, the best medical technology and cybernetics in this solar system are at your disposal."

"I would like to take a moment to introduce a new member of management. I am happy to announce the former Lord Mayor, Loftin Pingree, as the new Chief of Corporate Personnel. When your departments are formed, each department head will be under his authority. Chief Loftin, would you care to say a few words?"

The stern faced man rose from his seat and stood next to the Administrator. "Thank you, I will keep this short. I want each and everyone of you to understand that I have personally gone over, with the Administrator, the information you are about to be presented. I assure you the we have the time, we have the knowledge, and we have the people to ensure a safe and comfortable future for ourselves and our children amongst the planets." His speech completed he left the stage.

"Thank you Chief Loftin, now for that information he alluded to. With the loss of one of the reactors, this station has two years of fuel on-board. However, if the reactor's load can be brought down from hot running, we will have three to four years of fuel. But we are going to do far better then that."

"In low orbit around Dandriss, are a series if satellites," The planet and the orbits of those satellites were projected. "Using two of our orbital tugs, these satellites will be collected." The image changed as the satellites in low orbit were collected, leaving only the station and the geosynchronous satellites in orbit.

"Their solar panels will be integrated into our power systems. So too will their fusion cells. Our third tug will be sent, with it's volunteer Pilot, on a year long mission, to collect the larger special project satellites in geosynchronous orbit."

I was that volunteer Pilot. Originally, the Administrator had planned to use the high efficiency thrusters on the satellites to have them rendezvous with the station. The tugs would have collected the larger special project satellites. That way we could start to use their exotic matter to construct engines immediately.

But, with the loss of the second reactor and it's fuel, stopping the power bleed was deemed far more important. The tugs would collect the low orbit satellites. This would be faster, but would drastically cut into tug fuel, even so the geo-sats were still needed. Those satellites could now only be collected if a tug made a slow circuit and collected them all in one go. But the tugs were not equipped with long term life support.

The solution, augment a Pilot to survive the trip. When the Administrator asked me, I said yes. Those types of augmentations were expensive and fairly rare, this was an opportunity to acquire them for free.

He continued. "During that time we will be assembling a scaffolding to mount an array of solar panels, dismantling the interior of Ring three, constructing ribs to strength the shafts frame, and finally converting this station into an interplanetary vessel, destined for the asteroid belt."

The image focused onto the station. "This end of the shaft is bay one. For those unfamiliar with navel terminology, this will be the first frame of our space ship. Frame numbers will increase heading aft towards bay two where the engines will be installed. From Ring two aft, the shaft will be converted into engineering."

The image rotated to show docking bay two. It was arranged with one central docking ring surrounded by three vehicle bays. "The central docking ring will be the outlet for a photonic rocket engine. The engine will extend back along the shaft to the bioreprocessor at ring two. The three vehicle bays, will be converted into Electrodeless plasma thrusters to compliment the photonic engine."


After the meeting ended, I headed to the Med Bay to meet with the doctor. It was a preliminary meeting to discuss the coming operations. When I arrived, he led me to his office and closed the door.

Taking our seats, he began to speak. "Corporate policy requires you to be advised when any elective surgery is performed. It's just a run down on risks, effects, and physical and mental health stuff. I am also supposed to tell you that your co-payments will be deducted directly from your pay. But since we haven't been properly paid in years, and you are something of a friend, lets forget all that and talk about something far more important."

"Like what?" I asked.

"The future of course. We have some good odds at pulling off the station's conversion. Sure, it's going to be at least ten to fifteen years before we are completely out of the danger zone. But you don't need to plan for death, it has a way of taking care of it's self."

"Fair enough," I nodded, "but what is it that I need to be planning for?"

"Hmmm, what's the best way to put it?" He frowned deeply, "Ah, I know. How old are you? 110? 120?"

"I am 128."

"Close enough, I am pushing 650. The Administrator, though, has been with StarCom for longer then I have been alive. When you start getting up to those ages, you get in the habit of relying on experience over ingenuity. It's just that, with good memory augs, there is so very little new."

I laughed, "I can't imagine that he has experienced this set of events."

"No, of course not. But when it comes to his individual actions, experience has played a role. The point that I am getting at is: when we start expanding, he is going to run the operation based on what he knows best."

"StarCom?" I guessed.

"Yes StarCom. Officially we are a meritocracy, and that's largely true, but it's not an accurate description. While the staff pay-grades aren't too bad, management is wonkey. The higher you go the stiffer the competition gets. Most people have to aug up to keep up. Last I looked, the board of directors were all AI forks or had direct data links to computer cores larger then this station."

While it sounded plausible, that sort of information was hard to come by in the colonies. I asked, "Where did you get that information on the board?"

"The Shareholder's Centennial Report, the last one had bios on each board member. I'll send you a copy." He made a quick note of it and continued. "The point is, with medical technology preventing people from dying, and each pay grade having better augs then the last. Next to no one advanced up the chain of command."

He sighed, "Really, the only way to be promoted was to make a new position to be promoted into. That is what Dandriss meant for the Administrator, it was his ticket up the chain. He is not going to give up this shot at being a Regional Director. He is going to go for it with or without StarCom's support."

He leaned forward, "That's where the opportunity comes in, there are going to be a lot of new positions that don't exist now. All you need to do is pick your ideal job and work for it. With your void experience, I would suggest going for VP of the Corporate Navy"

I was taken aback, "that's crazy, I have no navel military experience. I am not even the only tug pilot."

He shook his head, "your not getting it, there is no one with navel experience to compete against. We're starting over, all you need to be is better than your peers. We're going to have years in transit to the asteroid belt. If you take that time to train and design a Gunboat, I guarantee your proposal to the Administrator will be accepted."

"If you are serious about this," I paused. "Then what are you going for?"

He answered immediately, "joint VP of Cybernetics and Medical Research and the Acting Administrator of Design and Development."

His confidence while boggling, was true to form. He took my silence as assent and continued, "I am confident in my abilities to do this due to my experience and augmentations. I can't help you with experience, but I do have a free hand to modify you for the orbital spaceflight. Adding extras would be easy. I made a list of the best designs I have, go through them and pick at least two. That way you will have a head start on all your competition."


I took the rest of the day to think about what the Doc had proposed. Gradually, I came to see the merit in his advice. While there were Nobles who had military experience, none of them had any experience with the void. Yes, there were other tug pilots, but if I started now, designing and training, I really would have a massive advantage.

With my course tentatively set, I looked at the list the Doc had provided. While there were many that I would have liked to have, there were two that synergised well with the augmentation I was already slated for.

The first was a personal Conversion Field generator. Normally, it would have taken a prohibitive amount of internal space, as it needed implanted fusion cells. But, since the life support modification would be adding fusion cells anyway, the drawback was minimal. Conversion Fields are a form of gravitic shielding. While the main use would be as a protective shield, if it was combined with a sufficiently powerful computer, additional uses were possible.

The field could be used to levitate and slow falls. It could be projected onto to other objects allowing heavy items to be lifted and moved. In a pinch, it could be used as a pressure suit. This complimented the life support augmentation, since I would be able to go without air, making it possible to operate in space without a suit. Theoretically, assuming I did not run out of power first, I would be able to survive a deorbit and re-entry with nothing but the shielding.

The second was a cognitive augmentation, in the form of a full skull replacement. When combined with mechanical eyes, the replacement would create a fully armored cage protecting the brain. Underneath a thin layer of armor, was the circuitry for a powerful on-board computer. It used neuroconnecting nanofilament to interface with the brain, resulting in minimal displacement of nerve tissue.

When I came back with my choices, the Doc seemed pleased. He did, however, have a question for me. "How visible would you like your augmentations?"

"Well," I said, "what are the options?"

"On one extreme, you could leave everything uncovered. It would be intimidating, but impractical and in bad taste. The skull implant was meant to be covered with flesh, without it you wouldn't have a tongue throat or voicebox."

I cut him off. "Ignoring the extremes, what to most people do?"

"Oh, well it usually comes down to how often maintenance is required. Unless you're showing off," he preened for a moment, "the augments that need little maintenance are hidden. The Conversion Field means that you will need to replace your fusion cells. So you are going to need access points over each cell. The rest can be hidden except for the Conversion Field projectors, they need to be out side your flesh to work properly."

"Alright," I said, "I'll be hiding everything but the access points and projectors. Where will the projectors be installed?"

The doc pointed at my clavicle, "two at the ends of the collarbone and one in your Tailbone."


For the next month, I was in an out of surgery. Some of the operations were sequential, others had waiting and observation periods. When I was not drugged out of my mind, I was training my replacement to take over on the UMA spare parts project.

Mr. Gatto, a mathematics professor, had retired on the station. In his spare time, he had taught classes at Blackthorn using the stations data downlink. While his area of expertise was tangential to STC design work, he had a good head on his shoulders and needed minimal guidance.

Of what time wasn't in surgery, training, or a drug filled haze. Only two events stand-out. I was able to over hear two conversations between the Doc and the Administrator.

The first conversation happened when I was coming to after the gastric bypass. Gradually, I came to realize that voices were talking:

"Have you finished your analysis?"

"Yes, the structure looks to be a cross between of one of the Elder's brain lobes and the human amygdala. I would hypothesise that it was projecting the Count's emotional brainwaves. It also retarded the development of the frontal lobe. If this was created deliberately, it was done poorly."

"What about countermeasures?"

"StarCom uses Psy-Jammers when we trade with the Elder. But Dandriss was not close enough to the Empire to merit access. We have the theory, but to recreate the devices I would need testing. That is far to risky without proper controls."

"Granted, in that case what about prevention? How did he develop this ability?"

"It's genetic. I did a partial clone of his brain and the same structure started developing."

"Develop a means of screening."

"Yes, Administrator."

The second conversation came later, towards the end of my implantations. I was suspended in the UHM, while the Doc worked on integrating the nuro connections for the skull. My audio was already online, but my vision and communication was being routed through the healing machine's interface.

The Administrator entered the Med Bay and said, "Doctor, you have your report ready?"

"Yes, one moment. Jared, I will be back in a minute." He then cut off my vision input and audio output.

"Is it safe to talk with him here?"

"Don't worry, I cut off his input feeds from the UHM." But the Doc refrained from mentioning that my on board audio was fully operational.

"Very well report."

"I created a screening for the UHM. While I can't say that it can catch all psychic expressions, it will stop any as pronounced as the Count. I used my Xeno-biology classes and our information package on the Hrud and other psychic pests. When the program is triggered, it uses retroviral gene therapy to revert the brain back to baseline. It also works to prevent the mutated DNA from being passed down."


"Not quite, even though the information is based on Xenos, it still represents a blue print of possible psychic biomods. It wouldn't be immediately usable but, with cloning and dedicated research, a lot of mischief could be created. I am going to need time, to properly encrypt and hide the information, to ensure it doesn't get deleted as bloat code."

"Time is the one thing we will have. Continue working on the UAM spare parts. When done, give this project your full attention."


Eventually, the surgeries ended and I made ready for the spaceflight. Other then fully fuelling the Tug there was little to do. I would be hibernating during the transit times and waking at the intercepts to collect the satellites.

I was able to see Henrietta right before I launched from the station. She had thrown herself into training, after the battle, and I had seen little of her since. The meeting was quiet, she simply wished me luck and with a short nod I boarded.

Once out into the void, I got my first look at the progress of the conversion and the damage done by the vent. The hull between ring two and three was blackened. The points closer to the reactor's vents were slightly warped. But in the areas shielded from the radiance, the hull had retained it's white and blue markings.

The damage was overshadowed by activity. The UAM was in the extended position disassembling a small satellite. Workers in space suits, were spread over the nearly completed scaffolding. Already several solar plannels were installed.

I swung by the windows on ring three and through them, I saw the sparks of the ongoing disassembly. Several of the windows already showed large cavernous spaces where all the interior walls had been removed. Those spaces would be later repurposed into machine shops and storehouses for the engine components.

But I had a job to do and duty called. I punched in the first intercept and activated my hibernation.
[X] Good Cop/Bad Cop

"Well, the long game would thus then simply be the game we have already been playing, would it not? You be the asshole and I be the reasonable one and ask that you and the 504s make concessions for the good of us all. I was kind of figuring that you would do that anyway," you reply nonchalantly with a shrug.

Baron Aetos spends a very long time desperately trying not to laugh before he manages to wipe the smirk from his face and says, "Yes, well, one can sometimes forget that the classics got to be classic for a reason. I suppose I should wait a bit for after you leave before I start rattling the old sabre."

"Surprise me. Especially since I easily could have said something to have pissed you off or otherwise made you feel that you could get away with antagonizing the 504s," you point out.

The rest of the visit goes smoothly enough, although the subtle and not so subtle reminders of the classist society of the Dragonflies can creep you out at times. You do find a bit of a kindred spirit in Darren Yaros, the maniac who seized the forestry mech from the 504s and been rewarded with being knighted and becoming the pilot of the machine.

Finally though it is time to go.

Turn 13 Results

You weren't in the office as much as you were last year, but you did still have paperwork to do, as always, especially with the designs you have been working on nearing completion. The proving grounds will expand your capacity to work on weapons and tactics, while the military academy will expand your officer corps, both of which can only be useful for you. Still, it is so much paperwork.

On the economic front, the expansion of your ability to trade out past Amethyst Gardens has brought many useful things, including a minor boost to your economy from all the extra trade going on, on top of a general rise in basic food prices from the greater demand.

Extraordinary Income: 100C

Government Income: 2210
Treasury: 5578
Personal Wealth: 405

Rolled 77
Small boost

Armin comes to you towards the end of the year with a design plan for an intelligence agency, a dedicated building housing everything you would need to coordinate dedicated intelligence efforts, along with a proper training regime for your agents. It is quite an ambitious project, to say the least.

He also reports that it appears that no one was up to anything this year.

Rolled 28
Rolled 78 + 40 = 118
Rolled 91 + 36 = 127
Nothing noticed

On the research front, a combination of the groundwork already laid by your scientists and some more clues dripped out in interrogation by the captured elders bears fruit, to use a bit of a pun. Upon figuring out grenade fruit, your scientists also report just how many new paths this opens up, since the damn things are surprisingly easy to hybridize. In private industry, several private producers announce that they are starting projects in further miniaturization efforts, since that is about the only direction they can go in order to make devices more power efficient and thus useful in a power starved world.

Industrial Design Logic
321 + Rolled 43 + 63 + Rolled 7 + 5 WAT = 439/500

Student Projects
92 + Rolled 100 + Rolled 70 + 42 + 5 WAT = 309/250

Random Roll
2d38 - 23, 23
Miniaturization II
Rolled 66, 16 + 10 = 92/1100

Proving Grounds Design
202 + Rolled 41 + 46 + 5 WAT = 301/350
Military Academy Design
175 + Rolled 98 + 46 + 5 WAT = 324/400

Omake Bonus
Grenade Fruit Cultivars Acquired!
Overrun Bonus!
Dandriss Wildlife Feedstock +68
Edible Grenade Fruit +68
Hydroponic Adaptation +68
Leaf Armour +68
Medicinal Plants I +68

Leaf Armour
114 + Rolled 10 + 5 WAT = 129/250

Nothing much interesting happens in Shattersaw, right up until the end of the year, when a significant firestorm rolls through the area. A work team is forced to take shelter in one of the areas being dug out when they cannot make it to their shelter in time and end up taking a lethal dose of radiation, killing eight of the prisoners and their supervisor.

Rolled 23 + 12 + 20 + 20 + 40 - 80 Buried = 25

Rolled 54 + 20 + 13 - 80 Buried = 7

Rolled 82 + 16 + 14 - 80 Buried = 28

10 years remaining

d5% - d5% - 2% = (5+1) - 1 - 2 = 3%
1% attrition prevented by Pharmaceuticals I
2% attrition
8 prisoners killed, 1 artisan killed, 0 academics killed

Fortunately the firestorm that rolled through was only a minor one and the new buildings that have gone up in Greengraft suffered cosmetic damage at the worst. One issue that comes up though is that the forests around your settlements are currently in recovery mode and what sap they produce is so loaded with metals as part of the regeneration process that it is currently impossible to safely process it. All sap processing for the year is suspended. Fortunately the fire didn't effect the local wildlife much, so your newly built hunting lodge was there to make up a small amount of the slack.

Food gathered from sap processing set to 0 for the upcoming year. Growth reduced to account for it.

Somewhat more usefully, just as you were despairing that the last details of the proving grounds would have to wait for another time, the independent weapons manufacturers in Greengraft came forward with their own ideas and requests since they would like new weaponry designs to build themselves, which gave you just enough information to finish off your designs. A few new immigrants also trickled in from out past Amethyst Gardens.

28 labourers gained

Rolled 89
Something a little interesting
Rolled 75
Extra Random Tech Advancement (medium)

Rolled 1d42 - 33
Proving Grounds
309 + Rolled 37 + 5 WAT = 351/350

Rolled 12

Prisoners: 452/452
Labourers: 1440/2130 (Militia: 1139/1139, 310 Militia, 829 Hardened Gendarmes) (Non-assigned are gathering sap)
Artisans: 260/260
Academics: 140/148
Soldiers: 30/120 (Jaegers 40, Light Jaegers 80)
Prisoners: 150/150
Labourers: 600/1809 (Militia: 450/770; 450 Hardened Gendarmes)
Artisans: 150/186
Academics: 70/108
Soldiers: 10/10 (10 Light Jaegers)

Greengraft Mood: Sombrely Happy
Glenshade Manner Mood: Sombrely Happy but Slightly Annoyed
Next Year's Projected Net Income: 332C

The firestorm also seems to kick up something else, or at least make something more noticeable. With the leaves burnt out for the season, the ability for radio signals to propagate was slightly expanded, and thus you were able to pick up a snippet of a conversation in a transmission from the northwest.

"Requesting assistance with loc..."

Thus it was that the few people with telescopes were actually looking in that general direction and were able to pick up something moving against the background of stars, near impossible to notice otherwise but extremely distinct through the glass: a Sun Goose class orbital shuttle. While far less luxurious than the Viceroy you had recovered, the metal behemoth was just as capable of getting from Point A to Point B to Point C to Point A again, only it could haul an entire battalion worth of men and their gear in its cavernous belly.

There was really only one thing to say to that.



With your agreement to collude with the Dragonflies to pressure the 504s into somehow stabilizing relationships, especially in the face of potential aggression from someone with an orbital shuttle, this may be your best bet to work out some sort of formal arrangement over power sharing and distribution in Shattersaw. You might also attempt independent contact with the Machine Heads. Or to deal with the Free Volunteers. You quite frankly have more choices open to you than you quite know what to do with.

Select up to 2 actions
[] Attempt to develop a protection agreement with the settlers of Amethyst Gardens
[] Attempt to contact one or more of the raider groups past Amethyst Gardens
[] Attempt to broker a tech trade with the Dragonflies
[] Attempt to broker a tech trade with the 504s
[] Request assistance from the 504s
[] Request assistance from the Dragonflies
[] Attempt to pioneer a 'Shattersaw Confederacy'
[] Attempt to contact the Machine Heads

With the barracks up and running, training soldiers has never been easier! There are also more guns now after people got a little spooked by the attack on Glenshade Manor last year, so you have the option to train up more militia. With two Forestry Mechs, you should probably also look into figuring out how to pilot the things. Also, the barracks has proven valuable in that those seeking training in Greengraft were able to get basic militia experience, simplifying things.

Select up to 3 options (1 currently selected, use [X] Reassign <Current Selection> to <New Selection> to change)
[] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (20) of Soldiers (Light Jaegers). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 500C per action (need to buy guns now)
[] Train Mech Pilots - With your forestry mechs, you could train pilots to make them useful in warfare. Hell, you could train you!
[] Train Militia - Get the fresh gun owners in Glenshade Manor whipped into shape
[] Train Militia II - Get the fresh recruits in Greengraft up to snuff
[] Subjugate Raiders II - The worst surprises are probably over and it is unlikely anyone will stir up shit while you are away, and your logistics just got a lot easier. Cost: 300C Only assistance from other factions if you request it
[] Hunt Recyclers II - The firestorm would have erased all of their tracks, but if they survived the Recyclers could still be out there and you're the only one who can hunt them
[] Upgrade Military - While you have a machine time bottleneck of about 1 SAW a month and they are pretty costly, you can now start producing more SAWs for your troops. Current Inventory: 15 SAWs. Can purchase up to 12 additional SAWs at a cost of 150C per weapon (specify number of SAWs to buy)
[X] Military Academy Design - Barracks can train up soldiers, but you are going to need officers soon enough. A military academy is a far more specialized centre, but it could have major advantages

With the barracks completed, the biggest thing calling for your attention is the fact that Glenshade Manor is low on power and could use with an Industrial Fusion Reactor of its own, and there is increasing agitation to build it so that the people there can decomission their solar plant and continue expanding. You can now build one yourself, or you could potentially buy the one in Shattersaw by paying out the share the other two factions have in that one.

Pick 1 option
[] Install solar plant in Shattersaw. Cost: 300C
[] Construct sawmill - With the gear you have, you could set up a relatively small scale sawmill, although it would stretch your energy supplies thin, even augmenting with the hospital's back up fusion reactor, but you could start cutting down trees and turning raw materials into refined ones. WARNING: Will be housed in locally sourced material building and can suffer attrition Cost: 200C/turn*2 turns
[] Construct new building - You can copy an existing building now (please specify). Time required: Variable WARNING: Will be housed in locally sourced material building and can suffer attrition
[] Build new Backup Fusion Reactor - It will take quite a lot of your industrial output, but you can build a new Backup Fusion Reactor to provide more power here or in Glenshade Manor or even in Shattersaw. Cost: 750C, 3 turns
[] Build new Industrial Fusion Reactor - It will take a huge amount of your industrial output, but you can build a new Industrial Fusion Reactor to provide more power, which is most desired in Glenshade Manor. Cost: 1200C, 4 turns
[] Buy the Industrial Fusion Reactor - With the project completed, you could theoretically buy the reactor that had been part of the hydroponic farms and be able to install it this year. Cost: 6000C
[] Build a Forestry Mech - These are complex machines requiring a lot of parts, so building one from scratch is not easy. Cost: 600C

Armin has completed his design of a fully dedicated intelligence agency, although it will take time to build.

Pick up to 2 options
[] Infiltrate the Dragonflies Secret Police - The Dragonflies have a sophisticated internal security network for keeping their own people in line, it might be a good idea to try to get your own operatives inside if you want to perform further operations with them
[] Dig into the 504s - The 504s have secrets, you just need to get at them
[] Destabilize the Dragonflies - You have agents in place, you know they have problems, and you have evidence of how screwed up nobility can be. Also, they have a lot of new 'citizens' who aren't exactly the nicest of people
[] Destabilize the 504s - You're not quite sure how, but you might try to rock their boat
[] Investigate Dragonflies technology
- [] Specifically target Cloning Tank Design
[] Investigate 504s technology
[] Counter-intelligence - Considering what you did in prior years, it may be a good idea to actively defend against anyone trying the same on you
[] Interrogate the Recylcer elders


With student projects finished, you now have room for a fresh project, and with the new information on Dandriss flora, you have a lot of new options opened up to you.

Local Adaptation
Dandriss Wildlife Feedstock 68/275 - By careful selection you should be able to develop breeds of Dandriss flora that you can safely handle that could also be fed to the local wildlife, the first step in any sort of domestication project
Edible Grenade Fruit 68/300 - As crazy as it sounds, grenade fruit are the closest things to Terran food on the planet since they are among the least metallized material on the planet, and with a bit of breeding work they could sequester pure sugars and proteins in their flesh rather than explosives or toxins
Hydroponic Adaptation 68/250 - Grenade fruit respond well to being either grown hydroponically or parasitically, and with your knowledge of how to crossbreed and cultivate Dandriss flora you could work out how to grow other species hydroponically
Leaf Armour 129/250 - Specially bred and harvested leaves can be treated with some of the hardening agents for the building bark armour can produce personal armour that provides decent protection against small arms fire and blades
Local Wildlife Carapace Armour 150/400 - Some of the local fauna is better described of as AFVs than animals, and if you can figure out which species would work best and how to work bits of carapace you could have additional armour for your troops that would likely be able to turn aside anything short of EM SAW fire
Medicinal Plants I 68/400 - Plants have long been studied for medicinal purposes, and there are many chemicals that Dandriss flora produce that are rare in the galaxy. Perhaps via hybridization and purification you might find something useful out there
Pile Tree Cultivation 64/650 - Pile trees follow a different reproductive strategy from the rest of Dandriss flora and thus have much tougher bark. Researching them may lead to better armour for buildings and new power production methods, if you figure out ways to limit their radioactivity. (+5% research bonus from known rogue pile tree)
Underground Construction 0/400 - Building underground has risks and problems but at the very least it should provide the protection of an armoured curtain wall, along with experience in digging down on Dandriss.

Personal Equipment
Basic Cybernetics 847/1000 - Replacement limbs just as good as the originals and basic Mind-Machine Interfaces are the purview of this level, which leads to more advanced topics. Cybernetics
Survey Monocle Design 87/600 (Unavailable for use while being researched) - A sophisticated miniaturized suite of sensors and measuring equipment, this is an extremely compact and advanced piece of hardware useful for military range finding and civilian purposes, and analysis can lead to more complex advances. Personal

Viceroy-class Low Orbital Personal Transport Design (Salvage x2) 0/1500 - A SSTO craft capable of repeated launches before refuelling, several sub-systems will likely require their own research projects to build, or even understand, but even just obtaining the design should open up aerospace projects. Vehicle, aerospace, exotic

Infrastructure Design
UAM Design 0/750 - The designs for UAMs were hoarded by the colonial administration on and off world before the fall, so it is essentially impossible to build new ones until you either find a read out or do an indepth study of one of the ones you already have. Industrial
UAM Jailbreaking 261/500 (Warning: Researching less than 50 RP a turn on this project breaks a UAM device) - Most UAMs have hardware lockouts to keep them from building anything the powers that be might not want, which includes explosives, weaponry more sophisticated than chemical slugthrowers, and other UAMs, among a non-exhaustive list. Figuring out how to unlock those restrictions would greatly free up your options. Industrial
Universal Healing Machine Design 87/2000 (Req. decomissioning) - An incredibly complex piece of medical technology, the UHM can nearly work miracles so long as it has a living brain and organic feedstock. Figuring out the design can also lead you to figure out how to build parts for biomedical technology. Biomedical
Cloning Tank Design 310/1000 (Req. partial decomissioning) - While medically cloning tanks are typically used to grow replacement limbs, there are other uses of the technology. Figuring out the design can also lead you to figure out how to build parts for biomedical technology. Biomedical
Cybernetic Surgery Design 0/1000 - This sophisticated suite makes the installation and integration of cybernetics quick and nearly painless. It does not however let you build cybernetics. Figuring out the design can also lead you to figure out how to build parts for biomedical technology. Biomedical
Solar Plant Design 0/200 - A surprisingly sophisticated design, this automated solar plant includes both the regulation systems and power storage to even out the availability of power even when the sun is not shining at the required intensity. Research will not only allow for production of new solar plants, but also give clues in automation and power storage. Industrial
Industrial Automation I 92/400 - Getting the machines to do the work has been a time honoured tradition since Terra, although your capacity to do so has slipped. Researching this will decrease your need for unskilled labour and also open up new avenues of research into robotics. Robotics
Compact Fusion Reactor 381/500 - The backup fusion reactor is about the size of light vehicle, which makes it ill suited to being used in vehicles. Combining your knowledge of fusion and miniaturization, you could make something small enough to fit into a vehicle, providing nearly unlimited range. Vehicle, industrial
Compact Power Cells 0/250 - With your new knowledge of miniaturization, you should be able to make smaller and much more energy for the same weight. Vehicle, personal

None currently available

Plasma Physics II 4/1000 - You understand more than the basics of manipulating plasma and controlling fusion reactions, but so far your knowledge requires large industrial machines and isn't as efficient as it could be. You can improve on size and efficiency if you knew more about the fundamentals.
Field Physics I 0/600 - You can compress a ball of hydrogen as if it had the weight of a star sitting on it, so what else can be done with those containment fields?
Industrial Design Logic 358/500 - STC designs all tend to follow the same general logic for how they are laid out. If you can figure out this logic then you will be starting industrial design projects with some of the work already done.
EM Weapons Design Logic 0/500 - STC designs all tend to follow the same general logic for how they are laid out. If you can figure out this logic then you will be starting EM weapons design projects with some of the work already done.
Laser Physics I 0/400 - The lasers in your industrial saws are potent indeed, but they are bulky and not necessarily very efficient. Having more than just the basics of how lasers work could help with improving on that and finding other applications.
Materials Science I 0/300 - For the most part you know how materials are supposed to work, but just because you know the chemical composition of a material doesn't mean you can figure out how to get the fine grain crystal structure to form from a melt of the constituent elements. More basic knowledge is required.
Miniaturization II 92/1100 - It is remarkable how much can be squeezed into a tiny space, if you know how. You don't anymore, and it looks like you're going to have to work most of this out from first principles.

Plasma Cutter Refinement 0/300 - The industrial plasma cutters you have access to can be used as brutal close combat weapons in a pinch, but they are very much not weapons by design. With your knowledge of plasma physics you could probably get them closer to being actual weapons. Plasma, personal
Field Guns 0/175 - While a relatively simple concept that "basically" amounts to scaling up your slugthrower rifles, reliably building light artillery is something you have never done before and will take some work. Personal, CK
Machine Guns 0/100 - You don't actually have any designs for the feed mechanisms for a gas powered automatic weapon, but it shouldn't be that hard to figure out from what you have on hand. Personal, CK
EM Field Gun Design 0/575 - Inspired by the Dragonflies project, you could combine together the principles from your SAW and grenade launchers and make a considerably more potent design than the one they have in mind. Heavy, EM

Military Concepts
Military Academy 175/400 (Can be research as a Martial Action) - A centre of higher learning for officers, it passes on skills of strategy, tactics, logistics, and leadership while also frequently providing education for non-military careers after retirement. Military

Education Reform
Improved Teaching Methods I 0/250 - Your current post-secondary methods are rather brute force, intended to fill in for gaps in procedure left from when the world was more networked together. Working out more effective and efficient teaching methods should reduce the amount of teaching staff you will need by about a fifth without any loss in knowledge gain. Social

Flare Shield 0/10000 (Req. ???? to research) - A mindbogglingly complex piece of machinery, you don't even know where to start in terms of researching it. You can still use it, but it will require at least a fusion reactor to run. Vehicle, Energy Shield

Artificial Intelligence I 23/500 - At this level of sophistication the programs produced are not true AI but limited AI (LAI) that are merely highly efficient programs rather than actually sentient ones AI, Computing
Networking I 23/350 - The planet used to be highly networked, and while you still understand many of the principles involved there is a certain amount of practical knowledge that has slipped from your grasp Computing

Combat Drugs I 0/500 - While the simplest combat drugs are stimulants to keep soldiers awake and alert, these go somewhat beyond that into the realm of enhancement, although at a cost
Improved Fertilizer II 0/800 - By carefully altering the chemistry for the fertilizers used in your hydroponic farms you should be able to increase yield even further, although you are now pushing what conventional plant cultivars can tolerate
Improved Explosives 0/250 - You know most of the chemical formulas for the basic explosives you might like to make, but you will need some actual practice at how you would make them
Pharmaceuticals II 0/475 - More complex drugs can have more targeted effects and can greatly improve health care, and possibly also public morale
Sap Filtrate Processing 50/400 - The sap from the trees is toxic due to dilute metals that you process out. Right now the filtrate is a mass of organometallic sludge that is uneconomical to process, but perhaps the processing could be made more efficient to capture valuable materials

You can also reassign the research centre if you wish (100% of Industrial Design logic completing this turn with research centre, 86% chance without).

Maxwell has asked to see if you can go for more kids, while you are somewhat worried about the kids you already have. You think that now that Anna and Mirande are over 8 that you might be able to better connect and engage with them.

Select up to 2 options
[] Make a pilgrimage to a temple
[] Work on Stewardship - Chance of increasing your base Stewardship score
[] Help your daughters with their homework
[] Try to work with Anna specifically
[] Try to work with Mirande specifically
[] Spend time with one of your councillors
- [] Specify which
[] Try to have more kids. REPEATABLE. Each time selected gives another chance to get pregnant and gives a +10% odds (1 choice gives two chances at +10% each, 2 choice gives three chances at +20% each) WARNING: Cannot go on expeditions if this choice is selected
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With your agreement to collude with the Dragonflies to pressure the 504s into somehow stabilizing relationships, especially in the face of potential aggression from someone with an orbital shuttle, this may be your best bet to work out some sort of formal arrangement over power sharing and distribution in Shattersaw. You might also attempt independent contact with the Machine Heads. Or to deal with the Free Volunteers. You quite frankly have more choices open to you than you quite know what to do with.

Select up to 2 actions
[X] Attempt to develop a protection agreement with the settlers of Amethyst Gardens
[X] Attempt to pioneer a 'Shattersaw Confederacy'

With the barracks up and running, training soldiers has never been easier! There are also more guns now after people got a little spooked by the attack on Glenshade Manor last year, so you have the option to train up more militia. With two Forestry Mechs, you should probably also look into figuring out how to pilot the things. Also, the barracks has proven valuable in that those seeking training in Greengraft were able to get basic militia experience, simplifying things.

[X] Train Militia - Get the fresh gun owners in Glenshade Manor whipped into shape

[X] Hunt Recyclers II - The firestorm would have erased all of their tracks, but if they survived the Recyclers could still be out there and you're the only one who can hunt them
[X] Military Academy Design - Barracks can train up soldiers, but you are going to need officers soon enough. A military academy is a far more specialized centre, but it could have major advantages

With the barracks completed, the biggest thing calling for your attention is the fact that Glenshade Manor is low on power and could use with an Industrial Fusion Reactor of its own, and there is increasing agitation to build it so that the people there can decomission their solar plant and continue expanding. You can now build one yourself, or you could potentially buy the one in Shattersaw by paying out the share the other two factions have in that one.

Pick 1 option
[X] Install solar plant in Shattersaw. Cost: 300C

Armin has completed his design of a fully dedicated intelligence agency, although it will take time to build.

Pick up to 2 options
[X] Dig into the 504s - The 504s have secrets, you just need to get at them
[X] Counter-intelligence - Considering what you did in prior years, it may be a good idea to actively defend against anyone trying the same on you

Maxwell has asked to see if you can go for more kids, while you are somewhat worried about the kids you already have. You think that now that Anna and Mirande are over 8 that you might be able to better connect and engage with them.

Select up to 2 options
[X] Make a pilgrimage to a temple
[X] Help your daughters with their homework
Well now, time spy up I think. Our economy is pretty good, with 7788 credits available (2210 income), the Dragonflies are (more or less) focused on the 504 - we shouldn't let our guard down, but we can focus espionage towards destabilization of the 504, I think. And, as always, tech/infrastructure up.

He also reports that it appears that no one was up to anything this year.

Seems legit :p

IDL is one turn away, SP is stomped on nicely... I think our remaining military design is a turn away from completion. And damn, that was a perfect amount of research for the random roll ^_^

Food gathered from sap processing set to 0 for the upcoming year. Growth reduced to account for it.

Well, that's going to be irritating. Still, it *does* affect the other two factions, while we have the hunting lodge. So how much does the 504 rely on sap production these days? :p

* We need more artisans, while we have laborers at leisure (look at Glenshade; we have a *lot* of laborers available); we should remedy this by upgrading some laborers. A few more academics wouldn't go amiss either.

While far less luxurious than the Viceroy you had recovered, the metal behemoth was just as capable of getting from Point A to Point B to Point C to Point A again, only it could haul an entire battalion worth of men and their gear in its cavernous belly.

Bleh. Let's hope it's not full of soldiers.

[X] Attempt to contact the Machine Heads
[X] Attempt to develop a protection agreement with the settlers of Amethyst Gardens

We want another trading partner; someone to trade tech the 504s and Dragonflies already have to for their own stuff, opportunity for military alliance and so on. I'm torn between the settlers and the raiders, but I think the settlers are more likely to have artisans.

[X] Subjugate Raiders II - The worst surprises are probably over and it is unlikely anyone will stir up shit while you are away, and your logistics just got a lot easier. Cost: 300C Only assistance from other factions if you request it
[X] Hunt Recyclers II - The firestorm would have erased all of their tracks, but if they survived the Recyclers could still be out there and you're the only one who can hunt them
[X] Military Academy Design - Barracks can train up soldiers, but you are going to need officers soon enough. A military academy is a far more specialized centre, but it could have major advantages

A pity about the firestorm, but I think we need to continue to try and grab these groups. I think 15 SAWs are enough for our current military (more is affordable and not bad, but we don't urgently need them I feel), we've got a reasonably-sized militia and we're currently auto-training soldiers (+40 this coming year).

[X] Construct new building - You can copy an existing building now (please specify).
-[X] Proving Grounds, in Glenshade Manor

I really wish we had more economic actions under our control... ah well. Rather than buying out the reactor now, I'm thinking waiting until war breaks out and "keeping valuable tech safe". Maybe pay the Dragonflies some to assuage bad feelings if we need to.

Proving grounds is tempting, but we'll need artisans to run it... unless we build it at Glenshade Manor, I suppose (or get artisans and academics to move), so let's do that. We don't really need to put up a hunting lodge in Glenshade; we've got a reasonable amount of income at the moment - it's something to consider down the line though. We'll also, I feel, perhaps want to build a barracks there soon (I want the proving grounds up and running ASAP though, considering current events).

[X] Interrogate the Recylcer elders
[X] Dig into the 504s - The 504s have secrets, you just need to get at them

@Academia_Nut: do we not have the option to work on that intelligence agency?

[X] UAM Design

Well, Basic Cybernetics is within grasp, but I want to get those Improved Teaching Methods, so we can free up some academics. However... well... we should *really* get those UAM techs before we start to have problems; those are our industrial heart.

Plus, if we can build more we'll have far faster throughput.

[X] Spend time with one of your councillors
- [X] Armin
[X] Work on Stewardship - Chance of increasing your base Stewardship score

Let's space out kids a bit more, shall we? It's healthier that way. In the meantime, work with our spymaster and see about improving our ability to manage things.
[X] Attempt to develop a protection agreement with the settlers of Amethyst Gardens

[X] Attempt to contact the Machine Heads

[X] Train Mech Pilots - With your forestry mechs, you could train pilots to make them useful in warfare. Hell, you could train you!
[X] Subjugate Raiders II - The worst surprises are probably over and it is unlikely anyone will stir up shit while you are away, and your logistics just got a lot easier. Cost: 300C Only assistance from other factions if you request it

[ ] Build new Industrial Fusion Reactor - It will take a huge amount of your industrial output, but you can build a new Industrial Fusion Reactor to provide more power, which is most desired in Glenshade Manor. Cost: 1200C, 4 turns

[X] Work on Stewardship - Chance of increasing your base Stewardship score
[X] Spend time with one of your councilors
- [X] Armin

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The rest of the options are up in the air but...

[X] UAM Jailbreaking

Seriously I've been antsy about how we've not been working on it for a while. We need to complete it ASAP. It's a big deal and it may be difficult in the future. Maybe task the research center to it.

If we jailbreak the UAMs we can make more UAMs using our UAMs. Then we work on UAM Design so we can do that.

I'd be willing to swap to UAM Design, though.
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[x] Attempt to develop a protection agreement with the settlers of Amethyst Gardens
[x] Attempt to contact one or more of the raider groups past Amethyst Gardens

[x] Train Mech Pilots - With your forestry mechs, you could train pilots to make them useful in warfare. Hell, you could train you!
[x] Train Militia - Get the fresh gun owners in Glenshade Manor whipped into shape
[X] Military Academy Design - Barracks can train up soldiers, but you are going to need officers soon enough. A military academy is a far more specialized centre, but it could have major advantages

Why aren't we using the tree-cutting mechs yet? especially for the increase in total amount of resources gained per turn.

[x] Build new Industrial Fusion Reactor - It will take a huge amount of your industrial output, but you can build a new Industrial Fusion Reactor to provide more power, which is most desired in Glenshade Manor. Cost: 1200C, 4 turns

The amount of power in the manor has maxed out, they need the industrial reactor if they want to decommission the inefficient solar generator that is blocking their ability to expand further due to the huge 12 spaces that the current solar generator is using. I just wish it didn't take 4 frigging turns for it...

[X] Build Intelligence Agency (1 Space + 1 Power) - Automatically provides counter-intelligence each turn and adds +30 to all Security rolls. Limit 1/polity. Workers: 250 labourers, 15 artisans, 30 academics. Construction Cost: 3 Industry, 200C/year of construction

EDITED: changed what to build since I didn't know it was possible to build it.

[x] Dig into the 504s - The 504s have secrets, you just need to get at them

[x] Interrogate the Recylcer elders
[X] Counter-intelligence - Considering what you did in prior years, it may be a good idea to actively defend against anyone trying the same on you

Edited: did not know counter-Intel was mandatory until otherwise.

Leaf Armour
129/250 - Specially bred and harvested leaves can be treated with some of the hardening agents for the building bark armour can produce personal armour that provides decent protection against small arms fire and blades

the armor is nearly done and can be mass-produced so all regular soldiers can use it, unlike the expensive carapace. If UAM wins though, I have no complaints, its also important.

[x] Help your daughters with their homework
[x] Try to work with Mirande specifically
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Okay... a few things we need to do:

-Train people to use are two shiny boat anchors cleverly designed as Mechs.

Research Material Science 1 in the secondary slot. There is no reason to research leaf armor without this. Building new buildings is far less safe without this. I can't see anyway this tech doesn't end up paying for itself in bonus research points. Doing this will make any attempts to reclaim Shattersaw or anything else far cheaper.

-Counter intelligence until we have the agency up
-Bother the elders until tech points fall out.
Research Material Science 1 in the secondary slot. There is no reason to research leaf armor without this. Building new buildings is far less safe without this. I can't see anyway this tech doesn't end up paying for itself in bonus research points. Doing this will make any attempts to reclaim Shattersaw or anything else far cheaper.

I don't know why you think this: leaf armour for all intents and purposes gets you the equivalent to your current armour without having to research Material Science I or the armour itself. Neither of which has any impact on the building armour (well, MS I will get you closer to building better armour, but not by much).
Leaf armour does not benefit from material science the whole point of dandriss related techs is they side step the normal tech tree.

[X]Networking I
I don't know why you think this: leaf armour for all intents and purposes gets you the equivalent to your current armour without having to research Material Science I or the armour itself.

Does this mean that if leaf armor is researched, cheap yet effective armor can be mass-produced for all troops? even the militia?
[X] Attempt to develop a protection agreement with the settlers of Amethyst Gardens
[X] Attempt to contact one or more of the raider groups past Amethyst Gardens

[X] Subjugate Raiders II - The worst surprises are probably over and it is unlikely anyone will stir up shit while you are away, and your logistics just got a lot easier. Cost: 300C Only assistance from other factions if you request it
[X] Hunt Recyclers II - The firestorm would have erased all of their tracks, but if they survived the Recyclers could still be out there and you're the only one who can hunt them

[x] Intelligence Agency

[x] Dig into the 504s - The 504s have secrets, you just need to get at them
[x] Interrogate the Recycler elders

[X] Improved Teaching Methods I 0/250

[x] Help your daughters with their homework
[X] Spend time with one of your councilors
- [X] Janice Rivers

Military and Diplomacy: give an ultimatum to the raiders on our sphere of influence to join us or be destroyed either by us or by those people in the shuttle. Same goes with the Recyclers.

Intrigue: we have spent a couple of actions investigating the Dragonflies, and spent one against the 504, let's dig deeper then destabilize or infiltrate both next turn. the Elders may also be more 'reasonable' this turn.

Personal: let's get to know our top diplomat and we haven't spent a turn meeting her yet.
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[X] Attempt to pioneer a 'Shattersaw Confederacy'
[X] Attempt to contact the Machine Heads

[X] Train Mech Pilots - With your forestry mechs, you could train pilots to make them useful in warfare. Hell, you could train you!
[X] Train Soldiers - Selecting the better candidates from the militia, train them up to your standards, creating a squad (20) of Soldiers (Light Jaegers). REPEATABLE (Repeats are individual votes, label as x2 or x3) Cost: 500C per action (need to buy guns now)

[X] Build a Forestry Mech - These are complex machines requiring a lot of parts, so building one from scratch is not easy. Cost: 600C

[X] Interrogate the Recylcer elders
[X] Investigate 504s technology

[X] UAM Jailbreaking
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Relatively cheap yet effective, and while it would take a while and cost a lot, yes, yes you could even equip the militia with leaf armour.

Do you have any idea how long I have been waiting for you guys to bite at Grenade Fruit Cultivars?


seriously though, the research only needs 121 points to finish so at most it would take 1-2 turns? Why use so much time to reclaim the past when there is renewable resources right around us? I'm not voting to abandon old tech but it would be much more efficient if we work with nature and get effective results faster like armor and weapons and food. Then, after getting those quick natural boosts to total combat effectiveness and food production, we can go nuts on the old tech for more growth and power by going up the tech tree as planned.
[X] Attempt to broker a tech trade with the 504s
[X] Attempt to contact the Machine Heads

[X] Train Mech Pilots - With your forestry mechs, you could train pilots to make them useful in warfare. Hell, you could train you!
[X] Train Militia - Get the fresh gun owners in Glenshade Manor whipped into shape
[X] Military Academy Design - Barracks can train up soldiers, but you are going to need officers soon enough. A military academy is a far more specialized centre, but it could have major advantages

[X] Build new Backup Fusion Reactor - It will take quite a lot of your industrial output, but you can build a new Backup Fusion Reactor to provide more power here or in Glenshade Manor or even in Shattersaw. Cost: 750C, 3 turns

[X] Counter-intelligence - Considering what you did in prior years, it may be a good idea to actively defend against anyone trying the same on you
[X] Interrogate the Recylcer elders

[X] Hydroponic Adaptation 68/250

[X] Help your daughters with their homework
[X] Try to work with Mirande specifically
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I don't know why you think this: leaf armour for all intents and purposes gets you the equivalent to your current armour without having to research Material Science I or the armour itself. Neither of which has any impact on the building armour (well, MS I will get you closer to building better armour, but not by much).

Directly the local adaptation techs aren't effected by material science... the hydroponic building they'd be housed in would be. We need a tech grow the leaves indoors and growing them outside is an economic action even if its a military action to actually assemble the leaf armor after we get the parts.

Considering that we built a second mech, after finding out how useful they are, as our only economic action and most people completely ignored it afterwards (making it a matched pair of boat anchors)... I'd say I'm justified in thinking the group will get distracted by something and do nothing with the leaf armor tech until we can build and properly armor the buildings in Shattersaw.

Which means the leaf armor is near useless without the properly armored buildings that Material Science 1 grants us access to.